2018-05-06 17:58:06 -04:00
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
2013-02-17 23:34:35 +00:00
* (C) Copyright 2013
* Texas Instruments Incorporated.
* Sricharan R <r.sricharan@ti.com>
* Derived from OMAP4 done by:
* Aneesh V <aneesh@ti.com>
* TI OMAP5 AND DRA7XX common configuration settings
2013-08-09 11:22:18 -04:00
* For more details, please see the technical documents listed at
* http://www.ti.com/product/omap5432
2013-02-17 23:34:35 +00:00
2013-12-06 21:30:19 +01:00
2013-02-17 23:34:35 +00:00
2013-08-09 11:22:18 -04:00
/* Use General purpose timer 1 */
2022-11-16 13:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-09 11:22:18 -04:00
2021-07-01 09:26:11 -04:00
#include <linux/stringify.h>
2013-08-09 11:22:18 -04:00
#include <asm/arch/cpu.h>
#include <asm/arch/omap.h>
2013-02-17 23:34:35 +00:00
2015-07-22 18:05:41 -05:00
#include <configs/ti_armv7_omap.h>
2013-02-17 23:34:35 +00:00
2013-08-09 11:22:18 -04:00
* Hardware drivers
2013-02-17 23:34:35 +00:00
2022-11-16 13:10:28 -05:00
#define CFG_SYS_NS16550_CLK 48000000
2013-02-17 23:34:35 +00:00
* Environment setup
2013-04-05 06:21:45 +00:00
2015-02-23 18:40:20 +05:30
#ifndef DFUARGS
#define DFUARGS
2023-07-30 21:01:45 -06:00
#include <env/ti/mmc.h>
#include <env/ti/nand.h>
2017-04-06 14:52:56 +05:30
2021-07-01 09:26:11 -04:00
#define CONSOLEDEV "ttyS2"
* Default GPT tables for eMMC (Linux and Android). Notes:
* 1. Keep partitions aligned to erase group size (512 KiB) when possible
* 2. Keep partitions in sync with DFU_ALT_INFO_EMMC (see dfu.h)
* 3. Keep 'bootloader' partition (U-Boot proper) start address in sync with
* CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_U_BOOT_SECTOR (see common/spl/Kconfig)
/* Linux partitions */ \
"uuid_disk=${uuid_gpt_disk};" \
"name=bootloader,start=384K,size=1792K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_bootloader};" \
"name=rootfs,start=2688K,size=-,uuid=${uuid_gpt_rootfs}\0" \
/* Android partitions */ \
"partitions_android=" \
"uuid_disk=${uuid_gpt_disk};" \
"name=xloader,start=128K,size=256K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_xloader};" \
"name=bootloader,size=2048K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_bootloader};" \
"name=uboot-env,start=2432K,size=256K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_reserved};" \
"name=misc,size=128K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_misc};" \
"name=boot_a,size=20M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_boot_a};" \
"name=boot_b,size=20M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_boot_b};" \
"name=dtbo_a,size=8M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_dtbo_a};" \
"name=dtbo_b,size=8M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_dtbo_b};" \
"name=vbmeta_a,size=64K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_vbmeta_a};" \
"name=vbmeta_b,size=64K,uuid=${uuid_gpt_vbmeta_b};" \
"name=recovery,size=64M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_recovery};" \
"name=super,size=2560M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_super};" \
"name=metadata,size=16M,uuid=${uuid_gpt_metadata};" \
#endif /* PARTS_DEFAULT */
#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_AVB)
#define AVB_VERIFY_CHECK "if run avb_verify; then " \
"echo AVB verification OK.;" \
"set bootargs $bootargs $avb_bootargs;" \
"else " \
"echo AVB verification failed.;" \
"exit; fi;"
#define AVB_VERIFY_CMD "avb_verify=avb init 1; avb verify $slot_suffix;\0"
#define AVB_VERIFY_CMD ""
#define CONTROL_PARTITION "misc"
#define AB_SELECT_SLOT \
"if part number mmc 1 " CONTROL_PARTITION " control_part_number; " \
"then " \
" partition number:${control_part_number};" \
"ab_select slot_name mmc ${mmcdev}:${control_part_number};" \
"else " \
"echo " CONTROL_PARTITION " partition not found;" \
"exit;" \
"fi;" \
"setenv slot_suffix _${slot_name};"
#define AB_SELECT_ARGS \
"setenv bootargs_ab androidboot.slot_suffix=${slot_suffix}; " \
"echo A/B cmdline addition: ${bootargs_ab};" \
"setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${bootargs_ab};"
#define AB_SELECT_SLOT ""
#define AB_SELECT_ARGS ""
* Prepares complete device tree blob for current board (for Android boot).
* Boot image or recovery image should be loaded into $loadaddr prior to running
* these commands. The logic of these commnads is next:
* 1. Read correct DTB for current SoC/board from boot image in $loadaddr
* to $fdtaddr
* 2. Merge all needed DTBO for current board from 'dtbo' partition into read
* 3. User should provide $fdtaddr as 3rd argument to 'bootm'
#define PREPARE_FDT \
"echo Preparing FDT...; " \
"if test $board_name = am57xx_evm_reva3; then " \
"echo \" Reading DTBO partition...\"; " \
"part start mmc ${mmcdev} dtbo${slot_suffix} p_dtbo_start; " \
"part size mmc ${mmcdev} dtbo${slot_suffix} p_dtbo_size; " \
"mmc read ${dtboaddr} ${p_dtbo_start} ${p_dtbo_size}; " \
"echo \" Reading DTB for AM57x EVM RevA3...\"; " \
"abootimg get dtb --index=0 dtb_start dtb_size; " \
"cp.b $dtb_start $fdtaddr $dtb_size; " \
"fdt addr $fdtaddr 0x80000; " \
"echo \" Applying DTBOs for AM57x EVM RevA3...\"; " \
"adtimg addr $dtboaddr; " \
"adtimg get dt --index=0 dtbo0_addr dtbo0_size; " \
"fdt apply $dtbo0_addr; " \
"adtimg get dt --index=1 dtbo1_addr dtbo1_size; " \
"fdt apply $dtbo1_addr; " \
"elif test $board_name = beagle_x15_revc; then " \
"echo \" Reading DTB for Beagle X15 RevC...\"; " \
"abootimg get dtb --index=0 dtb_start dtb_size; " \
"cp.b $dtb_start $fdtaddr $dtb_size; " \
"fdt addr $fdtaddr 0x80000; " \
"else " \
"echo Error: Android boot is not supported for $board_name; " \
"exit; " \
"fi; " \
"console=" CONSOLEDEV ",115200n8\0" \
"fdtfile=undefined\0" \
2021-07-01 09:26:12 -04:00
"finduuid=part uuid mmc 0:2 uuid\0" \
2021-07-01 09:26:11 -04:00
"usbtty=cdc_acm\0" \
"vram=16M\0" \
"partitions=" PARTS_DEFAULT "\0" \
"optargs=\0" \
"dofastboot=0\0" \
"emmc_android_boot=" \
"setenv mmcdev 1; " \
"mmc dev $mmcdev; " \
"mmc rescan; " \
"if bcb load " __stringify(CONFIG_FASTBOOT_FLASH_MMC_DEV) " " \
"setenv ardaddr -; " \
"if bcb test command = bootonce-bootloader; then " \
"echo Android: Bootloader boot...; " \
"bcb clear command; bcb store; " \
2021-11-10 09:11:40 -05:00
"fastboot 1; " \
2021-07-01 09:26:11 -04:00
"exit; " \
"elif bcb test command = boot-recovery; then " \
"echo Android: Recovery boot...; " \
"setenv ardaddr $loadaddr;" \
"setenv apart recovery; " \
"else " \
"echo Android: Normal boot...; " \
"setenv ardaddr $loadaddr; " \
"setenv apart boot${slot_suffix}; " \
"fi; " \
"else " \
"echo Warning: BCB is corrupted or does not exist; " \
"echo Android: Normal boot...; " \
"fi; " \
"setenv eval_bootargs setenv bootargs $bootargs; " \
"run eval_bootargs; " \
"setenv machid fe6; " \
"if part start mmc $mmcdev $apart boot_start; then " \
"part size mmc $mmcdev $apart boot_size; " \
"mmc read $loadaddr $boot_start $boot_size; " \
"bootm $loadaddr $ardaddr $fdtaddr; " \
"else " \
"echo $apart partition not found; " \
"exit; " \
"if test $board_name = omap5_uevm; then " \
"setenv fdtfile omap5-uevm.dtb; fi; " \
"if test $board_name = dra7xx; then " \
"setenv fdtfile dra7-evm.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = dra72x-revc; then " \
"setenv fdtfile dra72-evm-revc.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = dra72x; then " \
"setenv fdtfile dra72-evm.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = dra71x; then " \
"setenv fdtfile dra71-evm.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = dra76x_acd; then " \
"setenv fdtfile dra76-evm.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = beagle_x15; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = beagle_x15_revb1; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15-revb1.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = beagle_x15_revc; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15-revc.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am5729_beagleboneai; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am5729-beagleboneai.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am572x_idk; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am572x-idk.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am574x_idk; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am574x-idk.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am57xx_evm; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am57xx_evm_reva3; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $board_name = am571x_idk; then " \
"setenv fdtfile am571x-idk.dtb; fi;" \
"if test $fdtfile = undefined; then " \
"echo WARNING: Could not determine device tree to use; fi; \0"
2021-07-01 09:26:12 -04:00
#define BOOT_TARGET_DEVICES(func) \
func(MMC, mmc, 0) \
func(MMC, mmc, 1) \
func(PXE, pxe, na) \
func(DHCP, dhcp, na)
#include <config_distro_bootcmd.h>
2021-07-01 09:26:11 -04:00
2022-12-04 10:03:50 -05:00
2014-03-28 15:03:29 -04:00
2015-08-28 13:35:07 +05:30
2016-11-29 11:58:00 +05:30
2017-06-14 21:34:23 +03:00
2015-02-23 18:40:20 +05:30
2015-04-21 07:51:04 -05:00
2019-02-27 13:29:38 +05:30
2021-07-01 09:26:12 -04:00
2013-02-17 23:34:35 +00:00
2013-08-20 08:53:52 -04:00
* SPL related defines. The Public RAM memory map the ROM defines the
2016-05-19 19:10:50 -05:00
* area between 0x40300000 and 0x4031E000 as a download area for OMAP5.
* On DRA7xx/AM57XX the download area is between 0x40300000 and 0x4037E000.
* We set CONFIG_SPL_DISPLAY_PRINT to have omap_rev_string() called and
2013-08-20 08:53:52 -04:00
* print some information.
2016-05-19 19:10:50 -05:00
* For memory booting on HS parts, the first 4KB of the internal RAM is
* reserved for secure world use and the flash loader image is
* preceded by a secure certificate. The SPL will therefore run in internal
* RAM from address 0x40301350 (0x40300000+0x1000(reserved)+0x350(cert)).
2016-09-02 00:40:23 -05:00
/* If no specific start address is specified then the secure EMIF
* region will be placed at the end of the DDR space. In order to prevent
* the main u-boot relocation from clobbering that memory and causing a
* firewall violation, we tell u-boot that memory is protected RAM (PRAM)
2022-12-04 10:13:37 -05:00
2016-09-02 00:40:23 -05:00
2016-05-19 19:10:50 -05:00
* For all booting on GP parts, the flash loader image is
* downloaded into internal RAM at address 0x40300000.
2013-12-06 21:30:19 +01:00
#endif /* __CONFIG_TI_OMAP5_COMMON_H */