.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+: askenv command ============== Synopsis -------- :: askenv name [message] [size] Description ----------- Display message and get environment variable name of max size characters from stdin. See also *env ask* in :doc:`env`. name name of the environment variable message message is displayed while the command waits for the value to be entered from stdin.if no message is specified,a default message "Please enter name:" will be displayed. size maximum number of characters that will be stored in environment variable name.this is in decimal number format (unlike in other commands where size values are in hexa-decimal). Default value of size is 1023 (CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE - 1). Example ------- Value of a environment variable env1 without message and size parameters: :: => askenv env1;echo $? Please enter 'env1': val1 0 => printenv env1 env1=val1 Value of a environment variable env2 with message and size parameters: :: => askenv env2 Please type-in a value for env2: 10;echo $? Please type-in a value for env2: 1234567890123 0 => printenv env2 env2=1234567890 Value of a environment variable env3 with size parameter only: :: => askenv env3 10;echo $? Please enter 'env3': val3 0 => printenv env3 env3=val3 Return Value of askenv command, when used without any other arguments: :: => askenv;echo $? askenv - get environment variables from stdin Usage: askenv name [message] [size] - display 'message' and get environment variable 'name' from stdin (max 'size' chars) 1 Configuration ------------- The askenv command is only available if CMD_ASKENV=y Return value ------------ The return value $? is set to 0 (true). If no other arguments are specified (along with askenv), it is set to 1 (false).