#include "nfc_supported_card_plugin.h" #include #include #include #include #define TAG "Bip" #define SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(sector, block) (((sector) * 4) + (block)) static const uint64_t bip_keys_a[] = { 0x3a42f33af429, 0x6338a371c0ed, 0xf124c2578ad0, 0x32ac3b90ac13, 0x4ad1e273eaf1, 0xe2c42591368a, 0x2a3c347a1200, 0x16f3d5ab1139, 0x937a4fff3011, 0x35c3d2caee88, 0x693143f10368, 0xa3f97428dd01, 0x63f17a449af0, 0xc4652c54261c, 0xd49e2826664f, 0x3df14c8000a1, }; static const uint64_t bip_keys_b[] = { 0x1fc235ac1309, 0x243f160918d1, 0x9afc42372af1, 0x682d401abb09, 0x067db45454a9, 0x15fc4c7613fe, 0x68d30288910a, 0xf59a36a2546d, 0x64e3c10394c2, 0xb736412614af, 0x324f5df65310, 0x643fb6de2217, 0x82f435dedf01, 0x0263de1278f3, 0x51284c3686a6, 0x6a470d54127c, }; bool bip_verify(Nfc* nfc) { bool verified = true; const uint8_t verify_sector = 0; uint8_t block_num = mf_classic_get_first_block_num_of_sector(verify_sector); FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "Verifying sector %u", verify_sector); MfClassicKey key_a_0 = {}; bit_lib_num_to_bytes_be(bip_keys_a[0], COUNT_OF(key_a_0.data), key_a_0.data); MfClassicAuthContext auth_ctx = {}; MfClassicError error = mf_classic_poller_sync_auth(nfc, block_num, &key_a_0, MfClassicKeyTypeA, &auth_ctx); if(error == MfClassicErrorNotPresent) { FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "Failed to read block %u: %d", block_num, error); verified = false; } return verified; } static bool bip_read(Nfc* nfc, NfcDevice* device) { furi_assert(nfc); furi_assert(device); bool is_read = false; MfClassicData* data = mf_classic_alloc(); nfc_device_copy_data(device, NfcProtocolMfClassic, data); do { MfClassicType type = MfClassicType1k; MfClassicError error = mf_classic_poller_sync_detect_type(nfc, &type); if(error == MfClassicErrorNotPresent) { FURI_LOG_W(TAG, "Card not MIFARE Classic 1k"); break; } data->type = type; MfClassicDeviceKeys keys = {}; for(size_t i = 0; i < mf_classic_get_total_sectors_num(data->type); i++) { bit_lib_num_to_bytes_be(bip_keys_a[i], sizeof(MfClassicKey), keys.key_a[i].data); FURI_BIT_SET(keys.key_a_mask, i); bit_lib_num_to_bytes_be(bip_keys_b[i], sizeof(MfClassicKey), keys.key_b[i].data); FURI_BIT_SET(keys.key_b_mask, i); } error = mf_classic_poller_sync_read(nfc, &keys, data); if(error == MfClassicErrorNotPresent) { FURI_LOG_W(TAG, "Failed to read data. Bad keys?"); break; } nfc_device_set_data(device, NfcProtocolMfClassic, data); is_read = true; } while(false); mf_classic_free(data); return is_read; } typedef struct { uint16_t year; uint8_t month; uint8_t day; uint8_t hour; uint8_t minute; uint8_t second; } BipTimestamp; static void parse_bip_timestamp(const MfClassicBlock* block, BipTimestamp* timestamp) { furi_assert(block); furi_assert(timestamp); timestamp->day = (((block->data[1] << 8) + block->data[0]) >> 6) & 0x1f; timestamp->month = (((block->data[1] << 8) + block->data[0]) >> 11) & 0xf; timestamp->year = 2000 + ((((block->data[2] << 8) + block->data[1]) >> 7) & 0x1f); timestamp->hour = (((block->data[3] << 8) + block->data[2]) >> 4) & 0x1f; timestamp->minute = (((block->data[3] << 8) + block->data[2]) >> 9) & 0x3f; timestamp->second = (((block->data[4] << 8) + block->data[3]) >> 7) & 0x3f; } static int compare_bip_timestamp(const BipTimestamp* t1, const BipTimestamp* t2) { furi_assert(t1); furi_assert(t2); if(t1->year != t2->year) { return t1->year - t2->year; } if(t1->month != t2->month) { return t1->month - t2->month; } if(t1->day != t2->day) { return t1->day - t2->day; } if(t1->hour != t2->hour) { return t1->hour - t2->hour; } if(t1->minute != t2->minute) { return t1->minute - t2->minute; } if(t1->second != t2->second) { return t1->second - t2->second; } return 0; } static void print_bip_timestamp(const BipTimestamp* timestamp, FuriString* str) { furi_assert(timestamp); furi_assert(str); furi_string_cat_printf( str, "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u", timestamp->year, timestamp->month, timestamp->day, timestamp->hour, timestamp->minute, timestamp->second); } static bool is_bip_block_empty(const MfClassicBlock* block) { furi_assert(block); // check if all but last byte are zero (last is checksum) for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(block->data) - 1; i++) { if(block->data[i] != 0) { return false; } } return true; } static void parse_uint16_le(const uint8_t* data, uint16_t* value) { furi_assert(data); furi_assert(value); *value = (data[0]) | (data[1] << 8); } static void parse_uint32_le(const uint8_t* data, uint32_t* value) { furi_assert(data); furi_assert(value); *value = (data[0]) | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[3] << 24); } static void parse_uint16_txn_amount(const uint8_t* data, uint16_t* value) { furi_assert(data); furi_assert(value); parse_uint16_le(data, value); *value = *value >> 2; } typedef struct { BipTimestamp timestamp; uint16_t amount; } BipTransaction; static bool bip_parse(const NfcDevice* device, FuriString* parsed_data) { furi_assert(device); furi_assert(parsed_data); bool parsed = true; struct { uint32_t card_id; uint16_t balance; uint16_t flags; BipTimestamp trip_time_window; BipTransaction top_ups[3]; BipTransaction charges[3]; } bip_data = { .card_id = 0, .balance = 0, .flags = 0, .trip_time_window = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, .top_ups = { {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0}, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0}, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0}, }, .charges = { {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0}, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0}, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0}, }, }; const MfClassicData* data = nfc_device_get_data(device, NfcProtocolMfClassic); do { // verify first sector keys MfClassicSectorTrailer* sec_tr = mf_classic_get_sector_trailer_by_sector(data, 0); uint64_t key = bit_lib_bytes_to_num_be(sec_tr->key_a.data, 6); if(key != bip_keys_a[0]) { parsed = false; break; } key = bit_lib_bytes_to_num_be(sec_tr->key_b.data, 6); if(key != bip_keys_b[0]) { parsed = false; break; } // Get Card ID, little-endian 4 bytes at sector 0 block 1, bytes 4-7 parse_uint32_le(&data->block[SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(0, 1)].data[4], &bip_data.card_id); // Get balance, little-endian 2 bytes at sector 8 block 1, bytes 0-1 parse_uint16_le(&data->block[SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(8, 1)].data[0], &bip_data.balance); // Get balance flags (negative balance, etc.), little-endian 2 bytes at sector 8 block 1, bytes 2-3 parse_uint16_le(&data->block[SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(8, 1)].data[2], &bip_data.flags); // Get trip time window, proprietary format, at sector 5 block 1, bytes 0-7 parse_bip_timestamp(&data->block[SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(5, 1)], &bip_data.trip_time_window); // Last 3 top-ups: sector 10, ring-buffer of 3 blocks, timestamp in bytes 0-7, amount in bytes 9-10 for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(is_bip_block_empty(&data->block[SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(10, i)])) { continue; } BipTransaction* top_up = &bip_data.top_ups[i]; parse_bip_timestamp(&data->block[SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(10, i)], &top_up->timestamp); parse_uint16_txn_amount( &data->block[SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(10, i)].data[9], &top_up->amount); } // Last 3 charges (i.e. trips), sector 11, ring-buffer of 3 blocks, timestamp in bytes 0-7, amount in bytes 10-11 for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(is_bip_block_empty(&data->block[SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(11, i)])) { continue; } BipTransaction* charge = &bip_data.charges[i]; parse_bip_timestamp(&data->block[SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(11, i)], &charge->timestamp); parse_uint16_txn_amount( &data->block[SECTOR_BLOCK_OFFSET(11, i)].data[10], &charge->amount); } // All data is now parsed and stored in bip_data, now print it // Print basic info furi_string_printf( parsed_data, "\e#Tarjeta Bip!\n" "Card Number: %lu\n" "Balance: $%hu (flags %hu)\n" "Current Trip Window Ends:\n @", bip_data.card_id, bip_data.balance, bip_data.flags); print_bip_timestamp(&bip_data.trip_time_window, parsed_data); // Find newest top-up size_t newest_top_up = 0; for(size_t i = 1; i < 3; i++) { const BipTimestamp* newest = &bip_data.top_ups[newest_top_up].timestamp; const BipTimestamp* current = &bip_data.top_ups[i].timestamp; if(compare_bip_timestamp(current, newest) > 0) { newest_top_up = i; } } // Print top-ups, newest first furi_string_cat_printf(parsed_data, "\n\e#Last Top-ups"); for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const BipTransaction* top_up = &bip_data.top_ups[(3u + newest_top_up - i) % 3]; furi_string_cat_printf(parsed_data, "\n+$%d\n @", top_up->amount); print_bip_timestamp(&top_up->timestamp, parsed_data); } // Find newest charge size_t newest_charge = 0; for(size_t i = 1; i < 3; i++) { const BipTimestamp* newest = &bip_data.charges[newest_charge].timestamp; const BipTimestamp* current = &bip_data.charges[i].timestamp; if(compare_bip_timestamp(current, newest) > 0) { newest_charge = i; } } // Print charges furi_string_cat_printf(parsed_data, "\n\e#Last Charges (Trips)"); for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const BipTransaction* charge = &bip_data.charges[(3u + newest_charge - i) % 3]; furi_string_cat_printf(parsed_data, "\n-$%d\n @", charge->amount); print_bip_timestamp(&charge->timestamp, parsed_data); } parsed = true; } while(false); return parsed; } /* Actual implementation of app<>plugin interface */ static const NfcSupportedCardsPlugin bip_plugin = { .protocol = NfcProtocolMfClassic, .verify = bip_verify, .read = bip_read, .parse = bip_parse, }; /* Plugin descriptor to comply with basic plugin specification */ static const FlipperAppPluginDescriptor bip_plugin_descriptor = { .appid = NFC_SUPPORTED_CARD_PLUGIN_APP_ID, .ep_api_version = NFC_SUPPORTED_CARD_PLUGIN_API_VERSION, .entry_point = &bip_plugin, }; /* Plugin entry point - must return a pointer to const descriptor */ const FlipperAppPluginDescriptor* bip_plugin_ep() { return &bip_plugin_descriptor; }