#include "pin.h" #include #include #include "../../../types/token_info.h" #include "../../../types/user_pin_codes.h" #include "../../../services/config/config.h" #include "../../cli_helpers.h" #include #include "../../../services/crypto/crypto.h" #include "../../../ui/scene_director.h" #define TOTP_CLI_COMMAND_PIN_COMMAND_SET "set" #define TOTP_CLI_COMMAND_PIN_COMMAND_REMOVE "remove" void totp_cli_command_pin_docopt_commands() { TOTP_CLI_PRINTF(" " TOTP_CLI_COMMAND_PIN " Set\\change\\remove PIN\r\n"); } void totp_cli_command_pin_docopt_usage() { TOTP_CLI_PRINTF(" " TOTP_CLI_COMMAND_NAME " " TOTP_CLI_COMMAND_PIN " " DOCOPT_REQUIRED( TOTP_CLI_COMMAND_PIN_COMMAND_SET " | " TOTP_CLI_COMMAND_PIN_COMMAND_REMOVE) "\r\n"); } static inline uint8_t totp_cli_key_to_pin_code(uint8_t key) { uint8_t code = 0; switch(key) { case 0x44: // left code = PinCodeArrowLeft; break; case 0x41: // up code = PinCodeArrowUp; break; case 0x43: // right code = PinCodeArrowRight; break; case 0x42: // down code = PinCodeArrowDown; break; default: break; } return code; } static bool totp_cli_read_pin(Cli* cli, uint8_t* pin, uint8_t* pin_length) { TOTP_CLI_PRINTF("Enter new PIN (use arrow keys on your keyboard): "); fflush(stdout); uint8_t c; *pin_length = 0; while(cli_read(cli, &c, 1) == 1) { if(c == CliSymbolAsciiEsc) { uint8_t c2; uint8_t c3; if(cli_read_timeout(cli, &c2, 1, 0) == 1 && cli_read_timeout(cli, &c3, 1, 0) == 1 && c2 == 0x5b) { uint8_t code = totp_cli_key_to_pin_code(c3); if(code > 0) { pin[*pin_length] = code; *pin_length = *pin_length + 1; putc('*', stdout); fflush(stdout); } } } else if(c == CliSymbolAsciiETX) { totp_cli_delete_current_line(); TOTP_CLI_PRINTF_INFO("Cancelled by user\r\n"); return false; } else if(c == CliSymbolAsciiBackspace || c == CliSymbolAsciiDel) { if(*pin_length > 0) { *pin_length = *pin_length - 1; pin[*pin_length] = 0; totp_cli_delete_last_char(); } } else if(c == CliSymbolAsciiCR) { cli_nl(); break; } } totp_cli_delete_last_line(); return true; } void totp_cli_command_pin_handle(PluginState* plugin_state, FuriString* args, Cli* cli) { UNUSED(plugin_state); FuriString* temp_str = furi_string_alloc(); bool do_change = false; bool do_remove = false; UNUSED(do_remove); if(args_read_string_and_trim(args, temp_str)) { if(furi_string_cmpi_str(temp_str, TOTP_CLI_COMMAND_PIN_COMMAND_SET) == 0) { do_change = true; } else if(furi_string_cmpi_str(temp_str, TOTP_CLI_COMMAND_PIN_COMMAND_REMOVE) == 0) { do_remove = true; } else { totp_cli_print_invalid_arguments(); } } else { totp_cli_print_invalid_arguments(); } if((do_change || do_remove) && totp_cli_ensure_authenticated(plugin_state, cli)) { TOTP_CLI_LOCK_UI(plugin_state); do { uint8_t old_iv[TOTP_IV_SIZE]; memcpy(&old_iv[0], &plugin_state->iv[0], TOTP_IV_SIZE); uint8_t new_pin[TOTP_IV_SIZE]; memset(&new_pin[0], 0, TOTP_IV_SIZE); uint8_t new_pin_length = 0; if(do_change) { if(!totp_cli_read_pin(cli, &new_pin[0], &new_pin_length)) { memset_s(&new_pin[0], TOTP_IV_SIZE, 0, TOTP_IV_SIZE); break; } } else if(do_remove) { new_pin_length = 0; memset(&new_pin[0], 0, TOTP_IV_SIZE); } char* backup_path = totp_config_file_backup(plugin_state); if(backup_path != NULL) { TOTP_CLI_PRINTF_WARNING("Backup conf file %s has been created\r\n", backup_path); TOTP_CLI_PRINTF_WARNING( "Once you make sure everything is fine and works as expected, please delete this backup file\r\n"); free(backup_path); } else { memset_s(&new_pin[0], TOTP_IV_SIZE, 0, TOTP_IV_SIZE); TOTP_CLI_PRINTF_ERROR( "An error has occurred during taking backup of config file\r\n"); break; } TOTP_CLI_PRINTF("Encrypting...\r\n"); bool update_result = totp_config_file_update_encryption(plugin_state, new_pin, new_pin_length); memset_s(&new_pin[0], TOTP_IV_SIZE, 0, TOTP_IV_SIZE); totp_cli_delete_last_line(); if(update_result) { if(do_change) { TOTP_CLI_PRINTF_SUCCESS("PIN has been successfully changed\r\n"); } else if(do_remove) { TOTP_CLI_PRINTF_SUCCESS("PIN has been successfully removed\r\n"); } } else { totp_cli_print_error_updating_config_file(); } } while(false); TOTP_CLI_UNLOCK_UI(plugin_state); } furi_string_free(temp_str); }