If DDR initialziation uses a speed table and the speed is not matched,
print a warning message instead of silently ignoring.
Signed-off-by: York Sun <yorksun@freescale.com>
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <galak@kernel.crashing.org>
Move fsl_ddr_get_spd into common mpc8xxx/ddr/main.c as most boards
pretty much do the same thing. The only variations are in how many
controllers or DIMMs per controller exist. To make this work we
standardize on the names of the SPD_EEPROM_ADDRESS defines based on the
use case of the board.
We allow boards to override get_spd to either do board specific fixups
to the SPD data or deal with any unique behavior of how the SPD eeproms
are wired up.
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <galak@kernel.crashing.org>
Every 85xx board implements fsl_ddr_get_mem_data_rate via get_ddr_freq()
and every 86xx board uses get_bus_freq(). If implement get_ddr_freq()
as a static inline to call get_bus_freq() we can remove
fsl_ddr_get_mem_data_rate altogether and just call get_ddr_freq()
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <galak@kernel.crashing.org>
Tested all possible values for clk_adjust and write_data_delay for dual
rank UDIMM and RDIMM to revise the tables.
Signed-off-by: York Sun <yorksun@freescale.com>
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <galak@kernel.crashing.org>
* Add board specific parameter table to choose correct cpo, clk_adjust,
write_data_delay, 2T based on board ddr frequency and n_ranks.
* Set odt_rd_cfg and odt_wr_cfg based on the dimm# and CS#.
* Set memory controller interleaving mode to bank interleaving, and disable
bank(chip select) interleaving mode by default, because the default on-board
DDR DIMMs are 2x512MB single-rank.
* Change CONFIG_ICS307_REFCLK_HZ from 33333333 to 33333000.
Signed-off-by: James Yang <James.Yang@freescale.com>
Signed-off-by: Haiying Wang <Haiying.Wang@freescale.com>
Because some dimm parameters like n_ranks needs to be used with the board
frequency to choose the board parameters like clk_adjust etc. in the
board_specific_paramesters table of the board ddr file, we need to pass
the dimm parameters to the board file.
* move ddr dimm parameters header file from /cpu to /include directory.
* add ddr dimm parameters to populate board specific options.
* Fix fsl_ddr_board_options() for all the 8xxx boards which call this function.
Signed-off-by: Haiying Wang <Haiying.Wang@freescale.com>