import atexit import multiprocessing import subprocess import sys import webbrowser from SCons.Action import Action from SCons.Builder import Builder from SCons.Script import Delete, Flatten, GetBuildFailures, Mkdir __no_browser = False def _set_browser_action(target, source, env): if env["PVSNOBROWSER"]: global __no_browser __no_browser = True def _emit_pvsreport(target, source, env): target_dir = env["REPORT_DIR"] if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32": # Report generator on Windows emits to a subfolder of given output folder target_dir = target_dir.Dir("fullhtml") return [target_dir.File("index.html")], source def atexist_handler(): global __no_browser if __no_browser: return for bf in GetBuildFailures(): for node in Flatten(bf.node): if node.exists and "pvs" in node.path and".html"): # macOS if sys.platform == "darwin":["open", node.abspath]) else: break def generate(env): env.SetDefault( PVSNCORES=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), PVSOPTIONS=[ "@.pvsoptions", "-j${PVSNCORES}", # "--incremental", # kinda broken on PVS side ], PVSCONVOPTIONS=[ "-a", "GA:1,2,3", "-t", "fullhtml", "--indicate-warnings", ], ) if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32": env.SetDefault( PVSCHECKBIN="CompilerCommandsAnalyzer.exe", PVSCONVBIN="PlogConverter.exe", ) else: env.SetDefault( PVSCHECKBIN="pvs-studio-analyzer", PVSCONVBIN="plog-converter", ) if not env["VERBOSE"]: env.SetDefault( PVSCHECKCOMSTR="\tPVS\t${TARGET}", PVSCONVCOMSTR="\tPVSREP\t${TARGET}", ) env.Append( BUILDERS={ "PVSCheck": Builder( action=Action( [ [ "${PVSCHECKBIN}", "analyze", "${PVSOPTIONS}", "-f", "${SOURCE}", "-o", "${TARGET}", ] ], "${PVSCHECKCOMSTR}", ), suffix=".log", src_suffix=".json", ), "PVSReport": Builder( action=Action( [ Delete("${TARGET.dir}"), # PlogConverter.exe and plog-converter have different behavior Mkdir("${TARGET.dir}") if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" else None, Action(_set_browser_action, None), Action( [ [ "${PVSCONVBIN}", "${PVSCONVOPTIONS}", "${SOURCE}", "-o", "${REPORT_DIR}", ] ] ), ], "${PVSCONVCOMSTR}", ), emitter=_emit_pvsreport, src_suffix=".log", ), } ) atexit.register(atexist_handler) def exists(env): return True