#include "subghz_history.h" #include "subghz_history_private.h" #include #include #include #include "flipper_format_stream_i.h" #include #define SUBGHZ_HISTORY_MAX 60 /** * @brief Settings for temporary files * */ #define SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_DIR EXT_PATH("subghz/tmp_history") #define SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_EXTENSION ".tmp" #define SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_SIGNAL_MAX 700 #define SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_SIGNAL_MIN 100 #define SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_REMOVE_FILES true #define SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_RAW_KEY "RAW_Data" #define MAX_LINE 500 const size_t buffer_size = 32; #define TAG "SubGhzHistory" typedef struct { FuriString* item_str; FlipperFormat* flipper_string; FuriString* protocol_name; bool is_file; uint8_t type; SubGhzPresetDefinition* preset; } SubGhzHistoryItem; ARRAY_DEF(SubGhzHistoryItemArray, SubGhzHistoryItem, M_POD_OPLIST) #define M_OPL_SubGhzHistoryItemArray_t() ARRAY_OPLIST(SubGhzHistoryItemArray, M_POD_OPLIST) typedef struct { SubGhzHistoryItemArray_t data; } SubGhzHistoryStruct; struct SubGhzHistory { uint32_t last_update_timestamp; uint16_t last_index_write; uint8_t code_last_hash_data; FuriString* tmp_string; bool write_tmp_files; bool is_hopper_running; Storage* storage; SubGhzHistoryStruct* history; }; #ifdef FURI_DEBUG #define LOG_DELAY 0 #endif FuriString* subghz_history_generate_temp_filename(uint32_t index) { FuriHalRtcDateTime datetime = {0}; furi_hal_rtc_get_datetime(&datetime); return furi_string_alloc_printf("%03ld%s", index, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_EXTENSION); } bool subghz_history_is_tmp_dir_exists(SubGhzHistory* instance) { FileInfo file_info; storage_common_stat(instance->storage, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_DIR, &file_info); if(storage_common_stat(instance->storage, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_DIR, &file_info) == FSE_OK) { if(file_info.flags & FSF_DIRECTORY) { return true; } } return false; } bool subghz_history_check_sdcard(SubGhzHistory* instance) { #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "check_sdcard"); uint32_t start_time = furi_get_tick(); #endif bool result = false; // Stage 0 - check SD Card FS_Error status = storage_sd_status(instance->storage); if(status == FSE_OK) { result = subghz_history_is_tmp_dir_exists(instance); if(!subghz_history_is_tmp_dir_exists(instance)) { result = storage_simply_mkdir(instance->storage, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_DIR); } } else { FURI_LOG_W(TAG, "SD storage not installed! Status: %d", status); } #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Running time (check_sdcard): %ld ms", furi_get_tick() - start_time); #endif return result; } void subghz_history_clear_tmp_dir(SubGhzHistory* instance) { furi_assert(instance); #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "clear_tmp_dir"); #endif if(!instance->write_tmp_files) { // Nothing to do here! return; } //uint32_t start_time = furi_get_tick(); #ifdef SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_REMOVE_FILES // Stage 0 - Dir exists? bool res = subghz_history_is_tmp_dir_exists(instance); if(res) { // Stage 1 - delete all content if exists FileInfo fileinfo; storage_common_stat(instance->storage, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_DIR, &fileinfo); res = fileinfo.flags & FSF_DIRECTORY ? storage_simply_remove_recursive(instance->storage, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_DIR) : (storage_common_remove(instance->storage, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_DIR) == FSE_OK); } // Stage 2 - create dir if necessary res = !storage_simply_mkdir(instance->storage, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_DIR); if(!res) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Cannot process temp dir!"); } #endif /* uint32_t stop_time = furi_get_tick() - start_time; FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Running time (clear_tmp_dir): %d ms", stop_time);*/ } SubGhzHistory* subghz_history_alloc(void) { SubGhzHistory* instance = malloc(sizeof(SubGhzHistory)); instance->tmp_string = furi_string_alloc(); instance->history = malloc(sizeof(SubGhzHistoryStruct)); SubGhzHistoryItemArray_init(instance->history->data); instance->storage = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); instance->write_tmp_files = subghz_history_check_sdcard(instance); instance->is_hopper_running = false; if(!instance->write_tmp_files) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Unstable work! Cannot use SD Card!"); } return instance; } void subghz_history_item_free(void* current_item) { furi_assert(current_item); SubGhzHistoryItem* item = (SubGhzHistoryItem*)current_item; furi_string_free(item->item_str); furi_string_free(item->preset->name); furi_string_free(item->protocol_name); free(item->preset); item->type = 0; item->is_file = false; if(item->flipper_string != NULL) { flipper_format_free(item->flipper_string); } } void subghz_history_clean_item_array(SubGhzHistory* instance) { for M_EACH(item, instance->history->data, SubGhzHistoryItemArray_t) { subghz_history_item_free(item); } } void subghz_history_free(SubGhzHistory* instance) { furi_assert(instance); furi_string_free(instance->tmp_string); subghz_history_clean_item_array(instance); SubGhzHistoryItemArray_clear(instance->history->data); free(instance->history); // Delete all temporary file, on exit it's ok subghz_history_clear_tmp_dir(instance); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); free(instance); } uint32_t subghz_history_get_frequency(SubGhzHistory* instance, uint16_t idx) { furi_assert(instance); SubGhzHistoryItem* item = SubGhzHistoryItemArray_get(instance->history->data, idx); return item->preset->frequency; } SubGhzPresetDefinition* subghz_history_get_preset_def(SubGhzHistory* instance, uint16_t idx) { furi_assert(instance); SubGhzHistoryItem* item = SubGhzHistoryItemArray_get(instance->history->data, idx); return item->preset; } const char* subghz_history_get_preset(SubGhzHistory* instance, uint16_t idx) { furi_assert(instance); SubGhzHistoryItem* item = SubGhzHistoryItemArray_get(instance->history->data, idx); return furi_string_get_cstr(item->preset->name); } void subghz_history_reset(SubGhzHistory* instance) { furi_assert(instance); furi_string_reset(instance->tmp_string); subghz_history_clean_item_array(instance); SubGhzHistoryItemArray_reset(instance->history->data); instance->last_index_write = 0; instance->code_last_hash_data = 0; } void subghz_history_set_hopper_state(SubGhzHistory* instance, bool hopper_state) { furi_assert(instance); instance->is_hopper_running = hopper_state; } uint16_t subghz_history_get_item(SubGhzHistory* instance) { furi_assert(instance); return instance->last_index_write; } uint8_t subghz_history_get_type_protocol(SubGhzHistory* instance, uint16_t idx) { furi_assert(instance); SubGhzHistoryItem* item = SubGhzHistoryItemArray_get(instance->history->data, idx); return item->type; } const char* subghz_history_get_protocol_name(SubGhzHistory* instance, uint16_t idx) { furi_assert(instance); SubGhzHistoryItem* item = SubGhzHistoryItemArray_get(instance->history->data, idx); return furi_string_get_cstr(item->protocol_name); } FlipperFormat* subghz_history_get_raw_data(SubGhzHistory* instance, uint16_t idx) { furi_assert(instance); SubGhzHistoryItem* item = SubGhzHistoryItemArray_get(instance->history->data, idx); if(item->flipper_string) { return item->flipper_string; } else { bool result_ok = false; if(instance->write_tmp_files && item->is_file) { // We have files! FuriString* filename = subghz_history_generate_temp_filename(idx); FuriString* dir_path; dir_path = furi_string_alloc_printf( "%s/%s", SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_DIR, furi_string_get_cstr(filename)); if(storage_file_exists(instance->storage, furi_string_get_cstr(dir_path))) { #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "Exist: %s", furi_string_get_cstr(dir_path)); furi_delay_ms(LOG_DELAY); #endif // Set to current anyway it has NULL value item->flipper_string = flipper_format_string_alloc(); Stream* dst_stream = flipper_format_get_raw_stream(item->flipper_string); stream_clean(dst_stream); size_t size = stream_load_from_file( dst_stream, instance->storage, furi_string_get_cstr(dir_path)); if(size > 0) { #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Save ok!"); furi_delay_ms(LOG_DELAY); #endif // We changed contents of file, so we no needed to load // content from disk for the next time item->is_file = false; result_ok = true; } else { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Stream copy failed!"); flipper_format_free(item->flipper_string); } } else { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Can't convert filename to file"); } furi_string_free(filename); furi_string_free(dir_path); } else { #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_W(TAG, "Write TMP files failed!"); furi_delay_ms(LOG_DELAY); #endif } return result_ok ? item->flipper_string : NULL; } } bool subghz_history_get_text_space_left(SubGhzHistory* instance, FuriString* output) { furi_assert(instance); if(instance->last_index_write == SUBGHZ_HISTORY_MAX) { if(output != NULL) furi_string_printf(output, "Memory is FULL"); return true; } if(output != NULL) { furi_string_printf(output, "%02u/%02u", instance->last_index_write, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_MAX); } return false; } void subghz_history_get_text_item_menu(SubGhzHistory* instance, FuriString* output, uint16_t idx) { SubGhzHistoryItem* item = SubGhzHistoryItemArray_get(instance->history->data, idx); furi_string_set(output, item->item_str); } bool subghz_history_add_to_history( SubGhzHistory* instance, void* context, SubGhzPresetDefinition* preset) { furi_assert(instance); furi_assert(context); if(instance->last_index_write >= SUBGHZ_HISTORY_MAX) { return false; } SubGhzProtocolDecoderBase* decoder_base = context; if((instance->code_last_hash_data == subghz_protocol_decoder_base_get_hash_data(decoder_base)) && ((furi_get_tick() - instance->last_update_timestamp) < 500)) { instance->last_update_timestamp = furi_get_tick(); return false; } instance->code_last_hash_data = subghz_protocol_decoder_base_get_hash_data(decoder_base); instance->last_update_timestamp = furi_get_tick(); FuriString* text; text = furi_string_alloc(); SubGhzHistoryItem* item = SubGhzHistoryItemArray_push_raw(instance->history->data); item->preset = malloc(sizeof(SubGhzPresetDefinition)); item->type = decoder_base->protocol->type; item->preset->frequency = preset->frequency; item->preset->name = furi_string_alloc(); furi_string_set(item->preset->name, preset->name); item->preset->data = preset->data; item->preset->data_size = preset->data_size; item->item_str = furi_string_alloc(); item->protocol_name = furi_string_alloc(); bool tmp_file_for_raw = false; // At this point file mapped to memory otherwise file cannot decode item->flipper_string = flipper_format_string_alloc(); subghz_protocol_decoder_base_serialize(decoder_base, item->flipper_string, preset); do { if(!flipper_format_rewind(item->flipper_string)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Rewind error"); break; } if(!flipper_format_read_string(item->flipper_string, "Protocol", instance->tmp_string)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Missing Protocol"); break; } else { furi_string_printf( item->protocol_name, "%s", furi_string_get_cstr(instance->tmp_string)); } if(!strcmp(furi_string_get_cstr(instance->tmp_string), "RAW")) { // Check if hopper enabled we need to add little delay if(instance->is_hopper_running) { furi_delay_ms(40); } // Enable writing temp files to micro sd tmp_file_for_raw = true; // Write display name furi_string_printf( item->item_str, "RAW %03ld.%02ld", preset->frequency / 1000000 % 1000, preset->frequency / 10000 % 100); // Rewind if(!flipper_format_rewind(item->flipper_string)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Rewind error"); } break; } else if(!strcmp(furi_string_get_cstr(instance->tmp_string), "KeeLoq")) { furi_string_set(instance->tmp_string, "KL "); if(!flipper_format_read_string(item->flipper_string, "Manufacture", text)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Missing Protocol"); break; } furi_string_cat(instance->tmp_string, text); } else if(!strcmp(furi_string_get_cstr(instance->tmp_string), "Star Line")) { furi_string_set(instance->tmp_string, "SL "); if(!flipper_format_read_string(item->flipper_string, "Manufacture", text)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Missing Protocol"); break; } furi_string_cat(instance->tmp_string, text); } if(!flipper_format_rewind(item->flipper_string)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Rewind error"); break; } uint8_t key_data[sizeof(uint64_t)] = {0}; if(!flipper_format_read_hex(item->flipper_string, "Key", key_data, sizeof(uint64_t))) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Missing Key"); break; } uint64_t data = 0; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(uint64_t); i++) { data = (data << 8) | key_data[i]; } if(!(uint32_t)(data >> 32)) { furi_string_printf( item->item_str, "%s %lX", furi_string_get_cstr(instance->tmp_string), (uint32_t)(data & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } else { furi_string_printf( item->item_str, "%s %lX%08lX", furi_string_get_cstr(instance->tmp_string), (uint32_t)(data >> 32), (uint32_t)(data & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } } while(false); // If we can write to files if(instance->write_tmp_files && tmp_file_for_raw) { FuriString* filename = subghz_history_generate_temp_filename(instance->last_index_write); FuriString* dir_path; dir_path = furi_string_alloc(); furi_string_cat_printf( dir_path, "%s/%s", SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_DIR, furi_string_get_cstr(filename)); #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Save temp file: %s", furi_string_get_cstr(dir_path)); #endif if(!subghz_history_tmp_write_file_split(instance, item, furi_string_get_cstr(dir_path))) { // Plan B! subghz_history_tmp_write_file_full(instance, item, dir_path); } furi_string_free(filename); furi_string_free(dir_path); } else { #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Old fashion way"); #endif } furi_string_free(text); instance->last_index_write++; return true; } static inline bool is_space_playground(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == flipper_format_eolr; } bool subghz_history_stream_read_valid_key(Stream* stream, FuriString* key) { furi_string_reset(key); uint8_t buffer[buffer_size]; bool found = false; bool error = false; bool accumulate = true; bool new_line = true; while(true) { size_t was_read = stream_read(stream, buffer, buffer_size); if(was_read == 0) break; for(size_t i = 0; i < was_read; i++) { uint8_t data = buffer[i]; if(data == flipper_format_eoln) { // EOL found, clean data, start accumulating data and set the new_line flag furi_string_reset(key); accumulate = true; new_line = true; } else if(data == flipper_format_eolr) { // ignore } else if(data == flipper_format_comment && new_line) { // if there is a comment character and we are at the beginning of a new line // do not accumulate comment data and reset the new_line flag accumulate = false; new_line = false; } else if(data == flipper_format_delimiter) { if(new_line) { // we are on a "new line" and found the delimiter // this can only be if we have previously found some kind of key, so // clear the data, set the flag that we no longer want to accumulate data // and reset the new_line flag furi_string_reset(key); accumulate = false; new_line = false; } else { // parse the delimiter only if we are accumulating data if(accumulate) { // we found the delimiter, move the rw pointer to the delimiter location // and signal that we have found something if(!stream_seek(stream, i - was_read, StreamOffsetFromCurrent)) { error = true; break; } found = true; break; } } } else { // just new symbol, reset the new_line flag new_line = false; if(accumulate) { // and accumulate data if we want furi_string_push_back(key, data); } } } if(found || error) break; } return found; } bool subghz_history_stream_seek_to_key(Stream* stream, const char* key, bool strict_mode) { bool found = false; FuriString* read_key; read_key = furi_string_alloc(); while(!stream_eof(stream)) { if(subghz_history_stream_read_valid_key(stream, read_key)) { if(furi_string_cmp_str(read_key, key) == 0) { if(!stream_seek(stream, 2, StreamOffsetFromCurrent)) { break; } found = true; break; } else if(strict_mode) { found = false; break; } } } furi_string_free(read_key); return found; } bool subghz_history_stream_read_value(Stream* stream, FuriString* value, bool* last) { enum { LeadingSpace, ReadValue, TrailingSpace } state = LeadingSpace; const size_t buffer_size = 32; uint8_t buffer[buffer_size]; bool result = false; bool error = false; furi_string_reset(value); while(true) { size_t was_read = stream_read(stream, buffer, buffer_size); if(was_read == 0) { if(state != LeadingSpace && stream_eof(stream)) { result = true; *last = true; } else { error = true; } } for(uint16_t i = 0; i < was_read; i++) { const uint8_t data = buffer[i]; if(state == LeadingSpace) { if(is_space_playground(data)) { continue; } else if(data == flipper_format_eoln) { stream_seek(stream, i - was_read, StreamOffsetFromCurrent); error = true; break; } else { state = ReadValue; furi_string_push_back(value, data); } } else if(state == ReadValue) { if(is_space_playground(data)) { state = TrailingSpace; } else if(data == flipper_format_eoln) { if(!stream_seek(stream, i - was_read, StreamOffsetFromCurrent)) { error = true; } else { result = true; *last = true; } break; } else { furi_string_push_back(value, data); } } else if(state == TrailingSpace) { if(is_space_playground(data)) { continue; } else if(!stream_seek(stream, i - was_read, StreamOffsetFromCurrent)) { error = true; } else { *last = (data == flipper_format_eoln); result = true; } break; } } if(error || result) break; } return result; } bool subghz_history_read_int32(Stream* stream, int32_t* _data, const uint16_t data_size) { bool result = false; result = true; FuriString* value; value = furi_string_alloc(); for(size_t i = 0; i < data_size; i++) { bool last = false; result = subghz_history_stream_read_value(stream, value, &last); if(result) { int scan_values = 0; int32_t* data = _data; scan_values = sscanf(furi_string_get_cstr(value), "%" PRIi32, &data[i]); if(scan_values != 1) { result = false; break; } } else { break; } if(last && ((i + 1) != data_size)) { result = false; break; } } furi_string_free(value); return result; } uint32_t subghz_history_rand_range(uint32_t min, uint32_t max) { // size of range, inclusive const uint32_t length_of_range = max - min + 1; // add n so that we don't return a number below our range return (uint32_t)(rand() % length_of_range + min); } bool subghz_history_write_file_noise( Stream* file, bool is_negative_start, size_t current_position, bool empty_line) { size_t was_write = 0; if(empty_line) { was_write = stream_write_format(file, "%s: ", SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_RAW_KEY); if(was_write <= 0) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Can't write key!"); return false; } } int8_t first; int8_t second; if(is_negative_start) { first = -1; second = 1; } else { first = 1; second = -1; } while(current_position < MAX_LINE) { was_write = stream_write_format( file, "%ld %ld ", subghz_history_rand_range( SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_SIGNAL_MIN, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_SIGNAL_MAX) * first, subghz_history_rand_range( SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_SIGNAL_MIN, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_SIGNAL_MAX) * second); if(was_write <= 0) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Can't write random values!"); return false; } current_position += was_write; } // Step back to write \n instead of space size_t offset = stream_tell(file); if(stream_seek(file, offset - 1, StreamOffsetFromCurrent)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Step back failed!"); return false; } return stream_write_char(file, flipper_format_eoln) > 0; } bool subghz_history_write_file_data( Stream* src, Stream* file, bool* is_negative_start, size_t* current_position) { size_t offset_file = 0; bool result = false; int32_t value = 0; do { if(!subghz_history_read_int32(src, &value, 1)) { result = true; break; } offset_file = stream_tell(file); stream_write_format(file, "%ld ", value); *current_position += stream_tell(file) - offset_file; if(*current_position > MAX_LINE) { if((is_negative_start && value > 0) || (!is_negative_start && value < 0)) { // Align values continue; } if(stream_write_format(file, "\n%s: ", SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_RAW_KEY) == 0) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Can't write new line!"); result = false; break; } *current_position = 0; } } while(true); *is_negative_start = value < 0; return result; } bool subghz_history_tmp_write_file_split( SubGhzHistory* instance, void* current_item, const char* dir_path) { furi_assert(instance); furi_assert(current_item); furi_assert(dir_path); #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Save temp file splitted: %s", dir_path); #endif SubGhzHistoryItem* item = (SubGhzHistoryItem*)current_item; uint8_t buffer[buffer_size]; Stream* src = flipper_format_get_raw_stream(item->flipper_string); stream_rewind(src); FlipperFormat* flipper_format_file = flipper_format_file_alloc(instance->storage); bool result = false; FuriString* temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); do { if(storage_file_exists(instance->storage, dir_path) && storage_common_remove(instance->storage, dir_path) != FSE_OK) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Can't delete old file!"); break; } path_extract_dirname(dir_path, temp_str); FS_Error fs_result = storage_common_mkdir(instance->storage, furi_string_get_cstr(temp_str)); if(fs_result != FSE_OK && fs_result != FSE_EXIST) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Can't create dir!"); break; } result = flipper_format_file_open_always(flipper_format_file, dir_path); if(!result) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Can't open file for write!"); break; } Stream* file = flipper_format_get_raw_stream(flipper_format_file); if(!subghz_history_stream_seek_to_key(src, SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_RAW_KEY, false)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Can't find key!"); break; } bool is_negative_start = false; bool found = false; size_t offset_start; offset_start = stream_tell(src); // Check for negative value at the start and end to align file by correct values size_t was_read = stream_read(src, buffer, 1); if(was_read <= 0) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Can't obtain first mark!"); break; } is_negative_start = buffer[0] == '-'; // Ready to write stream to file size_t current_position; stream_rewind(src); current_position = stream_copy(src, file, offset_start); if(current_position != offset_start) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Invalid copy header data from one stream to another!"); break; } found = true; current_position = 0; if(!subghz_history_write_file_noise(file, is_negative_start, current_position, false)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Add start noise failed!"); break; } if(stream_write_format(file, "%s: ", SUBGHZ_HISTORY_TMP_RAW_KEY) == 0) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Can't write new line!"); result = false; break; } if(!subghz_history_write_file_data(src, file, &is_negative_start, ¤t_position)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Split by lines failed!"); break; } if(!subghz_history_write_file_noise(file, is_negative_start, current_position, false)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Add end noise failed!"); break; } if(!subghz_history_write_file_noise(file, is_negative_start, 0, true)) { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Add end noise failed!"); break; } result = found; } while(false); flipper_format_file_close(flipper_format_file); flipper_format_free(flipper_format_file); furi_string_free(temp_str); return result; } void subghz_history_tmp_write_file_full( SubGhzHistory* instance, void* current_item, FuriString* dir_path) { SubGhzHistoryItem* item = (SubGhzHistoryItem*)current_item; #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_W(TAG, "Save temp file full: %s", furi_string_get_cstr(dir_path)); #endif Stream* dst = flipper_format_get_raw_stream(item->flipper_string); stream_rewind(dst); if(stream_save_to_file( dst, instance->storage, furi_string_get_cstr(dir_path), FSOM_CREATE_ALWAYS) > 0) { flipper_format_free(item->flipper_string); item->flipper_string = NULL; #ifdef FURI_DEBUG FURI_LOG_I(TAG, "Save done!"); #endif // This item contains fake data to load from SD item->is_file = true; } else { FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Stream copy failed!"); } }