/** * @file infrared_app_i.h * @brief Main Infrared application types and functions. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "infrared_app.h" #include "infrared_remote.h" #include "infrared_brute_force.h" #include "infrared_custom_event.h" #include "scenes/infrared_scene.h" #include "views/infrared_progress_view.h" #include "views/infrared_debug_view.h" #include "views/infrared_move_view.h" #include "rpc/rpc_app.h" #define INFRARED_FILE_NAME_SIZE 100 #define INFRARED_TEXT_STORE_NUM 2 #define INFRARED_TEXT_STORE_SIZE 128 #define INFRARED_MAX_BUTTON_NAME_LENGTH 22 #define INFRARED_MAX_REMOTE_NAME_LENGTH 22 #define INFRARED_APP_FOLDER ANY_PATH("infrared") #define INFRARED_APP_EXTENSION ".ir" #define INFRARED_DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME "Remote" #define INFRARED_LOG_TAG "InfraredApp" /** * @brief Enumeration of invalid remote button indices. */ typedef enum { InfraredButtonIndexNone = -1, /**< No button is currently selected. */ } InfraredButtonIndex; /** * @brief Enumeration of editing targets. */ typedef enum { InfraredEditTargetNone, /**< No editing target is selected. */ InfraredEditTargetRemote, /**< Whole remote is selected as editing target. */ InfraredEditTargetButton, /**< Single button is selected as editing target. */ } InfraredEditTarget; /** * @brief Enumeration of editing modes. */ typedef enum { InfraredEditModeNone, /**< No editing mode is selected. */ InfraredEditModeRename, /**< Rename mode is selected. */ InfraredEditModeDelete, /**< Delete mode is selected. */ } InfraredEditMode; /** * @brief Infrared application state type. */ typedef struct { bool is_learning_new_remote; /**< Learning new remote or adding to an existing one. */ bool is_debug_enabled; /**< Whether to enable or disable debugging features. */ bool is_transmitting; /**< Whether a signal is currently being transmitted. */ InfraredEditTarget edit_target : 8; /**< Selected editing target (a remote or a button). */ InfraredEditMode edit_mode : 8; /**< Selected editing operation (rename or delete). */ int32_t current_button_index; /**< Selected button index (move destination). */ int32_t prev_button_index; /**< Previous button index (move source). */ uint32_t last_transmit_time; /**< Lat time a signal was transmitted. */ } InfraredAppState; /** * @brief Infrared application type. */ struct InfraredApp { SceneManager* scene_manager; /**< Pointer to a SceneManager instance. */ ViewDispatcher* view_dispatcher; /**< Pointer to a ViewDispatcher instance. */ Gui* gui; /**< Pointer to a Gui instance. */ Storage* storage; /**< Pointer to a Storage instance. */ DialogsApp* dialogs; /**< Pointer to a DialogsApp instance. */ NotificationApp* notifications; /**< Pointer to a NotificationApp instance. */ InfraredWorker* worker; /**< Used to send or receive signals. */ InfraredRemote* remote; /**< Holds the currently loaded remote. */ InfraredSignal* current_signal; /**< Holds the currently loaded signal. */ InfraredBruteForce* brute_force; /**< Used for the Universal Remote feature. */ Submenu* submenu; /**< Standard view for displaying application menus. */ TextInput* text_input; /**< Standard view for receiving user text input. */ DialogEx* dialog_ex; /**< Standard view for displaying dialogs. */ ButtonMenu* button_menu; /**< Custom view for interacting with IR remotes. */ Popup* popup; /**< Standard view for displaying messages. */ ViewStack* view_stack; /**< Standard view for displaying stacked interfaces. */ InfraredDebugView* debug_view; /**< Custom view for displaying debug information. */ InfraredMoveView* move_view; /**< Custom view for rearranging buttons in a remote. */ ButtonPanel* button_panel; /**< Standard view for displaying control panels. */ Loading* loading; /**< Standard view for informing about long operations. */ InfraredProgressView* progress; /**< Custom view for showing brute force progress. */ FuriString* file_path; /**< Full path to the currently loaded file. */ /** Arbitrary text storage for various inputs. */ char text_store[INFRARED_TEXT_STORE_NUM][INFRARED_TEXT_STORE_SIZE + 1]; InfraredAppState app_state; /**< Application state. */ void* rpc_ctx; /**< Pointer to the RPC context object. */ }; /** * @brief Enumeration of all used view types. */ typedef enum { InfraredViewSubmenu, InfraredViewTextInput, InfraredViewDialogEx, InfraredViewButtonMenu, InfraredViewPopup, InfraredViewStack, InfraredViewDebugView, InfraredViewMove, } InfraredView; /** * @brief Enumeration of all notification message types. */ typedef enum { InfraredNotificationMessageSuccess, /**< Play a short happy tune. */ InfraredNotificationMessageGreenOn, /**< Turn green LED on. */ InfraredNotificationMessageGreenOff, /**< Turn green LED off. */ InfraredNotificationMessageYellowOn, /**< Turn yellow LED on. */ InfraredNotificationMessageYellowOff, /**< Turn yellow LED off. */ InfraredNotificationMessageBlinkStartRead, /**< Blink the LED to indicate receiver mode. */ InfraredNotificationMessageBlinkStartSend, /**< Blink the LED to indicate transmitter mode. */ InfraredNotificationMessageBlinkStop, /**< Stop blinking the LED. */ InfraredNotificationMessageCount, /**< Special value equal to the message type count. */ } InfraredNotificationMessage; /** * @brief Add a new remote with a single signal. * * The filename will be automatically generated depending on * the names and number of other files in the infrared data directory. * * @param[in] infrared pointer to the application instance. * @param[in] name pointer to a zero-terminated string containing the signal name. * @param[in] signal pointer to the signal to be added. * @return true if the remote was successfully created, false otherwise. */ bool infrared_add_remote_with_button( const InfraredApp* infrared, const char* name, const InfraredSignal* signal); /** * @brief Rename the currently loaded remote. * * @param[in] infrared pointer to the application instance. * @param[in] new_name pointer to a zero-terminated string containing the new remote name. * @return true if the remote was successfully renamed, false otherwise. */ bool infrared_rename_current_remote(const InfraredApp* infrared, const char* new_name); /** * @brief Begin transmission of the currently loaded signal. * * The signal will be repeated indefinitely until stopped. * * @param[in,out] infrared pointer to the application instance. */ void infrared_tx_start(InfraredApp* infrared); /** * @brief Load a signal under the given index and begin transmission. * * The signal will be repeated indefinitely until stopped. * * @param[in,out] infrared pointer to the application instance. * @param[in] button_index index of the signal to be loaded. * @returns true if the signal could be loaded, false otherwise. */ void infrared_tx_start_button_index(InfraredApp* infrared, size_t button_index); /** * @brief Stop transmission of the currently loaded signal. * * @param[in,out] infrared pointer to the application instance. */ void infrared_tx_stop(InfraredApp* infrared); /** * @brief Set the internal text store with formatted text. * * @param[in,out] infrared pointer to the application instance. * @param[in] bank index of text store bank (0 or 1). * @param[in] fmt pointer to a zero-terminated string containing the format text. * @param[in] ... additional arguments. */ void infrared_text_store_set(InfraredApp* infrared, uint32_t bank, const char* fmt, ...) _ATTRIBUTE((__format__(__printf__, 3, 4))); /** * @brief Clear the internal text store. * * @param[in,out] infrared pointer to the application instance. * @param[in] bank index of text store bank (0 or 1). */ void infrared_text_store_clear(InfraredApp* infrared, uint32_t bank); /** * @brief Play a sound and/or blink the LED. * * @param[in] infrared pointer to the application instance. * @param[in] message type of the message to play. */ void infrared_play_notification_message( const InfraredApp* infrared, InfraredNotificationMessage message); /** * @brief Show a loading pop-up screen. * * In order for this to work, a Stack view must be currently active and * the main view must be added to it. * * @param[in] infrared pointer to the application instance. * @param[in] show whether to show or hide the pop-up. */ void infrared_show_loading_popup(const InfraredApp* infrared, bool show); /** * @brief Show a formatted error messsage. * * @param[in] infrared pointer to the application instance. * @param[in] fmt pointer to a zero-terminated string containing the format text. * @param[in] ... additional arguments. */ void infrared_show_error_message(const InfraredApp* infrared, const char* fmt, ...) _ATTRIBUTE((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3))); /** * @brief Common received signal callback. * * Called when the worker has received a complete infrared signal. * * @param[in,out] context pointer to the user-specified context object. * @param[in] received_signal pointer to the received signal. */ void infrared_signal_received_callback(void* context, InfraredWorkerSignal* received_signal); /** * @brief Common text input callback. * * Called when the input has been accepted by the user. * * @param[in,out] context pointer to the user-specified context object. */ void infrared_text_input_callback(void* context); /** * @brief Common popup close callback. * * Called when the popup has been closed either by the user or after a timeout. * * @param[in,out] context pointer to the user-specified context object. */ void infrared_popup_closed_callback(void* context);