#include #include "nfcv.h" #include "slix.h" #include "nfc_util.h" #include #include "furi_hal_nfc.h" #include #define TAG "SLIX" static uint32_t slix_read_be(uint8_t* data, uint32_t length) { uint32_t value = 0; for(uint32_t pos = 0; pos < length; pos++) { value <<= 8; value |= data[pos]; } return value; } uint8_t slix_get_ti(FuriHalNfcDevData* nfc_data) { return (nfc_data->uid[3] >> 3) & 3; } bool slix_check_card_type(FuriHalNfcDevData* nfc_data) { if((nfc_data->uid[0] == 0xE0) && (nfc_data->uid[1] == 0x04) && (nfc_data->uid[2] == 0x01) && slix_get_ti(nfc_data) == 2) { return true; } return false; } bool slix2_check_card_type(FuriHalNfcDevData* nfc_data) { if((nfc_data->uid[0] == 0xE0) && (nfc_data->uid[1] == 0x04) && (nfc_data->uid[2] == 0x01) && slix_get_ti(nfc_data) == 1) { return true; } return false; } bool slix_s_check_card_type(FuriHalNfcDevData* nfc_data) { if((nfc_data->uid[0] == 0xE0) && (nfc_data->uid[1] == 0x04) && (nfc_data->uid[2] == 0x02)) { return true; } return false; } bool slix_l_check_card_type(FuriHalNfcDevData* nfc_data) { if((nfc_data->uid[0] == 0xE0) && (nfc_data->uid[1] == 0x04) && (nfc_data->uid[2] == 0x03)) { return true; } return false; } ReturnCode slix_get_random(NfcVData* data) { uint16_t received = 0; uint8_t rxBuf[32]; ReturnCode ret = rfalNfcvPollerTransceiveReq( NFCV_CMD_NXP_GET_RANDOM_NUMBER, RFAL_NFCV_REQ_FLAG_DEFAULT, NFCV_MANUFACTURER_NXP, NULL, NULL, 0, rxBuf, sizeof(rxBuf), &received); if(ret == ERR_NONE) { if(received != 3) { return ERR_PROTO; } if(data != NULL) { data->sub_data.slix.rand[0] = rxBuf[2]; data->sub_data.slix.rand[1] = rxBuf[1]; } } return ret; } ReturnCode slix_unlock(NfcVData* data, uint32_t password_id) { furi_assert(rand); uint16_t received = 0; uint8_t rxBuf[32]; uint8_t cmd_set_pass[] = { password_id, data->sub_data.slix.rand[1], data->sub_data.slix.rand[0], data->sub_data.slix.rand[1], data->sub_data.slix.rand[0]}; uint8_t* password = NULL; switch(password_id) { case SLIX_PASS_READ: password = data->sub_data.slix.key_read; break; case SLIX_PASS_WRITE: password = data->sub_data.slix.key_write; break; case SLIX_PASS_PRIVACY: password = data->sub_data.slix.key_privacy; break; case SLIX_PASS_DESTROY: password = data->sub_data.slix.key_destroy; break; case SLIX_PASS_EASAFI: password = data->sub_data.slix.key_eas; break; default: break; } if(!password) { return ERR_NOTSUPP; } for(int pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) { cmd_set_pass[1 + pos] ^= password[3 - pos]; } ReturnCode ret = rfalNfcvPollerTransceiveReq( NFCV_CMD_NXP_SET_PASSWORD, RFAL_NFCV_REQ_FLAG_DATA_RATE, NFCV_MANUFACTURER_NXP, NULL, cmd_set_pass, sizeof(cmd_set_pass), rxBuf, sizeof(rxBuf), &received); return ret; } bool slix_generic_protocol_filter( FuriHalNfcTxRxContext* tx_rx, FuriHalNfcDevData* nfc_data, void* nfcv_data_in, uint32_t password_supported) { furi_assert(tx_rx); furi_assert(nfc_data); furi_assert(nfcv_data_in); NfcVData* nfcv_data = (NfcVData*)nfcv_data_in; NfcVEmuProtocolCtx* ctx = nfcv_data->emu_protocol_ctx; NfcVSlixData* slix = &nfcv_data->sub_data.slix; if(slix->privacy && ctx->command != NFCV_CMD_NXP_GET_RANDOM_NUMBER && ctx->command != NFCV_CMD_NXP_SET_PASSWORD) { snprintf( nfcv_data->last_command, sizeof(nfcv_data->last_command), "command 0x%02X ignored, privacy mode", ctx->command); FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "%s", nfcv_data->last_command); return true; } bool handled = false; switch(ctx->command) { case NFCV_CMD_NXP_GET_RANDOM_NUMBER: { slix->rand[0] = furi_hal_random_get(); slix->rand[1] = furi_hal_random_get(); ctx->response_buffer[0] = NFCV_NOERROR; ctx->response_buffer[1] = slix->rand[1]; ctx->response_buffer[2] = slix->rand[0]; nfcv_emu_send( tx_rx, nfcv_data, ctx->response_buffer, 3, ctx->response_flags, ctx->send_time); snprintf( nfcv_data->last_command, sizeof(nfcv_data->last_command), "GET_RANDOM_NUMBER -> 0x%02X%02X", slix->rand[0], slix->rand[1]); handled = true; break; } case NFCV_CMD_NXP_SET_PASSWORD: { uint8_t password_id = nfcv_data->frame[ctx->payload_offset]; if(!(password_id & password_supported)) { break; } uint8_t* password_xored = &nfcv_data->frame[ctx->payload_offset + 1]; uint8_t* rand = slix->rand; uint8_t* password = NULL; uint8_t password_rcv[4]; switch(password_id) { case SLIX_PASS_READ: password = slix->key_read; break; case SLIX_PASS_WRITE: password = slix->key_write; break; case SLIX_PASS_PRIVACY: password = slix->key_privacy; break; case SLIX_PASS_DESTROY: password = slix->key_destroy; break; case SLIX_PASS_EASAFI: password = slix->key_eas; break; default: break; } if(!password) { break; } for(int pos = 0; pos < 4; pos++) { password_rcv[pos] = password_xored[3 - pos] ^ rand[pos % 2]; } uint32_t pass_expect = slix_read_be(password, 4); uint32_t pass_received = slix_read_be(password_rcv, 4); /* if the password is all-zeroes, just accept any password*/ if(!pass_expect || pass_expect == pass_received) { switch(password_id) { case SLIX_PASS_READ: break; case SLIX_PASS_WRITE: break; case SLIX_PASS_PRIVACY: slix->privacy = false; nfcv_data->modified = true; break; case SLIX_PASS_DESTROY: FURI_LOG_D(TAG, "Pooof! Got destroyed"); break; case SLIX_PASS_EASAFI: break; default: break; } ctx->response_buffer[0] = NFCV_NOERROR; nfcv_emu_send( tx_rx, nfcv_data, ctx->response_buffer, 1, ctx->response_flags, ctx->send_time); snprintf( nfcv_data->last_command, sizeof(nfcv_data->last_command), "SET_PASSWORD #%02X 0x%08lX OK", password_id, pass_received); } else { snprintf( nfcv_data->last_command, sizeof(nfcv_data->last_command), "SET_PASSWORD #%02X 0x%08lX/%08lX FAIL", password_id, pass_received, pass_expect); } handled = true; break; } case NFCV_CMD_NXP_ENABLE_PRIVACY: { ctx->response_buffer[0] = NFCV_NOERROR; nfcv_emu_send( tx_rx, nfcv_data, ctx->response_buffer, 1, ctx->response_flags, ctx->send_time); snprintf( nfcv_data->last_command, sizeof(nfcv_data->last_command), "NFCV_CMD_NXP_ENABLE_PRIVACY"); slix->privacy = true; handled = true; break; } } return handled; } bool slix_l_protocol_filter( FuriHalNfcTxRxContext* tx_rx, FuriHalNfcDevData* nfc_data, void* nfcv_data_in) { furi_assert(tx_rx); furi_assert(nfc_data); furi_assert(nfcv_data_in); bool handled = false; /* many SLIX share some of the functions, place that in a generic handler */ if(slix_generic_protocol_filter( tx_rx, nfc_data, nfcv_data_in, SLIX_PASS_PRIVACY | SLIX_PASS_DESTROY | SLIX_PASS_EASAFI)) { return true; } return handled; } void slix_l_prepare(NfcVData* nfcv_data) { FURI_LOG_D( TAG, " Privacy pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_privacy, 4)); FURI_LOG_D( TAG, " Destroy pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_destroy, 4)); FURI_LOG_D(TAG, " EAS pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_eas, 4)); FURI_LOG_D(TAG, " Privacy mode: %s", nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.privacy ? "ON" : "OFF"); NfcVEmuProtocolCtx* ctx = nfcv_data->emu_protocol_ctx; ctx->emu_protocol_filter = &slix_l_protocol_filter; } bool slix_s_protocol_filter( FuriHalNfcTxRxContext* tx_rx, FuriHalNfcDevData* nfc_data, void* nfcv_data_in) { furi_assert(tx_rx); furi_assert(nfc_data); furi_assert(nfcv_data_in); bool handled = false; /* many SLIX share some of the functions, place that in a generic handler */ if(slix_generic_protocol_filter(tx_rx, nfc_data, nfcv_data_in, SLIX_PASS_ALL)) { return true; } return handled; } void slix_s_prepare(NfcVData* nfcv_data) { FURI_LOG_D( TAG, " Privacy pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_privacy, 4)); FURI_LOG_D( TAG, " Destroy pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_destroy, 4)); FURI_LOG_D(TAG, " EAS pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_eas, 4)); FURI_LOG_D(TAG, " Privacy mode: %s", nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.privacy ? "ON" : "OFF"); NfcVEmuProtocolCtx* ctx = nfcv_data->emu_protocol_ctx; ctx->emu_protocol_filter = &slix_s_protocol_filter; } bool slix_protocol_filter( FuriHalNfcTxRxContext* tx_rx, FuriHalNfcDevData* nfc_data, void* nfcv_data_in) { furi_assert(tx_rx); furi_assert(nfc_data); furi_assert(nfcv_data_in); bool handled = false; /* many SLIX share some of the functions, place that in a generic handler */ if(slix_generic_protocol_filter(tx_rx, nfc_data, nfcv_data_in, SLIX_PASS_EASAFI)) { return true; } return handled; } void slix_prepare(NfcVData* nfcv_data) { FURI_LOG_D( TAG, " Privacy pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_privacy, 4)); FURI_LOG_D( TAG, " Destroy pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_destroy, 4)); FURI_LOG_D(TAG, " EAS pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_eas, 4)); FURI_LOG_D(TAG, " Privacy mode: %s", nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.privacy ? "ON" : "OFF"); NfcVEmuProtocolCtx* ctx = nfcv_data->emu_protocol_ctx; ctx->emu_protocol_filter = &slix_protocol_filter; } bool slix2_protocol_filter( // -V524 FuriHalNfcTxRxContext* tx_rx, FuriHalNfcDevData* nfc_data, void* nfcv_data_in) { furi_assert(tx_rx); furi_assert(nfc_data); furi_assert(nfcv_data_in); bool handled = false; /* many SLIX share some of the functions, place that in a generic handler */ if(slix_generic_protocol_filter(tx_rx, nfc_data, nfcv_data_in, SLIX_PASS_ALL)) { return true; } return handled; } void slix2_prepare(NfcVData* nfcv_data) { FURI_LOG_D( TAG, " Privacy pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_privacy, 4)); FURI_LOG_D( TAG, " Destroy pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_destroy, 4)); FURI_LOG_D(TAG, " EAS pass: 0x%08lX", slix_read_be(nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.key_eas, 4)); FURI_LOG_D(TAG, " Privacy mode: %s", nfcv_data->sub_data.slix.privacy ? "ON" : "OFF"); NfcVEmuProtocolCtx* ctx = nfcv_data->emu_protocol_ctx; ctx->emu_protocol_filter = &slix2_protocol_filter; }