/* Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Salvatore Sanfilippo -- All Rights Reserved * See the LICENSE file for information about the license. * * Renault tires TPMS. Usually 443.92 Mhz FSK. * * Preamble + sync + Manchester bits. ~48us short pulse. * 9 Bytes in total not counting the preamble. */ #include "../../app.h" #define USE_TEST_VECTOR 0 static const char* test_vector = "...01010101010101010110" // Preamble + sync /* The following is Marshal encoded, so each two characters are * actaully one bit. 01 = 0, 10 = 1. */ "010110010110" // Flags. "10011001101010011001" // Pressure, multiply by 0.75 to obtain kpa. // 244 kpa here. "1010010110011010" // Temperature, subtract 30 to obtain celsius. 22C here. "1001010101101001" "0101100110010101" "1001010101100110" // Tire ID. 0x7AD779 here. "0101010101010101" "0101010101010101" // Two FF bytes (usually). Unknown. "0110010101010101"; // CRC8 with (poly 7, initialization 0). static bool decode(uint8_t* bits, uint32_t numbytes, uint32_t numbits, ProtoViewMsgInfo* info) { if(USE_TEST_VECTOR) { /* Test vector to check that decoding works. */ bitmap_set_pattern(bits, numbytes, 0, test_vector); numbits = strlen(test_vector); } if(numbits - 12 < 9 * 8) return false; const char* sync_pattern = "01010101010101010110"; uint64_t off = bitmap_seek_bits(bits, numbytes, 0, numbits, sync_pattern); if(off == BITMAP_SEEK_NOT_FOUND) return false; FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Renault TPMS preamble+sync found"); info->start_off = off; off += 20; /* Skip preamble. */ uint8_t raw[9]; uint32_t decoded = convert_from_line_code( raw, sizeof(raw), bits, numbytes, off, "01", "10"); /* Manchester. */ FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Renault TPMS decoded bits: %lu", decoded); if(decoded < 8 * 9) return false; /* Require the full 9 bytes. */ if(crc8(raw, 8, 0, 7) != raw[8]) return false; /* Require sane CRC. */ info->pulses_count = (off + 8 * 9 * 2) - info->start_off; uint8_t flags = raw[0] >> 2; float kpa = 0.75 * ((uint32_t)((raw[0] & 3) << 8) | raw[1]); int temp = raw[2] - 30; fieldset_add_bytes(info->fieldset, "Tire ID", raw + 3, 3 * 2); fieldset_add_float(info->fieldset, "Pressure kpa", kpa, 2); fieldset_add_int(info->fieldset, "Temperature C", temp, 8); fieldset_add_hex(info->fieldset, "Flags", flags, 6); fieldset_add_bytes(info->fieldset, "Unknown1", raw + 6, 2); fieldset_add_bytes(info->fieldset, "Unknown2", raw + 7, 2); return true; } /* Give fields and defaults for the signal creator. */ static void get_fields(ProtoViewFieldSet* fieldset) { uint8_t default_id[3] = {0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}; fieldset_add_bytes(fieldset, "Tire ID", default_id, 3 * 2); fieldset_add_float(fieldset, "Pressure kpa", 123, 2); fieldset_add_int(fieldset, "Temperature C", 20, 8); // We don't know what flags are, but 1B is a common value. fieldset_add_hex(fieldset, "Flags", 0x1b, 6); fieldset_add_bytes(fieldset, "Unknown1", (uint8_t*)"\xff", 2); fieldset_add_bytes(fieldset, "Unknown2", (uint8_t*)"\xff", 2); } /* Create a Renault TPMS signal, according to the fields provided. */ static void build_message(RawSamplesBuffer* samples, ProtoViewFieldSet* fieldset) { uint32_t te = 50; // Short pulse duration in microseconds. // Preamble + sync const char* psync = "01010101010101010101010101010110"; const char* p = psync; while(*p) { raw_samples_add_or_update(samples, *p == '1', te); p++; } // Data, 9 bytes uint8_t data[9] = {0}; unsigned int raw_pressure = fieldset->fields[1]->fvalue * 4 / 3; data[0] = fieldset->fields[3]->uvalue << 2; // Flags data[0] |= (raw_pressure >> 8) & 3; // Pressure kpa high 2 bits data[1] = raw_pressure & 0xff; // Pressure kpa low 8 bits data[2] = fieldset->fields[2]->value + 30; // Temperature C memcpy(data + 3, fieldset->fields[0]->bytes, 6); // ID, 24 bits. data[6] = fieldset->fields[4]->bytes[0]; // Unknown 1 data[7] = fieldset->fields[5]->bytes[0]; // Unknown 2 data[8] = crc8(data, 8, 0, 7); // Generate Manchester code for each bit for(uint32_t j = 0; j < 9 * 8; j++) { if(bitmap_get(data, sizeof(data), j)) { raw_samples_add_or_update(samples, true, te); raw_samples_add_or_update(samples, false, te); } else { raw_samples_add_or_update(samples, false, te); raw_samples_add_or_update(samples, true, te); } } } ProtoViewDecoder RenaultTPMSDecoder = { .name = "Renault TPMS", .decode = decode, .get_fields = get_fields, .build_message = build_message};