# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # Copyright (c) 2023, Linaro Limited """Common function for UEFI capsule test.""" from capsule_defs import CAPSULE_DATA_DIR, CAPSULE_INSTALL_DIR def setup(u_boot_console, disk_img, osindications): """setup the test Args: u_boot_console -- A console connection to U-Boot. disk_img -- A path to disk image to be used for testing. osindications -- String of osindications value. """ u_boot_console.run_command_list([ f'host bind 0 {disk_img}', 'printenv -e PlatformLangCodes', # workaround for terminal size determination 'efidebug boot add -b 1 TEST host 0:1 /helloworld.efi', 'efidebug boot order 1', 'env set dfu_alt_info "sf 0:0=u-boot-bin raw 0x100000 0x50000;' 'u-boot-env raw 0x150000 0x200000"']) if osindications is None: u_boot_console.run_command('env set -e OsIndications') else: u_boot_console.run_command(f'env set -e -nv -bs -rt OsIndications ={osindications}') u_boot_console.run_command('env save') def init_content(u_boot_console, target, filename, expected): """initialize test content Args: u_boot_console -- A console connection to U-Boot. target -- Target address to place the content. filename -- File name of the content. expected -- Expected string of the content. """ output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([ 'sf probe 0:0', f'fatload host 0:1 4000000 {CAPSULE_DATA_DIR}/{filename}', f'sf write 4000000 {target} 10', 'sf read 5000000 100000 10', 'md.b 5000000 10']) assert expected in ''.join(output) def place_capsule_file(u_boot_console, filenames): """place the capsule file Args: u_boot_console -- A console connection to U-Boot. filenames -- File name array of the target capsule files. """ for name in filenames: u_boot_console.run_command_list([ f'fatload host 0:1 4000000 {CAPSULE_DATA_DIR}/{name}', f'fatwrite host 0:1 4000000 {CAPSULE_INSTALL_DIR}/{name} $filesize']) output = u_boot_console.run_command(f'fatls host 0:1 {CAPSULE_INSTALL_DIR}') for name in filenames: assert name in ''.join(output) def exec_manual_update(u_boot_console, disk_img, filenames, need_reboot = True): """execute capsule update manually Args: u_boot_console -- A console connection to U-Boot. disk_img -- A path to disk image to be used for testing. filenames -- File name array of the target capsule files. need_reboot -- Flag indicates whether system reboot is required. """ # make sure that dfu_alt_info exists even persistent variables # are not available. output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([ 'env set dfu_alt_info ' '"sf 0:0=u-boot-bin raw 0x100000 0x50000;' 'u-boot-env raw 0x150000 0x200000"', f'host bind 0 {disk_img}', f'fatls host 0:1 {CAPSULE_INSTALL_DIR}']) for name in filenames: assert name in ''.join(output) # need to run uefi command to initiate capsule handling u_boot_console.run_command( 'env print -e Capsule0000', wait_for_reboot = need_reboot) def check_file_removed(u_boot_console, disk_img, filenames): """check files are removed Args: u_boot_console -- A console connection to U-Boot. disk_img -- A path to disk image to be used for testing. filenames -- File name array of the target capsule files. """ output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([ f'host bind 0 {disk_img}', f'fatls host 0:1 {CAPSULE_INSTALL_DIR}']) for name in filenames: assert name not in ''.join(output) def check_file_exist(u_boot_console, disk_img, filenames): """check files exist Args: u_boot_console -- A console connection to U-Boot. disk_img -- A path to disk image to be used for testing. filenames -- File name array of the target capsule files. """ output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([ f'host bind 0 {disk_img}', f'fatls host 0:1 {CAPSULE_INSTALL_DIR}']) for name in filenames: assert name in ''.join(output) def verify_content(u_boot_console, target, expected): """verify the content Args: u_boot_console -- A console connection to U-Boot. target -- Target address to verify. expected -- Expected string of the content. """ output = u_boot_console.run_command_list([ 'sf probe 0:0', f'sf read 4000000 {target} 10', 'md.b 4000000 10']) assert expected in ''.join(output) def do_reboot_dtb_specified(u_boot_config, u_boot_console, dtb_filename): """do reboot with specified DTB Args: u_boot_config -- U-boot configuration. u_boot_console -- A console connection to U-Boot. dtb_filename -- DTB file name. """ mnt_point = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/test_efi_capsule' u_boot_console.config.dtb = mnt_point + CAPSULE_DATA_DIR \ + f'/{dtb_filename}' u_boot_console.restart_uboot()