mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 17:53:08 +00:00
These are not very important message. Change them to use the 'debug' level instead of 'detail'. Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
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584 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
# Copyright (C) 2022 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG
# Stefan Herbrechtsmeier <stefan.herbrechtsmeier@weidmueller.com>
"""Base class for all bintools
This defines the common functionality for all bintools, including running
the tool, checking its version and fetching it if needed.
import collections
import glob
import importlib
import multiprocessing
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import urllib.error
from u_boot_pylib import command
from u_boot_pylib import terminal
from u_boot_pylib import tools
from u_boot_pylib import tout
BINMAN_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Format string for listing bintools, see also the header in list_all()
FORMAT = '%-16.16s %-12.12s %-26.26s %s'
# List of known modules, to avoid importing the module multiple times
modules = {}
# Possible ways of fetching a tool (FETCH_COUNT is number of ways)
FETCH_ANY: 'any method',
FETCH_BIN: 'binary download',
FETCH_BUILD: 'build from source'
# Status of tool fetching
class Bintool:
"""Tool which operates on binaries to help produce entry contents
This is the base class for all bintools
# List of bintools to regard as missing
missing_list = []
# Directory to store tools. Note that this set up by set_tool_dir() which
# must be called before this class is used.
tooldir = ''
def __init__(self, name, desc, version_regex=None, version_args='-V'):
self.name = name
self.desc = desc
self.version_regex = version_regex
self.version_args = version_args
def find_bintool_class(btype):
"""Look up the bintool class for bintool
byte: Bintool to use, e.g. 'mkimage'
The bintool class object if found, else a tuple:
module name that could not be found
exception received
# Convert something like 'u-boot' to 'u_boot' since we are only
# interested in the type.
module_name = btype.replace('-', '_')
module = modules.get(module_name)
class_name = f'Bintool{module_name}'
# Import the module if we have not already done so
if not module:
module = importlib.import_module('binman.btool.' + module_name)
except ImportError as exc:
# Deal with classes which must be renamed due to conflicts
# with Python libraries
module = importlib.import_module('binman.btool.btool_' +
except ImportError:
return module_name, exc
modules[module_name] = module
# Look up the expected class name
return getattr(module, class_name)
def create(name):
"""Create a new bintool object
name (str): Bintool to create, e.g. 'mkimage'
A new object of the correct type (a subclass of Binutil)
cls = Bintool.find_bintool_class(name)
if isinstance(cls, tuple):
raise ValueError("Cannot import bintool module '%s': %s" % cls)
# Call its constructor to get the object we want.
obj = cls(name)
return obj
def set_tool_dir(cls, pathname):
"""Set the path to use to store and find tools"""
cls.tooldir = pathname
def show(self):
"""Show a line of information about a bintool"""
if self.is_present():
version = self.version()
version = '-'
print(FORMAT % (self.name, version, self.desc,
self.get_path() or '(not found)'))
def set_missing_list(cls, missing_list):
cls.missing_list = missing_list or []
def get_tool_list(include_testing=False):
"""Get a list of the known tools
list of str: names of all tools known to binman
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(BINMAN_DIR, 'btool/*'))
names = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0]
for fname in files]
names = [name for name in names if name[0] != '_']
names = [name[6:] if name.startswith('btool_') else name
for name in names]
if include_testing:
return sorted(names)
def list_all():
"""List all the bintools known to binman"""
names = Bintool.get_tool_list()
print(FORMAT % ('Name', 'Version', 'Description', 'Path'))
print(FORMAT % ('-' * 15,'-' * 11, '-' * 25, '-' * 30))
for name in names:
btool = Bintool.create(name)
def is_present(self):
"""Check if a bintool is available on the system
bool: True if available, False if not
if self.name in self.missing_list:
return False
return bool(self.get_path())
def get_path(self):
"""Get the path of a bintool
str: Path to the tool, if available, else None
return tools.tool_find(self.name)
def fetch_tool(self, method, col, skip_present):
"""Fetch a single tool
method (FETCH_...): Method to use
col (terminal.Color): Color terminal object
skip_present (boo;): Skip fetching if it is already present
int: Result of fetch either FETCHED, FAIL, PRESENT
def try_fetch(meth):
res = None
res = self.fetch(meth)
except urllib.error.URLError as uerr:
message = uerr.reason
print(col.build(col.RED, f'- {message}'))
except ValueError as exc:
print(f'Exception: {exc}')
return res
if skip_present and self.is_present():
return PRESENT
print(col.build(col.YELLOW, 'Fetch: %s' % self.name))
if method == FETCH_ANY:
for try_method in range(1, FETCH_COUNT):
print(f'- trying method: {FETCH_NAMES[try_method]}')
result = try_fetch(try_method)
if result:
result = try_fetch(method)
if not result:
return FAIL
if result is not True:
fname, tmpdir = result
dest = os.path.join(self.tooldir, self.name)
os.makedirs(self.tooldir, exist_ok=True)
print(f"- writing to '{dest}'")
shutil.move(fname, dest)
if tmpdir:
return FETCHED
def fetch_tools(method, names_to_fetch):
"""Fetch bintools from a suitable place
This fetches or builds the requested bintools so that they can be used
by binman
names_to_fetch (list of str): names of bintools to fetch
True on success, False on failure
def show_status(color, prompt, names):
color, f'{prompt}:%s{len(names):2}: %s' %
(' ' * (16 - len(prompt)), ' '.join(names))))
col = terminal.Color()
skip_present = False
name_list = names_to_fetch
if len(names_to_fetch) == 1 and names_to_fetch[0] in ['all', 'missing']:
name_list = Bintool.get_tool_list()
if names_to_fetch[0] == 'missing':
skip_present = True
'Fetching tools: %s' % ' '.join(name_list)))
status = collections.defaultdict(list)
for name in name_list:
btool = Bintool.create(name)
result = btool.fetch_tool(method, col, skip_present)
if result == FAIL:
if method == FETCH_ANY:
print('- failed to fetch with all methods')
print(f"- method '{FETCH_NAMES[method]}' is not supported")
if len(name_list) > 1:
if skip_present:
show_status(col.GREEN, 'Already present', status[PRESENT])
show_status(col.GREEN, 'Tools fetched', status[FETCHED])
if status[FAIL]:
show_status(col.RED, 'Failures', status[FAIL])
return not status[FAIL]
def run_cmd_result(self, *args, binary=False, raise_on_error=True):
"""Run the bintool using command-line arguments
args (list of str): Arguments to provide, in addition to the bintool
binary (bool): True to return output as bytes instead of str
raise_on_error (bool): True to raise a ValueError exception if the
tool returns a non-zero return code
CommandResult: Resulting output from the bintool, or None if the
tool is not present
if self.name in self.missing_list:
return None
name = os.path.expanduser(self.name) # Expand paths containing ~
all_args = (name,) + args
env = tools.get_env_with_path()
tout.debug(f"bintool: {' '.join(all_args)}")
result = command.run_pipe(
[all_args], capture=True, capture_stderr=True, env=env,
raise_on_error=False, binary=binary)
if result.return_code:
# Return None if the tool was not found. In this case there is no
# output from the tool and it does not appear on the path. We still
# try to run it (as above) since RunPipe() allows faking the tool's
# output
if not any([result.stdout, result.stderr, tools.tool_find(name)]):
tout.info(f"bintool '{name}' not found")
return None
if raise_on_error:
tout.info(f"bintool '{name}' failed")
raise ValueError("Error %d running '%s': %s" %
(result.return_code, ' '.join(all_args),
result.stderr or result.stdout))
if result.stdout:
if result.stderr:
return result
def run_cmd(self, *args, binary=False):
"""Run the bintool using command-line arguments
args (list of str): Arguments to provide, in addition to the bintool
binary (bool): True to return output as bytes instead of str
str or bytes: Resulting stdout from the bintool
result = self.run_cmd_result(*args, binary=binary)
if result:
return result.stdout
def build_from_git(cls, git_repo, make_target, bintool_path, flags=None):
"""Build a bintool from a git repo
This clones the repo in a temporary directory, builds it with 'make',
then returns the filename of the resulting executable bintool
git_repo (str): URL of git repo
make_target (str): Target to pass to 'make' to build the tool
bintool_path (str): Relative path of the tool in the repo, after
build is complete
flags (list of str): Flags or variables to pass to make, or None
str: Filename of fetched file to copy to a suitable directory
str: Name of temp directory to remove, or None
or None on error
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binmanf.')
print(f"- clone git repo '{git_repo}' to '{tmpdir}'")
tools.run('git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', git_repo, tmpdir)
print(f"- build target '{make_target}'")
cmd = ['make', '-C', tmpdir, '-j', f'{multiprocessing.cpu_count()}',
if flags:
cmd += flags
fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, bintool_path)
if not os.path.exists(fname):
print(f"- File '{fname}' was not produced")
return None
return fname, tmpdir
def fetch_from_url(cls, url):
"""Fetch a bintool from a URL
url (str): URL to fetch from
str: Filename of fetched file to copy to a suitable directory
str: Name of temp directory to remove, or None
fname, tmpdir = tools.download(url)
tools.run('chmod', 'a+x', fname)
return fname, tmpdir
def fetch_from_drive(cls, drive_id):
"""Fetch a bintool from Google drive
drive_id (str): ID of file to fetch. For a URL of the form
'https://drive.google.com/file/d/xxx/view?usp=sharing' the value
passed here should be 'xxx'
str: Filename of fetched file to copy to a suitable directory
str: Name of temp directory to remove, or None
url = f'https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id={drive_id}'
return cls.fetch_from_url(url)
def apt_install(cls, package):
"""Install a bintool using the 'apt' tool
This requires use of servo so may request a password
package (str): Name of package to install
True, assuming it completes without error
args = ['sudo', 'apt', 'install', '-y', package]
print('- %s' % ' '.join(args))
return True
def WriteDocs(modules, test_missing=None):
"""Write out documentation about the various bintools to stdout
modules: List of modules to include
test_missing: Used for testing. This is a module to report
as missing
print('''.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
Binman bintool Documentation
This file describes the bintools (binary tools) supported by binman. Bintools
are binman's name for external executables that it runs to generate or process
binaries. It is fairly easy to create new bintools. Just add a new file to the
'btool' directory. You can use existing bintools as examples.
modules = sorted(modules)
missing = []
for name in modules:
module = Bintool.find_bintool_class(name)
docs = getattr(module, '__doc__')
if test_missing == name:
docs = None
if docs:
lines = docs.splitlines()
first_line = lines[0]
rest = [line[4:] for line in lines[1:]]
hdr = 'Bintool: %s: %s' % (name, first_line)
print('-' * len(hdr))
if missing:
raise ValueError('Documentation is missing for modules: %s' %
', '.join(missing))
# pylint: disable=W0613
def fetch(self, method):
"""Fetch handler for a bintool
This should be implemented by the base class
method (FETCH_...): Method to use
str: Filename of fetched file to copy to a suitable directory
str: Name of temp directory to remove, or None
or True if the file was fetched and already installed
or None if no fetch() implementation is available
Valuerror: Fetching could not be completed
print(f"No method to fetch bintool '{self.name}'")
return False
def version(self):
"""Version handler for a bintool
str: Version string for this bintool
if self.version_regex is None:
return 'unknown'
import re
result = self.run_cmd_result(self.version_args)
out = result.stdout.strip()
if not out:
out = result.stderr.strip()
if not out:
return 'unknown'
m_version = re.search(self.version_regex, out)
return m_version.group(1) if m_version else out
class BintoolPacker(Bintool):
"""Tool which compression / decompression entry contents
This is a bintools base class for compression / decompression packer
name: Name of packer tool
compression: Compression type (COMPRESS_...), value of 'name' property
if none
compress_args: List of positional args provided to tool for compress,
['--compress'] if none
decompress_args: List of positional args provided to tool for
decompress, ['--decompress'] if none
fetch_package: Name of the tool installed using the apt, value of 'name'
property if none
version_regex: Regular expressions to extract the version from tool
version output, '(v[0-9.]+)' if none
def __init__(self, name, compression=None, compress_args=None,
decompress_args=None, fetch_package=None,
version_regex=r'(v[0-9.]+)', version_args='-V'):
desc = '%s compression' % (compression if compression else name)
super().__init__(name, desc, version_regex, version_args)
if compress_args is None:
compress_args = ['--compress']
self.compress_args = compress_args
if decompress_args is None:
decompress_args = ['--decompress']
self.decompress_args = decompress_args
if fetch_package is None:
fetch_package = name
self.fetch_package = fetch_package
def compress(self, indata):
"""Compress data
indata (bytes): Data to compress
bytes: Compressed data
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='comp.tmp',
dir=tools.get_output_dir()) as tmp:
tools.write_file(tmp.name, indata)
args = self.compress_args + ['--stdout', tmp.name]
return self.run_cmd(*args, binary=True)
def decompress(self, indata):
"""Decompress data
indata (bytes): Data to decompress
bytes: Decompressed data
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='decomp.tmp',
dir=tools.get_output_dir()) as inf:
tools.write_file(inf.name, indata)
args = self.decompress_args + ['--stdout', inf.name]
return self.run_cmd(*args, binary=True)
def fetch(self, method):
"""Fetch handler
This installs the gzip package using the apt utility.
method (FETCH_...): Method to use
True if the file was fetched and now installed, None if a method
other than FETCH_BIN was requested
Valuerror: Fetching could not be completed
if method != FETCH_BIN:
return None
return self.apt_install(self.fetch_package)