* cubewb: downgraded to v1.15.0
* hal: updated f18 symbols to match LL
* hal: flash: use furi_hal_cortex_timer for timeouts
* scripts: fixed cube version validation from config file
* hal: flash: added 3 seconds timeout when waiting for C2 to unlock flash controller. On timeout, triggers furi_check
* nfc: fixed missing interrupt setup on multiple platformSetIrqCallback() invocations
* hal: gpio: don't trigger furi_check on furi_hal_gpio_add_int_callback() with same parameters
* Reverted NFC fixes - will be in a separate PR
* scripts: storage: fixed exception handler for paths
* fbt: replaced debug dir paths with FBT_DEBUG_DIR
* scripts: updated requirements.txt
* fbt: fixed wrong import
* fbt: removed delayed import for file2image
* fbt: added UPDATE_BUNDLE_DIR internal var
* fbt: cleaner internal management of extapps
* applications: added fap_libs for core apps to link with resources when building with --extra-ext-apps
* fbt: removed deprecation stub for faps
* fbt: added quotation for icons build cmd
* fbt: reworked BUILD_DIR & fap work dir handling; fap debug: using debug elf path from fbt
* fbt: explicit LIB_DIST_DIR