York Sun 564e9383e5 drivers/ddr/fsl: Add calculation of register control words
DDR4 RDIMM has some information in SPD to be used to calculate the
control words for register chip. The rest can be found from JEDEC
spec DDR4RCD02.

Signed-off-by: York Sun <york.sun@nxp.com>
2018-01-30 09:14:07 -08:00

565 lines
24 KiB

* Copyright 2008-2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#ifndef _DDR_SPD_H_
#define _DDR_SPD_H_
* Format from "JEDEC Standard No. 21-C,
* Appendix D: Rev 1.0: SPD's for DDR SDRAM
typedef struct ddr1_spd_eeprom_s {
unsigned char info_size; /* 0 # bytes written into serial memory */
unsigned char chip_size; /* 1 Total # bytes of SPD memory device */
unsigned char mem_type; /* 2 Fundamental memory type */
unsigned char nrow_addr; /* 3 # of Row Addresses on this assembly */
unsigned char ncol_addr; /* 4 # of Column Addrs on this assembly */
unsigned char nrows; /* 5 Number of DIMM Banks */
unsigned char dataw_lsb; /* 6 Data Width of this assembly */
unsigned char dataw_msb; /* 7 ... Data Width continuation */
unsigned char voltage; /* 8 Voltage intf std of this assembly */
unsigned char clk_cycle; /* 9 SDRAM Cycle time @ CL=X */
unsigned char clk_access; /* 10 SDRAM Access from Clk @ CL=X (tAC) */
unsigned char config; /* 11 DIMM Configuration type */
unsigned char refresh; /* 12 Refresh Rate/Type */
unsigned char primw; /* 13 Primary SDRAM Width */
unsigned char ecw; /* 14 Error Checking SDRAM width */
unsigned char min_delay; /* 15 for Back to Back Random Address */
unsigned char burstl; /* 16 Burst Lengths Supported */
unsigned char nbanks; /* 17 # of Banks on SDRAM Device */
unsigned char cas_lat; /* 18 CAS# Latencies Supported */
unsigned char cs_lat; /* 19 CS# Latency */
unsigned char write_lat; /* 20 Write Latency (aka Write Recovery) */
unsigned char mod_attr; /* 21 SDRAM Module Attributes */
unsigned char dev_attr; /* 22 SDRAM Device Attributes */
unsigned char clk_cycle2; /* 23 Min SDRAM Cycle time @ CL=X-0.5 */
unsigned char clk_access2; /* 24 SDRAM Access from
Clk @ CL=X-0.5 (tAC) */
unsigned char clk_cycle3; /* 25 Min SDRAM Cycle time @ CL=X-1 */
unsigned char clk_access3; /* 26 Max Access from Clk @ CL=X-1 (tAC) */
unsigned char trp; /* 27 Min Row Precharge Time (tRP)*/
unsigned char trrd; /* 28 Min Row Active to Row Active (tRRD) */
unsigned char trcd; /* 29 Min RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD) */
unsigned char tras; /* 30 Minimum RAS Pulse Width (tRAS) */
unsigned char bank_dens; /* 31 Density of each bank on module */
unsigned char ca_setup; /* 32 Addr + Cmd Setup Time Before Clk */
unsigned char ca_hold; /* 33 Addr + Cmd Hold Time After Clk */
unsigned char data_setup; /* 34 Data Input Setup Time Before Strobe */
unsigned char data_hold; /* 35 Data Input Hold Time After Strobe */
unsigned char res_36_40[5];/* 36-40 reserved for VCSDRAM */
unsigned char trc; /* 41 Min Active to Auto refresh time tRC */
unsigned char trfc; /* 42 Min Auto to Active period tRFC */
unsigned char tckmax; /* 43 Max device cycle time tCKmax */
unsigned char tdqsq; /* 44 Max DQS to DQ skew (tDQSQ max) */
unsigned char tqhs; /* 45 Max Read DataHold skew (tQHS) */
unsigned char res_46; /* 46 Reserved */
unsigned char dimm_height; /* 47 DDR SDRAM DIMM Height */
unsigned char res_48_61[14]; /* 48-61 Reserved */
unsigned char spd_rev; /* 62 SPD Data Revision Code */
unsigned char cksum; /* 63 Checksum for bytes 0-62 */
unsigned char mid[8]; /* 64-71 Mfr's JEDEC ID code per JEP-106 */
unsigned char mloc; /* 72 Manufacturing Location */
unsigned char mpart[18]; /* 73 Manufacturer's Part Number */
unsigned char rev[2]; /* 91 Revision Code */
unsigned char mdate[2]; /* 93 Manufacturing Date */
unsigned char sernum[4]; /* 95 Assembly Serial Number */
unsigned char mspec[27]; /* 99-127 Manufacturer Specific Data */
} ddr1_spd_eeprom_t;
* Format from "JEDEC Appendix X: Serial Presence Detects for DDR2 SDRAM",
* SPD Revision 1.2
typedef struct ddr2_spd_eeprom_s {
unsigned char info_size; /* 0 # bytes written into serial memory */
unsigned char chip_size; /* 1 Total # bytes of SPD memory device */
unsigned char mem_type; /* 2 Fundamental memory type */
unsigned char nrow_addr; /* 3 # of Row Addresses on this assembly */
unsigned char ncol_addr; /* 4 # of Column Addrs on this assembly */
unsigned char mod_ranks; /* 5 Number of DIMM Ranks */
unsigned char dataw; /* 6 Module Data Width */
unsigned char res_7; /* 7 Reserved */
unsigned char voltage; /* 8 Voltage intf std of this assembly */
unsigned char clk_cycle; /* 9 SDRAM Cycle time @ CL=X */
unsigned char clk_access; /* 10 SDRAM Access from Clk @ CL=X (tAC) */
unsigned char config; /* 11 DIMM Configuration type */
unsigned char refresh; /* 12 Refresh Rate/Type */
unsigned char primw; /* 13 Primary SDRAM Width */
unsigned char ecw; /* 14 Error Checking SDRAM width */
unsigned char res_15; /* 15 Reserved */
unsigned char burstl; /* 16 Burst Lengths Supported */
unsigned char nbanks; /* 17 # of Banks on Each SDRAM Device */
unsigned char cas_lat; /* 18 CAS# Latencies Supported */
unsigned char mech_char; /* 19 DIMM Mechanical Characteristics */
unsigned char dimm_type; /* 20 DIMM type information */
unsigned char mod_attr; /* 21 SDRAM Module Attributes */
unsigned char dev_attr; /* 22 SDRAM Device Attributes */
unsigned char clk_cycle2; /* 23 Min SDRAM Cycle time @ CL=X-1 */
unsigned char clk_access2; /* 24 SDRAM Access from Clk @ CL=X-1 (tAC) */
unsigned char clk_cycle3; /* 25 Min SDRAM Cycle time @ CL=X-2 */
unsigned char clk_access3; /* 26 Max Access from Clk @ CL=X-2 (tAC) */
unsigned char trp; /* 27 Min Row Precharge Time (tRP)*/
unsigned char trrd; /* 28 Min Row Active to Row Active (tRRD) */
unsigned char trcd; /* 29 Min RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD) */
unsigned char tras; /* 30 Minimum RAS Pulse Width (tRAS) */
unsigned char rank_dens; /* 31 Density of each rank on module */
unsigned char ca_setup; /* 32 Addr+Cmd Setup Time Before Clk (tIS) */
unsigned char ca_hold; /* 33 Addr+Cmd Hold Time After Clk (tIH) */
unsigned char data_setup; /* 34 Data Input Setup Time
Before Strobe (tDS) */
unsigned char data_hold; /* 35 Data Input Hold Time
After Strobe (tDH) */
unsigned char twr; /* 36 Write Recovery time tWR */
unsigned char twtr; /* 37 Int write to read delay tWTR */
unsigned char trtp; /* 38 Int read to precharge delay tRTP */
unsigned char mem_probe; /* 39 Mem analysis probe characteristics */
unsigned char trctrfc_ext; /* 40 Extensions to trc and trfc */
unsigned char trc; /* 41 Min Active to Auto refresh time tRC */
unsigned char trfc; /* 42 Min Auto to Active period tRFC */
unsigned char tckmax; /* 43 Max device cycle time tCKmax */
unsigned char tdqsq; /* 44 Max DQS to DQ skew (tDQSQ max) */
unsigned char tqhs; /* 45 Max Read DataHold skew (tQHS) */
unsigned char pll_relock; /* 46 PLL Relock time */
unsigned char t_casemax; /* 47 Tcasemax */
unsigned char psi_ta_dram; /* 48 Thermal Resistance of DRAM Package from
Top (Case) to Ambient (Psi T-A DRAM) */
unsigned char dt0_mode; /* 49 DRAM Case Temperature Rise from Ambient
due to Activate-Precharge/Mode Bits
(DT0/Mode Bits) */
unsigned char dt2n_dt2q; /* 50 DRAM Case Temperature Rise from Ambient
due to Precharge/Quiet Standby
(DT2N/DT2Q) */
unsigned char dt2p; /* 51 DRAM Case Temperature Rise from Ambient
due to Precharge Power-Down (DT2P) */
unsigned char dt3n; /* 52 DRAM Case Temperature Rise from Ambient
due to Active Standby (DT3N) */
unsigned char dt3pfast; /* 53 DRAM Case Temperature Rise from Ambient
due to Active Power-Down with
Fast PDN Exit (DT3Pfast) */
unsigned char dt3pslow; /* 54 DRAM Case Temperature Rise from Ambient
due to Active Power-Down with Slow
PDN Exit (DT3Pslow) */
unsigned char dt4r_dt4r4w; /* 55 DRAM Case Temperature Rise from Ambient
due to Page Open Burst Read/DT4R4W
Mode Bit (DT4R/DT4R4W Mode Bit) */
unsigned char dt5b; /* 56 DRAM Case Temperature Rise from Ambient
due to Burst Refresh (DT5B) */
unsigned char dt7; /* 57 DRAM Case Temperature Rise from Ambient
due to Bank Interleave Reads with
Auto-Precharge (DT7) */
unsigned char psi_ta_pll; /* 58 Thermal Resistance of PLL Package form
Top (Case) to Ambient (Psi T-A PLL) */
unsigned char psi_ta_reg; /* 59 Thermal Reisitance of Register Package
from Top (Case) to Ambient
(Psi T-A Register) */
unsigned char dtpllactive; /* 60 PLL Case Temperature Rise from Ambient
due to PLL Active (DT PLL Active) */
unsigned char dtregact; /* 61 Register Case Temperature Rise from
Ambient due to Register Active/Mode Bit
(DT Register Active/Mode Bit) */
unsigned char spd_rev; /* 62 SPD Data Revision Code */
unsigned char cksum; /* 63 Checksum for bytes 0-62 */
unsigned char mid[8]; /* 64 Mfr's JEDEC ID code per JEP-106 */
unsigned char mloc; /* 72 Manufacturing Location */
unsigned char mpart[18]; /* 73 Manufacturer's Part Number */
unsigned char rev[2]; /* 91 Revision Code */
unsigned char mdate[2]; /* 93 Manufacturing Date */
unsigned char sernum[4]; /* 95 Assembly Serial Number */
unsigned char mspec[27]; /* 99-127 Manufacturer Specific Data */
} ddr2_spd_eeprom_t;
typedef struct ddr3_spd_eeprom_s {
/* General Section: Bytes 0-59 */
unsigned char info_size_crc; /* 0 # bytes written into serial memory,
CRC coverage */
unsigned char spd_rev; /* 1 Total # bytes of SPD mem device */
unsigned char mem_type; /* 2 Key Byte / Fundamental mem type */
unsigned char module_type; /* 3 Key Byte / Module Type */
unsigned char density_banks; /* 4 SDRAM Density and Banks */
unsigned char addressing; /* 5 SDRAM Addressing */
unsigned char module_vdd; /* 6 Module nominal voltage, VDD */
unsigned char organization; /* 7 Module Organization */
unsigned char bus_width; /* 8 Module Memory Bus Width */
unsigned char ftb_div; /* 9 Fine Timebase (FTB)
Dividend / Divisor */
unsigned char mtb_dividend; /* 10 Medium Timebase (MTB) Dividend */
unsigned char mtb_divisor; /* 11 Medium Timebase (MTB) Divisor */
unsigned char tck_min; /* 12 SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time */
unsigned char res_13; /* 13 Reserved */
unsigned char caslat_lsb; /* 14 CAS Latencies Supported,
Least Significant Byte */
unsigned char caslat_msb; /* 15 CAS Latencies Supported,
Most Significant Byte */
unsigned char taa_min; /* 16 Min CAS Latency Time */
unsigned char twr_min; /* 17 Min Write REcovery Time */
unsigned char trcd_min; /* 18 Min RAS# to CAS# Delay Time */
unsigned char trrd_min; /* 19 Min Row Active to
Row Active Delay Time */
unsigned char trp_min; /* 20 Min Row Precharge Delay Time */
unsigned char tras_trc_ext; /* 21 Upper Nibbles for tRAS and tRC */
unsigned char tras_min_lsb; /* 22 Min Active to Precharge
Delay Time */
unsigned char trc_min_lsb; /* 23 Min Active to Active/Refresh
Delay Time, LSB */
unsigned char trfc_min_lsb; /* 24 Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time */
unsigned char trfc_min_msb; /* 25 Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time */
unsigned char twtr_min; /* 26 Min Internal Write to
Read Command Delay Time */
unsigned char trtp_min; /* 27 Min Internal Read to Precharge
Command Delay Time */
unsigned char tfaw_msb; /* 28 Upper Nibble for tFAW */
unsigned char tfaw_min; /* 29 Min Four Activate Window
Delay Time*/
unsigned char opt_features; /* 30 SDRAM Optional Features */
unsigned char therm_ref_opt; /* 31 SDRAM Thermal and Refresh Opts */
unsigned char therm_sensor; /* 32 Module Thermal Sensor */
unsigned char device_type; /* 33 SDRAM device type */
int8_t fine_tck_min; /* 34 Fine offset for tCKmin */
int8_t fine_taa_min; /* 35 Fine offset for tAAmin */
int8_t fine_trcd_min; /* 36 Fine offset for tRCDmin */
int8_t fine_trp_min; /* 37 Fine offset for tRPmin */
int8_t fine_trc_min; /* 38 Fine offset for tRCmin */
unsigned char res_39_59[21]; /* 39-59 Reserved, General Section */
/* Module-Specific Section: Bytes 60-116 */
union {
struct {
/* 60 (Unbuffered) Module Nominal Height */
unsigned char mod_height;
/* 61 (Unbuffered) Module Maximum Thickness */
unsigned char mod_thickness;
/* 62 (Unbuffered) Reference Raw Card Used */
unsigned char ref_raw_card;
/* 63 (Unbuffered) Address Mapping from
Edge Connector to DRAM */
unsigned char addr_mapping;
/* 64-116 (Unbuffered) Reserved */
unsigned char res_64_116[53];
} unbuffered;
struct {
/* 60 (Registered) Module Nominal Height */
unsigned char mod_height;
/* 61 (Registered) Module Maximum Thickness */
unsigned char mod_thickness;
/* 62 (Registered) Reference Raw Card Used */
unsigned char ref_raw_card;
/* 63 DIMM Module Attributes */
unsigned char modu_attr;
/* 64 RDIMM Thermal Heat Spreader Solution */
unsigned char thermal;
/* 65 Register Manufacturer ID Code, Least Significant Byte */
unsigned char reg_id_lo;
/* 66 Register Manufacturer ID Code, Most Significant Byte */
unsigned char reg_id_hi;
/* 67 Register Revision Number */
unsigned char reg_rev;
/* 68 Register Type */
unsigned char reg_type;
/* 69-76 RC1,3,5...15 (MS Nibble) / RC0,2,4...14 (LS Nibble) */
unsigned char rcw[8];
} registered;
unsigned char uc[57]; /* 60-116 Module-Specific Section */
} mod_section;
/* Unique Module ID: Bytes 117-125 */
unsigned char mmid_lsb; /* 117 Module MfgID Code LSB - JEP-106 */
unsigned char mmid_msb; /* 118 Module MfgID Code MSB - JEP-106 */
unsigned char mloc; /* 119 Mfg Location */
unsigned char mdate[2]; /* 120-121 Mfg Date */
unsigned char sernum[4]; /* 122-125 Module Serial Number */
/* CRC: Bytes 126-127 */
unsigned char crc[2]; /* 126-127 SPD CRC */
/* Other Manufacturer Fields and User Space: Bytes 128-255 */
unsigned char mpart[18]; /* 128-145 Mfg's Module Part Number */
unsigned char mrev[2]; /* 146-147 Module Revision Code */
unsigned char dmid_lsb; /* 148 DRAM MfgID Code LSB - JEP-106 */
unsigned char dmid_msb; /* 149 DRAM MfgID Code MSB - JEP-106 */
unsigned char msd[26]; /* 150-175 Mfg's Specific Data */
unsigned char cust[80]; /* 176-255 Open for Customer Use */
} ddr3_spd_eeprom_t;
/* From JEEC Standard No. 21-C release 23A */
struct ddr4_spd_eeprom_s {
/* General Section: Bytes 0-127 */
uint8_t info_size_crc; /* 0 # bytes */
uint8_t spd_rev; /* 1 Total # bytes of SPD */
uint8_t mem_type; /* 2 Key Byte / mem type */
uint8_t module_type; /* 3 Key Byte / Module Type */
uint8_t density_banks; /* 4 Density and Banks */
uint8_t addressing; /* 5 Addressing */
uint8_t package_type; /* 6 Package type */
uint8_t opt_feature; /* 7 Optional features */
uint8_t thermal_ref; /* 8 Thermal and refresh */
uint8_t oth_opt_features; /* 9 Other optional features */
uint8_t res_10; /* 10 Reserved */
uint8_t module_vdd; /* 11 Module nominal voltage */
uint8_t organization; /* 12 Module Organization */
uint8_t bus_width; /* 13 Module Memory Bus Width */
uint8_t therm_sensor; /* 14 Module Thermal Sensor */
uint8_t ext_type; /* 15 Extended module type */
uint8_t res_16;
uint8_t timebases; /* 17 MTb and FTB */
uint8_t tck_min; /* 18 tCKAVGmin */
uint8_t tck_max; /* 19 TCKAVGmax */
uint8_t caslat_b1; /* 20 CAS latencies, 1st byte */
uint8_t caslat_b2; /* 21 CAS latencies, 2nd byte */
uint8_t caslat_b3; /* 22 CAS latencies, 3rd byte */
uint8_t caslat_b4; /* 23 CAS latencies, 4th byte */
uint8_t taa_min; /* 24 Min CAS Latency Time */
uint8_t trcd_min; /* 25 Min RAS# to CAS# Delay Time */
uint8_t trp_min; /* 26 Min Row Precharge Delay Time */
uint8_t tras_trc_ext; /* 27 Upper Nibbles for tRAS and tRC */
uint8_t tras_min_lsb; /* 28 tRASmin, lsb */
uint8_t trc_min_lsb; /* 29 tRCmin, lsb */
uint8_t trfc1_min_lsb; /* 30 Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time */
uint8_t trfc1_min_msb; /* 31 Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time */
uint8_t trfc2_min_lsb; /* 32 Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time */
uint8_t trfc2_min_msb; /* 33 Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time */
uint8_t trfc4_min_lsb; /* 34 Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time */
uint8_t trfc4_min_msb; /* 35 Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time */
uint8_t tfaw_msb; /* 36 Upper Nibble for tFAW */
uint8_t tfaw_min; /* 37 tFAW, lsb */
uint8_t trrds_min; /* 38 tRRD_Smin, MTB */
uint8_t trrdl_min; /* 39 tRRD_Lmin, MTB */
uint8_t tccdl_min; /* 40 tCCS_Lmin, MTB */
uint8_t res_41[60-41]; /* 41 Rserved */
uint8_t mapping[78-60]; /* 60~77 Connector to SDRAM bit map */
uint8_t res_78[117-78]; /* 78~116, Reserved */
int8_t fine_tccdl_min; /* 117 Fine offset for tCCD_Lmin */
int8_t fine_trrdl_min; /* 118 Fine offset for tRRD_Lmin */
int8_t fine_trrds_min; /* 119 Fine offset for tRRD_Smin */
int8_t fine_trc_min; /* 120 Fine offset for tRCmin */
int8_t fine_trp_min; /* 121 Fine offset for tRPmin */
int8_t fine_trcd_min; /* 122 Fine offset for tRCDmin */
int8_t fine_taa_min; /* 123 Fine offset for tAAmin */
int8_t fine_tck_max; /* 124 Fine offset for tCKAVGmax */
int8_t fine_tck_min; /* 125 Fine offset for tCKAVGmin */
/* CRC: Bytes 126-127 */
uint8_t crc[2]; /* 126-127 SPD CRC */
/* Module-Specific Section: Bytes 128-255 */
union {
struct {
/* 128 (Unbuffered) Module Nominal Height */
uint8_t mod_height;
/* 129 (Unbuffered) Module Maximum Thickness */
uint8_t mod_thickness;
/* 130 (Unbuffered) Reference Raw Card Used */
uint8_t ref_raw_card;
/* 131 (Unbuffered) Address Mapping from
Edge Connector to DRAM */
uint8_t addr_mapping;
/* 132~253 (Unbuffered) Reserved */
uint8_t res_132[254-132];
/* 254~255 CRC */
uint8_t crc[2];
} unbuffered;
struct {
/* 128 (Registered) Module Nominal Height */
uint8_t mod_height;
/* 129 (Registered) Module Maximum Thickness */
uint8_t mod_thickness;
/* 130 (Registered) Reference Raw Card Used */
uint8_t ref_raw_card;
/* 131 DIMM Module Attributes */
uint8_t modu_attr;
/* 132 RDIMM Thermal Heat Spreader Solution */
uint8_t thermal;
/* 133 Register Manufacturer ID Code, LSB */
uint8_t reg_id_lo;
/* 134 Register Manufacturer ID Code, MSB */
uint8_t reg_id_hi;
/* 135 Register Revision Number */
uint8_t reg_rev;
/* 136 Address mapping from register to DRAM */
u8 reg_map;
u8 ca_stren;
u8 clk_stren;
/* 139~253 Reserved */
u8 res_137[254 - 139];
/* 254~255 CRC */
uint8_t crc[2];
} registered;
struct {
/* 128 (Loadreduced) Module Nominal Height */
uint8_t mod_height;
/* 129 (Loadreduced) Module Maximum Thickness */
uint8_t mod_thickness;
/* 130 (Loadreduced) Reference Raw Card Used */
uint8_t ref_raw_card;
/* 131 DIMM Module Attributes */
uint8_t modu_attr;
/* 132 RDIMM Thermal Heat Spreader Solution */
uint8_t thermal;
/* 133 Register Manufacturer ID Code, LSB */
uint8_t reg_id_lo;
/* 134 Register Manufacturer ID Code, MSB */
uint8_t reg_id_hi;
/* 135 Register Revision Number */
uint8_t reg_rev;
/* 136 Address mapping from register to DRAM */
uint8_t reg_map;
/* 137 Register Output Drive Strength for CMD/Add*/
uint8_t reg_drv;
/* 138 Register Output Drive Strength for CK */
uint8_t reg_drv_ck;
/* 139 Data Buffer Revision Number */
uint8_t data_buf_rev;
/* 140 DRAM VrefDQ for Package Rank 0 */
uint8_t vrefqe_r0;
/* 141 DRAM VrefDQ for Package Rank 1 */
uint8_t vrefqe_r1;
/* 142 DRAM VrefDQ for Package Rank 2 */
uint8_t vrefqe_r2;
/* 143 DRAM VrefDQ for Package Rank 3 */
uint8_t vrefqe_r3;
/* 144 Data Buffer VrefDQ for DRAM Interface */
uint8_t data_intf;
* 145 Data Buffer MDQ Drive Strength and RTT
* for data rate <= 1866
uint8_t data_drv_1866;
* 146 Data Buffer MDQ Drive Strength and RTT
* for 1866 < data rate <= 2400
uint8_t data_drv_2400;
* 147 Data Buffer MDQ Drive Strength and RTT
* for 2400 < data rate <= 3200
uint8_t data_drv_3200;
/* 148 DRAM Drive Strength */
uint8_t dram_drv;
* for data rate <= 1866
uint8_t dram_odt_1866;
* for 1866 < data rate <= 2400
uint8_t dram_odt_2400;
* for 2400 < data rate <= 3200
uint8_t dram_odt_3200;
* for data rate <= 1866
uint8_t dram_odt_park_1866;
* for 1866 < data rate <= 2400
uint8_t dram_odt_park_2400;
* for 2400 < data rate <= 3200
uint8_t dram_odt_park_3200;
uint8_t res_155[254-155]; /* Reserved */
/* 254~255 CRC */
uint8_t crc[2];
} loadreduced;
uint8_t uc[128]; /* 128-255 Module-Specific Section */
} mod_section;
uint8_t res_256[320-256]; /* 256~319 Reserved */
/* Module supplier's data: Byte 320~383 */
uint8_t mmid_lsb; /* 320 Module MfgID Code LSB */
uint8_t mmid_msb; /* 321 Module MfgID Code MSB */
uint8_t mloc; /* 322 Mfg Location */
uint8_t mdate[2]; /* 323~324 Mfg Date */
uint8_t sernum[4]; /* 325~328 Module Serial Number */
uint8_t mpart[20]; /* 329~348 Mfg's Module Part Number */
uint8_t mrev; /* 349 Module Revision Code */
uint8_t dmid_lsb; /* 350 DRAM MfgID Code LSB */
uint8_t dmid_msb; /* 351 DRAM MfgID Code MSB */
uint8_t stepping; /* 352 DRAM stepping */
uint8_t msd[29]; /* 353~381 Mfg's Specific Data */
uint8_t res_382[2]; /* 382~383 Reserved */
uint8_t user[512-384]; /* 384~511 End User Programmable */
extern unsigned int ddr1_spd_check(const ddr1_spd_eeprom_t *spd);
extern void ddr1_spd_dump(const ddr1_spd_eeprom_t *spd);
extern unsigned int ddr2_spd_check(const ddr2_spd_eeprom_t *spd);
extern void ddr2_spd_dump(const ddr2_spd_eeprom_t *spd);
extern unsigned int ddr3_spd_check(const ddr3_spd_eeprom_t *spd);
unsigned int ddr4_spd_check(const struct ddr4_spd_eeprom_s *spd);
* Byte 2 Fundamental Memory Types.
#define SPD_MEMTYPE_FPM (0x01)
#define SPD_MEMTYPE_EDO (0x02)
#define SPD_MEMTYPE_SDRAM (0x04)
#define SPD_MEMTYPE_ROM (0x05)
#define SPD_MEMTYPE_SGRAM (0x06)
#define SPD_MEMTYPE_DDR (0x07)
#define SPD_MEMTYPE_DDR2 (0x08)
#define SPD_MEMTYPE_DDR2_FBDIMM (0x09)
#define SPD_MEMTYPE_DDR3 (0x0B)
#define SPD_MEMTYPE_DDR4 (0x0C)
/* DIMM Type for DDR2 SPD (according to v1.3) */
#define DDR2_SPD_DIMMTYPE_RDIMM (0x01)
#define DDR2_SPD_DIMMTYPE_UDIMM (0x02)
#define DDR2_SPD_DIMMTYPE_SO_DIMM (0x04)
#define DDR2_SPD_DIMMTYPE_72B_SO_CDIMM (0x06)
#define DDR2_SPD_DIMMTYPE_72B_SO_RDIMM (0x07)
/* Byte 3 Key Byte / Module Type for DDR3 SPD */
/* DIMM Type for DDR4 SPD */
#define DDR4_SPD_MODULETYPE_EXT (0x00)
#endif /* _DDR_SPD_H_ */