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synced 2025-03-15 06:17:04 +00:00
The latest PPC4xx register cleanup patch missed some SDRAM defines. This patch now changes lower case UIC defines to upper case. Also some names are changed to match the naming in the IBM/AMCC users manuals (e.g. mem_mcopt1 -> SDRAM0_CFG). Signed-off-by: Stefan Roese <sr@denx.de>
266 lines
9.5 KiB
266 lines
9.5 KiB
* This source code is dual-licensed. You may use it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 2, or under the license below.
* This source code has been made available to you by IBM on an AS-IS
* basis. Anyone receiving this source is licensed under IBM
* copyrights to use it in any way he or she deems fit, including
* copying it, modifying it, compiling it, and redistributing it either
* with or without modifications. No license under IBM patents or
* patent applications is to be implied by the copyright license.
* Any user of this software should understand that IBM cannot provide
* technical support for this software and will not be responsible for
* any consequences resulting from the use of this software.
* Any person who transfers this source code or any derivative work
* must include the IBM copyright notice, this paragraph, and the
* preceding two paragraphs in the transferred software.
#include <config.h>
#include <ppc4xx.h>
#define _LINUX_CONFIG_H 1 /* avoid reading Linux autoconf.h file */
#include <ppc_asm.tmpl>
#include <ppc_defs.h>
#include <asm/cache.h>
#include <asm/mmu.h>
* Function: ext_bus_cntlr_init
* Description: Configures EBC Controller and a few basic chip selects.
* CS0 is setup to get the Boot Flash out of the addresss range
* so that we may setup a stack. CS7 is setup so that we can
* access and reset the hardware watchdog.
* IMPORTANT: For pass1 this code must run from
* cache since you can not reliably change a peripheral banks
* timing register (pbxap) while running code from that bank.
* For ex., since we are running from ROM on bank 0, we can NOT
* execute the code that modifies bank 0 timings from ROM, so
* we run it from cache.
* Notes: Does NOT use the stack.
.section ".text"
.align 2
.globl ext_bus_cntlr_init
.type ext_bus_cntlr_init, @function
mflr r0
* Prefetch entire ext_bus_cntrl_init function into the icache.
* This is necessary because we are going to change the same CS we
* are executing from. Otherwise a CPU lockup may occur.
bl ..getAddr
mflr r3 /* get address of ..getAddr */
/* Calculate number of cache lines for this function */
addi r4, 0, (((.Lfe0 - ..getAddr) / CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE) + 2)
mtctr r4
icbt r0, r3 /* prefetch cache line for addr in r3*/
addi r3, r3, CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE /* move to next cache line */
bdnz ..ebcloop /* continue for $CTR cache lines */
* Delay to ensure all accesses to ROM are complete before changing
* bank 0 timings. 200usec should be enough.
* 200,000,000 (cycles/sec) X .000200 (sec) = 0x9C40 cycles.
addis r3, 0, 0x0
ori r3, r3, 0xA000 /* wait 200us from reset */
mtctr r3
bdnz ..spinlp /* spin loop */
* Setup External Bus Controller (EBC).
addi r3, 0, EBC0_CFG
mtdcr EBC0_CFGADDR, r3
addis r4, 0, 0xb040 /* Device base timeout = 1024 cycles */
ori r4, r4, 0x0 /* Drive CS with external master */
mtdcr EBC0_CFGDATA, r4
* Change PCIINT signal to PerWE
mfdcr r4, CPC0_CR1
ori r4, r4, 0x4000
mtdcr CPC0_CR1, r4
* Memory Bank 0 (Flash Bank 0) initialization
addi r3, 0, PB1AP
mtdcr EBC0_CFGADDR, r3
addis r4, 0, CONFIG_SYS_W7O_EBC_PB0AP@h
ori r4, r4, CONFIG_SYS_W7O_EBC_PB0AP@l
mtdcr EBC0_CFGDATA, r4
addi r3, 0, PB0CR
mtdcr EBC0_CFGADDR, r3
addis r4, 0, CONFIG_SYS_W7O_EBC_PB0CR@h
ori r4, r4, CONFIG_SYS_W7O_EBC_PB0CR@l
mtdcr EBC0_CFGDATA, r4
addi r3, 0, PB7AP
mtdcr EBC0_CFGADDR, r3
addis r4, 0, CONFIG_SYS_W7O_EBC_PB7AP@h
ori r4, r4, CONFIG_SYS_W7O_EBC_PB7AP@l
mtdcr EBC0_CFGDATA, r4
addi r3, 0, PB7CR
mtdcr EBC0_CFGADDR, r3
addis r4, 0, CONFIG_SYS_W7O_EBC_PB7CR@h
ori r4, r4, CONFIG_SYS_W7O_EBC_PB7CR@l
mtdcr EBC0_CFGDATA, r4
/* We are all done */
mtlr r0 /* Restore link register */
blr /* Return to calling function */
.Lfe0: .size ext_bus_cntlr_init,.Lfe0-ext_bus_cntlr_init
/* end ext_bus_cntlr_init() */
* Function: sdram_init
* Description: Configures SDRAM memory banks.
* Serial Presence Detect, "SPD," reads the SDRAM EEPROM
* via the IIC bus and then configures the SDRAM memory
* banks appropriately. If Auto Memory Configuration is
* is not used, it is assumed that a 4MB 11x8x2, non-ECC,
* SDRAM is soldered down.
* Notes: Expects that the stack is already setup.
.section ".text"
.align 2
.globl sdram_init
.type sdram_init, @function
/* save the return info on stack */
mflr r0 /* Get link register */
stwu r1, -8(r1) /* Save back chain and move SP */
stw r0, +12(r1) /* Save link register */
* First call spd_sdram to try to init SDRAM according to the
* contents of the SPD EEPROM. If the SPD EEPROM is blank or
* erronious, spd_sdram returns 0 in R3.
li r3,0
bl spd_sdram
addic. r3, r3, 0 /* Check for error, save dram size */
bne ..sdri_done /* If it worked, we're done... */
* If SPD detection fails, we'll default to 4MB, 11x8x2, as this
* is the SMALLEST SDRAM size the 405 supports. We can do this
* because W7O boards have soldered on RAM, and there will always
* be some amount present. If we were using DIMMs, we should hang
* the board instead, since it doesn't have any RAM to continue
* running with.
* Disable memory controller to allow
* values to be changed.
addi r3, 0, SDRAM0_CFG
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGADDR, r3
addis r4, 0, 0x0
ori r4, r4, 0x0
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGDATA, r4
* Set MB0CF for ext bank 0. (0-4MB) Address Mode 5 since 11x8x2
* All other banks are disabled.
addi r3, 0, SDRAM0_B0CR
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGADDR, r3
addis r4, 0, 0x0000 /* BA=0x0, SZ=4MB */
ori r4, r4, 0x8001 /* Mode is 5, 11x8x2or4, BE=Enabled */
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGDATA, r4
/* Clear MB1CR,MB2CR,MB3CR to turn other banks off */
addi r4, 0, 0 /* Zero the data reg */
addi r3, r3, 4 /* Point to MB1CF reg */
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGADDR, r3 /* Set the address */
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGDATA, r4 /* Zero the reg */
addi r3, r3, 4 /* Point to MB2CF reg */
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGADDR, r3 /* Set the address */
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGDATA, r4 /* Zero the reg */
addi r3, r3, 4 /* Point to MB3CF reg */
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGADDR, r3 /* Set the address */
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGDATA, r4 /* Zero the reg */
* Set the SDRAM Timing reg, SDTR1 and the refresh timer reg, RTR.
* To set the appropriate timings, we assume sdram is
* 100MHz (pc100 compliant).
* Set up SDTR1
addi r3, 0, SDRAM0_TR
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGADDR, r3
addis r4, 0, 0x0086 /* SDTR1 value for 100Mhz */
ori r4, r4, 0x400D
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGDATA, r4
* Set RTR
addi r3, 0, SDRAM0_RTR
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGADDR, r3
addis r4, 0, 0x05F0 /* RTR refresh val = 15.625ms@100Mhz */
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGDATA, r4
* Delay to ensure 200usec have elapsed since reset. Assume worst
* case that the core is running 200Mhz:
* 200,000,000 (cycles/sec) X .000200 (sec) = 0x9C40 cycles
addis r3, 0, 0x0000
ori r3, r3, 0xA000 /* Wait 200us from reset */
mtctr r3
bdnz ..spinlp2 /* spin loop */
* Set memory controller options reg, MCOPT1.
addi r3, 0, SDRAM0_CFG
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGADDR, r3
addis r4, 0, 0x80E0 /* DC_EN=1,SRE=0,PME=0,MEMCHK=0 */
ori r4, r4, 0x0000 /* REGEN=0,DRW=00,BRPF=01,ECCDD=1 */
mtdcr SDRAM0_CFGDATA, r4 /* EMDULR=1 */
/* restore and return */
lwz r0, +12(r1) /* Get saved link register */
addi r1, r1, +8 /* Remove frame from stack */
mtlr r0 /* Restore link register */
blr /* Return to calling function */
.Lfe1: .size sdram_init,.Lfe1-sdram_init
/* end sdram_init() */