2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
/* Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Salvatore Sanfilippo -- All Rights Reserved
* See the LICENSE file for information about the license. */
#pragma once
#include <furi.h>
#include <furi_hal.h>
#include <input/input.h>
#include <gui/gui.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gui/gui.h>
#include <gui/view_dispatcher.h>
#include <gui/scene_manager.h>
#include <gui/modules/submenu.h>
#include <gui/modules/variable_item_list.h>
#include <gui/modules/widget.h>
#include <gui/modules/text_input.h>
#include <notification/notification_messages.h>
#include <lib/subghz/subghz_setting.h>
#include <lib/subghz/registry.h>
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
#include "raw_samples.h"
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
#define TAG "ProtoView"
#define PROTOVIEW_RAW_VIEW_DEFAULT_SCALE 100 // 100us is 1 pixel by default
#define BITMAP_SEEK_NOT_FOUND UINT32_MAX // Returned by function as sentinel
#define PROTOVIEW_VIEW_PRIVDATA_LEN 64 // View specific private data len
2023-01-18 23:24:35 +03:00
#define DEBUG_MSG 0
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
/* Forward declarations. */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
typedef struct ProtoViewApp ProtoViewApp;
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
typedef struct ProtoViewMsgInfo ProtoViewMsgInfo;
typedef struct ProtoViewFieldSet ProtoViewFieldSet;
typedef struct ProtoViewDecoder ProtoViewDecoder;
/* ============================== enumerations ============================== */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
/* Subghz system state */
typedef enum {
2023-01-19 20:28:02 +03:00
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
} TxRxState;
/* Currently active view. */
typedef enum {
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
ViewLast, /* Just a sentinel to wrap around. */
2023-01-20 07:11:00 +03:00
/* The following are special views that are not iterated, but
* have meaning for the API. */
} ProtoViewCurrentView;
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
/* ================================== RX/TX ================================= */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
typedef struct {
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
const char* name; // Name to show to the user.
const char* id; // Identifier in the Flipper API/file.
FuriHalSubGhzPreset preset; // The preset ID.
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
uint8_t* custom; /* If not null, a set of registers for
the CC1101, specifying a custom preset.*/
uint32_t duration_filter; /* Ignore pulses and gaps that are less
than the specified microseconds. This
depends on the data rate. */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
} ProtoViewModulation;
extern ProtoViewModulation ProtoViewModulations[]; /* In app_subghz.c */
/* This is the context of our subghz worker and associated thread.
* It receives data and we get our protocol "feed" callback called
* with the level (1 or 0) and duration. */
struct ProtoViewTxRx {
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
bool freq_mod_changed; /* The user changed frequency and/or modulation
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
from the interface. There is to restart the
radio with the right parameters. */
TxRxState txrx_state; /* Receiving, idle or sleeping? */
/* Timer sampling mode state. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
bool debug_timer_sampling; /* Read data from GDO0 in a busy loop. Only
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
for testing. */
uint32_t last_g0_change_time; /* Last high->low (or reverse) switch. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
bool last_g0_value; /* Current value (high or low): we are
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
checking the duration in the timer
handler. */
typedef struct ProtoViewTxRx ProtoViewTxRx;
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/* ============================== Main app state ============================ */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
2023-01-20 07:11:00 +03:00
#define ALERT_MAX_LEN 32
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
struct ProtoViewApp {
/* GUI */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
Gui* gui;
2023-01-19 20:28:02 +03:00
NotificationApp* notification;
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
ViewPort* view_port; /* We just use a raw viewport and we render
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
everything into the low level canvas. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
ProtoViewCurrentView current_view; /* Active left-right view ID. */
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
FuriMutex* view_updating_mutex; /* The Flipper GUI calls the screen redraw
callback in a different thread. We
use this mutex to protect the redraw
from changes in app->view_privdata. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
int current_subview[ViewLast]; /* Active up-down subview ID. */
FuriMessageQueue* event_queue; /* Keypress events go here. */
2023-01-20 07:11:00 +03:00
/* Input text state. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
ViewDispatcher* view_dispatcher; /* Used only when we want to show
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
the text_input view for a moment.
Otherwise it is set to null. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
TextInput* text_input;
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
bool show_text_input;
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
char* text_input_buffer;
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
uint32_t text_input_buffer_len;
void (*text_input_done_callback)(void*);
2023-01-20 07:11:00 +03:00
/* Alert state. */
uint32_t alert_dismiss_time; /* Millisecond when the alert will be
no longer shown. Or zero if the alert
is currently not set at all. */
char alert_text[ALERT_MAX_LEN]; /* Alert content. */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
/* Radio related. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
ProtoViewTxRx* txrx; /* Radio state. */
SubGhzSetting* setting; /* A list of valid frequencies. */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
/* Generic app state. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
int running; /* Once false exists the app. */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
uint32_t signal_bestlen; /* Longest coherent signal observed so far. */
uint32_t signal_last_scan_idx; /* Index of the buffer last time we
performed the scan. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
bool signal_decoded; /* Was the current signal decoded? */
ProtoViewMsgInfo* msg_info; /* Decoded message info if not NULL. */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
bool direct_sampling_enabled; /* This special view needs an explicit
acknowledge to work. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
void* view_privdata; /* This is a piece of memory of total size
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
initialized to zero when we switch to
a a new view. While the view we are using
is the same, it can be used by the view to
store any kind of info inside, just casting
the pointer to a few specific-data structure. */
/* Raw view apps state. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
uint32_t us_scale; /* microseconds per pixel. */
uint32_t signal_offset; /* Long press left/right panning in raw view. */
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/* Configuration view app state. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
uint32_t frequency; /* Current frequency. */
uint8_t modulation; /* Current modulation ID, array index in the
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
ProtoViewModulations table. */
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
/* =========================== Protocols decoders =========================== */
/* This stucture is filled by the decoder for specific protocols with the
* informations about the message. ProtoView will display such information
* in the message info view. */
typedef struct ProtoViewMsgInfo {
ProtoViewDecoder* decoder; /* The decoder that decoded the message. */
ProtoViewFieldSet* fieldset; /* Decoded fields. */
/* Low level information of the detected signal: the following are filled
* by the protocol decoding function: */
uint32_t start_off; /* Pulses start offset in the bitmap. */
uint32_t pulses_count; /* Number of pulses of the full message. */
/* The following are passed already filled to the decoder. */
uint32_t short_pulse_dur; /* Microseconds duration of the short pulse. */
/* The following are filled by ProtoView core after the decoder returned
* success. */
uint8_t* bits; /* Bitmap with the signal. */
uint32_t bits_bytes; /* Number of full bytes in the bitmap, that
is 'pulses_count/8' rounded to the next
integer. */
} ProtoViewMsgInfo;
/* This structures describe a set of protocol fields. It is used by decoders
* supporting message building to receive and return information about the
* protocol. */
typedef enum {
} ProtoViewFieldType;
typedef struct {
ProtoViewFieldType type;
uint32_t len; // Depends on type:
// Bits for integers (signed,unsigned,binary,hex).
// Number of characters for strings.
// Number of nibbles for bytes (1 for each 4 bits).
// Number of digits after dot for floats.
char* name; // Field name.
union {
char* str; // String type.
int64_t value; // Signed integer type.
uint64_t uvalue; // Unsigned integer type.
uint8_t* bytes; // Raw bytes type.
float fvalue; // Float type.
} ProtoViewField;
typedef struct ProtoViewFieldSet {
ProtoViewField** fields;
uint32_t numfields;
} ProtoViewFieldSet;
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
typedef struct ProtoViewDecoder {
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
const char* name; /* Protocol name. */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
/* The decode function takes a buffer that is actually a bitmap, with
* high and low levels represented as 0 and 1. The number of high/low
* pulses represented by the bitmap is passed as the 'numbits' argument,
* while 'numbytes' represents the total size of the bitmap pointed by
* 'bits'. So 'numbytes' is mainly useful to pass as argument to other
* functions that perform bit extraction with bound checking, such as
* bitmap_get() and so forth. */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
bool (*decode)(uint8_t* bits, uint32_t numbytes, uint32_t numbits, ProtoViewMsgInfo* info);
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
/* This method is used by the decoder to return the fields it needs
* in order to build a new message. This way the message builder view
* can ask the user to fill the right set of fields of the specified
* type. */
void (*get_fields)(ProtoViewFieldSet* fields);
/* This method takes the fields supported by the decoder, and
* renders a message in 'samples'. */
void (*build_message)(RawSamplesBuffer* samples, ProtoViewFieldSet* fields);
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
} ProtoViewDecoder;
extern RawSamplesBuffer *RawSamples, *DetectedSamples;
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
/* app_subghz.c */
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
void radio_begin(ProtoViewApp* app);
uint32_t radio_rx(ProtoViewApp* app);
void radio_idle(ProtoViewApp* app);
void radio_rx_end(ProtoViewApp* app);
void radio_sleep(ProtoViewApp* app);
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
void raw_sampling_worker_start(ProtoViewApp* app);
void raw_sampling_worker_stop(ProtoViewApp* app);
2023-01-19 20:28:02 +03:00
void radio_tx_signal(ProtoViewApp* app, FuriHalSubGhzAsyncTxCallback data_feeder, void* ctx);
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
void protoview_rx_callback(bool level, uint32_t duration, void* context);
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
/* signal.c */
uint32_t duration_delta(uint32_t a, uint32_t b);
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
void reset_current_signal(ProtoViewApp* app);
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
void scan_for_signal(ProtoViewApp* app, RawSamplesBuffer* source, uint32_t min_duration);
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
bool bitmap_get(uint8_t* b, uint32_t blen, uint32_t bitpos);
void bitmap_set(uint8_t* b, uint32_t blen, uint32_t bitpos, bool val);
void bitmap_copy(
uint8_t* d,
uint32_t dlen,
uint32_t doff,
uint8_t* s,
uint32_t slen,
uint32_t soff,
uint32_t count);
void bitmap_set_pattern(uint8_t* b, uint32_t blen, uint32_t off, const char* pat);
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void bitmap_reverse_bytes_bits(uint8_t* p, uint32_t len);
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
bool bitmap_match_bits(uint8_t* b, uint32_t blen, uint32_t bitpos, const char* bits);
uint32_t bitmap_seek_bits(
uint8_t* b,
uint32_t blen,
uint32_t startpos,
uint32_t maxbits,
const char* bits);
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
bool bitmap_match_bitmap(
uint8_t* b1,
uint32_t b1len,
uint32_t b1off,
uint8_t* b2,
uint32_t b2len,
uint32_t b2off,
uint32_t cmplen);
void bitmap_to_string(char* dst, uint8_t* b, uint32_t blen, uint32_t off, uint32_t len);
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
uint32_t convert_from_line_code(
uint8_t* buf,
uint64_t buflen,
uint8_t* bits,
uint32_t len,
uint32_t offset,
const char* zero_pattern,
const char* one_pattern);
uint32_t convert_from_diff_manchester(
uint8_t* buf,
uint64_t buflen,
uint8_t* bits,
uint32_t len,
uint32_t off,
bool previous);
void init_msg_info(ProtoViewMsgInfo* i, ProtoViewApp* app);
void free_msg_info(ProtoViewMsgInfo* i);
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
/* signal_file.c */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
bool save_signal(ProtoViewApp* app, const char* filename);
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
/* view_*.c */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
void render_view_raw_pulses(Canvas* const canvas, ProtoViewApp* app);
void process_input_raw_pulses(ProtoViewApp* app, InputEvent input);
void render_view_settings(Canvas* const canvas, ProtoViewApp* app);
void process_input_settings(ProtoViewApp* app, InputEvent input);
void render_view_info(Canvas* const canvas, ProtoViewApp* app);
void process_input_info(ProtoViewApp* app, InputEvent input);
void render_view_direct_sampling(Canvas* const canvas, ProtoViewApp* app);
void process_input_direct_sampling(ProtoViewApp* app, InputEvent input);
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
void render_view_build_message(Canvas* const canvas, ProtoViewApp* app);
void process_input_build_message(ProtoViewApp* app, InputEvent input);
void view_enter_build_message(ProtoViewApp* app);
void view_exit_build_message(ProtoViewApp* app);
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
void view_enter_direct_sampling(ProtoViewApp* app);
void view_exit_direct_sampling(ProtoViewApp* app);
void view_exit_settings(ProtoViewApp* app);
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
void view_exit_info(ProtoViewApp* app);
void adjust_raw_view_scale(ProtoViewApp* app, uint32_t short_pulse_dur);
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
/* ui.c */
2023-01-20 07:11:00 +03:00
int ui_get_current_subview(ProtoViewApp* app);
void ui_show_available_subviews(Canvas* canvas, ProtoViewApp* app, int last_subview);
bool ui_process_subview_updown(ProtoViewApp* app, InputEvent input, int last_subview);
void ui_show_keyboard(
ProtoViewApp* app,
char* buffer,
uint32_t buflen,
void (*done_callback)(void*));
void ui_dismiss_keyboard(ProtoViewApp* app);
void ui_show_alert(ProtoViewApp* app, const char* text, uint32_t ttl);
void ui_dismiss_alert(ProtoViewApp* app);
void ui_draw_alert_if_needed(Canvas* canvas, ProtoViewApp* app);
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
void canvas_draw_str_with_border(
Canvas* canvas,
uint8_t x,
uint8_t y,
const char* str,
Color text_color,
Color border_color);
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
/* fields.c */
void fieldset_free(ProtoViewFieldSet* fs);
ProtoViewFieldSet* fieldset_new(void);
void fieldset_add_int(ProtoViewFieldSet* fs, const char* name, int64_t val, uint8_t bits);
void fieldset_add_uint(ProtoViewFieldSet* fs, const char* name, uint64_t uval, uint8_t bits);
void fieldset_add_hex(ProtoViewFieldSet* fs, const char* name, uint64_t uval, uint8_t bits);
void fieldset_add_bin(ProtoViewFieldSet* fs, const char* name, uint64_t uval, uint8_t bits);
void fieldset_add_str(ProtoViewFieldSet* fs, const char* name, const char* s, size_t len);
void fieldset_add_bytes(
ProtoViewFieldSet* fs,
const char* name,
const uint8_t* bytes,
uint32_t count);
void fieldset_add_float(
ProtoViewFieldSet* fs,
const char* name,
float val,
uint32_t digits_after_dot);
const char* field_get_type_name(ProtoViewField* f);
int field_to_string(char* buf, size_t len, ProtoViewField* f);
bool field_set_from_string(ProtoViewField* f, char* buf, size_t len);
bool field_incr_value(ProtoViewField* f, int incr);
void fieldset_copy_matching_fields(ProtoViewFieldSet* dst, ProtoViewFieldSet* src);
void field_set_from_field(ProtoViewField* dst, ProtoViewField* src);
2023-01-18 20:18:19 +03:00
/* crc.c */
2023-01-18 22:25:39 +03:00
uint8_t crc8(const uint8_t* data, size_t len, uint8_t init, uint8_t poly);
2023-02-02 13:54:14 +03:00
uint8_t sum_bytes(const uint8_t* data, size_t len, uint8_t init);
uint8_t xor_bytes(const uint8_t* data, size_t len, uint8_t init);