#include "cli_commands.h" #include "cli_command_gpio.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Close to ISO, `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %u'` #define CLI_DATE_FORMAT "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %d" void cli_command_device_info_callback(const char* key, const char* value, bool last, void* context) { UNUSED(context); UNUSED(last); printf("%-30s: %s\r\n", key, value); } /* * Device Info Command * This command is intended to be used by humans */ void cli_command_device_info(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(cli); UNUSED(args); furi_hal_info_get(cli_command_device_info_callback, context); } void cli_command_help(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(args); UNUSED(context); printf("Commands we have:"); // Command count const size_t commands_count = CliCommandTree_size(cli->commands); const size_t commands_count_mid = commands_count / 2 + commands_count % 2; // Use 2 iterators from start and middle to show 2 columns CliCommandTree_it_t it_left; CliCommandTree_it(it_left, cli->commands); CliCommandTree_it_t it_right; CliCommandTree_it(it_right, cli->commands); for(size_t i = 0; i < commands_count_mid; i++) CliCommandTree_next(it_right); // Iterate throw tree for(size_t i = 0; i < commands_count_mid; i++) { printf("\r\n"); // Left Column if(!CliCommandTree_end_p(it_left)) { printf("%-30s", string_get_cstr(*CliCommandTree_ref(it_left)->key_ptr)); CliCommandTree_next(it_left); } // Right Column if(!CliCommandTree_end_p(it_right)) { printf("%s", string_get_cstr(*CliCommandTree_ref(it_right)->key_ptr)); CliCommandTree_next(it_right); } }; if(string_size(args) > 0) { cli_nl(); printf("Also I have no clue what '"); printf("%s", string_get_cstr(args)); printf("' is."); } } void cli_command_date(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(cli); UNUSED(context); FuriHalRtcDateTime datetime = {0}; if(string_size(args) > 0) { uint16_t hours, minutes, seconds, month, day, year, weekday; int ret = sscanf( string_get_cstr(args), "%hu-%hu-%hu %hu:%hu:%hu %hu", &year, &month, &day, &hours, &minutes, &seconds, &weekday); // Some variables are going to discard upper byte // There will be some funky behaviour which is not breaking anything datetime.hour = hours; datetime.minute = minutes; datetime.second = seconds; datetime.weekday = weekday; datetime.month = month; datetime.day = day; datetime.year = year; if(ret != 7) { printf( "Invalid datetime format, use `%s`. sscanf %d %s", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %u", ret, string_get_cstr(args)); return; } if(!furi_hal_rtc_validate_datetime(&datetime)) { printf("Invalid datetime data"); return; } furi_hal_rtc_set_datetime(&datetime); // Verification furi_hal_rtc_get_datetime(&datetime); printf( "New datetime is: " CLI_DATE_FORMAT, datetime.year, datetime.month, datetime.day, datetime.hour, datetime.minute, datetime.second, datetime.weekday); } else { furi_hal_rtc_get_datetime(&datetime); printf( CLI_DATE_FORMAT, datetime.year, datetime.month, datetime.day, datetime.hour, datetime.minute, datetime.second, datetime.weekday); } } #define CLI_COMMAND_LOG_RING_SIZE 2048 #define CLI_COMMAND_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE 64 void cli_command_log_tx_callback(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t size, void* context) { xStreamBufferSend(context, buffer, size, 0); } void cli_command_log_level_set_from_string(string_t level) { if(string_cmpi_str(level, "default") == 0) { furi_log_set_level(FuriLogLevelDefault); } else if(string_cmpi_str(level, "none") == 0) { furi_log_set_level(FuriLogLevelNone); } else if(string_cmpi_str(level, "error") == 0) { furi_log_set_level(FuriLogLevelError); } else if(string_cmpi_str(level, "warn") == 0) { furi_log_set_level(FuriLogLevelWarn); } else if(string_cmpi_str(level, "info") == 0) { furi_log_set_level(FuriLogLevelInfo); } else if(string_cmpi_str(level, "debug") == 0) { furi_log_set_level(FuriLogLevelDebug); } else if(string_cmpi_str(level, "trace") == 0) { furi_log_set_level(FuriLogLevelTrace); } else { printf("Unknown log level\r\n"); } } void cli_command_log(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(context); StreamBufferHandle_t ring = xStreamBufferCreate(CLI_COMMAND_LOG_RING_SIZE, 1); uint8_t buffer[CLI_COMMAND_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE]; FuriLogLevel previous_level = furi_log_get_level(); bool restore_log_level = false; if(string_size(args) > 0) { cli_command_log_level_set_from_string(args); restore_log_level = true; } furi_hal_console_set_tx_callback(cli_command_log_tx_callback, ring); printf("Press CTRL+C to stop...\r\n"); while(!cli_cmd_interrupt_received(cli)) { size_t ret = xStreamBufferReceive(ring, buffer, CLI_COMMAND_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, 50); cli_write(cli, buffer, ret); } furi_hal_console_set_tx_callback(NULL, NULL); if(restore_log_level) { // There will be strange behaviour if log level is set from settings while log command is running furi_log_set_level(previous_level); } vStreamBufferDelete(ring); } void cli_command_vibro(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(cli); UNUSED(context); if(!string_cmp(args, "0")) { NotificationApp* notification = furi_record_open(RECORD_NOTIFICATION); notification_message_block(notification, &sequence_reset_vibro); furi_record_close(RECORD_NOTIFICATION); } else if(!string_cmp(args, "1")) { NotificationApp* notification = furi_record_open(RECORD_NOTIFICATION); notification_message_block(notification, &sequence_set_vibro_on); furi_record_close(RECORD_NOTIFICATION); } else { cli_print_usage("vibro", "<1|0>", string_get_cstr(args)); } } void cli_command_debug(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(cli); UNUSED(context); if(!string_cmp(args, "0")) { furi_hal_rtc_reset_flag(FuriHalRtcFlagDebug); loader_update_menu(); printf("Debug disabled."); } else if(!string_cmp(args, "1")) { furi_hal_rtc_set_flag(FuriHalRtcFlagDebug); loader_update_menu(); printf("Debug enabled."); } else { cli_print_usage("debug", "<1|0>", string_get_cstr(args)); } } void cli_command_led(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(cli); UNUSED(context); // Get first word as light name NotificationMessage notification_led_message; string_t light_name; string_init(light_name); size_t ws = string_search_char(args, ' '); if(ws == STRING_FAILURE) { cli_print_usage("led", " <0-255>", string_get_cstr(args)); string_clear(light_name); return; } else { string_set_n(light_name, args, 0, ws); string_right(args, ws); string_strim(args); } // Check light name if(!string_cmp(light_name, "r")) { notification_led_message.type = NotificationMessageTypeLedRed; } else if(!string_cmp(light_name, "g")) { notification_led_message.type = NotificationMessageTypeLedGreen; } else if(!string_cmp(light_name, "b")) { notification_led_message.type = NotificationMessageTypeLedBlue; } else if(!string_cmp(light_name, "bl")) { notification_led_message.type = NotificationMessageTypeLedDisplayBacklight; } else { cli_print_usage("led", " <0-255>", string_get_cstr(args)); string_clear(light_name); return; } string_clear(light_name); // Read light value from the rest of the string char* end_ptr; uint32_t value = strtoul(string_get_cstr(args), &end_ptr, 0); if(!(value < 256 && *end_ptr == '\0')) { cli_print_usage("led", " <0-255>", string_get_cstr(args)); return; } // Set led value notification_led_message.data.led.value = value; // Form notification sequence const NotificationSequence notification_sequence = { ¬ification_led_message, NULL, }; // Send notification NotificationApp* notification = furi_record_open(RECORD_NOTIFICATION); notification_internal_message_block(notification, ¬ification_sequence); furi_record_close(RECORD_NOTIFICATION); } void cli_command_ps(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(cli); UNUSED(args); UNUSED(context); const uint8_t threads_num_max = 32; FuriThreadId threads_ids[threads_num_max]; uint8_t thread_num = furi_thread_enumerate(threads_ids, threads_num_max); printf( "%-20s %-14s %-8s %-8s %s\r\n", "Name", "Stack start", "Heap", "Stack", "Stack min free"); for(uint8_t i = 0; i < thread_num; i++) { TaskControlBlock* tcb = (TaskControlBlock*)threads_ids[i]; printf( "%-20s 0x%-12lx %-8d %-8ld %-8ld\r\n", furi_thread_get_name(threads_ids[i]), (uint32_t)tcb->pxStack, memmgr_heap_get_thread_memory(threads_ids[i]), (uint32_t)(tcb->pxEndOfStack - tcb->pxStack + 1) * sizeof(StackType_t), furi_thread_get_stack_space(threads_ids[i])); } printf("\r\nTotal: %d", thread_num); } void cli_command_free(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(cli); UNUSED(args); UNUSED(context); printf("Free heap size: %d\r\n", memmgr_get_free_heap()); printf("Total heap size: %d\r\n", memmgr_get_total_heap()); printf("Minimum heap size: %d\r\n", memmgr_get_minimum_free_heap()); printf("Maximum heap block: %d\r\n", memmgr_heap_get_max_free_block()); printf("Pool free: %d\r\n", memmgr_pool_get_free()); printf("Maximum pool block: %d\r\n", memmgr_pool_get_max_block()); } void cli_command_free_blocks(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(cli); UNUSED(args); UNUSED(context); memmgr_heap_printf_free_blocks(); } void cli_command_i2c(Cli* cli, string_t args, void* context) { UNUSED(cli); UNUSED(args); UNUSED(context); furi_hal_i2c_acquire(&furi_hal_i2c_handle_external); printf("Scanning external i2c on PC0(SCL)/PC1(SDA)\r\n" "Clock: 100khz, 7bit address\r\n" "\r\n"); printf(" | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F\r\n"); printf("--+--------------------------------\r\n"); for(uint8_t row = 0; row < 0x8; row++) { printf("%x | ", row); for(uint8_t column = 0; column <= 0xF; column++) { bool ret = furi_hal_i2c_is_device_ready( &furi_hal_i2c_handle_external, ((row << 4) + column) << 1, 2); printf("%c ", ret ? '#' : '-'); } printf("\r\n"); } furi_hal_i2c_release(&furi_hal_i2c_handle_external); } void cli_commands_init(Cli* cli) { cli_add_command(cli, "!", CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, cli_command_device_info, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "device_info", CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, cli_command_device_info, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "?", CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, cli_command_help, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "help", CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, cli_command_help, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "date", CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, cli_command_date, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "log", CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, cli_command_log, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "debug", CliCommandFlagDefault, cli_command_debug, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "ps", CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, cli_command_ps, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "free", CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, cli_command_free, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "free_blocks", CliCommandFlagParallelSafe, cli_command_free_blocks, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "vibro", CliCommandFlagDefault, cli_command_vibro, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "led", CliCommandFlagDefault, cli_command_led, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "gpio", CliCommandFlagDefault, cli_command_gpio, NULL); cli_add_command(cli, "i2c", CliCommandFlagDefault, cli_command_i2c, NULL); }