2020-01-25 18:23:03 +01:00

472 lines
14 KiB

#include <switch.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char g_noticeText[] =
"uHbTarget as part of uLaunch v" UL_VERSION " :)" "\0"
"There is only one true CFW in the scene.";
static char g_argv[2048];
static char g_nextArgv[2048];
static char g_nextNroPath[512];
u64 g_nroAddr = 0;
static u64 g_nroSize = 0;
static NroHeader g_nroHeader;
static bool g_isApplication = 0;
static NsApplicationControlData g_applicationControlData;
static bool g_isAutomaticGameplayRecording = 0;
static bool g_smCloseWorkaround = false;
static u64 g_appletHeapSize = 0;
static u64 g_appletHeapReservationSize = 0;
static u128 g_userIdStorage;
static u8 g_savedTls[0x100];
// Special hbtarget stuff
static char g_basePath[2048];
static char g_baseArgv[2048];
static int g_targetCounter = 1;
// Used by trampoline.s
Result g_lastRet = 0;
extern void* __stack_top;//Defined in libnx.
extern u32 __nx_applet_type;
#define STACK_SIZE 0x100000 //Change this if main-thread stack size ever changes.
void __libnx_initheap(void)
static char g_innerheap[0x20000];
extern char* fake_heap_start;
extern char* fake_heap_end;
fake_heap_start = &g_innerheap[0];
fake_heap_end = &g_innerheap[sizeof g_innerheap];
static Result readSetting(const char* key, void* buf, size_t size)
Result rc;
u64 actual_size;
const char* const section_name = "hbloader";
rc = setsysGetSettingsItemValueSize(section_name, key, &actual_size);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc) && actual_size != size)
rc = MAKERESULT(Module_Libnx, LibnxError_BadInput);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc))
rc = setsysGetSettingsItemValue(section_name, key, buf, size, &actual_size);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc) && actual_size != size)
rc = MAKERESULT(Module_Libnx, LibnxError_BadInput);
if (R_FAILED(rc)) memset(buf, 0, size);
return rc;
void __appInit(void)
// Init sm, init set:sys, close sm
Result rc;
rc = smInitialize();
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 1));
rc = setsysInitialize();
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) {
SetSysFirmwareVersion fw;
rc = setsysGetFirmwareVersion(&fw);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc))
hosversionSet(MAKEHOSVERSION(fw.major, fw.minor, fw.micro));
readSetting("applet_heap_size", &g_appletHeapSize, sizeof(g_appletHeapSize));
readSetting("applet_heap_reservation_size", &g_appletHeapReservationSize, sizeof(g_appletHeapReservationSize));
void __appExit(void)
static void* g_heapAddr;
static size_t g_heapSize;
static u64 calculateMaxHeapSize(void)
u64 size = 0;
u64 mem_available = 0, mem_used = 0;
svcGetInfo(&mem_available, InfoType_TotalMemorySize, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0);
svcGetInfo(&mem_used, InfoType_UsedMemorySize, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0);
if (mem_available > mem_used+0x200000)
size = (mem_available - mem_used - 0x200000) & ~0x1FFFFF;
if (size == 0)
size = 0x2000000*16;
if (size > 0x6000000 && g_isAutomaticGameplayRecording)
size -= 0x6000000;
return size;
static void setupHbHeap(void)
void* addr = NULL;
u64 size = calculateMaxHeapSize();
if (!g_isApplication && (__nx_applet_type != AppletType_None)) {
if (g_appletHeapSize) {
u64 requested_size = (g_appletHeapSize + 0x1FFFFF) &~ 0x1FFFFF;
if (requested_size < size)
size = requested_size;
else if (g_appletHeapReservationSize) {
u64 reserved_size = (g_appletHeapReservationSize + 0x1FFFFF) &~ 0x1FFFFF;
if (reserved_size < size)
size -= reserved_size;
Result rc = svcSetHeapSize(&addr, size);
if (R_FAILED(rc) || addr==NULL)
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 9));
g_heapAddr = addr;
g_heapSize = size;
static Handle g_procHandle;
static void procHandleReceiveThread(void* arg)
Handle session = (Handle)(uintptr_t)arg;
Result rc;
void* base = armGetTls();
s32 idx = 0;
rc = svcReplyAndReceive(&idx, &session, 1, INVALID_HANDLE, UINT64_MAX);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 15));
HipcParsedRequest r = hipcParseRequest(base);
if (r.meta.num_copy_handles != 1)
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 17));
g_procHandle = r.data.copy_handles[0];
//Gets the control.nacp for the current title id, and then sets g_isAutomaticGameplayRecording if less memory should be allocated.
static void getIsAutomaticGameplayRecording(void) {
if (hosversionAtLeast(5,0,0) && g_isApplication) {
Result rc=0;
u64 cur_tid=0;
rc = svcGetInfo(&cur_tid, InfoType_ProgramId, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0);
if (R_FAILED(rc)) return;
g_isAutomaticGameplayRecording = 0;
rc = smInitialize();
if(R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) {
rc = nsInitialize();
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) {
size_t dummy;
rc = nsGetApplicationControlData(0x1, cur_tid, &g_applicationControlData, sizeof(g_applicationControlData), &dummy);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc) && g_applicationControlData.nacp.video_capture_mode == 2) g_isAutomaticGameplayRecording = 1;
static void getOwnProcessHandle(void)
Result rc;
Handle server_handle, client_handle;
rc = svcCreateSession(&server_handle, &client_handle, 0, 0);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 12));
Thread t;
rc = threadCreate(&t, &procHandleReceiveThread, (void*)(uintptr_t)server_handle, NULL, 0x1000, 0x20, -2);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 10));
rc = threadStart(&t);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 13));
.num_copy_handles = 1,
).copy_handles[0] = CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE;
Result sdInitMount()
// When loading NRO: init sm, init fs, mount sd, unmount sd, close fs, close sm
Result rc = smInitialize();
rc = fsInitialize();
if(R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) rc = fsdevMountSdmc();
return rc;
void sdCloseUnmount()
void loadNro(void)
if(g_targetCounter >= 0)
if(g_targetCounter == 0) exit(0);
NroHeader* header = NULL;
size_t rw_size=0;
Result rc = sdInitMount();
if(R_FAILED(rc)) fatalThrow(rc);
if (g_smCloseWorkaround) {
// For old applications, wait for SM to handle closing the SM session from this process.
// If we don't do this, smInitialize will fail once eventually used later.
// This is caused by a bug in old versions of libnx that was fixed in commit 68a77ac950.
g_smCloseWorkaround = false;
memcpy((u8*)armGetTls() + 0x100, g_savedTls, 0x100);
if (g_nroSize > 0)
// Unmap previous NRO.
header = &g_nroHeader;
rw_size = header->segments[2].size + header->bss_size;
rw_size = (rw_size+0xFFF) & ~0xFFF;
// .text
rc = svcUnmapProcessCodeMemory(
g_procHandle, g_nroAddr + header->segments[0].file_off, ((u64) g_heapAddr) + header->segments[0].file_off, header->segments[0].size);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 24));
// .rodata
rc = svcUnmapProcessCodeMemory(
g_procHandle, g_nroAddr + header->segments[1].file_off, ((u64) g_heapAddr) + header->segments[1].file_off, header->segments[1].size);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 25));
// .data + .bss
rc = svcUnmapProcessCodeMemory(
g_procHandle, g_nroAddr + header->segments[2].file_off, ((u64) g_heapAddr) + header->segments[2].file_off, rw_size);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 26));
g_nroAddr = g_nroSize = 0;
if (strlen(g_nextNroPath) == 0)
strcpy(g_nextNroPath, g_basePath);
strcpy(g_nextArgv, g_baseArgv);
memcpy(g_argv, g_nextArgv, sizeof g_argv);
uint8_t *nrobuf = (uint8_t*) g_heapAddr;
NroStart* start = (NroStart*) (nrobuf + 0);
header = (NroHeader*) (nrobuf + sizeof(NroStart));
uint8_t* rest = (uint8_t*) (nrobuf + sizeof(NroStart) + sizeof(NroHeader));
FILE* f = fopen(g_nextNroPath, "rb");
if (f == NULL)
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 3));
// Reset NRO path to load hbmenu by default next time.
g_nextNroPath[0] = '\0';
if (fread(start, sizeof(*start), 1, f) != 1)
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 4));
if (fread(header, sizeof(*header), 1, f) != 1)
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 4));
if(header->magic != NROHEADER_MAGIC)
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 5));
size_t rest_size = header->size - (sizeof(NroStart) + sizeof(NroHeader));
if (fread(rest, rest_size, 1, f) != 1)
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 7));
size_t total_size = header->size + header->bss_size;
total_size = (total_size+0xFFF) & ~0xFFF;
rw_size = header->segments[2].size + header->bss_size;
rw_size = (rw_size+0xFFF) & ~0xFFF;
bool has_mod0 = false;
if (start->mod_offset > 0 && start->mod_offset <= (total_size-0x24)) // Validate MOD0 offset
has_mod0 = *(uint32_t*)(nrobuf + start->mod_offset) == 0x30444F4D; // Validate MOD0 header
int i;
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
if (header->segments[i].file_off >= header->size || header->segments[i].size > header->size ||
(header->segments[i].file_off + header->segments[i].size) > header->size)
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 6));
// todo: Detect whether NRO fits into heap or not.
// Copy header to elsewhere because we're going to unmap it next.
memcpy(&g_nroHeader, header, sizeof(g_nroHeader));
header = &g_nroHeader;
u64 map_addr;
do {
map_addr = randomGet64() & 0xFFFFFF000ull;
rc = svcMapProcessCodeMemory(g_procHandle, map_addr, (u64)nrobuf, total_size);
} while (rc == 0xDC01 || rc == 0xD401);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 18));
// .text
rc = svcSetProcessMemoryPermission(
g_procHandle, map_addr + header->segments[0].file_off, header->segments[0].size, Perm_R | Perm_X);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 19));
// .rodata
rc = svcSetProcessMemoryPermission(
g_procHandle, map_addr + header->segments[1].file_off, header->segments[1].size, Perm_R);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 20));
// .data + .bss
rc = svcSetProcessMemoryPermission(
g_procHandle, map_addr + header->segments[2].file_off, rw_size, Perm_Rw);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
fatalThrow(MAKERESULT(Module_HomebrewLoader, 21));
u64 nro_size = header->segments[2].file_off + rw_size;
u64 nro_heap_start = ((u64) g_heapAddr) + nro_size;
u64 nro_heap_size = g_heapSize + (u64) g_heapAddr - (u64) nro_heap_start;
#define M EntryFlag_IsMandatory
static ConfigEntry entries[] = {
{ EntryType_MainThreadHandle, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_ProcessHandle, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_AppletType, 0, {AppletType_None, 0} },
{ EntryType_OverrideHeap, M, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_Argv, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_NextLoadPath, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_LastLoadResult, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_SyscallAvailableHint, 0, {0xffffffffffffffff, 0x9fc1fff0007ffff} },
{ EntryType_RandomSeed, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_UserIdStorage, 0, {(u64)(uintptr_t)&g_userIdStorage, 0} },
{ EntryType_HosVersion, 0, {0, 0} },
{ EntryType_EndOfList, 0, {(u64)(uintptr_t)g_noticeText, sizeof(g_noticeText)} }
ConfigEntry *entry_AppletType = &entries[2];
entry_AppletType->Value[0] = __nx_applet_type;
if (g_isApplication) {
entry_AppletType->Value[1] = EnvAppletFlags_ApplicationOverride;
// MainThreadHandle
entries[0].Value[0] = envGetMainThreadHandle();
// ProcessHandle
entries[1].Value[0] = g_procHandle;
// OverrideHeap
entries[3].Value[0] = nro_heap_start;
entries[3].Value[1] = nro_heap_size;
// Argv
entries[4].Value[1] = (u64) &g_argv[0];
// NextLoadPath
entries[5].Value[0] = (u64) &g_nextNroPath[0];
entries[5].Value[1] = (u64) &g_nextArgv[0];
// LastLoadResult
entries[6].Value[0] = g_lastRet;
// RandomSeed
entries[8].Value[0] = randomGet64();
entries[8].Value[1] = randomGet64();
// HosVersion
entries[10].Value[0] = hosversionGet();
u64 entrypoint = map_addr;
g_nroAddr = map_addr;
g_nroSize = nro_size;
memset(__stack_top - STACK_SIZE, 0, STACK_SIZE);
if (!has_mod0) {
// Apply sm-close workaround to NROs which do not contain a valid MOD0 header.
// This heuristic is based on the fact that MOD0 support was added very shortly after
// the fix for the sm-close bug (in fact, two commits later).
g_smCloseWorkaround = true;
extern NORETURN void hbTargetImpl(u64 entries_ptr, u64 handle, u64 entrypoint);
hbTargetImpl((u64) entries, -1, entrypoint);
void hb_hbl_Target(const char *path, const char *argv, int do_once)
g_targetCounter = -1;
if(do_once) g_targetCounter = 1;
g_isApplication = (__nx_applet_type == AppletType_Application) || (__nx_applet_type == AppletType_SystemApplication);
memcpy(g_savedTls, (u8*)armGetTls() + 0x100, 0x100);
strcpy(g_basePath, path);
strcpy(g_baseArgv, argv);