# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # # Copyright (c) 2018, Linaro Limited # Author: Takahiro Akashi """Helper functions for dealing with filesystems""" import re import os from subprocess import call, check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError def mk_fs(config, fs_type, size, prefix): """Create a file system volume Args: config (u_boot_config): U-Boot configuration fs_type (str): File system type, e.g. 'ext4' size (int): Size of file system in bytes prefix (str): Prefix string of volume's file name Raises: CalledProcessError: if any error occurs when creating the filesystem """ fs_img = f'{prefix}.{fs_type}.img' fs_img = os.path.join(config.persistent_data_dir, fs_img) if fs_type == 'fat16': mkfs_opt = '-F 16' elif fs_type == 'fat32': mkfs_opt = '-F 32' else: mkfs_opt = '' if re.match('fat', fs_type): fs_lnxtype = 'vfat' else: fs_lnxtype = fs_type count = (size + 0x100000 - 1) // 0x100000 # Some distributions do not add /sbin to the default PATH, where mkfs lives if '/sbin' not in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + '/sbin' try: check_call(f'rm -f {fs_img}', shell=True) check_call(f'dd if=/dev/zero of={fs_img} bs=1M count={count}', shell=True) check_call(f'mkfs.{fs_lnxtype} {mkfs_opt} {fs_img}', shell=True) if fs_type == 'ext4': sb_content = check_output(f'tune2fs -l {fs_img}', shell=True).decode() if 'metadata_csum' in sb_content: check_call(f'tune2fs -O ^metadata_csum {fs_img}', shell=True) return fs_img except CalledProcessError: call(f'rm -f {fs_img}', shell=True) raise # Just for trying out if __name__ == "__main__": import collections CNF= collections.namedtuple('config', 'persistent_data_dir') mk_fs(CNF('.'), 'ext4', 0x1000000, 'pref')