# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # Copyright (c) 2020, Linaro Limited # Author: AKASHI Takahiro """Fixture for UEFI capsule test """ from subprocess import call, check_call, CalledProcessError import pytest from capsule_defs import CAPSULE_DATA_DIR, CAPSULE_INSTALL_DIR, EFITOOLS_PATH @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def efi_capsule_data(request, u_boot_config): """Set up a file system to be used in UEFI capsule and authentication test and return a ath to disk image to be used for testing request -- Pytest request object. u_boot_config -- U-boot configuration. """ mnt_point = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/test_efi_capsule' data_dir = mnt_point + CAPSULE_DATA_DIR install_dir = mnt_point + CAPSULE_INSTALL_DIR image_path = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/test_efi_capsule.img' try: # Create a target device check_call('dd if=/dev/zero of=./spi.bin bs=1MiB count=16', shell=True) check_call('rm -rf %s' % mnt_point, shell=True) check_call('mkdir -p %s' % data_dir, shell=True) check_call('mkdir -p %s' % install_dir, shell=True) capsule_auth_enabled = u_boot_config.buildconfig.get( 'config_efi_capsule_authenticate') if capsule_auth_enabled: # Create private key (SIGNER.key) and certificate (SIGNER.crt) check_call('cd %s; ' 'openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 ' '-subj /CN=TEST_SIGNER/ -keyout SIGNER.key ' '-out SIGNER.crt -nodes -days 365' % data_dir, shell=True) check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list SIGNER.crt SIGNER.esl' % (data_dir, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True) # Update dtb adding capsule certificate check_call('cd %s; ' 'cp %s/test/py/tests/test_efi_capsule/signature.dts .' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.source_dir), shell=True) check_call('cd %s; ' 'dtc -@ -I dts -O dtb -o signature.dtbo signature.dts; ' 'fdtoverlay -i %s/arch/sandbox/dts/test.dtb ' '-o test_sig.dtb signature.dtbo' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) # Create *malicious* private key (SIGNER2.key) and certificate # (SIGNER2.crt) check_call('cd %s; ' 'openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 ' '-subj /CN=TEST_SIGNER/ -keyout SIGNER2.key ' '-out SIGNER2.crt -nodes -days 365' % data_dir, shell=True) # Create capsule files # two regions: one for u-boot.bin and the other for u-boot.env check_call('cd %s; echo -n u-boot:Old > u-boot.bin.old; echo -n u-boot:New > u-boot.bin.new; echo -n u-boot-env:Old > u-boot.env.old; echo -n u-boot-env:New > u-boot.env.new' % data_dir, shell=True) check_call('sed -e \"s?BINFILE1?u-boot.bin.new?\" -e \"s?BINFILE2?u-boot.env.new?\" %s/test/py/tests/test_efi_capsule/uboot_bin_env.its > %s/uboot_bin_env.its' % (u_boot_config.source_dir, data_dir), shell=True) check_call('cd %s; %s/tools/mkimage -f uboot_bin_env.its uboot_bin_env.itb' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) check_call('cd %s; %s/tools/mkeficapsule --index 1 --guid 09D7CF52-0720-4710-91D1-08469B7FE9C8 u-boot.bin.new Test01' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) check_call('cd %s; %s/tools/mkeficapsule --index 2 --guid 5A7021F5-FEF2-48B4-AABA-832E777418C0 u-boot.env.new Test02' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) check_call('cd %s; %s/tools/mkeficapsule --index 1 --guid 058B7D83-50D5-4C47-A195-60D86AD341C4 u-boot.bin.new Test03' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) check_call('cd %s; %s/tools/mkeficapsule --index 1 --guid 3673B45D-6A7C-46F3-9E60-ADABB03F7937 uboot_bin_env.itb Test04' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) check_call('cd %s; %s/tools/mkeficapsule --index 1 --guid 058B7D83-50D5-4C47-A195-60D86AD341C4 uboot_bin_env.itb Test05' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) if capsule_auth_enabled: # raw firmware signed with proper key check_call('cd %s; ' '%s/tools/mkeficapsule --index 1 --monotonic-count 1 ' '--private-key SIGNER.key --certificate SIGNER.crt ' '--guid 09D7CF52-0720-4710-91D1-08469B7FE9C8 ' 'u-boot.bin.new Test11' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) # raw firmware signed with *mal* key check_call('cd %s; ' '%s/tools/mkeficapsule --index 1 --monotonic-count 1 ' '--private-key SIGNER2.key ' '--certificate SIGNER2.crt ' '--guid 09D7CF52-0720-4710-91D1-08469B7FE9C8 ' 'u-boot.bin.new Test12' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) # FIT firmware signed with proper key check_call('cd %s; ' '%s/tools/mkeficapsule --index 1 --monotonic-count 1 ' '--private-key SIGNER.key --certificate SIGNER.crt ' '--guid 3673B45D-6A7C-46F3-9E60-ADABB03F7937 ' 'uboot_bin_env.itb Test13' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) # FIT firmware signed with *mal* key check_call('cd %s; ' '%s/tools/mkeficapsule --index 1 --monotonic-count 1 ' '--private-key SIGNER2.key ' '--certificate SIGNER2.crt ' '--guid 3673B45D-6A7C-46F3-9E60-ADABB03F7937 ' 'uboot_bin_env.itb Test14' % (data_dir, u_boot_config.build_dir), shell=True) # Create a disk image with EFI system partition check_call('virt-make-fs --partition=gpt --size=+1M --type=vfat %s %s' % (mnt_point, image_path), shell=True) check_call('sgdisk %s -A 1:set:0 -t 1:C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B' % image_path, shell=True) except CalledProcessError as exception: pytest.skip('Setup failed: %s' % exception.cmd) return else: yield image_path finally: call('rm -rf %s' % mnt_point, shell=True) call('rm -f %s' % image_path, shell=True) call('rm -f ./spi.bin', shell=True)