mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 21:38:39 +00:00
[FL-3092] SubGhz: add DOOYA protocol (#2178)
* SubGhz: add DOOYA protocol * SubGhz: add unit_test DOOYA protocol * SubGhz: fix protocol Dooya Co-authored-by: Aleksandr Kutuzov <alleteam@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 591 additions and 2 deletions
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#define CAME_ATOMO_DIR_NAME EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/came_atomo")
#define NICE_FLOR_S_DIR_NAME EXT_PATH("subghz/assets/nice_flor_s")
#define TEST_RANDOM_DIR_NAME EXT_PATH("unit_tests/subghz/test_random_raw.sub")
#define TEST_TIMEOUT 10000
static SubGhzEnvironment* environment_handler;
@ -612,6 +612,13 @@ MU_TEST(subghz_decoder_holtek_ht12x_test) {
"Test decoder " SUBGHZ_PROTOCOL_HOLTEK_HT12X_NAME " error\r\n");
MU_TEST(subghz_decoder_dooya_test) {
EXT_PATH("unit_tests/subghz/dooya_raw.sub"), SUBGHZ_PROTOCOL_DOOYA_NAME),
"Test decoder " SUBGHZ_PROTOCOL_DOOYA_NAME " error\r\n");
//test encoders
MU_TEST(subghz_encoder_princeton_test) {
@ -757,6 +764,12 @@ MU_TEST(subghz_encoder_holtek_ht12x_test) {
"Test encoder " SUBGHZ_PROTOCOL_HOLTEK_HT12X_NAME " error\r\n");
MU_TEST(subghz_encoder_dooya_test) {
"Test encoder " SUBGHZ_PROTOCOL_DOOYA_NAME " error\r\n");
MU_TEST(subghz_random_test) {
mu_assert(subghz_decode_random_test(TEST_RANDOM_DIR_NAME), "Random test error\r\n");
@ -803,6 +816,7 @@ MU_TEST_SUITE(subghz) {
@ -828,6 +842,7 @@ MU_TEST_SUITE(subghz) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Filetype: Flipper SubGhz Key File
Version: 1
Frequency: 433920000
Preset: FuriHalSubGhzPresetOok650Async
Protocol: Dooya
Bit: 40
Key: 00 00 00 E1 DC 03 05 11
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Filetype: Flipper SubGhz RAW File
Version: 1
Frequency: 433920000
Preset: FuriHalSubGhzPresetOok650Async
Protocol: RAW
RAW_Data: 4046 -17306 65 -298 97 -100 133 -268 265 -330 133 -132 1723 -16806 165 -132 99 -920 65 -622 789 -130 99 -66 361 -98 295 -166 73573 -17510 97 -492 129 -728 529 -100 1063 -164 295 -66 1119 -14962 627 -166 363 -264 427 -132 593 -100 633 -132 39555 -16938 99 -2024 65 -100 97 -164 99 -66 399 -100 123891 -16736 163 -200 97 -200 165 -264 65 -828 427 -132 871 -5132 591 -490 595 -486 605 -454 275 -822 241 -824 273 -784 321 -782 649 -444 653 -408 657 -428 321 -744 693 -388 699 -388 707 -392 313 -752 345 -750 317 -744 351 -730 355 -738 323 -774 327 -748 329 -750 695 -386 701 -354 381 -722 351 -720 385 -718 351 -718 345 -738 705 -382 329 -736 713 -360 387 -718 369 -718 367 -706 735 -352 375 -726 351 -722 351 -720 719 -7808 4845 -1474 743 -332 741 -370 705 -370 349 -718 383 -716 345 -712 381 -704 747 -326 747 -350 737 -352 351 -718 719 -360 741 -366 687 -362 375 -704 381 -724 351 -740 353 -712 357 -718 359 -744 363 -688 365 -722 727 -354 727 -354 379 -724 351 -722 353 -720 387 -718 353 -718 703 -374 351 -716 735 -354 365 -708 353 -734 351 -746 717 -356 359 -720 371 -704 371 -720 731 -7786 4847 -1482 711 -386 711 -358 743 -330 373 -708 359 -748 349 -740 351 -716 719 -356 727 -354 739 -354 351 -718 719 -362 743 -364 721 -330 373 -706 381 -722 351 -740 353 -712 359 -720 361 -722 361 -720 361 -720 725 -354 731 -354 381 -720 353 -722 385 -720 351 -720 349 -716 735 -354 361 -748 711 -364 347 -740 365 -722 365 -720 695 -384 371 -704 381 -702 377 -710 709 -7804 4853 -1468 743 -336 735 -358 719 -352 379 -724 353 -722 353 -720 387 -686 721 -360 721 -362 743 -332 387 -718 721 -366 701 -382 701 -350 377 -720 351 -740 353 -714 357 -710 397 -710 365 -702 385 -688 377 -724 731 -352 703 -354 379 -736 343 -740 357 -720 349 -706 385 -718 719 -354 365 -724 735 -352 377 -724 355 -720 353 -720 721 -358 387 -686 387 -718 353 -718 733 -7796 4821 -1492 739 -350 719 -334 737 -350 365 -722 373 -722 367 -708 371 -702 747 -352 711 -358 743 -364 343 -706 749 -352 717 -350 717 -384 327 -736 351 -746 355 -716 357 -720 359 -710 365 -742 365 -708 367 -704 711 -354 743 -356 387 -684 373 -706 381 -722 351 -740 353 -714 721 -356 361 -720 733 -352 375 -694 385 -724 353 -722 719 -356 385 -686 385 -718 351 -716 731 -7792 4843 -1480 717 -354 719 -386 717 -354 359 -720 351 -708 387 -712 355 -718 721 -356 727 -354 739 -356 351 -718 741 -364
RAW_Data: 705 -370 703 -372 351 -718 383 -720 347 -720 347 -714 381 -704 353 -744 357 -718 355 -720 723 -356 725 -354 379 -722 351 -722 353 -722 385 -718 351 -718 721 -372 351 -716 719 -372 351 -718 383 -716 345 -714 743 -346 361 -740 353 -712 357 -710 725 -7818 4837 -1498 713 -356 709 -360 741 -332 375 -706 359 -750 351 -706 353 -748 719 -356 723 -352 739 -354 351 -718 709 -364 719 -362 721 -364 385 -718 353 -718 383 -682 377 -712 349 -734 353 -742 355 -712 359 -722 723 -354 729 -352 381 -722 353 -722 351 -720 387 -718 353 -716 701 -388 345 -722 737 -354 357 -722 351 -708 387 -712 717 -350 731 -354 741 -356 743 -330 375 -8180 4829 -1468 739 -364 707 -354 729 -352 379 -722 353 -720 387 -686 387 -718 707 -368 721 -366 707 -368 351 -718 735 -354 719 -354 719 -388 329 -746 349 -738 351 -712 359 -718 361 -742 365 -708 371 -706 373 -720 733 -320 733 -354 383 -720 353 -720 387 -718 351 -716 385 -714 703 -388 327 -746 705 -348 387 -702 385 -690 385 -724 713 -358 709 -362 743 -364 709 -370 351 -8162 4837 -1482 715 -388 715 -352 715 -384 325 -730 353 -744 353 -712 359 -720 723 -354 733 -354 745 -356 351 -720 719 -362 741 -330 737 -382 349 -722 345 -724 361 -744 349 -704 383 -716 357 -718 357 -720 361 -720 723 -354 733 -354 383 -720 387 -686 387 -718 353 -718 349 -716 731 -384 347 -724 721 -352 365 -706 353 -732 353 -746 717 -356 723 -352 739 -354 711 -360 385 -8146 4841 -1470 737 -344 739 -326 751 -352 377 -690 387 -724 353 -724 353 -722 711 -360 743 -364 721 -330 387 -716 703 -386 721 -356 721 -354 363 -706 349 -734 351 -746 355 -718 355 -712 363 -744 365 -708 369 -722 695 -352 731 -354 381 -722 353 -722 351 -734 351 -716 383 -720 723 -354 333 -736 739 -348 361 -708 351 -748 355 -712 725 -354 727 -352 741 -352 713 -358 385 -8134 4855 -1474 719 -358 709 -362 721 -364 387 -716 351 -718 385 -712 347 -712 739 -334 739 -354 729 -352 379 -722 717 -354 711 -360 743 -332 387 -718 351 -716 377 -708 349 -730 353 -742 355 -710 359 -720 359 -720 723 -354 729 -352 381 -720 353 -722 351 -722 387 -684 387 -716 703 -384 349 -722 737 -354 329 -750 349 -738 353 -712 719 -356 725 -354 741 -354 717 -358 385 -8126 4861 -1470 735 -344 731 -346 729 -348 383 -718 347 -712 353 -734 353 -746 715 -356 725 -350 741 -352 351 -718 741 -366 721 -366 705 -370 353 -718 385 -682 377 -710 349 -734 353 -744 355 -710 359 -710 397 -688
RAW_Data: 727 -354 729 -352 379 -724 353 -722 353 -718 387 -716 353 -716 735 -348 383 -682 727 -386 347 -722 347 -712 381 -706 747 -326 747 -350 737 -352 711 -358
@ -175,3 +175,6 @@ RAW_Data: 75 -1694 101 -122 73 -864 51 -250 129 -406 77 -630 77 -610 101 -781 12
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RAW_Data: 4046 -17306 65 -298 97 -100 133 -268 265 -330 133 -132 1723 -16806 165 -132 99 -920 65 -622 789 -130 99 -66 361 -98 295 -166 73573 -17510 97 -492 129 -728 529 -100 1063 -164 295 -66 1119 -14962 627 -166 363 -264 427 -132 593 -100 633 -132 39555 -16938 99 -2024 65 -100 97 -164 99 -66 399 -100 123891 -16736 163 -200 97 -200 165 -264 65 -828 427 -132 871 -5132 591 -490 595 -486 605 -454 275 -822 241 -824 273 -784 321 -782 649 -444 653 -408 657 -428 321 -744 693 -388 699 -388 707 -392 313 -752 345 -750 317 -744 351 -730 355 -738 323 -774 327 -748 329 -750 695 -386 701 -354 381 -722 351 -720 385 -718 351 -718 345 -738 705 -382 329 -736 713 -360 387 -718 369 -718 367 -706 735 -352 375 -726 351 -722 351 -720 719 -7808 4845 -1474 743 -332 741 -370 705 -370 349 -718 383 -716 345 -712 381 -704 747 -326 747 -350 737 -352 351 -718 719 -360 741 -366 687 -362 375 -704 381 -724 351 -740 353 -712 357 -718 359 -744 363 -688 365 -722 727 -354 727 -354 379 -724 351 -722 353 -720 387 -718 353 -718 703 -374 351 -716 735 -354 365 -708 353 -734 351 -746 717 -356 359 -720 371 -704 371 -720 731 -7786 4847 -1482 711 -386 711 -358 743 -330 373 -708 359 -748 349 -740 351 -716 719 -356 727 -354 739 -354 351 -718 719 -362 743 -364 721 -330 373 -706 381 -722 351 -740 353 -712 359 -720 361 -722 361 -720 361 -720 725 -354 731 -354 381 -720 353 -722 385 -720 351 -720 349 -716 735 -354 361 -748 711 -364 347 -740 365 -722 365 -720 695 -384 371 -704 381 -702 377 -710 709 -7804 4853 -1468 743 -336 735 -358 719 -352 379 -724 353 -722 353 -720 387 -686 721 -360 721 -362 743 -332 387 -718 721 -366 701 -382 701 -350 377 -720 351 -740 353 -714 357 -710 397 -710 365 -702 385 -688 377 -724 731 -352 703 -354 379 -736 343 -740 357 -720 349 -706 385 -718 719 -354 365 -724 735 -352 377 -724 355 -720 353 -720 721 -358 387 -686 387 -718 353 -718 733 -7796 4821 -1492 739 -350 719 -334 737 -350 365 -722 373 -722 367 -708 371 -702 747 -352 711 -358 743 -364 343 -706 749 -352 717 -350 717 -384 327 -736 351 -746 355 -716 357 -720 359 -710 365 -742 365 -708 367 -704 711 -354 743 -356 387 -684 373 -706 381 -722 351 -740 353 -714 721 -356 361 -720 733 -352 375 -694 385 -724 353 -722 719 -356 385 -686 385 -718 351 -716 731 -7792 4843 -1480 717 -354 719 -386 717 -354 359 -720 351 -708 387 -712 355 -718 721 -356 727 -354 739 -356 351 -718 741 -364
RAW_Data: 705 -370 703 -372 351 -718 383 -720 347 -720 347 -714 381 -704 353 -744 357 -718 355 -720 723 -356 725 -354 379 -722 351 -722 353 -722 385 -718 351 -718 721 -372 351 -716 719 -372 351 -718 383 -716 345 -714 743 -346 361 -740 353 -712 357 -710 725 -7818 4837 -1498 713 -356 709 -360 741 -332 375 -706 359 -750 351 -706 353 -748 719 -356 723 -352 739 -354 351 -718 709 -364 719 -362 721 -364 385 -718 353 -718 383 -682 377 -712 349 -734 353 -742 355 -712 359 -722 723 -354 729 -352 381 -722 353 -722 351 -720 387 -718 353 -716 701 -388 345 -722 737 -354 357 -722 351 -708 387 -712 717 -350 731 -354 741 -356 743 -330 375 -8180 4829 -1468 739 -364 707 -354 729 -352 379 -722 353 -720 387 -686 387 -718 707 -368 721 -366 707 -368 351 -718 735 -354 719 -354 719 -388 329 -746 349 -738 351 -712 359 -718 361 -742 365 -708 371 -706 373 -720 733 -320 733 -354 383 -720 353 -720 387 -718 351 -716 385 -714 703 -388 327 -746 705 -348 387 -702 385 -690 385 -724 713 -358 709 -362 743 -364 709 -370 351 -8162 4837 -1482 715 -388 715 -352 715 -384 325 -730 353 -744 353 -712 359 -720 723 -354 733 -354 745 -356 351 -720 719 -362 741 -330 737 -382 349 -722 345 -724 361 -744 349 -704 383 -716 357 -718 357 -720 361 -720 723 -354 733 -354 383 -720 387 -686 387 -718 353 -718 349 -716 731 -384 347 -724 721 -352 365 -706 353 -732 353 -746 717 -356 723 -352 739 -354 711 -360 385 -8146 4841 -1470 737 -344 739 -326 751 -352 377 -690 387 -724 353 -724 353 -722 711 -360 743 -364 721 -330 387 -716 703 -386 721 -356 721 -354 363 -706 349 -734 351 -746 355 -718 355 -712 363 -744 365 -708 369 -722 695 -352 731 -354 381 -722 353 -722 351 -734 351 -716 383 -720 723 -354 333 -736 739 -348 361 -708 351 -748 355 -712 725 -354 727 -352 741 -352 713 -358 385 -8134 4855 -1474 719 -358 709 -362 721 -364 387 -716 351 -718 385 -712 347 -712 739 -334 739 -354 729 -352 379 -722 717 -354 711 -360 743 -332 387 -718 351 -716 377 -708 349 -730 353 -742 355 -710 359 -720 359 -720 723 -354 729 -352 381 -720 353 -722 351 -722 387 -684 387 -716 703 -384 349 -722 737 -354 329 -750 349 -738 353 -712 719 -356 725 -354 741 -354 717 -358 385 -8126 4861 -1470 735 -344 731 -346 729 -348 383 -718 347 -712 353 -734 353 -746 715 -356 725 -350 741 -352 351 -718 741 -366 721 -366 705 -370 353 -718 385 -682 377 -710 349 -734 353 -744 355 -710 359 -710 397 -688
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
#include "dooya.h"
#include "../blocks/const.h"
#include "../blocks/decoder.h"
#include "../blocks/encoder.h"
#include "../blocks/generic.h"
#include "../blocks/math.h"
#define TAG "SubGhzProtocolDooya"
static const SubGhzBlockConst subghz_protocol_dooya_const = {
.te_short = 366,
.te_long = 733,
.te_delta = 120,
.min_count_bit_for_found = 40,
struct SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderBase base;
SubGhzBlockDecoder decoder;
SubGhzBlockGeneric generic;
struct SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya {
SubGhzProtocolEncoderBase base;
SubGhzProtocolBlockEncoder encoder;
SubGhzBlockGeneric generic;
typedef enum {
DooyaDecoderStepReset = 0,
} DooyaDecoderStep;
const SubGhzProtocolDecoder subghz_protocol_dooya_decoder = {
.alloc = subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_alloc,
.free = subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_free,
.feed = subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_feed,
.reset = subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_reset,
.get_hash_data = subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_get_hash_data,
.serialize = subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_serialize,
.deserialize = subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_deserialize,
.get_string = subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_get_string,
const SubGhzProtocolEncoder subghz_protocol_dooya_encoder = {
.alloc = subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_alloc,
.free = subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_free,
.deserialize = subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_deserialize,
.stop = subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_stop,
.yield = subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_yield,
const SubGhzProtocol subghz_protocol_dooya = {
.type = SubGhzProtocolTypeStatic,
.flag = SubGhzProtocolFlag_433 | SubGhzProtocolFlag_315 | SubGhzProtocolFlag_AM |
SubGhzProtocolFlag_Decodable | SubGhzProtocolFlag_Load | SubGhzProtocolFlag_Save |
.decoder = &subghz_protocol_dooya_decoder,
.encoder = &subghz_protocol_dooya_encoder,
void* subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_alloc(SubGhzEnvironment* environment) {
SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya* instance = malloc(sizeof(SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya));
instance->base.protocol = &subghz_protocol_dooya;
instance->generic.protocol_name = instance->base.protocol->name;
instance->encoder.repeat = 10;
instance->encoder.size_upload = 128;
instance->encoder.upload = malloc(instance->encoder.size_upload * sizeof(LevelDuration));
instance->encoder.is_running = false;
return instance;
void subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_free(void* context) {
SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya* instance = context;
* Generating an upload from data.
* @param instance Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya instance
* @return true On success
static bool subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_get_upload(SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya* instance) {
size_t index = 0;
size_t size_upload = (instance->generic.data_count_bit * 2) + 2;
if(size_upload > instance->encoder.size_upload) {
FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Size upload exceeds allocated encoder buffer.");
return false;
} else {
instance->encoder.size_upload = size_upload;
//Send header
if(bit_read(instance->generic.data, 0)) {
instance->encoder.upload[index++] = level_duration_make(
(uint32_t)subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long * 12 +
} else {
instance->encoder.upload[index++] = level_duration_make(
(uint32_t)subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long * 12 +
//Send start bit
instance->encoder.upload[index++] =
level_duration_make(true, (uint32_t)subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_short * 13);
instance->encoder.upload[index++] =
level_duration_make(false, (uint32_t)subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long * 2);
//Send key data
for(uint8_t i = instance->generic.data_count_bit; i > 0; i--) {
if(bit_read(instance->generic.data, i - 1)) {
//send bit 1
instance->encoder.upload[index++] =
level_duration_make(true, (uint32_t)subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long);
instance->encoder.upload[index++] =
level_duration_make(false, (uint32_t)subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_short);
} else {
//send bit 0
instance->encoder.upload[index++] =
level_duration_make(true, (uint32_t)subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_short);
instance->encoder.upload[index++] =
level_duration_make(false, (uint32_t)subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long);
return true;
bool subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_deserialize(void* context, FlipperFormat* flipper_format) {
SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya* instance = context;
bool res = false;
do {
if(!subghz_block_generic_deserialize(&instance->generic, flipper_format)) {
FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Deserialize error");
if(instance->generic.data_count_bit !=
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.min_count_bit_for_found) {
FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Wrong number of bits in key");
//optional parameter parameter
flipper_format, "Repeat", (uint32_t*)&instance->encoder.repeat, 1);
if(!subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_get_upload(instance)) break;
instance->encoder.is_running = true;
res = true;
} while(false);
return res;
void subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_stop(void* context) {
SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya* instance = context;
instance->encoder.is_running = false;
LevelDuration subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_yield(void* context) {
SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya* instance = context;
if(instance->encoder.repeat == 0 || !instance->encoder.is_running) {
instance->encoder.is_running = false;
return level_duration_reset();
LevelDuration ret = instance->encoder.upload[instance->encoder.front];
if(++instance->encoder.front == instance->encoder.size_upload) {
instance->encoder.front = 0;
return ret;
void* subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_alloc(SubGhzEnvironment* environment) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya* instance = malloc(sizeof(SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya));
instance->base.protocol = &subghz_protocol_dooya;
instance->generic.protocol_name = instance->base.protocol->name;
return instance;
void subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_free(void* context) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya* instance = context;
void subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_reset(void* context) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya* instance = context;
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepReset;
void subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_feed(void* context, bool level, uint32_t duration) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya* instance = context;
switch(instance->decoder.parser_step) {
case DooyaDecoderStepReset:
if((!level) && (DURATION_DIFF(duration, subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long * 12) <
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_delta * 20)) {
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepFoundStartBit;
case DooyaDecoderStepFoundStartBit:
if(!level) {
if(DURATION_DIFF(duration, subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long * 2) <
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_delta * 3) {
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepSaveDuration;
instance->decoder.decode_data = 0;
instance->decoder.decode_count_bit = 0;
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepReset;
} else if(
DURATION_DIFF(duration, subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_short * 13) <
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_delta * 5) {
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepReset;
case DooyaDecoderStepSaveDuration:
if(level) {
instance->decoder.te_last = duration;
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepCheckDuration;
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepReset;
case DooyaDecoderStepCheckDuration:
if(!level) {
if(duration >= (subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long * 4)) {
//add last bit
if(DURATION_DIFF(instance->decoder.te_last, subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_short) <
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_delta) {
subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 0);
} else if(
DURATION_DIFF(instance->decoder.te_last, subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long) <
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_delta * 2) {
subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 1);
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepReset;
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepFoundStartBit;
if(instance->decoder.decode_count_bit ==
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.min_count_bit_for_found) {
instance->generic.data = instance->decoder.decode_data;
instance->generic.data_count_bit = instance->decoder.decode_count_bit;
instance->base.callback(&instance->base, instance->base.context);
} else if(
(DURATION_DIFF(instance->decoder.te_last, subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_short) <
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_delta) &&
(DURATION_DIFF(duration, subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long) <
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_delta * 2)) {
subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 0);
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepSaveDuration;
} else if(
(DURATION_DIFF(instance->decoder.te_last, subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_long) <
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_delta * 2) &&
(DURATION_DIFF(duration, subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_short) <
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.te_delta)) {
subghz_protocol_blocks_add_bit(&instance->decoder, 1);
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepSaveDuration;
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepReset;
} else {
instance->decoder.parser_step = DooyaDecoderStepReset;
* Analysis of received data
* @param instance Pointer to a SubGhzBlockGeneric* instance
static void subghz_protocol_somfy_telis_check_remote_controller(SubGhzBlockGeneric* instance) {
* serial s/m ch key
* long press down X * E1DC030533, 40b 111000011101110000000011 0000 0101 0011 0011
* short press down 3 * E1DC030533, 40b 111000011101110000000011 0000 0101 0011 0011
* 3 * E1DC03053C, 40b 111000011101110000000011 0000 0101 0011 1100
* press stop X * E1DC030555, 40b 111000011101110000000011 0000 0101 0101 0101
* long press up X * E1DC030511, 40b 111000011101110000000011 0000 0101 0001 0001
* short press up 3 * E1DC030511, 40b 111000011101110000000011 0000 0101 0001 0001
* 3 * E1DC03051E, 40b 111000011101110000000011 0000 0101 0001 1110
* serial: 3 byte serial number
* s/m: single (b0000) / multi (b0001) channel console
* ch: channel if single (always b0101) or multi
* key: 0b00010001 - long press up
* 0b00011110 - short press up
* 0b00110011 - long press down
* 0b00111100 - short press down
* 0b01010101 - press stop
* 0b01111001 - press up + down
* 0b10000000 - press up + stop
* 0b10000001 - press down + stop
* 0b11001100 - press P2
instance->serial = (instance->data >> 16);
if((instance->data >> 12) & 0x0F) {
instance->cnt = (instance->data >> 8) & 0x0F;
} else {
instance->cnt = DOYA_SINGLE_CHANNEL;
instance->btn = instance->data & 0xFF;
uint8_t subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_get_hash_data(void* context) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya* instance = context;
return subghz_protocol_blocks_get_hash_data(
&instance->decoder, (instance->decoder.decode_count_bit / 8) + 1);
bool subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_serialize(
void* context,
FlipperFormat* flipper_format,
SubGhzRadioPreset* preset) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya* instance = context;
return subghz_block_generic_serialize(&instance->generic, flipper_format, preset);
bool subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_deserialize(void* context, FlipperFormat* flipper_format) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya* instance = context;
bool ret = false;
do {
if(!subghz_block_generic_deserialize(&instance->generic, flipper_format)) {
if(instance->generic.data_count_bit !=
subghz_protocol_dooya_const.min_count_bit_for_found) {
FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Wrong number of bits in key");
ret = true;
} while(false);
return ret;
* Get button name.
* @param btn Button number, 8 bit
static const char* subghz_protocol_dooya_get_name_button(uint8_t btn) {
const char* btn_name;
switch(btn) {
case 0b00010001:
btn_name = "Up_Long";
case 0b00011110:
btn_name = "Up_Short";
case 0b00110011:
btn_name = "Down_Long";
case 0b00111100:
btn_name = "Down_Short";
case 0b01010101:
btn_name = "Stop";
case 0b01111001:
btn_name = "Up+Down";
case 0b10000000:
btn_name = "Up+Stop";
case 0b10000001:
btn_name = "Down+Stop";
case 0b11001100:
btn_name = "P2";
btn_name = "Unknown";
return btn_name;
void subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_get_string(void* context, FuriString* output) {
SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya* instance = context;
"%s %dbit\r\n"
if(instance->generic.cnt == DOYA_SINGLE_CHANNEL) {
furi_string_cat_printf(output, "Ch:Single\r\n");
} else {
furi_string_cat_printf(output, "Ch:%lu\r\n", instance->generic.cnt);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
#pragma once
#include "base.h"
typedef struct SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya;
typedef struct SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya;
extern const SubGhzProtocolDecoder subghz_protocol_dooya_decoder;
extern const SubGhzProtocolEncoder subghz_protocol_dooya_encoder;
extern const SubGhzProtocol subghz_protocol_dooya;
* Allocate SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya.
* @param environment Pointer to a SubGhzEnvironment instance
* @return SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya* pointer to a SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya instance
void* subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_alloc(SubGhzEnvironment* environment);
* Free SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya instance
void subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_free(void* context);
* Deserialize and generating an upload to send.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya instance
* @param flipper_format Pointer to a FlipperFormat instance
* @return true On success
bool subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_deserialize(void* context, FlipperFormat* flipper_format);
* Forced transmission stop.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya instance
void subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_stop(void* context);
* Getting the level and duration of the upload to be loaded into DMA.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolEncoderDooya instance
* @return LevelDuration
LevelDuration subghz_protocol_encoder_dooya_yield(void* context);
* Allocate SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya.
* @param environment Pointer to a SubGhzEnvironment instance
* @return SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya* pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya instance
void* subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_alloc(SubGhzEnvironment* environment);
* Free SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya instance
void subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_free(void* context);
* Reset decoder SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya instance
void subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_reset(void* context);
* Parse a raw sequence of levels and durations received from the air.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya instance
* @param level Signal level true-high false-low
* @param duration Duration of this level in, us
void subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_feed(void* context, bool level, uint32_t duration);
* Getting the hash sum of the last randomly received parcel.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya instance
* @return hash Hash sum
uint8_t subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_get_hash_data(void* context);
* Serialize data SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya instance
* @param flipper_format Pointer to a FlipperFormat instance
* @param preset The modulation on which the signal was received, SubGhzRadioPreset
* @return true On success
bool subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_serialize(
void* context,
FlipperFormat* flipper_format,
SubGhzRadioPreset* preset);
* Deserialize data SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya instance
* @param flipper_format Pointer to a FlipperFormat instance
* @return true On success
bool subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_deserialize(void* context, FlipperFormat* flipper_format);
* Getting a textual representation of the received data.
* @param context Pointer to a SubGhzProtocolDecoderDooya instance
* @param output Resulting text
void subghz_protocol_decoder_dooya_get_string(void* context, FuriString* output);
@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ const SubGhzProtocol* subghz_protocol_registry_items[] = {
const SubGhzProtocolRegistry subghz_protocol_registry = {
.items = subghz_protocol_registry_items,
.size = COUNT_OF(subghz_protocol_registry_items)};
.size = COUNT_OF(subghz_protocol_registry_items)};
@ -39,5 +39,6 @@
#include "ansonic.h"
#include "smc5326.h"
#include "holtek_ht12x.h"
#include "dooya.h"
extern const SubGhzProtocolRegistry subghz_protocol_registry;
Add table
Reference in a new issue