Dustin Decker 77418fb3f8 module v3
2022-02-15 18:54:47 -08:00

87 lines
2.5 KiB

package azure
import (
type Scanner struct{}
// Ensure the Scanner satisfies the interface at compile time
var _ detectors.Detector = (*Scanner)(nil)
func mustFmtPat(id, pat string) *regexp.Regexp {
combinedID := strings.ReplaceAll(id, "_", "") + "|" + id
return regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(pat, combinedID))
var (
// TODO: Azure storage access keys and investigate other types of creds.
// Azure App Oauth
idPatFmt = `(?i)(%s).{0,20}([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})`
clientIDPat = mustFmtPat("client_id", idPatFmt)
tenantIDPat = mustFmtPat("tenant_id", idPatFmt)
// TODO: support old patterns
secretPatFmt = `(?i)(%s).{0,20}([a-z0-9_\.\-~]{34})`
clientSecretPat = mustFmtPat("client_secret", secretPatFmt)
// Keywords are used for efficiently pre-filtering chunks.
// Use identifiers in the secret preferably, or the provider name.
func (s Scanner) Keywords() []string {
return []string{"azure"}
// FromData will find and optionally verify Azure secrets in a given set of bytes.
func (s Scanner) FromData(ctx context.Context, verify bool, data []byte) (results []detectors.Result, err error) {
dataStr := string(data)
clientSecretMatches := clientSecretPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(dataStr, -1)
for _, clientSecret := range clientSecretMatches {
tenantIDMatches := tenantIDPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(dataStr, -1)
for _, tenantID := range tenantIDMatches {
clientIDMatches := clientIDPat.FindAllStringSubmatch(dataStr, -1)
for _, clientID := range clientIDMatches {
s := detectors.Result{
DetectorType: detectorspb.DetectorType_Azure,
Raw: []byte(clientSecret[2]),
Redacted: clientID[2],
if verify {
cred := auth.NewClientCredentialsConfig(clientID[2], clientSecret[2], tenantID[2])
token, err := cred.ServicePrincipalToken()
if err != nil {
err = token.Refresh()
if err == nil {
s.Verified = true
if !s.Verified {
if detectors.IsKnownFalsePositive(s.Redacted, detectors.DefaultFalsePositives, true) {
if detectors.IsKnownFalsePositive(string(s.Raw), detectors.DefaultFalsePositives, true) {
results = append(results, s)
return detectors.CleanResults(results), nil