/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Samsung Electronics
 * Minkyu Kang <mk7.kang@samsung.com>
 * Kyungmin Park <kyungmin.park@samsung.com>
 * Configuation settings for the SAMSUNG Universal (s5pc100) board.

#ifndef __CONFIG_H
#define __CONFIG_H

#include <linux/sizes.h>
#include <asm/arch/cpu.h>		/* get chip and board defs */

/* DRAM Base */
#define CFG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE		0x30000000

/* Text Base */

/* MMC */
#define SDHCI_MAX_HOSTS		4

/* USB Composite download gadget - g_dnl */

/* Actual modem binary size is 16MiB. Add 2MiB for bad block handling */

/* partitions definitions */
#define PARTS_CSA			"csa-mmc"
#define PARTS_BOOTLOADER	"u-boot"
#define PARTS_BOOT			"boot"
#define PARTS_ROOT			"platform"
#define PARTS_DATA			"data"
#define PARTS_CSC			"csc"
#define PARTS_UMS			"ums"

#define CFG_DFU_ALT \
	"u-boot raw 0x80 0x400;" \
	"uImage ext4 0 2;" \
	"exynos3-goni.dtb ext4 0 2;" \
	""PARTS_ROOT" part 0 5\0"

	"uuid_disk=${uuid_gpt_disk};" \
	"name="PARTS_CSA",size=8MiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_CSA"};" \
	"name="PARTS_BOOTLOADER",size=60MiB," \
	"uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_BOOTLOADER"};" \
	"name="PARTS_BOOT",size=100MiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_BOOT"};" \
	"name="PARTS_ROOT",size=1GiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_ROOT"};" \
	"name="PARTS_DATA",size=3GiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_DATA"};" \
	"name="PARTS_CSC",size=150MiB,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_CSC"};" \
	"name="PARTS_UMS",size=-,uuid=${uuid_gpt_"PARTS_UMS"}\0" \

#define COMMON_BOOT	"${console} ${meminfo} ${mtdparts}"

	"updateb=" \
		"onenand erase 0x0 0x100000;" \
		"onenand write 0x32008000 0x0 0x100000\0" \
	"updatek=" \
		"onenand erase 0xc00000 0x600000;" \
		"onenand write 0x31008000 0xc00000 0x600000\0" \
	"updateu=" \
		"onenand erase 0x01560000 0x1eaa0000;" \
		"onenand write 0x32000000 0x1260000 0x8C0000\0" \
	"bootk=" \
		"run loaduimage;" \
		"bootm 0x30007FC0\0" \
	"flashboot=" \
		"set bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock${bootblock} " \
		"rootfstype=${rootfstype} ${opts} " \
		"${lcdinfo} " COMMON_BOOT "; run bootk\0" \
	"ubifsboot=" \
		"set bootargs root=ubi0!rootfs rootfstype=ubifs " \
		"${opts} ${lcdinfo} " \
		COMMON_BOOT "; run bootk\0" \
	"tftpboot=" \
		"set bootargs root=ubi0!rootfs rootfstype=ubifs " \
		"${opts} ${lcdinfo} " COMMON_BOOT \
		"; tftp 0x30007FC0 uImage; bootm 0x30007FC0\0" \
	"ramboot=" \
		"set bootargs root=/dev/ram0 rw rootfstype=ext4" \
		" ${console} ${meminfo} " \
		"initrd=0x33000000,8M ramdisk=8192\0" \
	"mmcboot=" \
		"set bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk${mmcdev}p${mmcrootpart} " \
		"rootfstype=${rootfstype} ${opts} ${lcdinfo} " \
		COMMON_BOOT "; run bootk\0" \
	"boottrace=setenv opts initcall_debug; run bootcmd\0" \
	"bootchart=set opts init=/sbin/bootchartd; run bootcmd\0" \
	"verify=n\0" \
	"rootfstype=ext4\0" \
	"console=console=ttySAC2,115200n8\0" \
	"meminfo=mem=80M mem=256M@0x40000000 mem=128M@0x50000000\0" \
	"loaduimage=ext4load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcbootpart} 0x30007FC0 uImage\0" \
	"mmcdev=0\0" \
	"mmcbootpart=2\0" \
	"mmcrootpart=5\0" \
	"partitions=" PARTS_DEFAULT \
	"bootblock=9\0" \
	"ubiblock=8\0" \
	"ubi=enabled\0" \
	"opts=always_resume=1\0" \
	"dfu_alt_info=" CFG_DFU_ALT "\0"

/* Goni has 3 banks of DRAM, but swap the bank */
#define PHYS_SDRAM_1		CFG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE	/* OneDRAM Bank #0 */
#define PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE	(80 << 20)		/* 80 MB in Bank #0 */
#define PHYS_SDRAM_2		0x40000000		/* mDDR DMC1 Bank #1 */
#define PHYS_SDRAM_2_SIZE	(256 << 20)		/* 256 MB in Bank #1 */
#define PHYS_SDRAM_3		0x50000000		/* mDDR DMC2 Bank #2 */
#define PHYS_SDRAM_3_SIZE	(128 << 20)		/* 128 MB in Bank #2 */

#define CFG_SYS_ONENAND_BASE		0xB0000000

#endif	/* __CONFIG_H */