#include #include #include #include #include "bird.h" #define TAG "Flappy" #define DEBUG false #define FLAPPY_BIRD_HEIGHT 15 #define FLAPPY_BIRD_WIDTH 10 #define FLAPPY_PILAR_MAX 6 #define FLAPPY_PILAR_DIST 40 #define FLAPPY_GAB_HEIGHT 25 #define FLAPPY_GAB_WIDTH 5 #define FLAPPY_GRAVITY_JUMP -1.1 #define FLAPPY_GRAVITY_TICK 0.15 #define FLIPPER_LCD_WIDTH 128 #define FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT 64 typedef enum { EventTypeTick, EventTypeKey, } EventType; typedef struct { int x; int y; } POINT; typedef struct { float gravity; POINT point; } BIRD; typedef struct { POINT point; int height; int visible; bool passed; } PILAR; typedef enum { GameStateLife, GameStateGameOver, } State; typedef struct { BIRD bird; int points; int pilars_count; PILAR pilars[FLAPPY_PILAR_MAX]; bool debug; State state; } GameState; typedef struct { EventType type; InputEvent input; } GameEvent; typedef enum { DirectionUp, DirectionRight, DirectionDown, DirectionLeft, } Direction; static void flappy_game_random_pilar(GameState* const game_state) { PILAR pilar; pilar.passed = false; pilar.visible = 1; pilar.height = random() % (FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - FLAPPY_GAB_HEIGHT) + 1; pilar.point.y = 0; pilar.point.x = FLIPPER_LCD_WIDTH + FLAPPY_GAB_WIDTH + 1; game_state->pilars_count++; game_state->pilars[game_state->pilars_count % FLAPPY_PILAR_MAX] = pilar; } static void flappy_game_state_init(GameState* const game_state) { BIRD bird; bird.gravity = 0.0f; bird.point.x = 15; bird.point.y = 32; game_state->debug = DEBUG; game_state->bird = bird; game_state->pilars_count = 0; game_state->points = 0; game_state->state = GameStateLife; memset(game_state->pilars, 0, sizeof(game_state->pilars)); flappy_game_random_pilar(game_state); } // static void flappy_game_reset(GameState* const game_state) { // FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Reset Game State\r\n"); // Resetting State // } static void flappy_game_tick(GameState* const game_state) { if(game_state->state == GameStateLife) { if(!game_state->debug) { game_state->bird.gravity += FLAPPY_GRAVITY_TICK; game_state->bird.point.y += game_state->bird.gravity; } // Checking the location of the last respawned pilar. PILAR* pilar = &game_state->pilars[game_state->pilars_count % FLAPPY_PILAR_MAX]; if(pilar->point.x == (FLIPPER_LCD_WIDTH - FLAPPY_PILAR_DIST)) flappy_game_random_pilar(game_state); // Updating the position/status of the pilars (visiblity, posotion, game points) // | | | | | // | | | | | // |__| | |__| // _____X | X_____ // | | | | | // [Pos + Width of pilar] >= [Bird Pos] // |_____| | |_____| // X <----> | X <-> // Bird Pos + Lenght of the bird] >= [Pilar] for(int i = 0; i < FLAPPY_PILAR_MAX; i++) { PILAR* pilar = &game_state->pilars[i]; if(pilar != NULL && pilar->visible && game_state->state == GameStateLife) { pilar->point.x--; if(game_state->bird.point.x >= pilar->point.x + FLAPPY_GAB_WIDTH && pilar->passed == false) { pilar->passed = true; game_state->points++; } if(pilar->point.x < -FLAPPY_GAB_WIDTH) pilar->visible = 0; // Checking out of bounds if(game_state->bird.point.y < 0 - FLAPPY_BIRD_WIDTH || game_state->bird.point.y > FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT) { game_state->state = GameStateGameOver; break; } // Bird inbetween pipes if((game_state->bird.point.x + FLAPPY_BIRD_HEIGHT >= pilar->point.x) && (game_state->bird.point.x <= pilar->point.x + FLAPPY_GAB_WIDTH)) { // Bird below Bottom Pipe if(game_state->bird.point.y + FLAPPY_BIRD_WIDTH - 2 >= pilar->height + FLAPPY_GAB_HEIGHT) { game_state->state = GameStateGameOver; break; } // Bird above Upper Pipe if(game_state->bird.point.y < pilar->height) { game_state->state = GameStateGameOver; break; } } } } } } static void flappy_game_flap(GameState* const game_state) { game_state->bird.gravity = FLAPPY_GRAVITY_JUMP; } static void flappy_game_render_callback(Canvas* const canvas, void* ctx) { const GameState* game_state = acquire_mutex((ValueMutex*)ctx, 25); if(game_state == NULL) { return; } canvas_draw_frame(canvas, 0, 0, 128, 64); if(game_state->state == GameStateLife) { // Pilars for(int i = 0; i < FLAPPY_PILAR_MAX; i++) { const PILAR* pilar = &game_state->pilars[i]; if(pilar != NULL && pilar->visible == 1) { canvas_draw_frame( canvas, pilar->point.x, pilar->point.y, FLAPPY_GAB_WIDTH, pilar->height); canvas_draw_frame( canvas, pilar->point.x, pilar->point.y + pilar->height + FLAPPY_GAB_HEIGHT, FLAPPY_GAB_WIDTH, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - pilar->height - FLAPPY_GAB_HEIGHT); } } // Flappy for(int h = 0; h < FLAPPY_BIRD_HEIGHT; h++) { for(int w = 0; w < FLAPPY_BIRD_WIDTH; w++) { // Switch animation int bird = 0; if(game_state->bird.gravity < -0.5) bird = 1; else bird = 2; // Draw bird pixels if(bird_array[bird][h][w] == 1) { int x = game_state->bird.point.x + h; int y = game_state->bird.point.y + w; canvas_draw_dot(canvas, x, y); } } } // Stats canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); char buffer[12]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Score: %u", game_state->points); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 100, 12, AlignCenter, AlignBottom, buffer); if(game_state->debug) { char coordinates[20]; snprintf(coordinates, sizeof(coordinates), "Y: %u", game_state->bird.point.y); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 1, 12, AlignCenter, AlignBottom, coordinates); } } if(game_state->state == GameStateGameOver) { // Screen is 128x64 px canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorWhite); canvas_draw_box(canvas, 34, 20, 62, 24); canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorBlack); canvas_draw_frame(canvas, 34, 20, 62, 24); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str(canvas, 37, 31, "Game Over"); /*if(game_state->points != 0 && game_state->points % 5 == 0) { DOLPHIN_DEED(getRandomDeed()); }*/ canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); char buffer[12]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Score: %u", game_state->points); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 64, 41, AlignCenter, AlignBottom, buffer); } release_mutex((ValueMutex*)ctx, game_state); } static void flappy_game_input_callback(InputEvent* input_event, FuriMessageQueue* event_queue) { furi_assert(event_queue); GameEvent event = {.type = EventTypeKey, .input = *input_event}; furi_message_queue_put(event_queue, &event, FuriWaitForever); } static void flappy_game_update_timer_callback(FuriMessageQueue* event_queue) { furi_assert(event_queue); GameEvent event = {.type = EventTypeTick}; furi_message_queue_put(event_queue, &event, 0); } int32_t flappy_game_app(void* p) { UNUSED(p); int32_t return_code = 0; FuriMessageQueue* event_queue = furi_message_queue_alloc(8, sizeof(GameEvent)); GameState* game_state = malloc(sizeof(GameState)); flappy_game_state_init(game_state); ValueMutex state_mutex; if(!init_mutex(&state_mutex, game_state, sizeof(GameState))) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "cannot create mutex\r\n"); return_code = 255; goto free_and_exit; } // Set system callbacks ViewPort* view_port = view_port_alloc(); view_port_draw_callback_set(view_port, flappy_game_render_callback, &state_mutex); view_port_input_callback_set(view_port, flappy_game_input_callback, event_queue); FuriTimer* timer = furi_timer_alloc(flappy_game_update_timer_callback, FuriTimerTypePeriodic, event_queue); furi_timer_start(timer, furi_kernel_get_tick_frequency() / 25); // Open GUI and register view_port Gui* gui = furi_record_open(RECORD_GUI); gui_add_view_port(gui, view_port, GuiLayerFullscreen); GameEvent event; for(bool processing = true; processing;) { FuriStatus event_status = furi_message_queue_get(event_queue, &event, 100); GameState* game_state = (GameState*)acquire_mutex_block(&state_mutex); if(event_status == FuriStatusOk) { // press events if(event.type == EventTypeKey) { if(event.input.type == InputTypePress) { switch(event.input.key) { case InputKeyUp: game_state->bird.point.y--; break; case InputKeyDown: game_state->bird.point.y++; break; case InputKeyRight: game_state->bird.point.x++; break; case InputKeyLeft: game_state->bird.point.x--; break; case InputKeyOk: if(game_state->state == GameStateGameOver) { flappy_game_state_init(game_state); } if(game_state->state == GameStateLife) { flappy_game_flap(game_state); } break; case InputKeyBack: processing = false; break; } } } else if(event.type == EventTypeTick) { flappy_game_tick(game_state); } } else { //FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "osMessageQueue: event timeout"); // event timeout } view_port_update(view_port); release_mutex(&state_mutex, game_state); } furi_timer_free(timer); view_port_enabled_set(view_port, false); gui_remove_view_port(gui, view_port); furi_record_close(RECORD_GUI); view_port_free(view_port); delete_mutex(&state_mutex); free_and_exit: free(game_state); furi_message_queue_free(event_queue); return return_code; }