ahrav 52ffab1034
[chore] - fix import name clashes (#2143)
* fix import name clashes

* fix missing var
2023-12-01 06:53:15 -08:00

711 lines
23 KiB

package engine
import (
lru ""
// Metrics for the scan engine for external consumption.
type Metrics struct {
BytesScanned uint64
ChunksScanned uint64
VerifiedSecretsFound uint64
UnverifiedSecretsFound uint64
AvgDetectorTime map[string]time.Duration
scanStartTime time.Time
ScanDuration time.Duration
// runtimeMetrics for the scan engine for internal use by the engine.
type runtimeMetrics struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
detectorAvgTime sync.Map
// Printer is used to format found results and output them to the user. Ex JSON, plain text, etc.
// Please note printer implementations SHOULD BE thread safe.
type Printer interface {
Print(ctx context.Context, r *detectors.ResultWithMetadata) error
type Engine struct {
// CLI flags.
concurrency uint8
decoders []decoders.Decoder
detectors []detectors.Detector
// filterUnverified is used to reduce the number of unverified results.
// If there are multiple unverified results for the same chunk for the same detector,
// only the first one will be kept.
filterUnverified bool
// entropyFilter is used to filter out unverified results using Shannon entropy.
filterEntropy *float64
onlyVerified bool
printAvgDetectorTime bool
// ahoCorasickHandler manages the Aho-Corasick trie and related keyword lookups.
ahoCorasickCore *AhoCorasickCore
// Engine synchronization primitives.
sourceManager *sources.SourceManager
results chan detectors.ResultWithMetadata
detectableChunksChan chan detectableChunk
workersWg sync.WaitGroup
wgDetectorWorkers sync.WaitGroup
WgNotifier sync.WaitGroup
// Runtime information.
metrics runtimeMetrics
// numFoundResults is used to keep track of the number of results found.
numFoundResults uint32
// printer provides a method for formatting and outputting search results.
// The specific implementation (e.g., JSON, plain text)
// should be set during initialization based on user preference or program requirements.
printer Printer
// dedupeCache is used to deduplicate results by comparing the
// detector type, raw result, and source metadata
dedupeCache *lru.Cache
// verify determines whether the scanner will attempt to verify candidate secrets
verify bool
// Option is used to configure the engine during initialization using functional options.
type Option func(*Engine)
func WithConcurrency(concurrency uint8) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.concurrency = concurrency
const ignoreTag = "trufflehog:ignore"
func WithDetectors(d ...detectors.Detector) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.detectors = append(e.detectors, d...)
func WithDecoders(decoders ...decoders.Decoder) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.decoders = decoders
// WithFilterUnverified sets the filterUnverified flag on the engine. If set to
// true, the engine will only return the first unverified result for a chunk for a detector.
func WithFilterUnverified(filter bool) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.filterUnverified = filter
// WithFilterEntropy filters out unverified results using Shannon entropy.
func WithFilterEntropy(entropy float64) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
if entropy > 0 {
e.filterEntropy = &entropy
// WithOnlyVerified sets the onlyVerified flag on the engine. If set to true,
// the engine will only print verified results.
func WithOnlyVerified(onlyVerified bool) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.onlyVerified = onlyVerified
// WithPrintAvgDetectorTime sets the printAvgDetectorTime flag on the engine. If set to
// true, the engine will print the average time taken by each detector.
// This option allows us to measure the time taken for each detector ONLY if
// the engine is configured to print the results.
// Calculating the average time taken by each detector is an expensive operation
// and should be avoided unless specified by the user.
func WithPrintAvgDetectorTime(printAvgDetectorTime bool) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.printAvgDetectorTime = printAvgDetectorTime
// WithFilterDetectors applies a filter to the configured list of detectors. If
// the filterFunc returns true, the detector will be included for scanning.
// This option applies to the existing list of detectors configured, so the
// order this option appears matters. All filtering happens before scanning.
func WithFilterDetectors(filterFunc func(detectors.Detector) bool) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
// If no detectors are configured, do nothing.
if e.detectors == nil {
e.detectors = filterDetectors(filterFunc, e.detectors)
// WithPrinter sets the Printer on the engine.
func WithPrinter(printer Printer) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.printer = printer
// WithVerify configures whether the scanner will verify candidate secrets.
func WithVerify(verify bool) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.verify = verify
func filterDetectors(filterFunc func(detectors.Detector) bool, input []detectors.Detector) []detectors.Detector {
var out []detectors.Detector
for _, detector := range input {
if filterFunc(detector) {
out = append(out, detector)
return out
// HasFoundResults returns true if any results are found.
func (e *Engine) HasFoundResults() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&e.numFoundResults) > 0
// GetMetrics returns a copy of Metrics.
// It's safe for concurrent use, and the caller can't modify the original data.
func (e *Engine) GetMetrics() Metrics {
result := e.metrics.Metrics
result.AvgDetectorTime = make(map[string]time.Duration, len(e.metrics.AvgDetectorTime))
for detectorName, durations := range e.DetectorAvgTime() {
var total time.Duration
for _, d := range durations {
total += d
avgDuration := total / time.Duration(len(durations))
result.AvgDetectorTime[detectorName] = avgDuration
result.ScanDuration = e.metrics.getScanDuration()
return result
// GetDetectorsMetrics returns a copy of the average time taken by each detector.
func (e *Engine) GetDetectorsMetrics() map[string]time.Duration {
result := make(map[string]time.Duration, len(DefaultDetectors()))
for detectorName, durations := range e.DetectorAvgTime() {
var total time.Duration
for _, d := range durations {
total += d
avgDuration := total / time.Duration(len(durations))
result[detectorName] = avgDuration
return result
// getScanDuration returns the duration of the scan.
// If the scan is still running, it returns the time since the scan started.
func (m *Metrics) getScanDuration() time.Duration {
if m.ScanDuration == 0 {
return time.Since(m.scanStartTime)
return m.ScanDuration
// DetectorAvgTime returns the average time taken by each detector.
func (e *Engine) DetectorAvgTime() map[string][]time.Duration {
logger := context.Background().Logger()
avgTime := map[string][]time.Duration{}
e.metrics.detectorAvgTime.Range(func(k, v any) bool {
key, ok := k.(string)
if !ok {
logger.Info("expected detectorAvgTime key to be a string")
return true
value, ok := v.([]time.Duration)
if !ok {
logger.Info("expected detectorAvgTime value to be []time.Duration")
return true
avgTime[key] = value
return true
return avgTime
// Start initializes and activates the engine's processing pipeline.
// It sets up various default configurations, prepares lookup structures for
// detectors, conducts basic sanity checks, and kickstarts all necessary workers.
// Once started, the engine begins processing input data to identify secrets.
func Start(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) (*Engine, error) {
e := &Engine{}
if err := e.initialize(ctx, options...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return e, nil
const defaultChannelBuffer = 1
// initialize prepares the engine's internal structures. The LRU cache optimizes
// deduplication efforts, allowing the engine to quickly check if a chunk has
// been processed before, thereby saving computational overhead.
func (e *Engine) initialize(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) error {
// TODO (ahrav): Determine the optimal cache size.
const cacheSize = 512 // number of entries in the LRU cache
cache, err := lru.New(cacheSize)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize LRU cache: %w", err)
// Channels are used for communication between different parts of the engine,
// ensuring that data flows smoothly without race conditions.
e.detectableChunksChan = make(chan detectableChunk, defaultChannelBuffer)
e.results = make(chan detectors.ResultWithMetadata, defaultChannelBuffer)
e.dedupeCache = cache
e.printer = new(output.PlainPrinter)
e.metrics = runtimeMetrics{Metrics: Metrics{scanStartTime: time.Now()}}
for _, option := range options {
ctx.Logger().V(4).Info("engine initialized")
ctx.Logger().V(4).Info("setting up aho-corasick core")
e.ahoCorasickCore = NewAhoCorasickCore(e.detectors)
ctx.Logger().V(4).Info("set up aho-corasick core")
return nil
// setDefaults ensures that if specific engine properties aren't provided,
// they're set to reasonable default values. It makes the engine robust to
// incomplete configuration.
func (e *Engine) setDefaults(ctx context.Context) {
if e.concurrency == 0 {
numCPU := runtime.NumCPU()
ctx.Logger().Info("No concurrency specified, defaulting to max", "cpu", numCPU)
e.concurrency = uint8(numCPU)
ctx.Logger().V(3).Info("engine started", "workers", e.concurrency)
e.sourceManager = sources.NewManager(
// Default decoders handle common encoding formats.
if len(e.decoders) == 0 {
e.decoders = decoders.DefaultDecoders()
if len(e.detectors) == 0 {
e.detectors = DefaultDetectors()
ctx.Logger().V(4).Info("default engine options set")
// Sanity check detectors for duplicate configuration. Only log in case
// a detector has been configured in a way that isn't represented by
// the DetectorID (type and version).
func (e *Engine) sanityChecks(ctx context.Context) {
seenDetectors := make(map[config.DetectorID]struct{}, len(e.detectors))
for _, det := range e.detectors {
id := config.GetDetectorID(det)
if _, ok := seenDetectors[id]; ok && id.ID != detectorspb.DetectorType_CustomRegex {
ctx.Logger().Info("possible duplicate detector configured", "detector", id)
seenDetectors[id] = struct{}{}
// startWorkers initiates all necessary workers. Workers handle processing of
// chunks concurrently. Separating the initialization of different types of
// workers helps in scalability and makes it easier to diagnose issues.
func (e *Engine) startWorkers(ctx context.Context) {
// Scanner workers process input data and extract chunks for detectors.
ctx.Logger().V(2).Info("starting scanner workers", "count", e.concurrency)
for worker := uint64(0); worker < uint64(e.concurrency); worker++ {
go func() {
ctx := context.WithValue(ctx, "secret_worker_id", common.RandomID(5))
defer common.Recover(ctx)
defer e.workersWg.Done()
// Detector workers apply keyword matching, regexes and API calls to detect secrets in chunks.
const detectorWorkerMultiplier = 50
ctx.Logger().V(2).Info("starting detector workers", "count", e.concurrency*detectorWorkerMultiplier)
for worker := uint64(0); worker < uint64(e.concurrency*detectorWorkerMultiplier); worker++ {
go func() {
ctx := context.WithValue(ctx, "detector_worker_id", common.RandomID(5))
defer common.Recover(ctx)
defer e.wgDetectorWorkers.Done()
// Notifier workers communicate detected issues to the user or any downstream systems.
// We want 1/4th of the notifier workers as the number of scanner workers.
const notifierWorkerRatio = 4
maxNotifierWorkers := 1
if numWorkers := e.concurrency / notifierWorkerRatio; numWorkers > 0 {
maxNotifierWorkers = int(numWorkers)
ctx.Logger().V(2).Info("starting notifier workers", "count", maxNotifierWorkers)
for worker := 0; worker < maxNotifierWorkers; worker++ {
go func() {
ctx := context.WithValue(ctx, "notifier_worker_id", common.RandomID(5))
defer common.Recover(ctx)
defer e.WgNotifier.Done()
// Finish waits for running sources to complete and workers to finish scanning
// chunks before closing their respective channels. Once Finish is called, no
// more sources may be scanned by the engine.
func (e *Engine) Finish(ctx context.Context) error {
defer common.RecoverWithExit(ctx)
// Wait for the sources to finish putting chunks onto the chunks channel.
err := e.sourceManager.Wait()
e.workersWg.Wait() // Wait for the workers to finish scanning chunks.
e.wgDetectorWorkers.Wait() // Wait for the detector workers to finish detecting chunks.
close(e.results) // Detector workers are done, close the results channel and call it a day.
e.WgNotifier.Wait() // Wait for the notifier workers to finish notifying results.
e.metrics.ScanDuration = time.Since(e.metrics.scanStartTime)
return err
func (e *Engine) ChunksChan() <-chan *sources.Chunk {
return e.sourceManager.Chunks()
func (e *Engine) ResultsChan() chan detectors.ResultWithMetadata {
return e.results
// ScanChunk injects a chunk into the output stream of chunks to be scanned.
// This method should rarely be used. TODO(THOG-1577): Remove when dependencies
// no longer rely on this functionality.
func (e *Engine) ScanChunk(chunk *sources.Chunk) {
// detectableChunk is a decoded chunk that is ready to be scanned by its detector.
type detectableChunk struct {
detector detectors.Detector
chunk sources.Chunk
decoder detectorspb.DecoderType
wgDoneFn func()
func (e *Engine) detectorWorker(ctx context.Context) {
var wgDetect sync.WaitGroup
// Reuse the same map to avoid allocations.
const avgDetectorsPerChunk = 2
chunkSpecificDetectors := make(map[DetectorKey]detectors.Detector, avgDetectorsPerChunk)
for originalChunk := range e.ChunksChan() {
for chunk := range sources.Chunker(originalChunk) {
atomic.AddUint64(&e.metrics.BytesScanned, uint64(len(chunk.Data)))
for _, decoder := range e.decoders {
decoded := decoder.FromChunk(chunk)
if decoded == nil {
ctx.Logger().V(4).Info("no decoder found for chunk", "chunk", chunk)
e.ahoCorasickCore.PopulateMatchingDetectors(string(decoded.Chunk.Data), chunkSpecificDetectors)
for k, detector := range chunkSpecificDetectors {
decoded.Chunk.Verify = e.verify
e.detectableChunksChan <- detectableChunk{
chunk: *decoded.Chunk,
detector: detector,
decoder: decoded.DecoderType,
wgDoneFn: wgDetect.Done,
delete(chunkSpecificDetectors, k)
atomic.AddUint64(&e.metrics.ChunksScanned, 1)
ctx.Logger().V(4).Info("finished scanning chunks")
func (e *Engine) detectChunks(ctx context.Context) {
for data := range e.detectableChunksChan {
e.detectChunk(ctx, data)
func (e *Engine) detectChunk(ctx context.Context, data detectableChunk) {
var start time.Time
if e.printAvgDetectorTime {
start = time.Now()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*10)
defer common.Recover(ctx)
defer cancel()
results, err := data.detector.FromData(ctx, data.chunk.Verify, data.chunk.Data)
if err != nil {
ctx.Logger().Error(err, "error scanning chunk")
if e.printAvgDetectorTime && len(results) > 0 {
elapsed := time.Since(start)
detectorName := results[0].DetectorType.String()
avgTimeI, ok := e.metrics.detectorAvgTime.Load(detectorName)
var avgTime []time.Duration
if ok {
avgTime, ok = avgTimeI.([]time.Duration)
if !ok {
avgTime = append(avgTime, elapsed)
e.metrics.detectorAvgTime.Store(detectorName, avgTime)
if e.filterUnverified {
results = detectors.CleanResults(results)
if e.filterEntropy != nil {
results = detectors.FilterResultsWithEntropy(results, *e.filterEntropy)
for _, res := range results {
e.processResult(ctx, data, res)
func (e *Engine) processResult(ctx context.Context, data detectableChunk, res detectors.Result) {
ignoreLinePresent := false
if SupportsLineNumbers(data.chunk.SourceType) {
copyChunk := data.chunk
copyMetaDataClone := proto.Clone(data.chunk.SourceMetadata)
if copyMetaData, ok := copyMetaDataClone.(*source_metadatapb.MetaData); ok {
copyChunk.SourceMetadata = copyMetaData
fragStart, mdLine, link := FragmentFirstLineAndLink(&copyChunk)
ignoreLinePresent = SetResultLineNumber(&copyChunk, &res, fragStart, mdLine)
if err := UpdateLink(ctx, copyChunk.SourceMetadata, link, *mdLine); err != nil {
ctx.Logger().Error(err, "error setting link")
data.chunk = copyChunk
if ignoreLinePresent {
secret := detectors.CopyMetadata(&data.chunk, res)
secret.DecoderType = data.decoder
e.results <- secret
func (e *Engine) notifyResults(ctx context.Context) {
for r := range e.ResultsChan() {
if e.onlyVerified && !r.Verified {
atomic.AddUint32(&e.numFoundResults, 1)
// Dedupe results by comparing the detector type, raw result, and source metadata.
// We want to avoid duplicate results with different decoder types, but we also
// want to include duplicate results with the same decoder type.
// Duplicate results with the same decoder type SHOULD have their own entry in the
// results list, this would happen if the same secret is found multiple times.
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%+v", r.DetectorType.String(), r.Raw, r.RawV2, r.SourceMetadata)
if val, ok := e.dedupeCache.Get(key); ok {
if res, ok := val.(detectorspb.DecoderType); ok && res != r.DecoderType {
e.dedupeCache.Add(key, r.DecoderType)
if r.Verified {
atomic.AddUint64(&e.metrics.VerifiedSecretsFound, 1)
} else {
atomic.AddUint64(&e.metrics.UnverifiedSecretsFound, 1)
if err := e.printer.Print(ctx, &r); err != nil {
ctx.Logger().Error(err, "error printing result")
// SupportsLineNumbers determines if a line number can be found for a source type.
func SupportsLineNumbers(sourceType sourcespb.SourceType) bool {
switch sourceType {
case sourcespb.SourceType_SOURCE_TYPE_GIT,
return true
return false
// FragmentLineOffset sets the line number for a provided source chunk with a given detector result.
func FragmentLineOffset(chunk *sources.Chunk, result *detectors.Result) (int64, bool) {
before, after, found := bytes.Cut(chunk.Data, result.Raw)
if !found {
return 0, false
lineNumber := int64(bytes.Count(before, []byte("\n")))
// If the line contains the ignore tag, we should ignore the result.
endLine := bytes.Index(after, []byte("\n"))
if endLine == -1 {
endLine = len(after)
if bytes.Contains(after[:endLine], []byte(ignoreTag)) {
return lineNumber, true
return lineNumber, false
// FragmentFirstLineAndLink extracts the first line number and the link from the chunk metadata.
// It returns:
// - The first line number of the fragment.
// - A pointer to the line number, facilitating direct updates.
// - The link associated with the fragment. This link may be updated in the chunk metadata
// if there's a change in the line number.
func FragmentFirstLineAndLink(chunk *sources.Chunk) (int64, *int64, string) {
if chunk.SourceMetadata == nil {
return 0, nil, ""
var (
fragmentStart *int64
link string
switch metadata := chunk.SourceMetadata.GetData().(type) {
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_Git:
fragmentStart = &metadata.Git.Line
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_Github:
fragmentStart = &metadata.Github.Line
link = metadata.Github.Link
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_Gitlab:
fragmentStart = &metadata.Gitlab.Line
link = metadata.Gitlab.Link
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_Bitbucket:
fragmentStart = &metadata.Bitbucket.Line
link = metadata.Bitbucket.Link
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_Gerrit:
fragmentStart = &metadata.Gerrit.Line
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_Filesystem:
fragmentStart = &metadata.Filesystem.Line
link = metadata.Filesystem.Link
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_AzureRepos:
fragmentStart = &metadata.AzureRepos.Line
link = metadata.AzureRepos.Link
return 0, nil, ""
return *fragmentStart, fragmentStart, link
// SetResultLineNumber sets the line number in the provided result.
func SetResultLineNumber(chunk *sources.Chunk, result *detectors.Result, fragStart int64, mdLine *int64) bool {
offset, skip := FragmentLineOffset(chunk, result)
*mdLine = fragStart + offset
return skip
// UpdateLink updates the link of the provided source metadata.
func UpdateLink(ctx context.Context, metadata *source_metadatapb.MetaData, link string, line int64) error {
if metadata == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("metadata is nil when setting the link")
if link == "" {
ctx.Logger().V(4).Info("link is empty, skipping update")
return nil
newLink := giturl.UpdateLinkLineNumber(ctx, link, line)
switch meta := metadata.GetData().(type) {
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_Github:
meta.Github.Link = newLink
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_Gitlab:
meta.Gitlab.Link = newLink
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_Bitbucket:
meta.Bitbucket.Link = newLink
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_Filesystem:
meta.Filesystem.Link = newLink
case *source_metadatapb.MetaData_AzureRepos:
meta.AzureRepos.Link = newLink
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported metadata type")
return nil