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mirror of https://github.com/AsahiLinux/u-boot synced 2025-03-14 05:46:58 +00:00
Marek Vasut dae0f5c644 mmc: s3c: Add SD driver
Implement SD driver for the S3C24xx family. This implementation
is currently only capable of using the PIO transfers, DMA is not

Signed-off-by: Marek Vasut <marex@denx.de>
Cc: Kyungmin Park <kyungmin.park@samsung.com>
Cc: Lukasz Majewski <l.majewski@samsung.com>
Cc: Minkyu Kang <mk7.kang@samsung.com>
Cc: Pantelis Antoniou <panto@antoniou-consulting.com>
Cc: Vladimir Zapolskiy <vz@mleia.com>
Acked-by: Pantelis Antoniou <panto@antoniou-consulting.com>
2014-08-01 19:24:34 +03:00

709 lines
10 KiB

* (C) Copyright 2003
* David Müller ELSOFT AG Switzerland. d.mueller@elsoft.ch
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
* NAME : s3c24x0.h
* Version : 31.3.2003
* common stuff for SAMSUNG S3C24X0 SoC
#ifndef __S3C24X0_H__
#define __S3C24X0_H__
/* Memory controller (see manual chapter 5) */
struct s3c24x0_memctl {
u32 bwscon;
u32 bankcon[8];
u32 refresh;
u32 banksize;
u32 mrsrb6;
u32 mrsrb7;
/* USB HOST (see manual chapter 12) */
struct s3c24x0_usb_host {
u32 HcRevision;
u32 HcControl;
u32 HcCommonStatus;
u32 HcInterruptStatus;
u32 HcInterruptEnable;
u32 HcInterruptDisable;
u32 HcHCCA;
u32 HcPeriodCuttendED;
u32 HcControlHeadED;
u32 HcControlCurrentED;
u32 HcBulkHeadED;
u32 HcBuldCurrentED;
u32 HcDoneHead;
u32 HcRmInterval;
u32 HcFmRemaining;
u32 HcFmNumber;
u32 HcPeriodicStart;
u32 HcLSThreshold;
u32 HcRhDescriptorA;
u32 HcRhDescriptorB;
u32 HcRhStatus;
u32 HcRhPortStatus1;
u32 HcRhPortStatus2;
/* INTERRUPT (see manual chapter 14) */
struct s3c24x0_interrupt {
u32 srcpnd;
u32 intmod;
u32 intmsk;
u32 priority;
u32 intpnd;
u32 intoffset;
#if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
u32 subsrcpnd;
u32 intsubmsk;
/* DMAS (see manual chapter 8) */
struct s3c24x0_dma {
u32 disrc;
#if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
u32 disrcc;
u32 didst;
#if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
u32 didstc;
u32 dcon;
u32 dstat;
u32 dcsrc;
u32 dcdst;
u32 dmasktrig;
#if defined(CONFIG_S3C2400) || defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) \
|| defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
u32 res[1];
struct s3c24x0_dmas {
struct s3c24x0_dma dma[4];
/* CLOCK & POWER MANAGEMENT (see S3C2400 manual chapter 6) */
/* (see S3C2410 manual chapter 7) */
struct s3c24x0_clock_power {
u32 locktime;
u32 mpllcon;
u32 upllcon;
u32 clkcon;
u32 clkslow;
u32 clkdivn;
#if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
u32 camdivn;
/* LCD CONTROLLER (see manual chapter 15) */
struct s3c24x0_lcd {
u32 lcdcon1;
u32 lcdcon2;
u32 lcdcon3;
u32 lcdcon4;
u32 lcdcon5;
u32 lcdsaddr1;
u32 lcdsaddr2;
u32 lcdsaddr3;
u32 redlut;
u32 greenlut;
u32 bluelut;
u32 res[8];
u32 dithmode;
u32 tpal;
#if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
u32 lcdintpnd;
u32 lcdsrcpnd;
u32 lcdintmsk;
u32 lpcsel;
#ifdef CONFIG_S3C2410
/* NAND FLASH (see S3C2410 manual chapter 6) */
struct s3c2410_nand {
u32 nfconf;
u32 nfcmd;
u32 nfaddr;
u32 nfdata;
u32 nfstat;
u32 nfecc;
#ifdef CONFIG_S3C2440
/* NAND FLASH (see S3C2440 manual chapter 6) */
struct s3c2440_nand {
u32 nfconf;
u32 nfcont;
u32 nfcmd;
u32 nfaddr;
u32 nfdata;
u32 nfeccd0;
u32 nfeccd1;
u32 nfeccd;
u32 nfstat;
u32 nfstat0;
u32 nfstat1;
/* UART (see manual chapter 11) */
struct s3c24x0_uart {
u32 ulcon;
u32 ucon;
u32 ufcon;
u32 umcon;
u32 utrstat;
u32 uerstat;
u32 ufstat;
u32 umstat;
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
u8 res1[3];
u8 utxh;
u8 res2[3];
u8 urxh;
#else /* Little Endian */
u8 utxh;
u8 res1[3];
u8 urxh;
u8 res2[3];
u32 ubrdiv;
/* PWM TIMER (see manual chapter 10) */
struct s3c24x0_timer {
u32 tcntb;
u32 tcmpb;
u32 tcnto;
struct s3c24x0_timers {
u32 tcfg0;
u32 tcfg1;
u32 tcon;
struct s3c24x0_timer ch[4];
u32 tcntb4;
u32 tcnto4;
/* USB DEVICE (see manual chapter 13) */
struct s3c24x0_usb_dev_fifos {
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
u8 res[3];
u8 ep_fifo_reg;
#else /* little endian */
u8 ep_fifo_reg;
u8 res[3];
struct s3c24x0_usb_dev_dmas {
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
u8 res1[3];
u8 ep_dma_con;
u8 res2[3];
u8 ep_dma_unit;
u8 res3[3];
u8 ep_dma_fifo;
u8 res4[3];
u8 ep_dma_ttc_l;
u8 res5[3];
u8 ep_dma_ttc_m;
u8 res6[3];
u8 ep_dma_ttc_h;
#else /* little endian */
u8 ep_dma_con;
u8 res1[3];
u8 ep_dma_unit;
u8 res2[3];
u8 ep_dma_fifo;
u8 res3[3];
u8 ep_dma_ttc_l;
u8 res4[3];
u8 ep_dma_ttc_m;
u8 res5[3];
u8 ep_dma_ttc_h;
u8 res6[3];
struct s3c24x0_usb_device {
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
u8 res1[3];
u8 func_addr_reg;
u8 res2[3];
u8 pwr_reg;
u8 res3[3];
u8 ep_int_reg;
u8 res4[15];
u8 usb_int_reg;
u8 res5[3];
u8 ep_int_en_reg;
u8 res6[15];
u8 usb_int_en_reg;
u8 res7[3];
u8 frame_num1_reg;
u8 res8[3];
u8 frame_num2_reg;
u8 res9[3];
u8 index_reg;
u8 res10[7];
u8 maxp_reg;
u8 res11[3];
u8 ep0_csr_in_csr1_reg;
u8 res12[3];
u8 in_csr2_reg;
u8 res13[7];
u8 out_csr1_reg;
u8 res14[3];
u8 out_csr2_reg;
u8 res15[3];
u8 out_fifo_cnt1_reg;
u8 res16[3];
u8 out_fifo_cnt2_reg;
#else /* little endian */
u8 func_addr_reg;
u8 res1[3];
u8 pwr_reg;
u8 res2[3];
u8 ep_int_reg;
u8 res3[15];
u8 usb_int_reg;
u8 res4[3];
u8 ep_int_en_reg;
u8 res5[15];
u8 usb_int_en_reg;
u8 res6[3];
u8 frame_num1_reg;
u8 res7[3];
u8 frame_num2_reg;
u8 res8[3];
u8 index_reg;
u8 res9[7];
u8 maxp_reg;
u8 res10[7];
u8 ep0_csr_in_csr1_reg;
u8 res11[3];
u8 in_csr2_reg;
u8 res12[3];
u8 out_csr1_reg;
u8 res13[7];
u8 out_csr2_reg;
u8 res14[3];
u8 out_fifo_cnt1_reg;
u8 res15[3];
u8 out_fifo_cnt2_reg;
u8 res16[3];
#endif /* __BIG_ENDIAN */
struct s3c24x0_usb_dev_fifos fifo[5];
struct s3c24x0_usb_dev_dmas dma[5];
/* WATCH DOG TIMER (see manual chapter 18) */
struct s3c24x0_watchdog {
u32 wtcon;
u32 wtdat;
u32 wtcnt;
/* IIS (see manual chapter 21) */
struct s3c24x0_i2s {
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
u16 res1;
u16 iiscon;
u16 res2;
u16 iismod;
u16 res3;
u16 iispsr;
u16 res4;
u16 iisfcon;
u16 res5;
u16 iisfifo;
#else /* little endian */
u16 iiscon;
u16 res1;
u16 iismod;
u16 res2;
u16 iispsr;
u16 res3;
u16 iisfcon;
u16 res4;
u16 iisfifo;
u16 res5;
/* I/O PORT (see manual chapter 9) */
struct s3c24x0_gpio {
#ifdef CONFIG_S3C2400
u32 pacon;
u32 padat;
u32 pbcon;
u32 pbdat;
u32 pbup;
u32 pccon;
u32 pcdat;
u32 pcup;
u32 pdcon;
u32 pddat;
u32 pdup;
u32 pecon;
u32 pedat;
u32 peup;
u32 pfcon;
u32 pfdat;
u32 pfup;
u32 pgcon;
u32 pgdat;
u32 pgup;
u32 opencr;
u32 misccr;
u32 extint;
#ifdef CONFIG_S3C2410
u32 gpacon;
u32 gpadat;
u32 res1[2];
u32 gpbcon;
u32 gpbdat;
u32 gpbup;
u32 res2;
u32 gpccon;
u32 gpcdat;
u32 gpcup;
u32 res3;
u32 gpdcon;
u32 gpddat;
u32 gpdup;
u32 res4;
u32 gpecon;
u32 gpedat;
u32 gpeup;
u32 res5;
u32 gpfcon;
u32 gpfdat;
u32 gpfup;
u32 res6;
u32 gpgcon;
u32 gpgdat;
u32 gpgup;
u32 res7;
u32 gphcon;
u32 gphdat;
u32 gphup;
u32 res8;
u32 misccr;
u32 dclkcon;
u32 extint0;
u32 extint1;
u32 extint2;
u32 eintflt0;
u32 eintflt1;
u32 eintflt2;
u32 eintflt3;
u32 eintmask;
u32 eintpend;
u32 gstatus0;
u32 gstatus1;
u32 gstatus2;
u32 gstatus3;
u32 gstatus4;
#if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
u32 gpacon;
u32 gpadat;
u32 res1[2];
u32 gpbcon;
u32 gpbdat;
u32 gpbup;
u32 res2;
u32 gpccon;
u32 gpcdat;
u32 gpcup;
u32 res3;
u32 gpdcon;
u32 gpddat;
u32 gpdup;
u32 res4;
u32 gpecon;
u32 gpedat;
u32 gpeup;
u32 res5;
u32 gpfcon;
u32 gpfdat;
u32 gpfup;
u32 res6;
u32 gpgcon;
u32 gpgdat;
u32 gpgup;
u32 res7;
u32 gphcon;
u32 gphdat;
u32 gphup;
u32 res8;
u32 misccr;
u32 dclkcon;
u32 extint0;
u32 extint1;
u32 extint2;
u32 eintflt0;
u32 eintflt1;
u32 eintflt2;
u32 eintflt3;
u32 eintmask;
u32 eintpend;
u32 gstatus0;
u32 gstatus1;
u32 gstatus2;
u32 gstatus3;
u32 gstatus4;
u32 res9;
u32 dsc0;
u32 dsc1;
u32 mslcon;
u32 gpjcon;
u32 gpjdat;
u32 gpjup;
u32 res10;
/* RTC (see manual chapter 17) */
struct s3c24x0_rtc {
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
u8 res1[67];
u8 rtccon;
u8 res2[3];
u8 ticnt;
u8 res3[11];
u8 rtcalm;
u8 res4[3];
u8 almsec;
u8 res5[3];
u8 almmin;
u8 res6[3];
u8 almhour;
u8 res7[3];
u8 almdate;
u8 res8[3];
u8 almmon;
u8 res9[3];
u8 almyear;
u8 res10[3];
u8 rtcrst;
u8 res11[3];
u8 bcdsec;
u8 res12[3];
u8 bcdmin;
u8 res13[3];
u8 bcdhour;
u8 res14[3];
u8 bcddate;
u8 res15[3];
u8 bcdday;
u8 res16[3];
u8 bcdmon;
u8 res17[3];
u8 bcdyear;
#else /* little endian */
u8 res0[64];
u8 rtccon;
u8 res1[3];
u8 ticnt;
u8 res2[11];
u8 rtcalm;
u8 res3[3];
u8 almsec;
u8 res4[3];
u8 almmin;
u8 res5[3];
u8 almhour;
u8 res6[3];
u8 almdate;
u8 res7[3];
u8 almmon;
u8 res8[3];
u8 almyear;
u8 res9[3];
u8 rtcrst;
u8 res10[3];
u8 bcdsec;
u8 res11[3];
u8 bcdmin;
u8 res12[3];
u8 bcdhour;
u8 res13[3];
u8 bcddate;
u8 res14[3];
u8 bcdday;
u8 res15[3];
u8 bcdmon;
u8 res16[3];
u8 bcdyear;
u8 res17[3];
/* ADC (see manual chapter 16) */
struct s3c2400_adc {
u32 adccon;
u32 adcdat;
/* ADC (see manual chapter 16) */
struct s3c2410_adc {
u32 adccon;
u32 adctsc;
u32 adcdly;
u32 adcdat0;
u32 adcdat1;
/* SPI (see manual chapter 22) */
struct s3c24x0_spi_channel {
u8 spcon;
u8 res1[3];
u8 spsta;
u8 res2[3];
u8 sppin;
u8 res3[3];
u8 sppre;
u8 res4[3];
u8 sptdat;
u8 res5[3];
u8 sprdat;
u8 res6[3];
u8 res7[16];
struct s3c24x0_spi {
struct s3c24x0_spi_channel ch[S3C24X0_SPI_CHANNELS];
/* MMC INTERFACE (see S3C2400 manual chapter 19) */
struct s3c2400_mmc {
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
u8 res1[3];
u8 mmcon;
u8 res2[3];
u8 mmcrr;
u8 res3[3];
u8 mmfcon;
u8 res4[3];
u8 mmsta;
u16 res5;
u16 mmfsta;
u8 res6[3];
u8 mmpre;
u16 res7;
u16 mmlen;
u8 res8[3];
u8 mmcr7;
u32 mmrsp[4];
u8 res9[3];
u8 mmcmd0;
u32 mmcmd1;
u16 res10;
u16 mmcr16;
u8 res11[3];
u8 mmdat;
u8 mmcon;
u8 res1[3];
u8 mmcrr;
u8 res2[3];
u8 mmfcon;
u8 res3[3];
u8 mmsta;
u8 res4[3];
u16 mmfsta;
u16 res5;
u8 mmpre;
u8 res6[3];
u16 mmlen;
u16 res7;
u8 mmcr7;
u8 res8[3];
u32 mmrsp[4];
u8 mmcmd0;
u8 res9[3];
u32 mmcmd1;
u16 mmcr16;
u16 res10;
u8 mmdat;
u8 res11[3];
/* SD INTERFACE (see S3C2410 manual chapter 19) */
struct s3c24x0_sdi {
u32 sdicon;
u32 sdipre;
u32 sdicarg;
u32 sdiccon;
u32 sdicsta;
u32 sdirsp0;
u32 sdirsp1;
u32 sdirsp2;
u32 sdirsp3;
u32 sdidtimer;
u32 sdibsize;
u32 sdidcon;
u32 sdidcnt;
u32 sdidsta;
u32 sdifsta;
#ifdef CONFIG_S3C2410
u32 sdidat;
u32 sdiimsk;
u32 sdiimsk;
u32 sdidat;
#include <mmc.h>
int s3cmmc_initialize(bd_t *bis, int (*getcd)(struct mmc *),
int (*getwp)(struct mmc *));
#endif /*__S3C24X0_H__*/