# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc # Written by Simon Glass # # To run a single test, change to this directory, and: # # python -m unittest func_test.TestFunctional.testHelp import collections import gzip import hashlib from optparse import OptionParser import os import re import shutil import struct import sys import tempfile import unittest import unittest.mock import urllib.error from binman import bintool from binman import cbfs_util from binman import cmdline from binman import control from binman import elf from binman import elf_test from binman import fip_util from binman import fmap_util from binman import state from dtoc import fdt from dtoc import fdt_util from binman.etype import fdtmap from binman.etype import image_header from binman.image import Image from patman import command from patman import test_util from patman import tools from patman import tout # Contents of test files, corresponding to different entry types U_BOOT_DATA = b'1234' U_BOOT_IMG_DATA = b'img' U_BOOT_SPL_DATA = b'56780123456789abcdefghijklm' U_BOOT_TPL_DATA = b'tpl9876543210fedcbazywvuts' U_BOOT_VPL_DATA = b'vpl76543210fedcbazywxyz_' BLOB_DATA = b'89' ME_DATA = b'0abcd' VGA_DATA = b'vga' U_BOOT_DTB_DATA = b'udtb' U_BOOT_SPL_DTB_DATA = b'spldtb' U_BOOT_TPL_DTB_DATA = b'tpldtb' U_BOOT_VPL_DTB_DATA = b'vpldtb' X86_START16_DATA = b'start16' X86_START16_SPL_DATA = b'start16spl' X86_START16_TPL_DATA = b'start16tpl' X86_RESET16_DATA = b'reset16' X86_RESET16_SPL_DATA = b'reset16spl' X86_RESET16_TPL_DATA = b'reset16tpl' PPC_MPC85XX_BR_DATA = b'ppcmpc85xxbr' U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA = b'nodtb with microcode pointer somewhere in here' U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA = b'splnodtb with microcode pointer somewhere in here' U_BOOT_TPL_NODTB_DATA = b'tplnodtb with microcode pointer somewhere in here' U_BOOT_VPL_NODTB_DATA = b'vplnodtb' U_BOOT_EXP_DATA = U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA + U_BOOT_DTB_DATA U_BOOT_SPL_EXP_DATA = U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA + U_BOOT_SPL_DTB_DATA U_BOOT_TPL_EXP_DATA = U_BOOT_TPL_NODTB_DATA + U_BOOT_TPL_DTB_DATA FSP_DATA = b'fsp' CMC_DATA = b'cmc' VBT_DATA = b'vbt' MRC_DATA = b'mrc' TEXT_DATA = 'text' TEXT_DATA2 = 'text2' TEXT_DATA3 = 'text3' CROS_EC_RW_DATA = b'ecrw' GBB_DATA = b'gbbd' BMPBLK_DATA = b'bmp' VBLOCK_DATA = b'vblk' FILES_DATA = (b"sorry I'm late\nOh, don't bother apologising, I'm " + b"sorry you're alive\n") COMPRESS_DATA = b'compress xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx data' COMPRESS_DATA_BIG = COMPRESS_DATA * 2 REFCODE_DATA = b'refcode' FSP_M_DATA = b'fsp_m' FSP_S_DATA = b'fsp_s' FSP_T_DATA = b'fsp_t' ATF_BL31_DATA = b'bl31' TEE_OS_DATA = b'this is some tee OS data' ATF_BL2U_DATA = b'bl2u' OPENSBI_DATA = b'opensbi' SCP_DATA = b'scp' TEST_FDT1_DATA = b'fdt1' TEST_FDT2_DATA = b'test-fdt2' ENV_DATA = b'var1=1\nvar2="2"' PRE_LOAD_MAGIC = b'UBSH' PRE_LOAD_VERSION = 0x11223344.to_bytes(4, 'big') PRE_LOAD_HDR_SIZE = 0x00001000.to_bytes(4, 'big') # Subdirectory of the input dir to use to put test FDTs TEST_FDT_SUBDIR = 'fdts' # The expected size for the device tree in some tests EXTRACT_DTB_SIZE = 0x3c9 # Properties expected to be in the device tree when update_dtb is used BASE_DTB_PROPS = ['offset', 'size', 'image-pos'] # Extra properties expected to be in the device tree when allow-repack is used REPACK_DTB_PROPS = ['orig-offset', 'orig-size'] # Supported compression bintools COMP_BINTOOLS = ['bzip2', 'gzip', 'lz4', 'lzma_alone', 'lzop', 'xz', 'zstd'] TEE_ADDR = 0x5678 class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase): """Functional tests for binman Most of these use a sample .dts file to build an image and then check that it looks correct. The sample files are in the test/ subdirectory and are numbered. For each entry type a very small test file is created using fixed string contents. This makes it easy to test that things look right, and debug problems. In some cases a 'real' file must be used - these are also supplied in the test/ diurectory. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): global entry from binman import entry # Handle the case where argv[0] is 'python' cls._binman_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) cls._binman_pathname = os.path.join(cls._binman_dir, 'binman') # Create a temporary directory for input files cls._indir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binmant.') # Create some test files TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.bin', U_BOOT_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.img', U_BOOT_IMG_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl.bin', U_BOOT_SPL_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin', U_BOOT_TPL_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('vpl/u-boot-vpl.bin', U_BOOT_VPL_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('blobfile', BLOB_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('me.bin', ME_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('vga.bin', VGA_DATA) cls._ResetDtbs() TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot-br.bin', PPC_MPC85XX_BR_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot-x86-start16.bin', X86_START16_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-x86-start16-spl.bin', X86_START16_SPL_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('tpl/u-boot-x86-start16-tpl.bin', X86_START16_TPL_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot-x86-reset16.bin', X86_RESET16_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-x86-reset16-spl.bin', X86_RESET16_SPL_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('tpl/u-boot-x86-reset16-tpl.bin', X86_RESET16_TPL_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot-nodtb.bin', U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin', U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('tpl/u-boot-tpl-nodtb.bin', U_BOOT_TPL_NODTB_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('vpl/u-boot-vpl-nodtb.bin', U_BOOT_VPL_NODTB_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('fsp.bin', FSP_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('cmc.bin', CMC_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('vbt.bin', VBT_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('mrc.bin', MRC_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('ecrw.bin', CROS_EC_RW_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputDir('devkeys') TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('bmpblk.bin', BMPBLK_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('refcode.bin', REFCODE_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('fsp_m.bin', FSP_M_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('fsp_s.bin', FSP_S_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('fsp_t.bin', FSP_T_DATA) cls._elf_testdir = os.path.join(cls._indir, 'elftest') elf_test.BuildElfTestFiles(cls._elf_testdir) # ELF file with a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', tools.read_file(cls.ElfTestFile('u_boot_ucode_ptr'))) # Intel flash descriptor file cls._SetupDescriptor() shutil.copytree(cls.TestFile('files'), os.path.join(cls._indir, 'files')) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('compress', COMPRESS_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('compress_big', COMPRESS_DATA_BIG) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('bl31.bin', ATF_BL31_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('tee-pager.bin', TEE_OS_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('bl2u.bin', ATF_BL2U_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('fw_dynamic.bin', OPENSBI_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('scp.bin', SCP_DATA) # Add a few .dtb files for testing TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('%s/test-fdt1.dtb' % TEST_FDT_SUBDIR, TEST_FDT1_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('%s/test-fdt2.dtb' % TEST_FDT_SUBDIR, TEST_FDT2_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('env.txt', ENV_DATA) # ELF file with two sections in different parts of memory, used for both # ATF and OP_TEE TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('bl31.elf', tools.read_file(cls.ElfTestFile('elf_sections'))) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('tee.elf', tools.read_file(cls.ElfTestFile('elf_sections'))) # Newer OP_TEE file in v1 binary format cls.make_tee_bin('tee.bin') cls.comp_bintools = {} for name in COMP_BINTOOLS: cls.comp_bintools[name] = bintool.Bintool.create(name) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """Remove the temporary input directory and its contents""" if cls.preserve_indir: print('Preserving input dir: %s' % cls._indir) else: if cls._indir: shutil.rmtree(cls._indir) cls._indir = None @classmethod def setup_test_args(cls, preserve_indir=False, preserve_outdirs=False, toolpath=None, verbosity=None): """Accept arguments controlling test execution Args: preserve_indir: Preserve the shared input directory used by all tests in this class. preserve_outdir: Preserve the output directories used by tests. Each test has its own, so this is normally only useful when running a single test. toolpath: ist of paths to use for tools """ cls.preserve_indir = preserve_indir cls.preserve_outdirs = preserve_outdirs cls.toolpath = toolpath cls.verbosity = verbosity def _CheckBintool(self, bintool): if not bintool.is_present(): self.skipTest('%s not available' % bintool.name) def _CheckLz4(self): bintool = self.comp_bintools['lz4'] self._CheckBintool(bintool) def _CleanupOutputDir(self): """Remove the temporary output directory""" if self.preserve_outdirs: print('Preserving output dir: %s' % tools.outdir) else: tools._finalise_for_test() def setUp(self): # Enable this to turn on debugging output # tout.init(tout.DEBUG) command.test_result = None def tearDown(self): """Remove the temporary output directory""" self._CleanupOutputDir() def _SetupImageInTmpdir(self): """Set up the output image in a new temporary directory This is used when an image has been generated in the output directory, but we want to run binman again. This will create a new output directory and fail to delete the original one. This creates a new temporary directory, copies the image to it (with a new name) and removes the old output directory. Returns: Tuple: Temporary directory to use New image filename """ image_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.bin') tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binman.') updated_fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'image-updated.bin') tools.write_file(updated_fname, tools.read_file(image_fname)) self._CleanupOutputDir() return tmpdir, updated_fname @classmethod def _ResetDtbs(cls): TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl.dtb', U_BOOT_SPL_DTB_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('tpl/u-boot-tpl.dtb', U_BOOT_TPL_DTB_DATA) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('vpl/u-boot-vpl.dtb', U_BOOT_VPL_DTB_DATA) def _RunBinman(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run binman using the command line Args: Arguments to pass, as a list of strings kwargs: Arguments to pass to Command.RunPipe() """ result = command.run_pipe([[self._binman_pathname] + list(args)], capture=True, capture_stderr=True, raise_on_error=False) if result.return_code and kwargs.get('raise_on_error', True): raise Exception("Error running '%s': %s" % (' '.join(args), result.stdout + result.stderr)) return result def _DoBinman(self, *argv): """Run binman using directly (in the same process) Args: Arguments to pass, as a list of strings Returns: Return value (0 for success) """ argv = list(argv) args = cmdline.ParseArgs(argv) args.pager = 'binman-invalid-pager' args.build_dir = self._indir # For testing, you can force an increase in verbosity here # args.verbosity = tout.DEBUG return control.Binman(args) def _DoTestFile(self, fname, debug=False, map=False, update_dtb=False, entry_args=None, images=None, use_real_dtb=False, use_expanded=False, verbosity=None, allow_missing=False, allow_fake_blobs=False, extra_indirs=None, threads=None, test_section_timeout=False, update_fdt_in_elf=None, force_missing_bintools='', ignore_missing=False): """Run binman with a given test file Args: fname: Device-tree source filename to use (e.g. 005_simple.dts) debug: True to enable debugging output map: True to output map files for the images update_dtb: Update the offset and size of each entry in the device tree before packing it into the image entry_args: Dict of entry args to supply to binman key: arg name value: value of that arg images: List of image names to build use_real_dtb: True to use the test file as the contents of the u-boot-dtb entry. Normally this is not needed and the test contents (the U_BOOT_DTB_DATA string) can be used. But in some test we need the real contents. use_expanded: True to use expanded entries where available, e.g. 'u-boot-expanded' instead of 'u-boot' verbosity: Verbosity level to use (0-3, None=don't set it) allow_missing: Set the '--allow-missing' flag so that missing external binaries just produce a warning instead of an error allow_fake_blobs: Set the '--fake-ext-blobs' flag extra_indirs: Extra input directories to add using -I threads: Number of threads to use (None for default, 0 for single-threaded) test_section_timeout: True to force the first time to timeout, as used in testThreadTimeout() update_fdt_in_elf: Value to pass with --update-fdt-in-elf=xxx force_missing_tools (str): comma-separated list of bintools to regard as missing Returns: int return code, 0 on success """ args = [] if debug: args.append('-D') if verbosity is not None: args.append('-v%d' % verbosity) elif self.verbosity: args.append('-v%d' % self.verbosity) if self.toolpath: for path in self.toolpath: args += ['--toolpath', path] if threads is not None: args.append('-T%d' % threads) if test_section_timeout: args.append('--test-section-timeout') args += ['build', '-p', '-I', self._indir, '-d', self.TestFile(fname)] if map: args.append('-m') if update_dtb: args.append('-u') if not use_real_dtb: args.append('--fake-dtb') if not use_expanded: args.append('--no-expanded') if entry_args: for arg, value in entry_args.items(): args.append('-a%s=%s' % (arg, value)) if allow_missing: args.append('-M') if ignore_missing: args.append('-W') if allow_fake_blobs: args.append('--fake-ext-blobs') if force_missing_bintools: args += ['--force-missing-bintools', force_missing_bintools] if update_fdt_in_elf: args += ['--update-fdt-in-elf', update_fdt_in_elf] if images: for image in images: args += ['-i', image] if extra_indirs: for indir in extra_indirs: args += ['-I', indir] return self._DoBinman(*args) def _SetupDtb(self, fname, outfile='u-boot.dtb'): """Set up a new test device-tree file The given file is compiled and set up as the device tree to be used for ths test. Args: fname: Filename of .dts file to read outfile: Output filename for compiled device-tree binary Returns: Contents of device-tree binary """ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binmant.') dtb = fdt_util.EnsureCompiled(self.TestFile(fname), tmpdir) with open(dtb, 'rb') as fd: data = fd.read() TestFunctional._MakeInputFile(outfile, data) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return data def _GetDtbContentsForSpls(self, dtb_data, name): """Create a version of the main DTB for SPL / TPL / VPL For testing we don't actually have different versions of the DTB. With U-Boot we normally run fdtgrep to remove unwanted nodes, but for tests we don't normally have any unwanted nodes. We still want the DTBs for SPL and TPL to be different though, since otherwise it is confusing to know which one we are looking at. So add an 'spl' or 'tpl' property to the top-level node. Args: dtb_data: dtb data to modify (this should be a value devicetree) name: Name of a new property to add Returns: New dtb data with the property added """ dtb = fdt.Fdt.FromData(dtb_data) dtb.Scan() dtb.GetNode('/binman').AddZeroProp(name) dtb.Sync(auto_resize=True) dtb.Pack() return dtb.GetContents() def _DoReadFileDtb(self, fname, use_real_dtb=False, use_expanded=False, map=False, update_dtb=False, entry_args=None, reset_dtbs=True, extra_indirs=None, threads=None): """Run binman and return the resulting image This runs binman with a given test file and then reads the resulting output file. It is a shortcut function since most tests need to do these steps. Raises an assertion failure if binman returns a non-zero exit code. Args: fname: Device-tree source filename to use (e.g. 005_simple.dts) use_real_dtb: True to use the test file as the contents of the u-boot-dtb entry. Normally this is not needed and the test contents (the U_BOOT_DTB_DATA string) can be used. But in some test we need the real contents. use_expanded: True to use expanded entries where available, e.g. 'u-boot-expanded' instead of 'u-boot' map: True to output map files for the images update_dtb: Update the offset and size of each entry in the device tree before packing it into the image entry_args: Dict of entry args to supply to binman key: arg name value: value of that arg reset_dtbs: With use_real_dtb the test dtb is overwritten by this function. If reset_dtbs is True, then the original test dtb is written back before this function finishes extra_indirs: Extra input directories to add using -I threads: Number of threads to use (None for default, 0 for single-threaded) Returns: Tuple: Resulting image contents Device tree contents Map data showing contents of image (or None if none) Output device tree binary filename ('u-boot.dtb' path) """ dtb_data = None # Use the compiled test file as the u-boot-dtb input if use_real_dtb: dtb_data = self._SetupDtb(fname) # For testing purposes, make a copy of the DT for SPL and TPL. Add # a node indicating which it is, so aid verification. for name in ['spl', 'tpl', 'vpl']: dtb_fname = '%s/u-boot-%s.dtb' % (name, name) outfile = os.path.join(self._indir, dtb_fname) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile(dtb_fname, self._GetDtbContentsForSpls(dtb_data, name)) try: retcode = self._DoTestFile(fname, map=map, update_dtb=update_dtb, entry_args=entry_args, use_real_dtb=use_real_dtb, use_expanded=use_expanded, extra_indirs=extra_indirs, threads=threads) self.assertEqual(0, retcode) out_dtb_fname = tools.get_output_filename('u-boot.dtb.out') # Find the (only) image, read it and return its contents image = control.images['image'] image_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.bin') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(image_fname)) if map: map_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.map') with open(map_fname) as fd: map_data = fd.read() else: map_data = None with open(image_fname, 'rb') as fd: return fd.read(), dtb_data, map_data, out_dtb_fname finally: # Put the test file back if reset_dtbs and use_real_dtb: self._ResetDtbs() def _DoReadFileRealDtb(self, fname): """Run binman with a real .dtb file and return the resulting data Args: fname: DT source filename to use (e.g. 082_fdt_update_all.dts) Returns: Resulting image contents """ return self._DoReadFileDtb(fname, use_real_dtb=True, update_dtb=True)[0] def _DoReadFile(self, fname, use_real_dtb=False): """Helper function which discards the device-tree binary Args: fname: Device-tree source filename to use (e.g. 005_simple.dts) use_real_dtb: True to use the test file as the contents of the u-boot-dtb entry. Normally this is not needed and the test contents (the U_BOOT_DTB_DATA string) can be used. But in some test we need the real contents. Returns: Resulting image contents """ return self._DoReadFileDtb(fname, use_real_dtb)[0] @classmethod def _MakeInputFile(cls, fname, contents): """Create a new test input file, creating directories as needed Args: fname: Filename to create contents: File contents to write in to the file Returns: Full pathname of file created """ pathname = os.path.join(cls._indir, fname) dirname = os.path.dirname(pathname) if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(pathname, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(contents) return pathname @classmethod def _MakeInputDir(cls, dirname): """Create a new test input directory, creating directories as needed Args: dirname: Directory name to create Returns: Full pathname of directory created """ pathname = os.path.join(cls._indir, dirname) if not os.path.exists(pathname): os.makedirs(pathname) return pathname @classmethod def _SetupSplElf(cls, src_fname='bss_data'): """Set up an ELF file with a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol Args: Filename of ELF file to use as SPL """ TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl', tools.read_file(cls.ElfTestFile(src_fname))) @classmethod def _SetupTplElf(cls, src_fname='bss_data'): """Set up an ELF file with a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol Args: Filename of ELF file to use as TPL """ TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('tpl/u-boot-tpl', tools.read_file(cls.ElfTestFile(src_fname))) @classmethod def _SetupVplElf(cls, src_fname='bss_data'): """Set up an ELF file with a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol Args: Filename of ELF file to use as VPL """ TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('vpl/u-boot-vpl', tools.read_file(cls.ElfTestFile(src_fname))) @classmethod def _SetupDescriptor(cls): with open(cls.TestFile('descriptor.bin'), 'rb') as fd: TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('descriptor.bin', fd.read()) @classmethod def TestFile(cls, fname): return os.path.join(cls._binman_dir, 'test', fname) @classmethod def ElfTestFile(cls, fname): return os.path.join(cls._elf_testdir, fname) @classmethod def make_tee_bin(cls, fname, paged_sz=0, extra_data=b''): init_sz, start_hi, start_lo, dummy = (len(U_BOOT_DATA), 0, TEE_ADDR, 0) data = b'OPTE\x01xxx' + struct.pack('<5I', init_sz, start_hi, start_lo, dummy, paged_sz) + U_BOOT_DATA data += extra_data TestFunctional._MakeInputFile(fname, data) def AssertInList(self, grep_list, target): """Assert that at least one of a list of things is in a target Args: grep_list: List of strings to check target: Target string """ for grep in grep_list: if grep in target: return self.fail("Error: '%s' not found in '%s'" % (grep_list, target)) def CheckNoGaps(self, entries): """Check that all entries fit together without gaps Args: entries: List of entries to check """ offset = 0 for entry in entries.values(): self.assertEqual(offset, entry.offset) offset += entry.size def GetFdtLen(self, dtb): """Get the totalsize field from a device-tree binary Args: dtb: Device-tree binary contents Returns: Total size of device-tree binary, from the header """ return struct.unpack('>L', dtb[4:8])[0] def _GetPropTree(self, dtb, prop_names, prefix='/binman/'): def AddNode(node, path): if node.name != '/': path += '/' + node.name for prop in node.props.values(): if prop.name in prop_names: prop_path = path + ':' + prop.name tree[prop_path[len(prefix):]] = fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu( prop.value) for subnode in node.subnodes: AddNode(subnode, path) tree = {} AddNode(dtb.GetRoot(), '') return tree def testRun(self): """Test a basic run with valid args""" result = self._RunBinman('-h') def testFullHelp(self): """Test that the full help is displayed with -H""" result = self._RunBinman('-H') help_file = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'README.rst') # Remove possible extraneous strings extra = '::::::::::::::\n' + help_file + '\n::::::::::::::\n' gothelp = result.stdout.replace(extra, '') self.assertEqual(len(gothelp), os.path.getsize(help_file)) self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr)) self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code) def testFullHelpInternal(self): """Test that the full help is displayed with -H""" try: command.test_result = command.CommandResult() result = self._DoBinman('-H') help_file = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'README.rst') finally: command.test_result = None def testHelp(self): """Test that the basic help is displayed with -h""" result = self._RunBinman('-h') self.assertTrue(len(result.stdout) > 200) self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr)) self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code) def testBoard(self): """Test that we can run it with a specific board""" self._SetupDtb('005_simple.dts', 'sandbox/u-boot.dtb') TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('sandbox/u-boot.bin', U_BOOT_DATA) result = self._DoBinman('build', '-n', '-b', 'sandbox') self.assertEqual(0, result) def testNeedBoard(self): """Test that we get an error when no board ius supplied""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: result = self._DoBinman('build') self.assertIn("Must provide a board to process (use -b )", str(e.exception)) def testMissingDt(self): """Test that an invalid device-tree file generates an error""" with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: self._RunBinman('build', '-d', 'missing_file') # We get one error from libfdt, and a different one from fdtget. self.AssertInList(["Couldn't open blob from 'missing_file'", 'No such file or directory'], str(e.exception)) def testBrokenDt(self): """Test that an invalid device-tree source file generates an error Since this is a source file it should be compiled and the error will come from the device-tree compiler (dtc). """ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: self._RunBinman('build', '-d', self.TestFile('001_invalid.dts')) self.assertIn("FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree", str(e.exception)) def testMissingNode(self): """Test that a device tree without a 'binman' node generates an error""" with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: self._DoBinman('build', '-d', self.TestFile('002_missing_node.dts')) self.assertIn("does not have a 'binman' node", str(e.exception)) def testEmpty(self): """Test that an empty binman node works OK (i.e. does nothing)""" result = self._RunBinman('build', '-d', self.TestFile('003_empty.dts')) self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr)) self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code) def testInvalidEntry(self): """Test that an invalid entry is flagged""" with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: result = self._RunBinman('build', '-d', self.TestFile('004_invalid_entry.dts')) self.assertIn("Unknown entry type 'not-a-valid-type' in node " "'/binman/not-a-valid-type'", str(e.exception)) def testSimple(self): """Test a simple binman with a single file""" data = self._DoReadFile('005_simple.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data) def testSimpleDebug(self): """Test a simple binman run with debugging enabled""" self._DoTestFile('005_simple.dts', debug=True) def testDual(self): """Test that we can handle creating two images This also tests image padding. """ retcode = self._DoTestFile('006_dual_image.dts') self.assertEqual(0, retcode) image = control.images['image1'] self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), image.size) fname = tools.get_output_filename('image1.bin') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname)) with open(fname, 'rb') as fd: data = fd.read() self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data) image = control.images['image2'] self.assertEqual(3 + len(U_BOOT_DATA) + 5, image.size) fname = tools.get_output_filename('image2.bin') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname)) with open(fname, 'rb') as fd: data = fd.read() self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data[3:7]) self.assertEqual(tools.get_bytes(0, 3), data[:3]) self.assertEqual(tools.get_bytes(0, 5), data[7:]) def testBadAlign(self): """Test that an invalid alignment value is detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('007_bad_align.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment 23 must be a power " "of two", str(e.exception)) def testPackSimple(self): """Test that packing works as expected""" retcode = self._DoTestFile('008_pack.dts') self.assertEqual(0, retcode) self.assertIn('image', control.images) image = control.images['image'] entries = image.GetEntries() self.assertEqual(5, len(entries)) # First u-boot self.assertIn('u-boot', entries) entry = entries['u-boot'] self.assertEqual(0, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size) # Second u-boot, aligned to 16-byte boundary self.assertIn('u-boot-align', entries) entry = entries['u-boot-align'] self.assertEqual(16, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size) # Third u-boot, size 23 bytes self.assertIn('u-boot-size', entries) entry = entries['u-boot-size'] self.assertEqual(20, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.contents_size) self.assertEqual(23, entry.size) # Fourth u-boot, placed immediate after the above self.assertIn('u-boot-next', entries) entry = entries['u-boot-next'] self.assertEqual(43, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size) # Fifth u-boot, placed at a fixed offset self.assertIn('u-boot-fixed', entries) entry = entries['u-boot-fixed'] self.assertEqual(61, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size) self.assertEqual(65, image.size) def testPackExtra(self): """Test that extra packing feature works as expected""" data, _, _, out_dtb_fname = self._DoReadFileDtb('009_pack_extra.dts', update_dtb=True) self.assertIn('image', control.images) image = control.images['image'] entries = image.GetEntries() self.assertEqual(6, len(entries)) # First u-boot with padding before and after (included in minimum size) self.assertIn('u-boot', entries) entry = entries['u-boot'] self.assertEqual(0, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(3, entry.pad_before) self.assertEqual(3 + 5 + len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, entry.data) self.assertEqual(tools.get_bytes(0, 3) + U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 5), data[:entry.size]) pos = entry.size # Second u-boot has an aligned size, but it has no effect self.assertIn('u-boot-align-size-nop', entries) entry = entries['u-boot-align-size-nop'] self.assertEqual(pos, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, entry.data) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data[pos:pos + entry.size]) pos += entry.size # Third u-boot has an aligned size too self.assertIn('u-boot-align-size', entries) entry = entries['u-boot-align-size'] self.assertEqual(pos, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(32, entry.size) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, entry.data) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 32 - len(U_BOOT_DATA)), data[pos:pos + entry.size]) pos += entry.size # Fourth u-boot has an aligned end self.assertIn('u-boot-align-end', entries) entry = entries['u-boot-align-end'] self.assertEqual(48, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(16, entry.size) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, entry.data[:len(U_BOOT_DATA)]) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 16 - len(U_BOOT_DATA)), data[pos:pos + entry.size]) pos += entry.size # Fifth u-boot immediately afterwards self.assertIn('u-boot-align-both', entries) entry = entries['u-boot-align-both'] self.assertEqual(64, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(64, entry.size) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, entry.data[:len(U_BOOT_DATA)]) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 64 - len(U_BOOT_DATA)), data[pos:pos + entry.size]) # Sixth u-boot with both minimum size and aligned size self.assertIn('u-boot-min-size', entries) entry = entries['u-boot-min-size'] self.assertEqual(128, entry.offset) self.assertEqual(32, entry.size) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, entry.data[:len(U_BOOT_DATA)]) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 32 - len(U_BOOT_DATA)), data[pos:pos + entry.size]) self.CheckNoGaps(entries) self.assertEqual(160, image.size) dtb = fdt.Fdt(out_dtb_fname) dtb.Scan() props = self._GetPropTree(dtb, ['size', 'offset', 'image-pos']) expected = { 'image-pos': 0, 'offset': 0, 'size': 160, 'u-boot:image-pos': 0, 'u-boot:offset': 0, 'u-boot:size': 3 + 5 + len(U_BOOT_DATA), 'u-boot-align-size-nop:image-pos': 12, 'u-boot-align-size-nop:offset': 12, 'u-boot-align-size-nop:size': 4, 'u-boot-align-size:image-pos': 16, 'u-boot-align-size:offset': 16, 'u-boot-align-size:size': 32, 'u-boot-align-end:image-pos': 48, 'u-boot-align-end:offset': 48, 'u-boot-align-end:size': 16, 'u-boot-align-both:image-pos': 64, 'u-boot-align-both:offset': 64, 'u-boot-align-both:size': 64, 'u-boot-min-size:image-pos': 128, 'u-boot-min-size:offset': 128, 'u-boot-min-size:size': 32, } self.assertEqual(expected, props) def testPackAlignPowerOf2(self): """Test that invalid entry alignment is detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('010_pack_align_power2.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment 5 must be a power " "of two", str(e.exception)) def testPackAlignSizePowerOf2(self): """Test that invalid entry size alignment is detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('011_pack_align_size_power2.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment size 55 must be a " "power of two", str(e.exception)) def testPackInvalidAlign(self): """Test detection of an offset that does not match its alignment""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('012_pack_inv_align.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Offset 0x5 (5) does not match " "align 0x4 (4)", str(e.exception)) def testPackInvalidSizeAlign(self): """Test that invalid entry size alignment is detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('013_pack_inv_size_align.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Size 0x5 (5) does not match " "align-size 0x4 (4)", str(e.exception)) def testPackOverlap(self): """Test that overlapping regions are detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('014_pack_overlap.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-align': Offset 0x3 (3) overlaps " "with previous entry '/binman/u-boot' ending at 0x4 (4)", str(e.exception)) def testPackEntryOverflow(self): """Test that entries that overflow their size are detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('015_pack_overflow.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Entry contents size is 0x4 (4) " "but entry size is 0x3 (3)", str(e.exception)) def testPackImageOverflow(self): """Test that entries which overflow the image size are detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('016_pack_image_overflow.dts') self.assertIn("Section '/binman': contents size 0x4 (4) exceeds section " "size 0x3 (3)", str(e.exception)) def testPackImageSize(self): """Test that the image size can be set""" retcode = self._DoTestFile('017_pack_image_size.dts') self.assertEqual(0, retcode) self.assertIn('image', control.images) image = control.images['image'] self.assertEqual(7, image.size) def testPackImageSizeAlign(self): """Test that image size alignemnt works as expected""" retcode = self._DoTestFile('018_pack_image_align.dts') self.assertEqual(0, retcode) self.assertIn('image', control.images) image = control.images['image'] self.assertEqual(16, image.size) def testPackInvalidImageAlign(self): """Test that invalid image alignment is detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('019_pack_inv_image_align.dts') self.assertIn("Section '/binman': Size 0x7 (7) does not match " "align-size 0x8 (8)", str(e.exception)) def testPackAlignPowerOf2Inv(self): """Test that invalid image alignment is detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('020_pack_inv_image_align_power2.dts') self.assertIn("Image '/binman': Alignment size 131 must be a power of " "two", str(e.exception)) def testImagePadByte(self): """Test that the image pad byte can be specified""" self._SetupSplElf() data = self._DoReadFile('021_image_pad.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0xff, 1) + U_BOOT_DATA, data) def testImageName(self): """Test that image files can be named""" retcode = self._DoTestFile('022_image_name.dts') self.assertEqual(0, retcode) image = control.images['image1'] fname = tools.get_output_filename('test-name') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname)) image = control.images['image2'] fname = tools.get_output_filename('test-name.xx') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname)) def testBlobFilename(self): """Test that generic blobs can be provided by filename""" data = self._DoReadFile('023_blob.dts') self.assertEqual(BLOB_DATA, data) def testPackSorted(self): """Test that entries can be sorted""" self._SetupSplElf() data = self._DoReadFile('024_sorted.dts') self.assertEqual(tools.get_bytes(0, 1) + U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 2) + U_BOOT_DATA, data) def testPackZeroOffset(self): """Test that an entry at offset 0 is not given a new offset""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('025_pack_zero_size.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-spl': Offset 0x0 (0) overlaps " "with previous entry '/binman/u-boot' ending at 0x4 (4)", str(e.exception)) def testPackUbootDtb(self): """Test that a device tree can be added to U-Boot""" data = self._DoReadFile('026_pack_u_boot_dtb.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA + U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, data) def testPackX86RomNoSize(self): """Test that the end-at-4gb property requires a size property""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('027_pack_4gb_no_size.dts') self.assertIn("Image '/binman': Section size must be provided when " "using end-at-4gb", str(e.exception)) def test4gbAndSkipAtStartTogether(self): """Test that the end-at-4gb and skip-at-size property can't be used together""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('098_4gb_and_skip_at_start_together.dts') self.assertIn("Image '/binman': Provide either 'end-at-4gb' or " "'skip-at-start'", str(e.exception)) def testPackX86RomOutside(self): """Test that the end-at-4gb property checks for offset boundaries""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('028_pack_4gb_outside.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Offset 0x0 (0) size 0x4 (4) " "is outside the section '/binman' starting at " '0xffffffe0 (4294967264) of size 0x20 (32)', str(e.exception)) def testPackX86Rom(self): """Test that a basic x86 ROM can be created""" self._SetupSplElf() data = self._DoReadFile('029_x86_rom.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 3) + U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 2), data) def testPackX86RomMeNoDesc(self): """Test that an invalid Intel descriptor entry is detected""" try: TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('descriptor-empty.bin', b'') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('163_x86_rom_me_empty.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/intel-descriptor': Cannot find Intel Flash Descriptor (FD) signature", str(e.exception)) finally: self._SetupDescriptor() def testPackX86RomBadDesc(self): """Test that the Intel requires a descriptor entry""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('030_x86_rom_me_no_desc.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/intel-me': No offset set with " "offset-unset: should another entry provide this correct " "offset?", str(e.exception)) def testPackX86RomMe(self): """Test that an x86 ROM with an ME region can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('031_x86_rom_me.dts') expected_desc = tools.read_file(self.TestFile('descriptor.bin')) if data[:0x1000] != expected_desc: self.fail('Expected descriptor binary at start of image') self.assertEqual(ME_DATA, data[0x1000:0x1000 + len(ME_DATA)]) def testPackVga(self): """Test that an image with a VGA binary can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('032_intel_vga.dts') self.assertEqual(VGA_DATA, data[:len(VGA_DATA)]) def testPackStart16(self): """Test that an image with an x86 start16 region can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('033_x86_start16.dts') self.assertEqual(X86_START16_DATA, data[:len(X86_START16_DATA)]) def testPackPowerpcMpc85xxBootpgResetvec(self): """Test that an image with powerpc-mpc85xx-bootpg-resetvec can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('150_powerpc_mpc85xx_bootpg_resetvec.dts') self.assertEqual(PPC_MPC85XX_BR_DATA, data[:len(PPC_MPC85XX_BR_DATA)]) def _RunMicrocodeTest(self, dts_fname, nodtb_data, ucode_second=False): """Handle running a test for insertion of microcode Args: dts_fname: Name of test .dts file nodtb_data: Data that we expect in the first section ucode_second: True if the microsecond entry is second instead of third Returns: Tuple: Contents of first region (U-Boot or SPL) Offset and size components of microcode pointer, as inserted in the above (two 4-byte words) """ data = self._DoReadFile(dts_fname, True) # Now check the device tree has no microcode if ucode_second: ucode_content = data[len(nodtb_data):] ucode_pos = len(nodtb_data) dtb_with_ucode = ucode_content[16:] fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(dtb_with_ucode) else: dtb_with_ucode = data[len(nodtb_data):] fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(dtb_with_ucode) ucode_content = dtb_with_ucode[fdt_len:] ucode_pos = len(nodtb_data) + fdt_len fname = tools.get_output_filename('test.dtb') with open(fname, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(dtb_with_ucode) dtb = fdt.FdtScan(fname) ucode = dtb.GetNode('/microcode') self.assertTrue(ucode) for node in ucode.subnodes: self.assertFalse(node.props.get('data')) # Check that the microcode appears immediately after the Fdt # This matches the concatenation of the data properties in # the /microcode/update@xxx nodes in 34_x86_ucode.dts. ucode_data = struct.pack('>4L', 0x12345678, 0x12345679, 0xabcd0000, 0x78235609) self.assertEqual(ucode_data, ucode_content[:len(ucode_data)]) # Check that the microcode pointer was inserted. It should match the # expected offset and size pos_and_size = struct.pack('<2L', 0xfffffe00 + ucode_pos, len(ucode_data)) u_boot = data[:len(nodtb_data)] return u_boot, pos_and_size def testPackUbootMicrocode(self): """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly We expect to see the following in the image, in order: u-boot-nodtb.bin with a microcode pointer inserted at the correct place u-boot.dtb with the microcode removed the microcode """ first, pos_and_size = self._RunMicrocodeTest('034_x86_ucode.dts', U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA) self.assertEqual(b'nodtb with microcode' + pos_and_size + b' somewhere in here', first) def _RunPackUbootSingleMicrocode(self): """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly We expect to see the following in the image, in order: u-boot-nodtb.bin with a microcode pointer inserted at the correct place u-boot.dtb with the microcode an empty microcode region """ # We need the libfdt library to run this test since only that allows # finding the offset of a property. This is required by # Entry_u_boot_dtb_with_ucode.ObtainContents(). data = self._DoReadFile('035_x86_single_ucode.dts', True) second = data[len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA):] fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(second) third = second[fdt_len:] second = second[:fdt_len] ucode_data = struct.pack('>2L', 0x12345678, 0x12345679) self.assertIn(ucode_data, second) ucode_pos = second.find(ucode_data) + len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA) # Check that the microcode pointer was inserted. It should match the # expected offset and size pos_and_size = struct.pack('<2L', 0xfffffe00 + ucode_pos, len(ucode_data)) first = data[:len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)] self.assertEqual(b'nodtb with microcode' + pos_and_size + b' somewhere in here', first) def testPackUbootSingleMicrocode(self): """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly with fdt_normal. """ self._RunPackUbootSingleMicrocode() def testUBootImg(self): """Test that u-boot.img can be put in a file""" data = self._DoReadFile('036_u_boot_img.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_IMG_DATA, data) def testNoMicrocode(self): """Test that a missing microcode region is detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('037_x86_no_ucode.dts', True) self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-dtb-with-ucode': No /microcode " "node found in ", str(e.exception)) def testMicrocodeWithoutNode(self): """Test that a missing u-boot-dtb-with-ucode node is detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('038_x86_ucode_missing_node.dts', True) self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Cannot find " "microcode region u-boot-dtb-with-ucode", str(e.exception)) def testMicrocodeWithoutNode2(self): """Test that a missing u-boot-ucode node is detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('039_x86_ucode_missing_node2.dts', True) self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Cannot find " "microcode region u-boot-ucode", str(e.exception)) def testMicrocodeWithoutPtrInElf(self): """Test that a U-Boot binary without the microcode symbol is detected""" # ELF file without a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol try: TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', tools.read_file(self.ElfTestFile('u_boot_no_ucode_ptr'))) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._RunPackUbootSingleMicrocode() self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Cannot locate " "_dt_ucode_base_size symbol in u-boot", str(e.exception)) finally: # Put the original file back TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', tools.read_file(self.ElfTestFile('u_boot_ucode_ptr'))) def testMicrocodeNotInImage(self): """Test that microcode must be placed within the image""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('040_x86_ucode_not_in_image.dts', True) self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Microcode " "pointer _dt_ucode_base_size at fffffe14 is outside the " "section ranging from 00000000 to 0000002e", str(e.exception)) def testWithoutMicrocode(self): """Test that we can cope with an image without microcode (e.g. qemu)""" TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', tools.read_file(self.ElfTestFile('u_boot_no_ucode_ptr'))) data, dtb, _, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('044_x86_optional_ucode.dts', True) # Now check the device tree has no microcode self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)]) second = data[len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA):] fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(second) self.assertEqual(dtb, second[:fdt_len]) used_len = len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA) + fdt_len third = data[used_len:] self.assertEqual(tools.get_bytes(0, 0x200 - used_len), third) def testUnknownPosSize(self): """Test that microcode must be placed within the image""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('041_unknown_pos_size.dts', True) self.assertIn("Section '/binman': Unable to set offset/size for unknown " "entry 'invalid-entry'", str(e.exception)) def testPackFsp(self): """Test that an image with a FSP binary can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('042_intel_fsp.dts') self.assertEqual(FSP_DATA, data[:len(FSP_DATA)]) def testPackCmc(self): """Test that an image with a CMC binary can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('043_intel_cmc.dts') self.assertEqual(CMC_DATA, data[:len(CMC_DATA)]) def testPackVbt(self): """Test that an image with a VBT binary can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('046_intel_vbt.dts') self.assertEqual(VBT_DATA, data[:len(VBT_DATA)]) def testSplBssPad(self): """Test that we can pad SPL's BSS with zeros""" # ELF file with a '__bss_size' symbol self._SetupSplElf() data = self._DoReadFile('047_spl_bss_pad.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 10) + U_BOOT_DATA, data) def testSplBssPadMissing(self): """Test that a missing symbol is detected""" self._SetupSplElf('u_boot_ucode_ptr') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('047_spl_bss_pad.dts') self.assertIn('Expected __bss_size symbol in spl/u-boot-spl', str(e.exception)) def testPackStart16Spl(self): """Test that an image with an x86 start16 SPL region can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('048_x86_start16_spl.dts') self.assertEqual(X86_START16_SPL_DATA, data[:len(X86_START16_SPL_DATA)]) def _PackUbootSplMicrocode(self, dts, ucode_second=False): """Helper function for microcode tests We expect to see the following in the image, in order: u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin with a microcode pointer inserted at the correct place u-boot.dtb with the microcode removed the microcode Args: dts: Device tree file to use for test ucode_second: True if the microsecond entry is second instead of third """ self._SetupSplElf('u_boot_ucode_ptr') first, pos_and_size = self._RunMicrocodeTest(dts, U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA, ucode_second=ucode_second) self.assertEqual(b'splnodtb with microc' + pos_and_size + b'ter somewhere in here', first) def testPackUbootSplMicrocode(self): """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly in SPL""" self._PackUbootSplMicrocode('049_x86_ucode_spl.dts') def testPackUbootSplMicrocodeReorder(self): """Test that order doesn't matter for microcode entries This is the same as testPackUbootSplMicrocode but when we process the u-boot-ucode entry we have not yet seen the u-boot-dtb-with-ucode entry, so we reply on binman to try later. """ self._PackUbootSplMicrocode('058_x86_ucode_spl_needs_retry.dts', ucode_second=True) def testPackMrc(self): """Test that an image with an MRC binary can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('050_intel_mrc.dts') self.assertEqual(MRC_DATA, data[:len(MRC_DATA)]) def testSplDtb(self): """Test that an image with spl/u-boot-spl.dtb can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('051_u_boot_spl_dtb.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_DTB_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_SPL_DTB_DATA)]) def testSplNoDtb(self): """Test that an image with spl/u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin can be created""" self._SetupSplElf() data = self._DoReadFile('052_u_boot_spl_nodtb.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA)]) def checkSymbols(self, dts, base_data, u_boot_offset, entry_args=None, use_expanded=False): """Check the image contains the expected symbol values Args: dts: Device tree file to use for test base_data: Data before and after 'u-boot' section u_boot_offset: Offset of 'u-boot' section in image entry_args: Dict of entry args to supply to binman key: arg name value: value of that arg use_expanded: True to use expanded entries where available, e.g. 'u-boot-expanded' instead of 'u-boot' """ elf_fname = self.ElfTestFile('u_boot_binman_syms') syms = elf.GetSymbols(elf_fname, ['binman', 'image']) addr = elf.GetSymbolAddress(elf_fname, '__image_copy_start') self.assertEqual(syms['_binman_sym_magic'].address, addr) self.assertEqual(syms['_binman_u_boot_spl_any_prop_offset'].address, addr + 4) self._SetupSplElf('u_boot_binman_syms') data = self._DoReadFileDtb(dts, entry_args=entry_args, use_expanded=use_expanded)[0] # The image should contain the symbols from u_boot_binman_syms.c # Note that image_pos is adjusted by the base address of the image, # which is 0x10 in our test image sym_values = struct.pack(' 0) def testEntryDocsMissing(self): """Test handling of missing entry documentation""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): control.WriteEntryDocs(control.GetEntryModules(), 'u_boot') self.assertIn('Documentation is missing for modules: u_boot', str(e.exception)) def testFmap(self): """Basic test of generation of a flashrom fmap""" data = self._DoReadFile('067_fmap.dts') fhdr, fentries = fmap_util.DecodeFmap(data[32:]) expected = (U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(ord('!'), 12) + U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(ord('a'), 12)) self.assertEqual(expected, data[:32]) self.assertEqual(b'__FMAP__', fhdr.signature) self.assertEqual(1, fhdr.ver_major) self.assertEqual(0, fhdr.ver_minor) self.assertEqual(0, fhdr.base) expect_size = fmap_util.FMAP_HEADER_LEN + fmap_util.FMAP_AREA_LEN * 5 self.assertEqual(16 + 16 + expect_size, fhdr.image_size) self.assertEqual(b'FMAP', fhdr.name) self.assertEqual(5, fhdr.nareas) fiter = iter(fentries) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'SECTION0', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(16, fentry.size) self.assertEqual(fmap_util.FMAP_AREA_PRESERVE, fentry.flags) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'RO_U_BOOT', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(4, fentry.size) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.flags) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'SECTION1', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(16, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(16, fentry.size) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.flags) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'RW_U_BOOT', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(16, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(4, fentry.size) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.flags) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'FMAP', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(32, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(expect_size, fentry.size) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.flags) def testBlobNamedByArg(self): """Test we can add a blob with the filename coming from an entry arg""" entry_args = { 'cros-ec-rw-path': 'ecrw.bin', } self._DoReadFileDtb('068_blob_named_by_arg.dts', entry_args=entry_args) def testFill(self): """Test for an fill entry type""" data = self._DoReadFile('069_fill.dts') expected = tools.get_bytes(0xff, 8) + tools.get_bytes(0, 8) self.assertEqual(expected, data) def testFillNoSize(self): """Test for an fill entry type with no size""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('070_fill_no_size.dts') self.assertIn("'fill' entry is missing properties: size", str(e.exception)) def _HandleGbbCommand(self, pipe_list): """Fake calls to the futility utility""" if 'futility' in pipe_list[0][0]: fname = pipe_list[0][-1] # Append our GBB data to the file, which will happen every time the # futility command is called. with open(fname, 'ab') as fd: fd.write(GBB_DATA) return command.CommandResult() def testGbb(self): """Test for the Chromium OS Google Binary Block""" command.test_result = self._HandleGbbCommand entry_args = { 'keydir': 'devkeys', 'bmpblk': 'bmpblk.bin', } data, _, _, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('071_gbb.dts', entry_args=entry_args) # Since futility expected = (GBB_DATA + GBB_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 8) + tools.get_bytes(0, 0x2180 - 16)) self.assertEqual(expected, data) def testGbbTooSmall(self): """Test for the Chromium OS Google Binary Block being large enough""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFileDtb('072_gbb_too_small.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/gbb': GBB is too small", str(e.exception)) def testGbbNoSize(self): """Test for the Chromium OS Google Binary Block having a size""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFileDtb('073_gbb_no_size.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/gbb': GBB must have a fixed size", str(e.exception)) def testGbbMissing(self): """Test that binman still produces an image if futility is missing""" entry_args = { 'keydir': 'devkeys', } with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (_, stderr): self._DoTestFile('071_gbb.dts', force_missing_bintools='futility', entry_args=entry_args) err = stderr.getvalue() self.assertRegex(err, "Image 'image'.*missing bintools.*: futility") def _HandleVblockCommand(self, pipe_list): """Fake calls to the futility utility The expected pipe is: [('futility', 'vbutil_firmware', '--vblock', 'vblock.vblock', '--keyblock', 'devkeys/firmware.keyblock', '--signprivate', 'devkeys/firmware_data_key.vbprivk', '--version', '1', '--fv', 'input.vblock', '--kernelkey', 'devkeys/kernel_subkey.vbpubk', '--flags', '1')] This writes to the output file (here, 'vblock.vblock'). If self._hash_data is False, it writes VBLOCK_DATA, else it writes a hash of the input data (here, 'input.vblock'). """ if 'futility' in pipe_list[0][0]: fname = pipe_list[0][3] with open(fname, 'wb') as fd: if self._hash_data: infile = pipe_list[0][11] m = hashlib.sha256() data = tools.read_file(infile) m.update(data) fd.write(m.digest()) else: fd.write(VBLOCK_DATA) return command.CommandResult() def testVblock(self): """Test for the Chromium OS Verified Boot Block""" self._hash_data = False command.test_result = self._HandleVblockCommand entry_args = { 'keydir': 'devkeys', } data, _, _, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('074_vblock.dts', entry_args=entry_args) expected = U_BOOT_DATA + VBLOCK_DATA + U_BOOT_DTB_DATA self.assertEqual(expected, data) def testVblockNoContent(self): """Test we detect a vblock which has no content to sign""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('075_vblock_no_content.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/vblock': Collection must have a 'content' " 'property', str(e.exception)) def testVblockBadPhandle(self): """Test that we detect a vblock with an invalid phandle in contents""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('076_vblock_bad_phandle.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/vblock': Cannot find node for phandle " '1000', str(e.exception)) def testVblockBadEntry(self): """Test that we detect an entry that points to a non-entry""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('077_vblock_bad_entry.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/vblock': Cannot find entry for node " "'other'", str(e.exception)) def testVblockContent(self): """Test that the vblock signs the right data""" self._hash_data = True command.test_result = self._HandleVblockCommand entry_args = { 'keydir': 'devkeys', } data = self._DoReadFileDtb( '189_vblock_content.dts', use_real_dtb=True, update_dtb=True, entry_args=entry_args)[0] hashlen = 32 # SHA256 hash is 32 bytes self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_DATA)]) hashval = data[-hashlen:] dtb = data[len(U_BOOT_DATA):-hashlen] expected_data = U_BOOT_DATA + dtb # The hashval should be a hash of the dtb m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(expected_data) expected_hashval = m.digest() self.assertEqual(expected_hashval, hashval) def testVblockMissing(self): """Test that binman still produces an image if futility is missing""" entry_args = { 'keydir': 'devkeys', } with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (_, stderr): self._DoTestFile('074_vblock.dts', force_missing_bintools='futility', entry_args=entry_args) err = stderr.getvalue() self.assertRegex(err, "Image 'image'.*missing bintools.*: futility") def testTpl(self): """Test that an image with TPL and its device tree can be created""" # ELF file with a '__bss_size' symbol self._SetupTplElf() data = self._DoReadFile('078_u_boot_tpl.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_TPL_DATA + U_BOOT_TPL_DTB_DATA, data) def testUsesPos(self): """Test that the 'pos' property cannot be used anymore""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: data = self._DoReadFile('079_uses_pos.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Please use 'offset' instead of " "'pos'", str(e.exception)) def testFillZero(self): """Test for an fill entry type with a size of 0""" data = self._DoReadFile('080_fill_empty.dts') self.assertEqual(tools.get_bytes(0, 16), data) def testTextMissing(self): """Test for a text entry type where there is no text""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFileDtb('066_text.dts',) self.assertIn("Node '/binman/text': No value provided for text label " "'test-id'", str(e.exception)) def testPackStart16Tpl(self): """Test that an image with an x86 start16 TPL region can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('081_x86_start16_tpl.dts') self.assertEqual(X86_START16_TPL_DATA, data[:len(X86_START16_TPL_DATA)]) def testSelectImage(self): """Test that we can select which images to build""" expected = 'Skipping images: image1' # We should only get the expected message in verbose mode for verbosity in (0, 2): with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): retcode = self._DoTestFile('006_dual_image.dts', verbosity=verbosity, images=['image2']) self.assertEqual(0, retcode) if verbosity: self.assertIn(expected, stdout.getvalue()) else: self.assertNotIn(expected, stdout.getvalue()) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tools.get_output_filename('image1.bin'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(tools.get_output_filename('image2.bin'))) self._CleanupOutputDir() def testUpdateFdtAll(self): """Test that all device trees are updated with offset/size info""" data = self._DoReadFileRealDtb('082_fdt_update_all.dts') base_expected = { 'offset': 0, 'image-pos': 0, 'size': 2320, 'section:offset': 0, 'section:image-pos': 0, 'section:size': 565, 'section/u-boot-dtb:offset': 0, 'section/u-boot-dtb:image-pos': 0, 'section/u-boot-dtb:size': 565, 'u-boot-spl-dtb:offset': 565, 'u-boot-spl-dtb:image-pos': 565, 'u-boot-spl-dtb:size': 585, 'u-boot-tpl-dtb:offset': 1150, 'u-boot-tpl-dtb:image-pos': 1150, 'u-boot-tpl-dtb:size': 585, 'u-boot-vpl-dtb:image-pos': 1735, 'u-boot-vpl-dtb:offset': 1735, 'u-boot-vpl-dtb:size': 585, } # We expect three device-tree files in the output, one after the other. # Read them in sequence. We look for an 'spl' property in the SPL tree, # and 'tpl' in the TPL tree, to make sure they are distinct from the # main U-Boot tree. All three should have the same postions and offset. start = 0 self.maxDiff = None for item in ['', 'spl', 'tpl', 'vpl']: dtb = fdt.Fdt.FromData(data[start:]) dtb.Scan() props = self._GetPropTree(dtb, BASE_DTB_PROPS + REPACK_DTB_PROPS + ['spl', 'tpl', 'vpl']) expected = dict(base_expected) if item: expected[item] = 0 self.assertEqual(expected, props) start += dtb._fdt_obj.totalsize() def testUpdateFdtOutput(self): """Test that output DTB files are updated""" try: data, dtb_data, _, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('082_fdt_update_all.dts', use_real_dtb=True, update_dtb=True, reset_dtbs=False) # Unfortunately, compiling a source file always results in a file # called source.dtb (see fdt_util.EnsureCompiled()). The test # source file (e.g. test/075_fdt_update_all.dts) thus does not enter # binman as a file called u-boot.dtb. To fix this, copy the file # over to the expected place. start = 0 for fname in ['u-boot.dtb.out', 'spl/u-boot-spl.dtb.out', 'tpl/u-boot-tpl.dtb.out', 'vpl/u-boot-vpl.dtb.out']: dtb = fdt.Fdt.FromData(data[start:]) size = dtb._fdt_obj.totalsize() pathname = tools.get_output_filename(os.path.split(fname)[1]) outdata = tools.read_file(pathname) name = os.path.split(fname)[0] if name: orig_indata = self._GetDtbContentsForSpls(dtb_data, name) else: orig_indata = dtb_data self.assertNotEqual(outdata, orig_indata, "Expected output file '%s' be updated" % pathname) self.assertEqual(outdata, data[start:start + size], "Expected output file '%s' to match output image" % pathname) start += size finally: self._ResetDtbs() def _decompress(self, data): bintool = self.comp_bintools['lz4'] return bintool.decompress(data) def testCompress(self): """Test compression of blobs""" self._CheckLz4() data, _, _, out_dtb_fname = self._DoReadFileDtb('083_compress.dts', use_real_dtb=True, update_dtb=True) dtb = fdt.Fdt(out_dtb_fname) dtb.Scan() props = self._GetPropTree(dtb, ['size', 'uncomp-size']) orig = self._decompress(data) self.assertEquals(COMPRESS_DATA, orig) # Do a sanity check on various fields image = control.images['image'] entries = image.GetEntries() self.assertEqual(1, len(entries)) entry = entries['blob'] self.assertEqual(COMPRESS_DATA, entry.uncomp_data) self.assertEqual(len(COMPRESS_DATA), entry.uncomp_size) orig = self._decompress(entry.data) self.assertEqual(orig, entry.uncomp_data) self.assertEqual(image.data, entry.data) expected = { 'blob:uncomp-size': len(COMPRESS_DATA), 'blob:size': len(data), 'size': len(data), } self.assertEqual(expected, props) def testFiles(self): """Test bringing in multiple files""" data = self._DoReadFile('084_files.dts') self.assertEqual(FILES_DATA, data) def testFilesCompress(self): """Test bringing in multiple files and compressing them""" self._CheckLz4() data = self._DoReadFile('085_files_compress.dts') image = control.images['image'] entries = image.GetEntries() files = entries['files'] entries = files._entries orig = b'' for i in range(1, 3): key = '%d.dat' % i start = entries[key].image_pos len = entries[key].size chunk = data[start:start + len] orig += self._decompress(chunk) self.assertEqual(FILES_DATA, orig) def testFilesMissing(self): """Test missing files""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: data = self._DoReadFile('086_files_none.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/files': Pattern \'files/*.none\' matched " 'no files', str(e.exception)) def testFilesNoPattern(self): """Test missing files""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: data = self._DoReadFile('087_files_no_pattern.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/files': Missing 'pattern' property", str(e.exception)) def testExtendSize(self): """Test an extending entry""" data, _, map_data, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('088_extend_size.dts', map=True) expect = (tools.get_bytes(ord('a'), 8) + U_BOOT_DATA + MRC_DATA + tools.get_bytes(ord('b'), 1) + U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(ord('c'), 8) + U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(ord('d'), 8)) self.assertEqual(expect, data) self.assertEqual('''ImagePos Offset Size Name 00000000 00000000 00000028 image 00000000 00000000 00000008 fill 00000008 00000008 00000004 u-boot 0000000c 0000000c 00000004 section 0000000c 00000000 00000003 intel-mrc 00000010 00000010 00000004 u-boot2 00000014 00000014 0000000c section2 00000014 00000000 00000008 fill 0000001c 00000008 00000004 u-boot 00000020 00000020 00000008 fill2 ''', map_data) def testExtendSizeBad(self): """Test an extending entry which fails to provide contents""" with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFileDtb('089_extend_size_bad.dts', map=True) self.assertIn("Node '/binman/_testing': Cannot obtain contents when " 'expanding entry', str(e.exception)) def testHash(self): """Test hashing of the contents of an entry""" _, _, _, out_dtb_fname = self._DoReadFileDtb('090_hash.dts', use_real_dtb=True, update_dtb=True) dtb = fdt.Fdt(out_dtb_fname) dtb.Scan() hash_node = dtb.GetNode('/binman/u-boot/hash').props['value'] m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(U_BOOT_DATA) self.assertEqual(m.digest(), b''.join(hash_node.value)) def testHashNoAlgo(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFileDtb('091_hash_no_algo.dts', update_dtb=True) self.assertIn("Node \'/binman/u-boot\': Missing \'algo\' property for " 'hash node', str(e.exception)) def testHashBadAlgo(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFileDtb('092_hash_bad_algo.dts', update_dtb=True) self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Unknown hash algorithm 'invalid'", str(e.exception)) def testHashSection(self): """Test hashing of the contents of an entry""" _, _, _, out_dtb_fname = self._DoReadFileDtb('099_hash_section.dts', use_real_dtb=True, update_dtb=True) dtb = fdt.Fdt(out_dtb_fname) dtb.Scan() hash_node = dtb.GetNode('/binman/section/hash').props['value'] m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(U_BOOT_DATA) m.update(tools.get_bytes(ord('a'), 16)) self.assertEqual(m.digest(), b''.join(hash_node.value)) def testPackUBootTplMicrocode(self): """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly in TPL We expect to see the following in the image, in order: u-boot-tpl-nodtb.bin with a microcode pointer inserted at the correct place u-boot-tpl.dtb with the microcode removed the microcode """ self._SetupTplElf('u_boot_ucode_ptr') first, pos_and_size = self._RunMicrocodeTest('093_x86_tpl_ucode.dts', U_BOOT_TPL_NODTB_DATA) self.assertEqual(b'tplnodtb with microc' + pos_and_size + b'ter somewhere in here', first) def testFmapX86(self): """Basic test of generation of a flashrom fmap""" data = self._DoReadFile('094_fmap_x86.dts') fhdr, fentries = fmap_util.DecodeFmap(data[32:]) expected = U_BOOT_DATA + MRC_DATA + tools.get_bytes(ord('a'), 32 - 7) self.assertEqual(expected, data[:32]) fhdr, fentries = fmap_util.DecodeFmap(data[32:]) self.assertEqual(0x100, fhdr.image_size) self.assertEqual(0, fentries[0].offset) self.assertEqual(4, fentries[0].size) self.assertEqual(b'U_BOOT', fentries[0].name) self.assertEqual(4, fentries[1].offset) self.assertEqual(3, fentries[1].size) self.assertEqual(b'INTEL_MRC', fentries[1].name) self.assertEqual(32, fentries[2].offset) self.assertEqual(fmap_util.FMAP_HEADER_LEN + fmap_util.FMAP_AREA_LEN * 3, fentries[2].size) self.assertEqual(b'FMAP', fentries[2].name) def testFmapX86Section(self): """Basic test of generation of a flashrom fmap""" data = self._DoReadFile('095_fmap_x86_section.dts') expected = U_BOOT_DATA + MRC_DATA + tools.get_bytes(ord('b'), 32 - 7) self.assertEqual(expected, data[:32]) fhdr, fentries = fmap_util.DecodeFmap(data[36:]) self.assertEqual(0x180, fhdr.image_size) expect_size = fmap_util.FMAP_HEADER_LEN + fmap_util.FMAP_AREA_LEN * 4 fiter = iter(fentries) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'U_BOOT', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(4, fentry.size) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'SECTION', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(4, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(0x20 + expect_size, fentry.size) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'INTEL_MRC', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(4, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(3, fentry.size) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'FMAP', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(36, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(expect_size, fentry.size) def testElf(self): """Basic test of ELF entries""" self._SetupSplElf() self._SetupTplElf() with open(self.ElfTestFile('bss_data'), 'rb') as fd: TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('-boot', fd.read()) data = self._DoReadFile('096_elf.dts') def testElfStrip(self): """Basic test of ELF entries""" self._SetupSplElf() with open(self.ElfTestFile('bss_data'), 'rb') as fd: TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('-boot', fd.read()) data = self._DoReadFile('097_elf_strip.dts') def testPackOverlapMap(self): """Test that overlapping regions are detected""" with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoTestFile('014_pack_overlap.dts', map=True) map_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.map') self.assertEqual("Wrote map file '%s' to show errors\n" % map_fname, stdout.getvalue()) # We should not get an inmage, but there should be a map file self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tools.get_output_filename('image.bin'))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(map_fname)) map_data = tools.read_file(map_fname, binary=False) self.assertEqual('''ImagePos Offset Size Name 00000000 00000008 image 00000000 00000004 u-boot 00000003 00000004 u-boot-align ''', map_data) def testPackRefCode(self): """Test that an image with an Intel Reference code binary works""" data = self._DoReadFile('100_intel_refcode.dts') self.assertEqual(REFCODE_DATA, data[:len(REFCODE_DATA)]) def testSectionOffset(self): """Tests use of a section with an offset""" data, _, map_data, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('101_sections_offset.dts', map=True) self.assertEqual('''ImagePos Offset Size Name 00000000 00000000 00000038 image 00000004 00000004 00000010 section@0 00000004 00000000 00000004 u-boot 00000018 00000018 00000010 section@1 00000018 00000000 00000004 u-boot 0000002c 0000002c 00000004 section@2 0000002c 00000000 00000004 u-boot ''', map_data) self.assertEqual(data, tools.get_bytes(0x26, 4) + U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0x21, 12) + tools.get_bytes(0x26, 4) + U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0x61, 12) + tools.get_bytes(0x26, 4) + U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0x26, 8)) def testCbfsRaw(self): """Test base handling of a Coreboot Filesystem (CBFS) The exact contents of the CBFS is verified by similar tests in cbfs_util_test.py. The tests here merely check that the files added to the CBFS can be found in the final image. """ data = self._DoReadFile('102_cbfs_raw.dts') size = 0xb0 cbfs = cbfs_util.CbfsReader(data) self.assertEqual(size, cbfs.rom_size) self.assertIn('u-boot-dtb', cbfs.files) cfile = cbfs.files['u-boot-dtb'] self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, cfile.data) def testCbfsArch(self): """Test on non-x86 architecture""" data = self._DoReadFile('103_cbfs_raw_ppc.dts') size = 0x100 cbfs = cbfs_util.CbfsReader(data) self.assertEqual(size, cbfs.rom_size) self.assertIn('u-boot-dtb', cbfs.files) cfile = cbfs.files['u-boot-dtb'] self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, cfile.data) def testCbfsStage(self): """Tests handling of a Coreboot Filesystem (CBFS)""" if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') elf_fname = os.path.join(self._indir, 'cbfs-stage.elf') elf.MakeElf(elf_fname, U_BOOT_DATA, U_BOOT_DTB_DATA) size = 0xb0 data = self._DoReadFile('104_cbfs_stage.dts') cbfs = cbfs_util.CbfsReader(data) self.assertEqual(size, cbfs.rom_size) self.assertIn('u-boot', cbfs.files) cfile = cbfs.files['u-boot'] self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, cfile.data) def testCbfsRawCompress(self): """Test handling of compressing raw files""" self._CheckLz4() data = self._DoReadFile('105_cbfs_raw_compress.dts') size = 0x140 cbfs = cbfs_util.CbfsReader(data) self.assertIn('u-boot', cbfs.files) cfile = cbfs.files['u-boot'] self.assertEqual(COMPRESS_DATA, cfile.data) def testCbfsBadArch(self): """Test handling of a bad architecture""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('106_cbfs_bad_arch.dts') self.assertIn("Invalid architecture 'bad-arch'", str(e.exception)) def testCbfsNoSize(self): """Test handling of a missing size property""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('107_cbfs_no_size.dts') self.assertIn('entry must have a size property', str(e.exception)) def testCbfsNoContents(self): """Test handling of a CBFS entry which does not provide contentsy""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('108_cbfs_no_contents.dts') self.assertIn('Could not complete processing of contents', str(e.exception)) def testCbfsBadCompress(self): """Test handling of a bad architecture""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('109_cbfs_bad_compress.dts') self.assertIn("Invalid compression in 'u-boot': 'invalid-algo'", str(e.exception)) def testCbfsNamedEntries(self): """Test handling of named entries""" data = self._DoReadFile('110_cbfs_name.dts') cbfs = cbfs_util.CbfsReader(data) self.assertIn('FRED', cbfs.files) cfile1 = cbfs.files['FRED'] self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, cfile1.data) self.assertIn('hello', cbfs.files) cfile2 = cbfs.files['hello'] self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, cfile2.data) def _SetupIfwi(self, fname): """Set up to run an IFWI test Args: fname: Filename of input file to provide (fitimage.bin or ifwi.bin) """ self._SetupSplElf() self._SetupTplElf() # Intel Integrated Firmware Image (IFWI) file with gzip.open(self.TestFile('%s.gz' % fname), 'rb') as fd: data = fd.read() TestFunctional._MakeInputFile(fname,data) def _CheckIfwi(self, data): """Check that an image with an IFWI contains the correct output Args: data: Conents of output file """ expected_desc = tools.read_file(self.TestFile('descriptor.bin')) if data[:0x1000] != expected_desc: self.fail('Expected descriptor binary at start of image') # We expect to find the TPL wil in subpart IBBP entry IBBL image_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.bin') tpl_fname = tools.get_output_filename('tpl.out') ifwitool = bintool.Bintool.create('ifwitool') ifwitool.extract(image_fname, 'IBBP', 'IBBL', tpl_fname) tpl_data = tools.read_file(tpl_fname) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_TPL_DATA, tpl_data[:len(U_BOOT_TPL_DATA)]) def testPackX86RomIfwi(self): """Test that an x86 ROM with Integrated Firmware Image can be created""" self._SetupIfwi('fitimage.bin') data = self._DoReadFile('111_x86_rom_ifwi.dts') self._CheckIfwi(data) def testPackX86RomIfwiNoDesc(self): """Test that an x86 ROM with IFWI can be created from an ifwi.bin file""" self._SetupIfwi('ifwi.bin') data = self._DoReadFile('112_x86_rom_ifwi_nodesc.dts') self._CheckIfwi(data) def testPackX86RomIfwiNoData(self): """Test that an x86 ROM with IFWI handles missing data""" self._SetupIfwi('ifwi.bin') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: data = self._DoReadFile('113_x86_rom_ifwi_nodata.dts') self.assertIn('Could not complete processing of contents', str(e.exception)) def testIfwiMissing(self): """Test that binman still produces an image if ifwitool is missing""" self._SetupIfwi('fitimage.bin') with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (_, stderr): self._DoTestFile('111_x86_rom_ifwi.dts', force_missing_bintools='ifwitool') err = stderr.getvalue() self.assertRegex(err, "Image 'image'.*missing bintools.*: ifwitool") def testCbfsOffset(self): """Test a CBFS with files at particular offsets Like all CFBS tests, this is just checking the logic that calls cbfs_util. See cbfs_util_test for fully tests (e.g. test_cbfs_offset()). """ data = self._DoReadFile('114_cbfs_offset.dts') size = 0x200 cbfs = cbfs_util.CbfsReader(data) self.assertEqual(size, cbfs.rom_size) self.assertIn('u-boot', cbfs.files) cfile = cbfs.files['u-boot'] self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, cfile.data) self.assertEqual(0x40, cfile.cbfs_offset) self.assertIn('u-boot-dtb', cbfs.files) cfile2 = cbfs.files['u-boot-dtb'] self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, cfile2.data) self.assertEqual(0x140, cfile2.cbfs_offset) def testFdtmap(self): """Test an FDT map can be inserted in the image""" data = self.data = self._DoReadFileRealDtb('115_fdtmap.dts') fdtmap_data = data[len(U_BOOT_DATA):] magic = fdtmap_data[:8] self.assertEqual(b'_FDTMAP_', magic) self.assertEqual(tools.get_bytes(0, 8), fdtmap_data[8:16]) fdt_data = fdtmap_data[16:] dtb = fdt.Fdt.FromData(fdt_data) dtb.Scan() props = self._GetPropTree(dtb, BASE_DTB_PROPS, prefix='/') self.assertEqual({ 'image-pos': 0, 'offset': 0, 'u-boot:offset': 0, 'u-boot:size': len(U_BOOT_DATA), 'u-boot:image-pos': 0, 'fdtmap:image-pos': 4, 'fdtmap:offset': 4, 'fdtmap:size': len(fdtmap_data), 'size': len(data), }, props) def testFdtmapNoMatch(self): """Check handling of an FDT map when the section cannot be found""" self.data = self._DoReadFileRealDtb('115_fdtmap.dts') # Mangle the section name, which should cause a mismatch between the # correct FDT path and the one expected by the section image = control.images['image'] image._node.path += '-suffix' entries = image.GetEntries() fdtmap = entries['fdtmap'] with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: fdtmap._GetFdtmap() self.assertIn("Cannot locate node for path '/binman-suffix'", str(e.exception)) def testFdtmapHeader(self): """Test an FDT map and image header can be inserted in the image""" data = self.data = self._DoReadFileRealDtb('116_fdtmap_hdr.dts') fdtmap_pos = len(U_BOOT_DATA) fdtmap_data = data[fdtmap_pos:] fdt_data = fdtmap_data[16:] dtb = fdt.Fdt.FromData(fdt_data) fdt_size = dtb.GetFdtObj().totalsize() hdr_data = data[-8:] self.assertEqual(b'BinM', hdr_data[:4]) offset = struct.unpack('= 2) def testFetchBintools(self): def fail_download(url): """Take the tools.download() function by raising an exception""" raise urllib.error.URLError('my error') args = ['tool'] with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoBinman(*args) self.assertIn("Invalid arguments to 'tool' subcommand", str(e.exception)) args = ['tool', '--fetch'] with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoBinman(*args) self.assertIn('Please specify bintools to fetch', str(e.exception)) args = ['tool', '--fetch', '_testing'] with unittest.mock.patch.object(tools, 'download', side_effect=fail_download): with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _): self._DoBinman(*args) self.assertIn('failed to fetch with all methods', stdout.getvalue()) def testBintoolDocs(self): """Test for creation of bintool documentation""" with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): control.write_bintool_docs(control.bintool.Bintool.get_tool_list()) self.assertTrue(len(stdout.getvalue()) > 0) def testBintoolDocsMissing(self): """Test handling of missing bintool documentation""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): control.write_bintool_docs( control.bintool.Bintool.get_tool_list(), 'mkimage') self.assertIn('Documentation is missing for modules: mkimage', str(e.exception)) def testListWithGenNode(self): """Check handling of an FDT map when the section cannot be found""" entry_args = { 'of-list': 'test-fdt1 test-fdt2', } data = self._DoReadFileDtb( '219_fit_gennode.dts', entry_args=entry_args, use_real_dtb=True, extra_indirs=[os.path.join(self._indir, TEST_FDT_SUBDIR)]) try: tmpdir, updated_fname = self._SetupImageInTmpdir() with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): self._RunBinman('ls', '-i', updated_fname) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def testFitSubentryUsesBintool(self): """Test that binman FIT subentries can use bintools""" command.test_result = self._HandleGbbCommand entry_args = { 'keydir': 'devkeys', 'bmpblk': 'bmpblk.bin', } data, _, _, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('220_fit_subentry_bintool.dts', entry_args=entry_args) expected = (GBB_DATA + GBB_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 8) + tools.get_bytes(0, 0x2180 - 16)) self.assertIn(expected, data) def testFitSubentryMissingBintool(self): """Test that binman reports missing bintools for FIT subentries""" entry_args = { 'keydir': 'devkeys', } with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (_, stderr): self._DoTestFile('220_fit_subentry_bintool.dts', force_missing_bintools='futility', entry_args=entry_args) err = stderr.getvalue() self.assertRegex(err, "Image 'image'.*missing bintools.*: futility") def testFitSubentryHashSubnode(self): """Test an image with a FIT inside""" data, _, _, out_dtb_name = self._DoReadFileDtb( '221_fit_subentry_hash.dts', use_real_dtb=True, update_dtb=True) mkimage_dtb = fdt.Fdt.FromData(data) mkimage_dtb.Scan() binman_dtb = fdt.Fdt(out_dtb_name) binman_dtb.Scan() # Check that binman didn't add hash values fnode = binman_dtb.GetNode('/binman/fit/images/kernel/hash') self.assertNotIn('value', fnode.props) fnode = binman_dtb.GetNode('/binman/fit/images/fdt-1/hash') self.assertNotIn('value', fnode.props) # Check that mkimage added hash values fnode = mkimage_dtb.GetNode('/images/kernel/hash') self.assertIn('value', fnode.props) fnode = mkimage_dtb.GetNode('/images/fdt-1/hash') self.assertIn('value', fnode.props) def testPackTeeOs(self): """Test that an image with an TEE binary can be created""" data = self._DoReadFile('222_tee_os.dts') self.assertEqual(TEE_OS_DATA, data[:len(TEE_OS_DATA)]) def testFitFdtOper(self): """Check handling of a specified FIT operation""" entry_args = { 'of-list': 'test-fdt1 test-fdt2', 'default-dt': 'test-fdt2', } self._DoReadFileDtb( '223_fit_fdt_oper.dts', entry_args=entry_args, extra_indirs=[os.path.join(self._indir, TEST_FDT_SUBDIR)])[0] def testFitFdtBadOper(self): """Check handling of an FDT map when the section cannot be found""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self._DoReadFileDtb('224_fit_bad_oper.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/fit': subnode 'images/@fdt-SEQ': Unknown operation 'unknown'", str(exc.exception)) def test_uses_expand_size(self): """Test that the 'expand-size' property cannot be used anymore""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: data = self._DoReadFile('225_expand_size_bad.dts') self.assertIn( "Node '/binman/u-boot': Please use 'extend-size' instead of 'expand-size'", str(e.exception)) def testFitSplitElf(self): """Test an image with an FIT with an split-elf operation""" if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') entry_args = { 'of-list': 'test-fdt1 test-fdt2', 'default-dt': 'test-fdt2', 'atf-bl31-path': 'bl31.elf', 'tee-os-path': 'tee.elf', } test_subdir = os.path.join(self._indir, TEST_FDT_SUBDIR) data = self._DoReadFileDtb( '226_fit_split_elf.dts', entry_args=entry_args, extra_indirs=[test_subdir])[0] self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA, data[-len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA):]) fit_data = data[len(U_BOOT_DATA):-len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)] base_keys = {'description', 'type', 'arch', 'os', 'compression', 'data', 'load'} dtb = fdt.Fdt.FromData(fit_data) dtb.Scan() elf_data = tools.read_file(os.path.join(self._indir, 'bl31.elf')) segments, entry = elf.read_loadable_segments(elf_data) # We assume there are two segments self.assertEquals(2, len(segments)) atf1 = dtb.GetNode('/images/atf-1') _, start, data = segments[0] self.assertEqual(base_keys | {'entry'}, atf1.props.keys()) self.assertEqual(entry, fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(atf1.props['entry'].value)) self.assertEqual(start, fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(atf1.props['load'].value)) self.assertEqual(data, atf1.props['data'].bytes) hash_node = atf1.FindNode('hash') self.assertIsNotNone(hash_node) self.assertEqual({'algo', 'value'}, hash_node.props.keys()) atf2 = dtb.GetNode('/images/atf-2') self.assertEqual(base_keys, atf2.props.keys()) _, start, data = segments[1] self.assertEqual(start, fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(atf2.props['load'].value)) self.assertEqual(data, atf2.props['data'].bytes) hash_node = atf2.FindNode('hash') self.assertIsNotNone(hash_node) self.assertEqual({'algo', 'value'}, hash_node.props.keys()) hash_node = dtb.GetNode('/images/tee-1/hash-1') self.assertIsNotNone(hash_node) self.assertEqual({'algo', 'value'}, hash_node.props.keys()) conf = dtb.GetNode('/configurations') self.assertEqual({'default'}, conf.props.keys()) for subnode in conf.subnodes: self.assertEqual({'description', 'fdt', 'loadables'}, subnode.props.keys()) self.assertEqual( ['atf-1', 'atf-2', 'tee-1', 'tee-2'], fdt_util.GetStringList(subnode, 'loadables')) def _check_bad_fit(self, dts): """Check a bad FIT This runs with the given dts and returns the assertion raised Args: dts (str): dts filename to use Returns: str: Assertion string raised """ entry_args = { 'of-list': 'test-fdt1 test-fdt2', 'default-dt': 'test-fdt2', 'atf-bl31-path': 'bl31.elf', 'tee-os-path': 'tee.elf', } test_subdir = os.path.join(self._indir, TEST_FDT_SUBDIR) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self._DoReadFileDtb(dts, entry_args=entry_args, extra_indirs=[test_subdir])[0] return str(exc.exception) def testFitSplitElfBadElf(self): """Test a FIT split-elf operation with an invalid ELF file""" if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('bad.elf', tools.get_bytes(100, 100)) entry_args = { 'of-list': 'test-fdt1 test-fdt2', 'default-dt': 'test-fdt2', 'atf-bl31-path': 'bad.elf', 'tee-os-path': 'tee.elf', } test_subdir = os.path.join(self._indir, TEST_FDT_SUBDIR) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self._DoReadFileDtb( '226_fit_split_elf.dts', entry_args=entry_args, extra_indirs=[test_subdir])[0] self.assertIn( "Node '/binman/fit': subnode 'images/@atf-SEQ': Failed to read ELF file: Magic number does not match", str(exc.exception)) def checkFitSplitElf(self, **kwargs): """Test an split-elf FIT with a missing ELF file Args: kwargs (dict of str): Arguments to pass to _DoTestFile() Returns: tuple: str: stdout result str: stderr result """ entry_args = { 'of-list': 'test-fdt1 test-fdt2', 'default-dt': 'test-fdt2', 'atf-bl31-path': 'bl31.elf', 'tee-os-path': 'missing.elf', } test_subdir = os.path.join(self._indir, TEST_FDT_SUBDIR) with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): self._DoTestFile( '226_fit_split_elf.dts', entry_args=entry_args, extra_indirs=[test_subdir], verbosity=3, **kwargs) out = stdout.getvalue() err = stderr.getvalue() return out, err def testFitSplitElfBadDirective(self): """Test a FIT split-elf invalid fit,xxx directive in an image node""" if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') err = self._check_bad_fit('227_fit_bad_dir.dts') self.assertIn( "Node '/binman/fit': subnode 'images/@atf-SEQ': Unknown directive 'fit,something'", err) def testFitSplitElfBadDirectiveConfig(self): """Test a FIT split-elf with invalid fit,xxx directive in config""" if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') err = self._check_bad_fit('228_fit_bad_dir_config.dts') self.assertEqual( "Node '/binman/fit': subnode 'configurations/@config-SEQ': Unknown directive 'fit,config'", err) def testFitSplitElfMissing(self): """Test an split-elf FIT with a missing ELF file""" if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') out, err = self.checkFitSplitElf(allow_missing=True) self.assertRegex( err, "Image '.*' is missing external blobs and is non-functional: .*") self.assertNotRegex(out, '.*Faked blob.*') fname = tools.get_output_filename('binman-fake/missing.elf') self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(fname)) def testFitSplitElfFaked(self): """Test an split-elf FIT with faked ELF file""" if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') out, err = self.checkFitSplitElf(allow_missing=True, allow_fake_blobs=True) self.assertRegex( err, "Image '.*' is missing external blobs and is non-functional: .*") self.assertRegex( out, "Entry '/binman/fit/images/@tee-SEQ/tee-os': Faked blob '.*binman-fake/missing.elf") fname = tools.get_output_filename('binman-fake/missing.elf') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname)) def testMkimageMissingBlob(self): """Test using mkimage to build an image""" with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): self._DoTestFile('229_mkimage_missing.dts', allow_missing=True, allow_fake_blobs=True) err = stderr.getvalue() self.assertRegex( err, "Image '.*' has faked external blobs and is non-functional: .*") def testPreLoad(self): """Test an image with a pre-load header""" entry_args = { 'pre-load-key-path': '.', } data, _, _, _ = self._DoReadFileDtb('230_pre_load.dts', entry_args=entry_args) self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_MAGIC, data[:len(PRE_LOAD_MAGIC)]) self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_VERSION, data[4:4 + len(PRE_LOAD_VERSION)]) self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_HDR_SIZE, data[8:8 + len(PRE_LOAD_HDR_SIZE)]) data = self._DoReadFile('230_pre_load.dts') self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_MAGIC, data[:len(PRE_LOAD_MAGIC)]) self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_VERSION, data[4:4 + len(PRE_LOAD_VERSION)]) self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_HDR_SIZE, data[8:8 + len(PRE_LOAD_HDR_SIZE)]) def testPreLoadPkcs(self): """Test an image with a pre-load header with padding pkcs""" data = self._DoReadFile('231_pre_load_pkcs.dts') self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_MAGIC, data[:len(PRE_LOAD_MAGIC)]) self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_VERSION, data[4:4 + len(PRE_LOAD_VERSION)]) self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_HDR_SIZE, data[8:8 + len(PRE_LOAD_HDR_SIZE)]) def testPreLoadPss(self): """Test an image with a pre-load header with padding pss""" data = self._DoReadFile('232_pre_load_pss.dts') self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_MAGIC, data[:len(PRE_LOAD_MAGIC)]) self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_VERSION, data[4:4 + len(PRE_LOAD_VERSION)]) self.assertEqual(PRE_LOAD_HDR_SIZE, data[8:8 + len(PRE_LOAD_HDR_SIZE)]) def testPreLoadInvalidPadding(self): """Test an image with a pre-load header with an invalid padding""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: data = self._DoReadFile('233_pre_load_invalid_padding.dts') def testPreLoadInvalidSha(self): """Test an image with a pre-load header with an invalid hash""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: data = self._DoReadFile('234_pre_load_invalid_sha.dts') def testPreLoadInvalidAlgo(self): """Test an image with a pre-load header with an invalid algo""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: data = self._DoReadFile('235_pre_load_invalid_algo.dts') def testPreLoadInvalidKey(self): """Test an image with a pre-load header with an invalid key""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: data = self._DoReadFile('236_pre_load_invalid_key.dts') def _CheckSafeUniqueNames(self, *images): """Check all entries of given images for unsafe unique names""" for image in images: entries = {} image._CollectEntries(entries, {}, image) for entry in entries.values(): uniq = entry.GetUniqueName() # Used as part of a filename, so must not be absolute paths. self.assertFalse(os.path.isabs(uniq)) def testSafeUniqueNames(self): """Test entry unique names are safe in single image configuration""" data = self._DoReadFileRealDtb('237_unique_names.dts') orig_image = control.images['image'] image_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.bin') image = Image.FromFile(image_fname) self._CheckSafeUniqueNames(orig_image, image) def testSafeUniqueNamesMulti(self): """Test entry unique names are safe with multiple images""" data = self._DoReadFileRealDtb('238_unique_names_multi.dts') orig_image = control.images['image'] image_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.bin') image = Image.FromFile(image_fname) self._CheckSafeUniqueNames(orig_image, image) def testReplaceCmdWithBintool(self): """Test replacing an entry that needs a bintool to pack""" data = self._DoReadFileRealDtb('239_replace_with_bintool.dts') expected = U_BOOT_DATA + b'aa' self.assertEqual(expected, data[:len(expected)]) try: tmpdir, updated_fname = self._SetupImageInTmpdir() fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'update-testing.bin') tools.write_file(fname, b'zz') self._DoBinman('replace', '-i', updated_fname, '_testing', '-f', fname) data = tools.read_file(updated_fname) expected = U_BOOT_DATA + b'zz' self.assertEqual(expected, data[:len(expected)]) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def testReplaceCmdOtherWithBintool(self): """Test replacing an entry when another needs a bintool to pack""" data = self._DoReadFileRealDtb('239_replace_with_bintool.dts') expected = U_BOOT_DATA + b'aa' self.assertEqual(expected, data[:len(expected)]) try: tmpdir, updated_fname = self._SetupImageInTmpdir() fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'update-u-boot.bin') tools.write_file(fname, b'x' * len(U_BOOT_DATA)) self._DoBinman('replace', '-i', updated_fname, 'u-boot', '-f', fname) data = tools.read_file(updated_fname) expected = b'x' * len(U_BOOT_DATA) + b'aa' self.assertEqual(expected, data[:len(expected)]) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def testReplaceResizeNoRepackSameSize(self): """Test replacing entries with same-size data without repacking""" expected = b'x' * len(U_BOOT_DATA) data, expected_fdtmap, _ = self._RunReplaceCmd('u-boot', expected) self.assertEqual(expected, data) path, fdtmap = state.GetFdtContents('fdtmap') self.assertIsNotNone(path) self.assertEqual(expected_fdtmap, fdtmap) def testReplaceResizeNoRepackSmallerSize(self): """Test replacing entries with smaller-size data without repacking""" new_data = b'x' data, expected_fdtmap, _ = self._RunReplaceCmd('u-boot', new_data) expected = new_data.ljust(len(U_BOOT_DATA), b'\0') self.assertEqual(expected, data) path, fdtmap = state.GetFdtContents('fdtmap') self.assertIsNotNone(path) self.assertEqual(expected_fdtmap, fdtmap) def testExtractFit(self): """Test extracting a FIT section""" self._DoReadFileRealDtb('240_fit_extract_replace.dts') image_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.bin') fit_data = control.ReadEntry(image_fname, 'fit') fit = fdt.Fdt.FromData(fit_data) fit.Scan() # Check subentry data inside the extracted fit for node_path, expected in [ ('/images/kernel', U_BOOT_DATA), ('/images/fdt-1', U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA), ('/images/scr-1', COMPRESS_DATA), ]: node = fit.GetNode(node_path) data = fit.GetProps(node)['data'].bytes self.assertEqual(expected, data) def testExtractFitSubentries(self): """Test extracting FIT section subentries""" self._DoReadFileRealDtb('240_fit_extract_replace.dts') image_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.bin') for entry_path, expected in [ ('fit/kernel', U_BOOT_DATA), ('fit/kernel/u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA), ('fit/fdt-1', U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA), ('fit/fdt-1/u-boot-nodtb', U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA), ('fit/scr-1', COMPRESS_DATA), ('fit/scr-1/blob', COMPRESS_DATA), ]: data = control.ReadEntry(image_fname, entry_path) self.assertEqual(expected, data) def testReplaceFitSubentryLeafSameSize(self): """Test replacing a FIT leaf subentry with same-size data""" new_data = b'x' * len(U_BOOT_DATA) data, expected_fdtmap, _ = self._RunReplaceCmd( 'fit/kernel/u-boot', new_data, dts='240_fit_extract_replace.dts') self.assertEqual(new_data, data) path, fdtmap = state.GetFdtContents('fdtmap') self.assertIsNotNone(path) self.assertEqual(expected_fdtmap, fdtmap) def testReplaceFitSubentryLeafBiggerSize(self): """Test replacing a FIT leaf subentry with bigger-size data""" new_data = b'ub' * len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA) data, expected_fdtmap, _ = self._RunReplaceCmd( 'fit/fdt-1/u-boot-nodtb', new_data, dts='240_fit_extract_replace.dts') self.assertEqual(new_data, data) # Will be repacked, so fdtmap must change path, fdtmap = state.GetFdtContents('fdtmap') self.assertIsNotNone(path) self.assertNotEqual(expected_fdtmap, fdtmap) def testReplaceFitSubentryLeafSmallerSize(self): """Test replacing a FIT leaf subentry with smaller-size data""" new_data = b'x' expected = new_data.ljust(len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA), b'\0') data, expected_fdtmap, _ = self._RunReplaceCmd( 'fit/fdt-1/u-boot-nodtb', new_data, dts='240_fit_extract_replace.dts') self.assertEqual(expected, data) path, fdtmap = state.GetFdtContents('fdtmap') self.assertIsNotNone(path) self.assertEqual(expected_fdtmap, fdtmap) def testReplaceSectionSimple(self): """Test replacing a simple section with arbitrary data""" new_data = b'w' * len(COMPRESS_DATA + U_BOOT_DATA) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self._RunReplaceCmd('section', new_data, dts='241_replace_section_simple.dts') self.assertIn( "Node '/section': Replacing sections is not implemented yet", str(exc.exception)) def testMkimageImagename(self): """Test using mkimage with -n holding the data too""" data = self._DoReadFile('242_mkimage_name.dts') # Check that the data appears in the file somewhere self.assertIn(U_BOOT_SPL_DATA, data) # Get struct legacy_img_hdr -> ih_name name = data[0x20:0x40] # Build the filename that we expect to be placed in there, by virtue of # the -n paraameter expect = os.path.join(tools.get_output_dir(), 'mkimage.mkimage') # Check that the image name is set to the temporary filename used self.assertEqual(expect.encode('utf-8')[:0x20], name) def testMkimageImage(self): """Test using mkimage with -n holding the data too""" data = self._DoReadFile('243_mkimage_image.dts') # Check that the data appears in the file somewhere self.assertIn(U_BOOT_SPL_DATA, data) # Get struct legacy_img_hdr -> ih_name name = data[0x20:0x40] # Build the filename that we expect to be placed in there, by virtue of # the -n paraameter expect = os.path.join(tools.get_output_dir(), 'mkimage-n.mkimage') # Check that the image name is set to the temporary filename used self.assertEqual(expect.encode('utf-8')[:0x20], name) # Check the corect data is in the imagename file self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, tools.read_file(expect)) def testMkimageImageNoContent(self): """Test using mkimage with -n and no data""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self._DoReadFile('244_mkimage_image_no_content.dts') self.assertIn('Could not complete processing of contents', str(exc.exception)) def testMkimageImageBad(self): """Test using mkimage with imagename node and data-to-imagename""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self._DoReadFile('245_mkimage_image_bad.dts') self.assertIn('Cannot use both imagename node and data-to-imagename', str(exc.exception)) def testCollectionOther(self): """Test a collection where the data comes from another section""" data = self._DoReadFile('246_collection_other.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA + U_BOOT_DTB_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0xff, 2) + U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0xfe, 3) + U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, data) def testMkimageCollection(self): """Test using a collection referring to an entry in a mkimage entry""" data = self._DoReadFile('247_mkimage_coll.dts') expect = U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + U_BOOT_DATA self.assertEqual(expect, data[:len(expect)]) def testCompressDtbPrependInvalid(self): """Test that invalid header is detected""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFileDtb('248_compress_dtb_prepend_invalid.dts') self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-dtb': Invalid prepend in " "'u-boot-dtb': 'invalid'", str(e.exception)) def testCompressDtbPrependLength(self): """Test that compress with length header works as expected""" data = self._DoReadFileRealDtb('249_compress_dtb_prepend_length.dts') image = control.images['image'] entries = image.GetEntries() self.assertIn('u-boot-dtb', entries) u_boot_dtb = entries['u-boot-dtb'] self.assertIn('fdtmap', entries) fdtmap = entries['fdtmap'] image_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.bin') orig = control.ReadEntry(image_fname, 'u-boot-dtb') dtb = fdt.Fdt.FromData(orig) dtb.Scan() props = self._GetPropTree(dtb, ['size', 'uncomp-size']) expected = { 'u-boot:size': len(U_BOOT_DATA), 'u-boot-dtb:uncomp-size': len(orig), 'u-boot-dtb:size': u_boot_dtb.size, 'fdtmap:size': fdtmap.size, 'size': len(data), } self.assertEqual(expected, props) # Check implementation self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_DATA)]) rest = data[len(U_BOOT_DATA):] comp_data_len = struct.unpack('I', len(U_BOOT_TPL_DATA)) expect += struct.pack('>I', len(U_BOOT_SPL_DATA)) # Size info is always followed by a 4B zero value. expect += tools.get_bytes(0, 4) expect += U_BOOT_TPL_DATA # All but last files are 4B-aligned align_pad = len(U_BOOT_TPL_DATA) % 4 if align_pad: expect += tools.get_bytes(0, align_pad) expect += U_BOOT_SPL_DATA self.assertEqual(expect, data[-len(expect):]) def testMkimageMultipleNoContent(self): """Test passing multiple data files to mkimage with one data file having no content""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self._DoReadFile('253_mkimage_mult_no_content.dts') self.assertIn('Could not complete processing of contents', str(exc.exception)) def testMkimageFilename(self): """Test using mkimage to build a binary with a filename""" retcode = self._DoTestFile('254_mkimage_filename.dts') self.assertEqual(0, retcode) fname = tools.get_output_filename('mkimage-test.bin') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname)) def testVpl(self): """Test that an image with VPL and its device tree can be created""" # ELF file with a '__bss_size' symbol self._SetupVplElf() data = self._DoReadFile('255_u_boot_vpl.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_VPL_DATA + U_BOOT_VPL_DTB_DATA, data) def testVplNoDtb(self): """Test that an image with vpl/u-boot-vpl-nodtb.bin can be created""" self._SetupVplElf() data = self._DoReadFile('256_u_boot_vpl_nodtb.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_VPL_NODTB_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_VPL_NODTB_DATA)]) def testExpandedVpl(self): """Test that an expanded entry type is selected for TPL when needed""" self._SetupVplElf() entry_args = { 'vpl-bss-pad': 'y', 'vpl-dtb': 'y', } self._DoReadFileDtb('257_fdt_incl_vpl.dts', use_expanded=True, entry_args=entry_args) image = control.images['image'] entries = image.GetEntries() self.assertEqual(1, len(entries)) # We only have u-boot-vpl, which be expanded self.assertIn('u-boot-vpl', entries) entry = entries['u-boot-vpl'] self.assertEqual('u-boot-vpl-expanded', entry.etype) subent = entry.GetEntries() self.assertEqual(3, len(subent)) self.assertIn('u-boot-vpl-nodtb', subent) self.assertIn('u-boot-vpl-bss-pad', subent) self.assertIn('u-boot-vpl-dtb', subent) def testVplBssPadMissing(self): """Test that a missing symbol is detected""" self._SetupVplElf('u_boot_ucode_ptr') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self._DoReadFile('258_vpl_bss_pad.dts') self.assertIn('Expected __bss_size symbol in vpl/u-boot-vpl', str(e.exception)) def testSymlink(self): """Test that image files can be named""" retcode = self._DoTestFile('259_symlink.dts', debug=True, map=True) self.assertEqual(0, retcode) image = control.images['test_image'] fname = tools.get_output_filename('test_image.bin') sname = tools.get_output_filename('symlink_to_test.bin') self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(sname)) self.assertEqual(os.readlink(sname), fname) def testSymbolsElf(self): """Test binman can assign symbols embedded in an ELF file""" if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') self._SetupTplElf('u_boot_binman_syms') self._SetupVplElf('u_boot_binman_syms') self._SetupSplElf('u_boot_binman_syms') data = self._DoReadFileDtb('260_symbols_elf.dts')[0] image_fname = tools.get_output_filename('image.bin') image = control.images['image'] entries = image.GetEntries() for entry in entries.values(): # No symbols in u-boot and it has faked contents anyway if entry.name == 'u-boot': continue edata = data[entry.image_pos:entry.image_pos + entry.size] efname = tools.get_output_filename(f'edata-{entry.name}') tools.write_file(efname, edata) syms = elf.GetSymbolFileOffset(efname, ['_binman_u_boot']) re_name = re.compile('_binman_(u_boot_(.*))_prop_(.*)') for name, sym in syms.items(): msg = 'test' val = elf.GetSymbolValue(sym, edata, msg) entry_m = re_name.match(name) if entry_m: ename, prop = entry_m.group(1), entry_m.group(3) entry, entry_name, prop_name = image.LookupEntry(entries, name, msg) if prop_name == 'offset': expect_val = entry.offset elif prop_name == 'image_pos': expect_val = entry.image_pos elif prop_name == 'size': expect_val = entry.size self.assertEqual(expect_val, val) def testSymbolsElfBad(self): """Check error when trying to write symbols without the elftools lib""" if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') self._SetupTplElf('u_boot_binman_syms') self._SetupVplElf('u_boot_binman_syms') self._SetupSplElf('u_boot_binman_syms') try: elf.ELF_TOOLS = False with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self._DoReadFileDtb('260_symbols_elf.dts') finally: elf.ELF_TOOLS = True self.assertIn( "Section '/binman': entry '/binman/u-boot-spl-elf': " 'Cannot write symbols to an ELF file without Python elftools', str(exc.exception)) def testSectionFilename(self): """Check writing of section contents to a file""" data = self._DoReadFile('261_section_fname.dts') expected = (b'&&' + U_BOOT_DATA + b'&&&' + tools.get_bytes(ord('!'), 7) + U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(ord('&'), 12)) self.assertEqual(expected, data) sect_fname = tools.get_output_filename('outfile.bin') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(sect_fname)) sect_data = tools.read_file(sect_fname) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, sect_data) def testAbsent(self): """Check handling of absent entries""" data = self._DoReadFile('262_absent.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + U_BOOT_IMG_DATA, data) def testPackTeeOsOptional(self): """Test that an image with an optional TEE binary can be created""" entry_args = { 'tee-os-path': 'tee.elf', } data = self._DoReadFileDtb('263_tee_os_opt.dts', entry_args=entry_args)[0] self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + U_BOOT_IMG_DATA, data) def checkFitTee(self, dts, tee_fname): """Check that a tee-os entry works and returns data Args: dts (str): Device tree filename to use tee_fname (str): filename containing tee-os Returns: bytes: Image contents """ if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') entry_args = { 'of-list': 'test-fdt1 test-fdt2', 'default-dt': 'test-fdt2', 'tee-os-path': tee_fname, } test_subdir = os.path.join(self._indir, TEST_FDT_SUBDIR) data = self._DoReadFileDtb(dts, entry_args=entry_args, extra_indirs=[test_subdir])[0] return data def testFitTeeOsOptionalFit(self): """Test an image with a FIT with an optional OP-TEE binary""" data = self.checkFitTee('264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts', 'tee.bin') # There should be only one node, holding the data set up in SetUpClass() # for tee.bin dtb = fdt.Fdt.FromData(data) dtb.Scan() node = dtb.GetNode('/images/tee-1') self.assertEqual(TEE_ADDR, fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(node.props['load'].value)) self.assertEqual(TEE_ADDR, fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(node.props['entry'].value)) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, node.props['data'].bytes) def testFitTeeOsOptionalFitBad(self): """Test an image with a FIT with an optional OP-TEE binary""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self.checkFitTee('265_tee_os_opt_fit_bad.dts', 'tee.bin') self.assertIn( "Node '/binman/fit': subnode 'images/@tee-SEQ': Failed to read ELF file: Magic number does not match", str(exc.exception)) def testFitTeeOsBad(self): """Test an OP-TEE binary with wrong formats""" self.make_tee_bin('tee.bad1', 123) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self.checkFitTee('264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts', 'tee.bad1') self.assertIn( "Node '/binman/fit/images/@tee-SEQ/tee-os': OP-TEE paged mode not supported", str(exc.exception)) self.make_tee_bin('tee.bad2', 0, b'extra data') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self.checkFitTee('264_tee_os_opt_fit.dts', 'tee.bad2') self.assertIn( "Node '/binman/fit/images/@tee-SEQ/tee-os': Invalid OP-TEE file: size mismatch (expected 0x4, have 0xe)", str(exc.exception)) def testExtblobOptional(self): """Test an image with an external blob that is optional""" with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): data = self._DoReadFile('266_blob_ext_opt.dts') self.assertEqual(REFCODE_DATA, data) err = stderr.getvalue() self.assertRegex( err, "Image '.*' is missing external blobs but is still functional: missing") def testSectionInner(self): """Test an inner section with a size""" data = self._DoReadFile('267_section_inner.dts') expected = U_BOOT_DATA + tools.get_bytes(0, 12) self.assertEqual(expected, data) def testNull(self): """Test an image with a null entry""" data = self._DoReadFile('268_null.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + b'\xff\xff\xff\xff' + U_BOOT_IMG_DATA, data) def testOverlap(self): """Test an image with a overlapping entry""" data = self._DoReadFile('269_overlap.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA[:1] + b'aa' + U_BOOT_DATA[3:], data) image = control.images['image'] entries = image.GetEntries() self.assertIn('inset', entries) inset = entries['inset'] self.assertEqual(1, inset.offset); self.assertEqual(1, inset.image_pos); self.assertEqual(2, inset.size); def testOverlapNull(self): """Test an image with a null overlap""" data = self._DoReadFile('270_overlap_null.dts') self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_DATA)]) # Check the FMAP fhdr, fentries = fmap_util.DecodeFmap(data[len(U_BOOT_DATA):]) self.assertEqual(4, fhdr.nareas) fiter = iter(fentries) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'SECTION', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), fentry.size) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.flags) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'U_BOOT', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), fentry.size) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.flags) # Make sure that the NULL entry appears in the FMAP fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'NULL', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(1, fentry.offset) self.assertEqual(2, fentry.size) self.assertEqual(0, fentry.flags) fentry = next(fiter) self.assertEqual(b'FMAP', fentry.name) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), fentry.offset) def testOverlapBad(self): """Test an image with a bad overlapping entry""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self._DoReadFile('271_overlap_bad.dts') self.assertIn( "Node '/binman/inset': Offset 0x10 (16) ending at 0x12 (18) must overlap with existing entries", str(exc.exception)) def testOverlapNoOffset(self): """Test an image with a bad overlapping entry""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self._DoReadFile('272_overlap_no_size.dts') self.assertIn( "Node '/binman/inset': 'fill' entry is missing properties: size", str(exc.exception)) def testBlobSymbol(self): """Test a blob with symbols read from an ELF file""" elf_fname = self.ElfTestFile('blob_syms') TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('blob_syms', tools.read_file(elf_fname)) TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('blob_syms.bin', tools.read_file(self.ElfTestFile('blob_syms.bin'))) data = self._DoReadFile('273_blob_symbol.dts') syms = elf.GetSymbols(elf_fname, ['binman', 'image']) addr = elf.GetSymbolAddress(elf_fname, '__my_start_sym') self.assertEqual(syms['_binman_sym_magic'].address, addr) self.assertEqual(syms['_binman_inset_prop_offset'].address, addr + 4) self.assertEqual(syms['_binman_inset_prop_size'].address, addr + 8) sym_values = struct.pack('