# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # # Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc # import glob import os import shlex import shutil import struct import sys import tempfile from patman import command from patman import tout # Output directly (generally this is temporary) outdir = None # True to keep the output directory around after exiting preserve_outdir = False # Path to the Chrome OS chroot, if we know it chroot_path = None # Search paths to use for Filename(), used to find files search_paths = [] tool_search_paths = [] # Tools and the packages that contain them, on debian packages = { 'lz4': 'liblz4-tool', } # List of paths to use when looking for an input file indir = [] def PrepareOutputDir(dirname, preserve=False): """Select an output directory, ensuring it exists. This either creates a temporary directory or checks that the one supplied by the user is valid. For a temporary directory, it makes a note to remove it later if required. Args: dirname: a string, name of the output directory to use to store intermediate and output files. If is None - create a temporary directory. preserve: a Boolean. If outdir above is None and preserve is False, the created temporary directory will be destroyed on exit. Raises: OSError: If it cannot create the output directory. """ global outdir, preserve_outdir preserve_outdir = dirname or preserve if dirname: outdir = dirname if not os.path.isdir(outdir): try: os.makedirs(outdir) except OSError as err: raise CmdError("Cannot make output directory '%s': '%s'" % (outdir, err.strerror)) tout.Debug("Using output directory '%s'" % outdir) else: outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binman.') tout.Debug("Using temporary directory '%s'" % outdir) def _RemoveOutputDir(): global outdir shutil.rmtree(outdir) tout.Debug("Deleted temporary directory '%s'" % outdir) outdir = None def FinaliseOutputDir(): global outdir, preserve_outdir """Tidy up: delete output directory if temporary and not preserved.""" if outdir and not preserve_outdir: _RemoveOutputDir() outdir = None def GetOutputFilename(fname): """Return a filename within the output directory. Args: fname: Filename to use for new file Returns: The full path of the filename, within the output directory """ return os.path.join(outdir, fname) def GetOutputDir(): """Return the current output directory Returns: str: The output directory """ return outdir def _FinaliseForTest(): """Remove the output directory (for use by tests)""" global outdir if outdir: _RemoveOutputDir() outdir = None def SetInputDirs(dirname): """Add a list of input directories, where input files are kept. Args: dirname: a list of paths to input directories to use for obtaining files needed by binman to place in the image. """ global indir indir = dirname tout.Debug("Using input directories %s" % indir) def GetInputFilename(fname, allow_missing=False): """Return a filename for use as input. Args: fname: Filename to use for new file allow_missing: True if the filename can be missing Returns: fname, if indir is None; full path of the filename, within the input directory; None, if file is missing and allow_missing is True Raises: ValueError if file is missing and allow_missing is False """ if not indir or fname[:1] == '/': return fname for dirname in indir: pathname = os.path.join(dirname, fname) if os.path.exists(pathname): return pathname if allow_missing: return None raise ValueError("Filename '%s' not found in input path (%s) (cwd='%s')" % (fname, ','.join(indir), os.getcwd())) def GetInputFilenameGlob(pattern): """Return a list of filenames for use as input. Args: pattern: Filename pattern to search for Returns: A list of matching files in all input directories """ if not indir: return glob.glob(fname) files = [] for dirname in indir: pathname = os.path.join(dirname, pattern) files += glob.glob(pathname) return sorted(files) def Align(pos, align): if align: mask = align - 1 pos = (pos + mask) & ~mask return pos def NotPowerOfTwo(num): return num and (num & (num - 1)) def SetToolPaths(toolpaths): """Set the path to search for tools Args: toolpaths: List of paths to search for tools executed by Run() """ global tool_search_paths tool_search_paths = toolpaths def PathHasFile(path_spec, fname): """Check if a given filename is in the PATH Args: path_spec: Value of PATH variable to check fname: Filename to check Returns: True if found, False if not """ for dir in path_spec.split(':'): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, fname)): return True return False def GetHostCompileTool(name): """Get the host-specific version for a compile tool This checks the environment variables that specify which version of the tool should be used (e.g. ${HOSTCC}). The following table lists the host-specific versions of the tools this function resolves to: Compile Tool | Host version --------------+---------------- as | ${HOSTAS} ld | ${HOSTLD} cc | ${HOSTCC} cpp | ${HOSTCPP} c++ | ${HOSTCXX} ar | ${HOSTAR} nm | ${HOSTNM} ldr | ${HOSTLDR} strip | ${HOSTSTRIP} objcopy | ${HOSTOBJCOPY} objdump | ${HOSTOBJDUMP} dtc | ${HOSTDTC} Args: name: Command name to run Returns: host_name: Exact command name to run instead extra_args: List of extra arguments to pass """ host_name = None extra_args = [] if name in ('as', 'ld', 'cc', 'cpp', 'ar', 'nm', 'ldr', 'strip', 'objcopy', 'objdump', 'dtc'): host_name, *host_args = env.get('HOST' + name.upper(), '').split(' ') elif name == 'c++': host_name, *host_args = env.get('HOSTCXX', '').split(' ') if host_name: return host_name, extra_args return name, [] def GetTargetCompileTool(name, cross_compile=None): """Get the target-specific version for a compile tool This first checks the environment variables that specify which version of the tool should be used (e.g. ${CC}). If those aren't specified, it checks the CROSS_COMPILE variable as a prefix for the tool with some substitutions (e.g. "${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc" for cc). The following table lists the target-specific versions of the tools this function resolves to: Compile Tool | First choice | Second choice --------------+----------------+---------------------------- as | ${AS} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}as ld | ${LD} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}ld.bfd | | or ${CROSS_COMPILE}ld cc | ${CC} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc cpp | ${CPP} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc -E c++ | ${CXX} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}g++ ar | ${AR} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}ar nm | ${NM} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}nm ldr | ${LDR} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}ldr strip | ${STRIP} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}strip objcopy | ${OBJCOPY} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy objdump | ${OBJDUMP} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}objdump dtc | ${DTC} | (no CROSS_COMPILE version) Args: name: Command name to run Returns: target_name: Exact command name to run instead extra_args: List of extra arguments to pass """ env = dict(os.environ) target_name = None extra_args = [] if name in ('as', 'ld', 'cc', 'cpp', 'ar', 'nm', 'ldr', 'strip', 'objcopy', 'objdump', 'dtc'): target_name, *extra_args = env.get(name.upper(), '').split(' ') elif name == 'c++': target_name, *extra_args = env.get('CXX', '').split(' ') if target_name: return target_name, extra_args if cross_compile is None: cross_compile = env.get('CROSS_COMPILE', '') if name in ('as', 'ar', 'nm', 'ldr', 'strip', 'objcopy', 'objdump'): target_name = cross_compile + name elif name == 'ld': try: if Run(cross_compile + 'ld.bfd', '-v'): target_name = cross_compile + 'ld.bfd' except: target_name = cross_compile + 'ld' elif name == 'cc': target_name = cross_compile + 'gcc' elif name == 'cpp': target_name = cross_compile + 'gcc' extra_args = ['-E'] elif name == 'c++': target_name = cross_compile + 'g++' else: target_name = name return target_name, extra_args def Run(name, *args, **kwargs): """Run a tool with some arguments This runs a 'tool', which is a program used by binman to process files and perhaps produce some output. Tools can be located on the PATH or in a search path. Args: name: Command name to run args: Arguments to the tool for_host: True to resolve the command to the version for the host for_target: False to run the command as-is, without resolving it to the version for the compile target Returns: CommandResult object """ try: binary = kwargs.get('binary') for_host = kwargs.get('for_host', False) for_target = kwargs.get('for_target', not for_host) env = None if tool_search_paths: env = dict(os.environ) env['PATH'] = ':'.join(tool_search_paths) + ':' + env['PATH'] if for_target: name, extra_args = GetTargetCompileTool(name) args = tuple(extra_args) + args elif for_host: name, extra_args = GetHostCompileTool(name) args = tuple(extra_args) + args name = os.path.expanduser(name) # Expand paths containing ~ all_args = (name,) + args result = command.RunPipe([all_args], capture=True, capture_stderr=True, env=env, raise_on_error=False, binary=binary) if result.return_code: raise Exception("Error %d running '%s': %s" % (result.return_code,' '.join(all_args), result.stderr)) return result.stdout except: if env and not PathHasFile(env['PATH'], name): msg = "Please install tool '%s'" % name package = packages.get(name) if package: msg += " (e.g. from package '%s')" % package raise ValueError(msg) raise def Filename(fname): """Resolve a file path to an absolute path. If fname starts with ##/ and chroot is available, ##/ gets replaced with the chroot path. If chroot is not available, this file name can not be resolved, `None' is returned. If fname is not prepended with the above prefix, and is not an existing file, the actual file name is retrieved from the passed in string and the search_paths directories (if any) are searched to for the file. If found - the path to the found file is returned, `None' is returned otherwise. Args: fname: a string, the path to resolve. Returns: Absolute path to the file or None if not found. """ if fname.startswith('##/'): if chroot_path: fname = os.path.join(chroot_path, fname[3:]) else: return None # Search for a pathname that exists, and return it if found if fname and not os.path.exists(fname): for path in search_paths: pathname = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(fname)) if os.path.exists(pathname): return pathname # If not found, just return the standard, unchanged path return fname def ReadFile(fname, binary=True): """Read and return the contents of a file. Args: fname: path to filename to read, where ## signifiies the chroot. Returns: data read from file, as a string. """ with open(Filename(fname), binary and 'rb' or 'r') as fd: data = fd.read() #self._out.Info("Read file '%s' size %d (%#0x)" % #(fname, len(data), len(data))) return data def WriteFile(fname, data, binary=True): """Write data into a file. Args: fname: path to filename to write data: data to write to file, as a string """ #self._out.Info("Write file '%s' size %d (%#0x)" % #(fname, len(data), len(data))) with open(Filename(fname), binary and 'wb' or 'w') as fd: fd.write(data) def GetBytes(byte, size): """Get a string of bytes of a given size Args: byte: Numeric byte value to use size: Size of bytes/string to return Returns: A bytes type with 'byte' repeated 'size' times """ return bytes([byte]) * size def ToBytes(string): """Convert a str type into a bytes type Args: string: string to convert Returns: A bytes type """ return string.encode('utf-8') def ToString(bval): """Convert a bytes type into a str type Args: bval: bytes value to convert Returns: Python 3: A bytes type Python 2: A string type """ return bval.decode('utf-8') def Compress(indata, algo, with_header=True): """Compress some data using a given algorithm Note that for lzma this uses an old version of the algorithm, not that provided by xz. This requires 'lz4' and 'lzma_alone' tools. It also requires an output directory to be previously set up, by calling PrepareOutputDir(). Care is taken to use unique temporary files so that this function can be called from multiple threads. Args: indata: Input data to compress algo: Algorithm to use ('none', 'gzip', 'lz4' or 'lzma') Returns: Compressed data """ if algo == 'none': return indata fname = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='%s.comp.tmp' % algo, dir=outdir).name WriteFile(fname, indata) if algo == 'lz4': data = Run('lz4', '--no-frame-crc', '-B4', '-5', '-c', fname, binary=True) # cbfstool uses a very old version of lzma elif algo == 'lzma': outfname = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='%s.comp.otmp' % algo, dir=outdir).name Run('lzma_alone', 'e', fname, outfname, '-lc1', '-lp0', '-pb0', '-d8') data = ReadFile(outfname) elif algo == 'gzip': data = Run('gzip', '-c', fname, binary=True) else: raise ValueError("Unknown algorithm '%s'" % algo) if with_header: hdr = struct.pack('