2022-10-20 21:02:27 +03:00
# GPS for Flipper Zero
[Original link](https://github.com/ezod/flipperzero-gps)
2022-11-02 23:39:54 +03:00
2022-10-28 19:23:02 +03:00
[Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout].
2022-10-20 21:02:27 +03:00
2022-10-28 19:23:02 +03:00

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2022-10-28 19:23:02 +03:00
Heavy lifting (NMEA parsing) provided by [minmea], which is included in this
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## Hardware Setup
2022-10-28 19:23:02 +03:00
Connect the GPS module to power and the USART using GPIO pins 9 (3.3V), 11
(GND), 13 (TX), and 14 (RX), as appropriate.

## Contributing
This project was a learning exercise and is more or less "complete" from my
perspective, but I will happily accept pull requests that improve and enhance
the functionality for others.
Currently, the app only parses RMC and GGA sentences, and displays a subset of
the data that fits on the screen. The UART is also hard-coded to 9600 baud.
These limitations are largely driven by the GPS module I have to work with. A
more elaborate UI with scrolling or multiple screens, as well as a configurable
baud rate, may be useful for other GPS modules.
2022-10-20 21:02:27 +03:00
[Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout]: https://www.adafruit.com/product/746
[minmea]: https://github.com/kosma/minmea
[flipperzero-firmware]: https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware