# flipperzero-i2ctools [Original link](https://github.com/NaejEL/flipperzero-i2ctools) Set of i2c tools for Flipper Zero ## Wiring C0 -> SCL C1 -> SDA GND -> GND >/!\ Target must use 3v3 logic levels. If you not sure use an i2c isolator like ISO1541 ## Tools ### Scanner Look for i2c peripherals adresses ### Sniffer Spy i2c traffic ### Sender Send command to i2c peripherals and read result ### Player > Not implemented yet Send command from file ## TODO - [ ] Read more than 2 bytes in sender mode - [ ] Save records - [ ] Play from files - [ ] Kicad module - [ ] Improve UI - [ ] Refactor Menu Management Code - [ ] Add Documentation