/* * Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ /* * CBFS commands */ #include <common.h> #include <command.h> #include <cbfs.h> int do_cbfs_init(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *const argv[]) { uintptr_t end_of_rom = 0xffffffff; char *ep; if (argc > 2) { printf("usage: cbfsls [end of rom]>\n"); return 0; } if (argc == 2) { end_of_rom = (int)simple_strtoul(argv[1], &ep, 16); if (*ep) { puts("\n** Invalid end of ROM **\n"); return 1; } } file_cbfs_init(end_of_rom); if (file_cbfs_result != CBFS_SUCCESS) { printf("%s.\n", file_cbfs_error()); return 1; } return 0; } U_BOOT_CMD( cbfsinit, 2, 0, do_cbfs_init, "initialize the cbfs driver", "[end of rom]\n" " - Initialize the cbfs driver. The optional 'end of rom'\n" " parameter specifies where the end of the ROM is that the\n" " CBFS is in. It defaults to 0xFFFFFFFF\n" ); int do_cbfs_fsload(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *const argv[]) { const struct cbfs_cachenode *file; unsigned long offset; unsigned long count; long size; if (argc < 3) { printf("usage: cbfsload <addr> <filename> [bytes]\n"); return 1; } /* parse offset and count */ offset = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16); if (argc == 4) count = simple_strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16); else count = 0; file = file_cbfs_find(argv[2]); if (!file) { if (file_cbfs_result == CBFS_FILE_NOT_FOUND) printf("%s: %s\n", file_cbfs_error(), argv[2]); else printf("%s.\n", file_cbfs_error()); return 1; } printf("reading %s\n", file_cbfs_name(file)); size = file_cbfs_read(file, (void *)offset, count); printf("\n%ld bytes read\n", size); setenv_hex("filesize", size); return 0; } U_BOOT_CMD( cbfsload, 4, 0, do_cbfs_fsload, "load binary file from a cbfs filesystem", "<addr> <filename> [bytes]\n" " - load binary file 'filename' from the cbfs to address 'addr'\n" ); int do_cbfs_ls(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *const argv[]) { const struct cbfs_cachenode *file = file_cbfs_get_first(); int files = 0; if (!file) { printf("%s.\n", file_cbfs_error()); return 1; } printf(" size type name\n"); printf("------------------------------------------\n"); while (file) { int type = file_cbfs_type(file); char *type_name = NULL; const char *filename = file_cbfs_name(file); printf(" %8d", file_cbfs_size(file)); switch (type) { case CBFS_TYPE_STAGE: type_name = "stage"; break; case CBFS_TYPE_PAYLOAD: type_name = "payload"; break; case CBFS_TYPE_OPTIONROM: type_name = "option rom"; break; case CBFS_TYPE_BOOTSPLASH: type_name = "boot splash"; break; case CBFS_TYPE_RAW: type_name = "raw"; break; case CBFS_TYPE_VSA: type_name = "vsa"; break; case CBFS_TYPE_MBI: type_name = "mbi"; break; case CBFS_TYPE_MICROCODE: type_name = "microcode"; break; case CBFS_COMPONENT_CMOS_DEFAULT: type_name = "cmos default"; break; case CBFS_COMPONENT_CMOS_LAYOUT: type_name = "cmos layout"; break; case -1: case 0: type_name = "null"; break; } if (type_name) printf(" %16s", type_name); else printf(" %16d", type); if (filename[0]) printf(" %s\n", filename); else printf(" %s\n", "(empty)"); file_cbfs_get_next(&file); files++; } printf("\n%d file(s)\n\n", files); return 0; } U_BOOT_CMD( cbfsls, 1, 1, do_cbfs_ls, "list files", " - list the files in the cbfs\n" ); int do_cbfs_fsinfo(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *const argv[]) { const struct cbfs_header *header = file_cbfs_get_header(); if (!header) { printf("%s.\n", file_cbfs_error()); return 1; } printf("\n"); printf("CBFS version: %#x\n", header->version); printf("ROM size: %#x\n", header->rom_size); printf("Boot block size: %#x\n", header->boot_block_size); printf("CBFS size: %#x\n", header->rom_size - header->boot_block_size - header->offset); printf("Alignment: %d\n", header->align); printf("Offset: %#x\n", header->offset); printf("\n"); return 0; } U_BOOT_CMD( cbfsinfo, 1, 1, do_cbfs_fsinfo, "print information about filesystem", " - print information about the cbfs filesystem\n" );