# Flipper Temperature Sensor - HTU21D / SI7021 [Original link](https://github.com/Mywk/FlipperTemperatureSensor) ## What is this? A small app for the [Flipper Zero](https://flipperzero.one) that reads the [I2C](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%C2%B2C) signal from a HTU21D or Si7021 sensor and displays the current temperature and humidity. I'm using a [Sparkfun HTU21D sensor](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/htu21d-humidity-sensor-hookup-guide), also tested with a clone and with the Si7021 variant. ![Flipper Temperature Sensor](docs/Flipper.png) ![App](docs/App.png) ## How to Connect the sensor ![Connection](docs/Connection.png)