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* @file ethHash.c
* @brief Hashtable implementation
* @par
* IXP400 SW Release version 2.0
* -- Copyright Notice --
* @par
* Copyright 2001-2005, Intel Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* @par
* -- End of Copyright Notice --
#include "IxEthDB_p.h"
#include "IxEthDBLocks_p.h"
* @addtogroup EthDB
* @{
* @brief initializes a hash table object
* @param hashTable uninitialized hash table structure
* @param numBuckets number of buckets to use
* @param entryHashFunction hash function used
* to hash entire hash node data block (for adding)
* @param matchFunctions array of match functions, indexed on type,
* used to differentiate records with the same hash value
* @param freeFunction function used to free node data blocks
* Initializes the given hash table object.
* @internal
void ixEthDBInitHash(HashTable *hashTable,
UINT32 numBuckets,
HashFunction entryHashFunction,
MatchFunction *matchFunctions,
FreeFunction freeFunction)
UINT32 bucketIndex;
UINT32 hashSize = numBuckets * sizeof(HashNode *);
/* entry hashing, matching and freeing methods */
hashTable->entryHashFunction = entryHashFunction;
hashTable->matchFunctions = matchFunctions;
hashTable->freeFunction = freeFunction;
/* buckets */
hashTable->numBuckets = numBuckets;
/* set to 0 all buckets */
memset(hashTable->hashBuckets, 0, hashSize);
/* init bucket locks - note that initially all mutexes are unlocked after MutexInit()*/
for (bucketIndex = 0 ; bucketIndex < numBuckets ; bucketIndex++)
* @brief adds an entry to the hash table
* @param hashTable hash table to add the entry to
* @param entry entry to add
* The entry will be hashed using the entry hashing function and added to the
* hash table, unless a locking blockage occurs, in which case the caller
* should retry.
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if adding <i>entry</i> has succeeded
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_NOMEM if there's no memory left in the hash node pool
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_BUSY if there's a locking failure on the insertion path
* @internal
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBAddHashEntry(HashTable *hashTable, void *entry)
UINT32 hashValue = hashTable->entryHashFunction(entry);
UINT32 bucketIndex = hashValue % hashTable->numBuckets;
HashNode *bucket = hashTable->hashBuckets[bucketIndex];
HashNode *newNode;
LockStack locks;
/* lock bucket */
PUSH_LOCK(&locks, &hashTable->bucketLocks[bucketIndex]);
/* lock insertion element (first in chain), if any */
if (bucket != NULL)
PUSH_LOCK(&locks, &bucket->lock);
/* get new node */
newNode = ixEthDBAllocHashNode();
if (newNode == NULL)
/* unlock everything */
/* init lock - note that mutexes are unlocked after MutexInit */
/* populate new link */
newNode->data = entry;
/* add to bucket */
newNode->next = bucket;
hashTable->hashBuckets[bucketIndex] = newNode;
/* unlock bucket and insertion point */
* @brief removes an entry from the hashtable
* @param hashTable hash table to remove entry from
* @param keyType type of record key used for matching
* @param reference reference key used to identify the entry
* The reference key will be hashed using the key hashing function,
* the entry is searched using the hashed value and then examined
* against the reference entry using the match function. A positive
* match will trigger the deletion of the entry.
* Locking failures are reported and the caller should retry.
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the removal was successful
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_NO_SUCH_ADDR if the entry was not found
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_BUSY if a locking failure occured during the process
* @internal
IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBRemoveHashEntry(HashTable *hashTable, int keyType, void *reference)
UINT32 hashValue = hashTable->entryHashFunction(reference);
UINT32 bucketIndex = hashValue % hashTable->numBuckets;
HashNode *node = hashTable->hashBuckets[bucketIndex];
HashNode *previousNode = NULL;
LockStack locks;
while (node != NULL)
/* try to lock node */
PUSH_LOCK(&locks, &node->lock);
if (hashTable->matchFunctions[keyType](reference, node->data))
/* found entry */
if (node->next != NULL)
PUSH_LOCK(&locks, &node->next->lock);
if (previousNode == NULL)
/* node is head of chain */
PUSH_LOCK(&locks, &hashTable->bucketLocks[bucketIndex]);
hashTable->hashBuckets[bucketIndex] = node->next;
/* relink */
previousNode->next = node->next;
/* free node */
if (previousNode != NULL)
/* unlock previous node */
/* advance to next element in chain */
previousNode = node;
node = node->next;
/* not found */
* @brief retrieves an entry from the hash table
* @param hashTable hash table to perform the search into
* @param reference search key (a MAC address)
* @param keyType type of record key used for matching
* @param searchResult pointer where a reference to the located hash node
* is placed
* Searches the entry with the same key as <i>reference</i> and places the
* pointer to the resulting node in <i>searchResult</i>.
* An implicit write access lock is granted after a search, which gives the
* caller the opportunity to modify the entry.
* Access should be released as soon as possible using @ref ixEthDBReleaseHashNode().
* @see ixEthDBReleaseHashNode()
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the search was completed successfully
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_NO_SUCH_ADDRESS if no entry with the given key was found
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_BUSY if a locking failure has occured, in which case
* the caller should retry
* @warning unless the return value is <b>IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS</b> the searchResult
* location is NOT modified and therefore using a NULL comparison test when the
* value was not properly initialized would be an error
* @internal
IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBSearchHashEntry(HashTable *hashTable, int keyType, void *reference, HashNode **searchResult)
UINT32 hashValue;
HashNode *node;
hashValue = hashTable->entryHashFunction(reference);
node = hashTable->hashBuckets[hashValue % hashTable->numBuckets];
while (node != NULL)
if (hashTable->matchFunctions[keyType](reference, node->data))
*searchResult = node;
node = node->next;
/* not found */
* @brief reports the existence of an entry in the hash table
* @param hashTable hash table to perform the search into
* @param reference search key (a MAC address)
* @param keyType type of record key used for matching
* Searches the entry with the same key as <i>reference</i>.
* No implicit write access lock is granted after a search, hence the
* caller cannot access or modify the entry. The result is only temporary.
* @see ixEthDBReleaseHashNode()
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the search was completed successfully
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_NO_SUCH_ADDRESS if no entry with the given key was found
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_BUSY if a locking failure has occured, in which case
* the caller should retry
* @internal
IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBPeekHashEntry(HashTable *hashTable, int keyType, void *reference)
UINT32 hashValue;
HashNode *node;
hashValue = hashTable->entryHashFunction(reference);
node = hashTable->hashBuckets[hashValue % hashTable->numBuckets];
while (node != NULL)
if (hashTable->matchFunctions[keyType](reference, node->data))
node = node->next;
/* not found */
* @brief releases the write access lock
* @pre the node should have been obtained via @ref ixEthDBSearchHashEntry()
* @see ixEthDBSearchHashEntry()
* @internal
void ixEthDBReleaseHashNode(HashNode *node)
* @brief initializes a hash iterator
* @param hashTable hash table to be iterated
* @param iterator iterator object
* If the initialization is successful the iterator will point to the
* first hash table record (if any).
* Testing if the iterator has not passed the end of the table should be
* done using the IS_ITERATOR_VALID(iteratorPtr) macro.
* An implicit write access lock is granted on the entry pointed by the iterator.
* The access is automatically revoked when the iterator is incremented.
* If the caller decides to terminate the iteration before the end of the table is
* passed then the manual access release method, @ref ixEthDBReleaseHashIterator,
* must be called.
* @see ixEthDBReleaseHashIterator()
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if initialization was successful and the iterator points
* to the first valid table node
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_FAIL if the table is empty
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_BUSY if a locking failure has occured, in which case the caller
* should retry
* @warning do not use ixEthDBReleaseHashNode() on entries pointed by the iterator, as this
* might place the database in a permanent invalid lock state
* @internal
IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBInitHashIterator(HashTable *hashTable, HashIterator *iterator)
iterator->bucketIndex = 0;
iterator->node = NULL;
iterator->previousNode = NULL;
return ixEthDBIncrementHashIterator(hashTable, iterator);
* @brief releases the write access locks of the iterator nodes
* @warning use of this function is required only when the caller terminates an iteration
* before reaching the end of the table
* @see ixEthDBInitHashIterator()
* @see ixEthDBIncrementHashIterator()
* @param iterator iterator whose node(s) should be unlocked
* @internal
void ixEthDBReleaseHashIterator(HashIterator *iterator)
if (iterator->previousNode != NULL)
if (iterator->node != NULL)
* @brief incremenents an iterator so that it points to the next valid entry of the table
* (if any)
* @param hashTable hash table to iterate
* @param iterator iterator object
* @pre the iterator object must be initialized using @ref ixEthDBInitHashIterator()
* If the increment operation is successful the iterator will point to the
* next hash table record (if any).
* Testing if the iterator has not passed the end of the table should be
* done using the IS_ITERATOR_VALID(iteratorPtr) macro.
* An implicit write access lock is granted on the entry pointed by the iterator.
* The access is automatically revoked when the iterator is re-incremented.
* If the caller decides to terminate the iteration before the end of the table is
* passed then the manual access release method, @ref ixEthDBReleaseHashIterator,
* must be called.
* Is is guaranteed that no other thread can remove or change the iterated entry until
* the iterator is incremented successfully.
* @see ixEthDBReleaseHashIterator()
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation was successful and the iterator points
* to the next valid table node
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_FAIL if the iterator has passed the end of the table
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_BUSY if a locking failure has occured, in which case the caller
* should retry
* @warning do not use ixEthDBReleaseHashNode() on entries pointed by the iterator, as this
* might place the database in a permanent invalid lock state
* @internal
IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBIncrementHashIterator(HashTable *hashTable, HashIterator *iterator)
/* unless iterator is just initialized... */
if (iterator->node != NULL)
/* try next in chain */
if (iterator->node->next != NULL)
if (iterator->previousNode != NULL)
iterator->previousNode = iterator->node;
iterator->node = iterator->node->next;
/* last in chain, prepare for next bucket */
/* try next used bucket */
for (; iterator->bucketIndex < hashTable->numBuckets ; iterator->bucketIndex++)
HashNode **nodePtr = &(hashTable->hashBuckets[iterator->bucketIndex]);
HashNode *node = *nodePtr;
#if (CPU!=SIMSPARCSOLARIS) && !defined (__wince)
if (((iterator->bucketIndex & IX_ETHDB_BUCKET_INDEX_MASK) == 0) &&
(iterator->bucketIndex < (hashTable->numBuckets - IX_ETHDB_BUCKETPTR_AHEAD)))
/* preload next cache line (2 cache line ahead) */
__asm__ ("pld [%0];\n": : "r" (nodePtr));
if (node != NULL)
/* unlock last one or two nodes in the previous chain */
if (iterator->node != NULL)
if (iterator->previousNode != NULL)
/* redirect iterator */
iterator->previousNode = NULL;
iterator->node = node;
/* could not advance iterator */
if (iterator->node != NULL)
if (iterator->previousNode != NULL)
iterator->node = NULL;
return IX_ETH_DB_END;
* @brief removes an entry pointed by an iterator
* @param hashTable iterated hash table
* @param iterator iterator object
* Removes the entry currently pointed by the iterator and repositions the iterator
* on the next valid entry (if any). Handles locking issues automatically and
* implicitely grants write access lock to the new pointed entry.
* Failures due to concurrent threads having write access locks in the same region
* preserve the state of the database and the iterator object, leaving the caller
* free to retry without loss of access. It is guaranteed that only the thread owning
* the iterator can remove the object pointed by the iterator.
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if removal has succeeded
* @retval IX_ETH_DB_BUSY if a locking failure has occured, in which case the caller
* should retry
* @internal
IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBRemoveEntryAtHashIterator(HashTable *hashTable, HashIterator *iterator)
HashIterator nextIteratorPos;
LockStack locks;
/* set initial bucket index for next position */
nextIteratorPos.bucketIndex = iterator->bucketIndex;
/* compute iterator position before removing anything and lock ahead */
if (iterator->node->next != NULL)
PUSH_LOCK(&locks, &iterator->node->next->lock);
/* reposition on the next node in the chain */
nextIteratorPos.node = iterator->node->next;
nextIteratorPos.previousNode = iterator->previousNode;
/* try next chain - don't know yet if we'll find anything */
nextIteratorPos.node = NULL;
/* if we find something it's a chain head */
nextIteratorPos.previousNode = NULL;
/* browse up in the buckets to find a non-null chain */
while (++nextIteratorPos.bucketIndex < hashTable->numBuckets)
nextIteratorPos.node = hashTable->hashBuckets[nextIteratorPos.bucketIndex];
if (nextIteratorPos.node != NULL)
/* found a non-empty chain, try to lock head */
PUSH_LOCK(&locks, &nextIteratorPos.node->lock);
/* restore links over the to-be-deleted item */
if (iterator->previousNode == NULL)
/* first in chain, lock bucket */
PUSH_LOCK(&locks, &hashTable->bucketLocks[iterator->bucketIndex]);
hashTable->hashBuckets[iterator->bucketIndex] = iterator->node->next;
/* relink */
iterator->previousNode->next = iterator->node->next;
/* unlock last remaining node in current chain when moving between chains */
if (iterator->node->next == NULL)
/* delete entry */
/* reposition iterator */
*iterator = nextIteratorPos;
* @}