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synced 2025-03-08 09:17:49 +00:00
The current name is inconsistent with SPL which uses CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE and this makes it imposible to use CONFIG_VAL(). Rename it to resolve this problem. Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
77 lines
4.2 KiB
77 lines
4.2 KiB
# 0) Generate keys
# WARNING: ECDSA keys are only supported by HAB 4.5 and newer (i.e. i.MX8M Plus)
# cd /path/to/cst-3.3.1/keys/
# ./hab4_pki_tree.sh -existing-ca n -use-ecc n -kl 4096 -duration 10 -num-srk 4 -srk-ca y
# cd /path/to/cst-3.3.1/crts/
# ../linux64/bin/srktool -h 4 -t SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin -e SRK_1_2_3_4_fuse.bin -d sha256 -c ./SRK1_sha256_4096_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem,./SRK2_sha256_4096_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem,./SRK3_sha256_4096_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem,./SRK4_sha256_4096_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem -f 1
# 1) Build U-Boot (e.g. for i.MX8MM)
# export ATF_LOAD_ADDR=0x920000
# cp -Lv /path/to/arm-trusted-firmware/build/imx8mm/release/bl31.bin .
# cp -Lv /path/to/firmware-imx-8.14/firmware/ddr/synopsys/ddr3* .
# make -j imx8mm_board_defconfig
# make -j`nproc` flash.bin
# 2) Sign SPL and DRAM blobs
cp doc/imx/habv4/csf_examples/mx8m/csf_spl.txt csf_spl.tmp
cp doc/imx/habv4/csf_examples/mx8m/csf_fit.txt csf_fit.tmp
spl_block_base=$(printf "0x%x" $(( $(sed -n "/CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE=/ s@.*=@@p" .config) - 0x40)) )
spl_block_size=$(printf "0x%x" $(stat -tc %s u-boot-spl-ddr.bin))
sed -i "/Blocks = / s@.*@ Blocks = $spl_block_base 0x0 $spl_block_size \"flash.bin\"@" csf_spl.tmp
# Generate CSF blob
cst -i csf_spl.tmp -o csf_spl.bin
# Patch CSF blob into flash.bin
spl_csf_offset=$(xxd -s 24 -l 4 -e flash.bin | cut -d " " -f 2 | sed "s@^@0x@")
spl_bin_offset=$(xxd -s 4 -l 4 -e flash.bin | cut -d " " -f 2 | sed "s@^@0x@")
spl_dd_offset=$((${spl_csf_offset} - ${spl_bin_offset} + 0x40))
dd if=csf_spl.bin of=flash.bin bs=1 seek=${spl_dd_offset} conv=notrunc
# 3) Sign u-boot.itb
# fitImage tree
fit_block_base=$(printf "0x%x" $(( $(sed -n "/CONFIG_TEXT_BASE=/ s@.*=@@p" .config) - $(sed -n "/CONFIG_FIT_EXTERNAL_OFFSET=/ s@.*=@@p" .config) - 0x200 - 0x40)) )
fit_block_offset=$(printf "0x%s" $(fdtget -t x u-boot.dtb /binman/imx-boot/uboot offset))
fit_block_size=$(printf "0x%x" $(( ( ($(fdtdump u-boot.itb 2>/dev/null | sed -n "/^...totalsize:/ s@.*\(0x[0-9a-f]\+\).*@\1@p") + 0x1000 - 0x1 ) & ~(0x1000 - 0x1)) + 0x20 )) )
sed -i "/Blocks = / s@.*@ Blocks = $fit_block_base $fit_block_offset $fit_block_size \"flash.bin\", \\\\@" csf_fit.tmp
# U-Boot
uboot_block_base=$(printf "0x%s" $(fdtget -t x u-boot.itb /images/uboot load))
uboot_block_offset=$(printf "0x%x" $(( $(printf "0x%s" $(fdtget -t x u-boot.itb /images/uboot data-position)) + ${fit_block_offset} )))
uboot_block_size=$(printf "0x%s" $(fdtget -t x u-boot.itb /images/uboot data-size))
sed -i "/0xuuuu/ s@.*@ $uboot_block_base $uboot_block_offset $uboot_block_size \"flash.bin\", \\\\@" csf_fit.tmp
atf_block_base=$(printf "0x%s" $(fdtget -t x u-boot.itb /images/atf load))
atf_block_offset=$(printf "0x%x" $(( $(printf "0x%s" $(fdtget -t x u-boot.itb /images/atf data-position)) + ${fit_block_offset} )))
atf_block_size=$(printf "0x%s" $(fdtget -t x u-boot.itb /images/atf data-size))
sed -i "/0xaaaa/ s@.*@ $atf_block_base $atf_block_offset $atf_block_size \"flash.bin\", \\\\@" csf_fit.tmp
dtb_block_base=$(printf "0x%x" $(( ${uboot_block_base} + ${uboot_block_size} )))
dtb_block_offset=$(printf "0x%x" $(( $(printf "0x%s" $(fdtget -t x u-boot.itb /images/fdt-1 data-position)) + ${fit_block_offset} )))
dtb_block_size=$(printf "0x%s" $(fdtget -t x u-boot.itb /images/fdt-1 data-size))
sed -i "/0xdddd/ s@.*@ $dtb_block_base $dtb_block_offset $dtb_block_size \"flash.bin\"@" csf_fit.tmp
ivt_ptr_base=$(printf "%08x" ${fit_block_base} | sed "s@\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)@0x\4\3\2\1@")
ivt_block_base=$(printf "%08x" $(( ${fit_block_base} + ${fit_block_size} - 0x20 )) | sed "s@\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)@0x\4\3\2\1@")
csf_block_base=$(printf "%08x" $(( ${fit_block_base} + ${fit_block_size} )) | sed "s@\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)@0x\4\3\2\1@")
ivt_block_offset=$((${fit_block_offset} + ${fit_block_size} - 0x20))
csf_block_offset=$((${ivt_block_offset} + 0x20))
echo "0xd1002041 ${ivt_ptr_base} 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ${ivt_block_base} ${csf_block_base} 0x00000000" | xxd -r -p > ivt.bin
dd if=ivt.bin of=flash.bin bs=1 seek=${ivt_block_offset} conv=notrunc
# Generate CSF blob
cst -i csf_fit.tmp -o csf_fit.bin
# Patch CSF blob into flash.bin
dd if=csf_fit.bin of=flash.bin bs=1 seek=${csf_block_offset} conv=notrunc