
The SBC8548 is a stand alone single board computer with a 1GHz
MPC8548 CPU, 8MB boot flash, 64MB user flash and, 256MB DDR2 400MHz
memory. It also has 128MB SDRAM 100MHz LBC memory, with both a PCI-e,
and a PCI-X slot, dual mini-DB9 for UART, and dual RJ-45 for eTSEC
ethernet connections.

U-boot Configuration:

The following possible u-boot configuration targets are available:

	1) sbc8548_config
	2) sbc8548_PCI_33_config
	3) sbc8548_PCI_66_config
	4) sbc8548_PCI_33_PCIE_config
	5) sbc8548_PCI_66_PCIE_config

Generally speaking, most people should choose to use #5.  Details
of each choice are listed below.

Choice #1 does not enable CONFIG_PCI, and assumes that the PCI slot
will be left empty (M66EN high), and so the board will operate with
a base clock of 66MHz.  Note that you need both PCI enabled in u-boot
and linux in order to have functional PCI under linux.

The second enables PCI support and builds for a 33MHz clock rate.  Note
that if a 33MHz 32bit card is inserted in the slot, then the whole board
will clock down to a 33MHz base clock instead of the default 66MHz.  This
will change the baud clocks and mess up your serial console output if you
were previously running at 66MHz.  If you want to use a 33MHz PCI card,
then you should build a U-Boot with a _PCI_33_ config and store this
to flash prior to powering down the board and inserting the 33MHz PCI
card. [The above discussion assumes that the SW2[1-4] has not been changed
to reflect a different CCB:SYSCLK ratio]

The third option builds PCI support in, and leaves the clocking at the
default 66MHz.  Options four and five are just repeats of option two
and three, but with PCI-e support enabled as well.

PCI output listing with an intel e1000 PCI-x and a Syskonnect SK-9Exx
is shown below for sbc8548_PCI_66_PCIE_config.  (Note that PCI-e with
a 33MHz PCI configuration is currently untested.)

    => pci 0
    Scanning PCI devices on bus 0
    BusDevFun  VendorId   DeviceId   Device Class       Sub-Class
    00.00.00   0x1057     0x0012     Processor               0x20
    00.01.00   0x8086     0x1026     Network controller      0x00
    => pci 1
    Scanning PCI devices on bus 1
    BusDevFun  VendorId   DeviceId   Device Class       Sub-Class
    01.00.00   0x1957     0x0012     Processor               0x20
    => pci 2
    Scanning PCI devices on bus 2
    BusDevFun  VendorId   DeviceId   Device Class       Sub-Class
    02.00.00   0x1148     0x9e00     Network controller      0x00

Hardware Reference:

The following contains some summary information on hardware settings
that are relevant to u-boot, based on the board manual.  For the
most up to date and complete details of the board, please request the
reference manual ERG-00327-001.pdf from

Boot flash:
	intel V28F640Jx, 8192x8 (one device) at 0xff80_0000

Sodimm flash:
	intel V28F128Jx, 16384x8 (4 devices) at 0xfb80_0000


Jumper		Name		ON		OFF
JP12		CS0/CS6 swap	see note[*]	see note[*]

JP13		SODIMM flash	write OK	writes disabled
		write prot.

JP14		HRESET/TRST	joined		isolated

JP15		PWR ON		when AC pwr	use S1 for on/off

JP16		Demo LEDs	lit		not lit

JP19		PCI mode	PCI		PCI-X

[*]JP12, when jumpered parallel to the SODIMM, puts the boot flash
onto /CS0 and the SODIMM flash on /CS6 (default).  When JP12
is jumpered parallel to the LBC-SDRAM, then /CS0 is for the
SODIMM flash and /CS6 is for the boot flash.  Note that in this
alternate setting, you also need to switch SW2.8 to ON.  Currently
u-boot doesn't support booting off the SODIMM in this alternate
setting without manually altering BR0/OR0 and BR6/OR6 in the
board config file appropriately.


The defaults are marked with a *

Name		Desc.			ON		OFF
S1		Pwr toggle		n/a		n/a

SW2.1		CFG_SYS_PLL0		1		0*
SW2.2		CFG_SYS_PLL1		1*		0
SW2.3		CFG_SYS_PLL2		1*		0
SW2.4		CFG_SYS_PLL3		1		0*
SW2.5		CFG_CORE_PLL0		1*		0
SW2.6		CFG_CORE_PLL1		1		0*
SW2.7		CFG_CORE_PLL2		1*		0
SW2.8		CFG_ROM_LOC1		1		0*

SW3.1		CFG_HOST_AGT0		1*		0
SW3.2		CFG_HOST_AGT1		1*		0
SW3.3		CFG_HOST_AGT2		1*		0
SW3.4		CFG_IO_PORTS0		1*		0
SW3.5		CFG_IO_PORTS0		1		0*
SW3.6		CFG_IO_PORTS0		1		0*

SerDes CLK(MHz)		SW5.1		SW5.2
25			0		0
100*			1		0
125			0		1
200			1		1

SerDes CLK spread	SW5.3		SW5.4
+/- 0.25%		0		0
-0.50%			1		0
-0.75%			0		1
No Spread*		1		1

SW4 settings are readable from the EPLD and are currently not used for
any hardware settings (i.e. user configuration switches).


Name		Desc.			ON		OFF
D14		3.3V PWR		3.3V		no power
D15		SYSCLK			66MHz		33MHz

	Default Memory Map:

start		end		CS<n>	width	Desc.
0000_0000	0fff_ffff	MCS0,1	64	DDR2 (256MB)
f000_0000	f7ff_ffff	CS3,4	32	LB SDRAM (128MB)
f800_0000	f8b0_1fff	CS5	-	EPLD
fb80_0000	ff7f_ffff	CS6	32	SODIMM flash (64MB)
ff80_0000	ffff_ffff	CS0	8	Boot flash (8MB)

The EPLD on CS5 demuxes the following devices at the following offsets:

offset		size	width	device
0		1fff	8	7 segment display LED
10_0000		1fff	4	user switches
30_0000		1fff	4	HW Rev. register
b0_0000		1fff	8	8kB EEPROM