Savely Krasovsky d062834997
initial support for bare repositories (#1499)
* feat: initial support for bare repositories

* feat: use concatenation instead of formatting and os.Getenv instead of os.Environ

Signed-off-by: Savely Krasovsky <>

* fix: go-git update with pre-receive hooks fix

Signed-off-by: Savely Krasovsky <>

* fix: remove info about pre-receive hook from for now

Signed-off-by: Savely Krasovsky <>

* fix: don't scan staged while using --bare option, fixes to make it work with the latest master

Signed-off-by: Savely Krasovsky <>

* fix: small refactor according to #1518

Signed-off-by: Savely Krasovsky <>


Signed-off-by: Savely Krasovsky <>
2023-08-03 11:23:41 -05:00

611 lines
26 KiB

package main
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
var (
cli = kingpin.New("TruffleHog", "TruffleHog is a tool for finding credentials.")
cmd string
debug = cli.Flag("debug", "Run in debug mode.").Bool()
trace = cli.Flag("trace", "Run in trace mode.").Bool()
profile = cli.Flag("profile", "Enables profiling and sets a pprof and fgprof server on :18066.").Bool()
localDev = cli.Flag("local-dev", "Hidden feature to disable overseer for local dev.").Hidden().Bool()
jsonOut = cli.Flag("json", "Output in JSON format.").Short('j').Bool()
jsonLegacy = cli.Flag("json-legacy", "Use the pre-v3.0 JSON format. Only works with git, gitlab, and github sources.").Bool()
gitHubActionsFormat = cli.Flag("github-actions", "Output in GitHub Actions format.").Bool()
concurrency = cli.Flag("concurrency", "Number of concurrent workers.").Default(strconv.Itoa(runtime.NumCPU())).Int()
noVerification = cli.Flag("no-verification", "Don't verify the results.").Bool()
onlyVerified = cli.Flag("only-verified", "Only output verified results.").Bool()
filterUnverified = cli.Flag("filter-unverified", "Only output first unverified result per chunk per detector if there are more than one results.").Bool()
configFilename = cli.Flag("config", "Path to configuration file.").ExistingFile()
// rules = cli.Flag("rules", "Path to file with custom rules.").String()
printAvgDetectorTime = cli.Flag("print-avg-detector-time", "Print the average time spent on each detector.").Bool()
noUpdate = cli.Flag("no-update", "Don't check for updates.").Bool()
fail = cli.Flag("fail", "Exit with code 183 if results are found.").Bool()
verifiers = cli.Flag("verifier", "Set custom verification endpoints.").StringMap()
archiveMaxSize = cli.Flag("archive-max-size", "Maximum size of archive to scan. (Byte units eg. 512B, 2KB, 4MB)").Bytes()
archiveMaxDepth = cli.Flag("archive-max-depth", "Maximum depth of archive to scan.").Int()
archiveTimeout = cli.Flag("archive-timeout", "Maximum time to spend extracting an archive.").Duration()
includeDetectors = cli.Flag("include-detectors", "Comma separated list of detector types to include. Protobuf name or IDs may be used, as well as ranges.").Default("all").String()
excludeDetectors = cli.Flag("exclude-detectors", "Comma separated list of detector types to exclude. Protobuf name or IDs may be used, as well as ranges. IDs defined here take precedence over the include list.").String()
gitScan = cli.Command("git", "Find credentials in git repositories.")
gitScanURI = gitScan.Arg("uri", "Git repository URL. https://, file://, or ssh:// schema expected.").Required().String()
gitScanIncludePaths = gitScan.Flag("include-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.").Short('i').String()
gitScanExcludePaths = gitScan.Flag("exclude-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.").Short('x').String()
gitScanExcludeGlobs = gitScan.Flag("exclude-globs", "Comma separated list of globs to exclude in scan. This option filters at the `git log` level, resulting in faster scans.").String()
gitScanSinceCommit = gitScan.Flag("since-commit", "Commit to start scan from.").String()
gitScanBranch = gitScan.Flag("branch", "Branch to scan.").String()
gitScanMaxDepth = gitScan.Flag("max-depth", "Maximum depth of commits to scan.").Int()
gitScanBare = gitScan.Flag("bare", "Scan bare repository (e.g. useful while using in pre-receive hooks)").Bool()
_ = gitScan.Flag("allow", "No-op flag for backwards compat.").Bool()
_ = gitScan.Flag("entropy", "No-op flag for backwards compat.").Bool()
_ = gitScan.Flag("regex", "No-op flag for backwards compat.").Bool()
githubScan = cli.Command("github", "Find credentials in GitHub repositories.")
githubScanEndpoint = githubScan.Flag("endpoint", "GitHub endpoint.").Default("").String()
githubScanRepos = githubScan.Flag("repo", `GitHub repository to scan. You can repeat this flag. Example: ""`).Strings()
githubScanOrgs = githubScan.Flag("org", `GitHub organization to scan. You can repeat this flag. Example: "trufflesecurity"`).Strings()
githubScanToken = githubScan.Flag("token", "GitHub token. Can be provided with environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN.").Envar("GITHUB_TOKEN").String()
githubIncludeForks = githubScan.Flag("include-forks", "Include forks in scan.").Bool()
githubIncludeMembers = githubScan.Flag("include-members", "Include organization member repositories in scan.").Bool()
githubIncludeRepos = githubScan.Flag("include-repos", `Repositories to include in an org scan. This can also be a glob pattern. You can repeat this flag. Must use Github repo full name. Example: "trufflesecurity/trufflehog", "trufflesecurity/t*"`).Strings()
githubExcludeRepos = githubScan.Flag("exclude-repos", `Repositories to exclude in an org scan. This can also be a glob pattern. You can repeat this flag. Must use Github repo full name. Example: "trufflesecurity/driftwood", "trufflesecurity/d*"`).Strings()
githubScanIncludePaths = githubScan.Flag("include-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.").Short('i').String()
githubScanExcludePaths = githubScan.Flag("exclude-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.").Short('x').String()
gitlabScan = cli.Command("gitlab", "Find credentials in GitLab repositories.")
// TODO: Add more GitLab options
gitlabScanEndpoint = gitlabScan.Flag("endpoint", "GitLab endpoint.").Default("").String()
gitlabScanRepos = gitlabScan.Flag("repo", "GitLab repo url. You can repeat this flag. Leave empty to scan all repos accessible with provided credential. Example:").Strings()
gitlabScanToken = gitlabScan.Flag("token", "GitLab token. Can be provided with environment variable GITLAB_TOKEN.").Envar("GITLAB_TOKEN").Required().String()
gitlabScanIncludePaths = gitlabScan.Flag("include-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.").Short('i').String()
gitlabScanExcludePaths = gitlabScan.Flag("exclude-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.").Short('x').String()
filesystemScan = cli.Command("filesystem", "Find credentials in a filesystem.")
filesystemPaths = filesystemScan.Arg("path", "Path to file or directory to scan.").Strings()
// DEPRECATED: --directory is deprecated in favor of arguments.
filesystemDirectories = filesystemScan.Flag("directory", "Path to directory to scan. You can repeat this flag.").Strings()
// TODO: Add more filesystem scan options. Currently only supports scanning a list of directories.
// filesystemScanRecursive = filesystemScan.Flag("recursive", "Scan recursively.").Short('r').Bool()
filesystemScanIncludePaths = filesystemScan.Flag("include-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.").Short('i').String()
filesystemScanExcludePaths = filesystemScan.Flag("exclude-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.").Short('x').String()
s3Scan = cli.Command("s3", "Find credentials in S3 buckets.")
s3ScanKey = s3Scan.Flag("key", "S3 key used to authenticate. Can be provided with environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.").Envar("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID").String()
s3ScanSecret = s3Scan.Flag("secret", "S3 secret used to authenticate. Can be provided with environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.").Envar("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY").String()
s3ScanSessionToken = s3Scan.Flag("session-token", "S3 session token used to authenticate temporary credentials. Can be provided with environment variable AWS_SESSION_TOKEN.").Envar("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN").String()
s3ScanCloudEnv = s3Scan.Flag("cloud-environment", "Use IAM credentials in cloud environment.").Bool()
s3ScanBuckets = s3Scan.Flag("bucket", "Name of S3 bucket to scan. You can repeat this flag.").Strings()
s3ScanMaxObjectSize = s3Scan.Flag("max-object-size", "Maximum size of objects to scan. Objects larger than this will be skipped. (Byte units eg. 512B, 2KB, 4MB)").Default("250MB").Bytes()
gcsScan = cli.Command("gcs", "Find credentials in GCS buckets.")
gcsProjectID = gcsScan.Flag("project-id", "GCS project ID used to authenticate. Can NOT be used with unauth scan. Can be provided with environment variable GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT.").Envar("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT").String()
gcsCloudEnv = gcsScan.Flag("cloud-environment", "Use Application Default Credentials, IAM credentials to authenticate.").Bool()
gcsServiceAccount = gcsScan.Flag("service-account", "Path to GCS service account JSON file.").ExistingFile()
gcsWithoutAuth = gcsScan.Flag("without-auth", "Scan GCS buckets without authentication. This will only work for public buckets").Bool()
gcsAPIKey = gcsScan.Flag("api-key", "GCS API key used to authenticate. Can be provided with environment variable GOOGLE_API_KEY.").Envar("GOOGLE_API_KEY").String()
gcsIncludeBuckets = gcsScan.Flag("include-buckets", "Buckets to scan. Comma separated list of buckets. You can repeat this flag. Globs are supported").Short('I').Strings()
gcsExcludeBuckets = gcsScan.Flag("exclude-buckets", "Buckets to exclude from scan. Comma separated list of buckets. Globs are supported").Short('X').Strings()
gcsIncludeObjects = gcsScan.Flag("include-objects", "Objects to scan. Comma separated list of objects. you can repeat this flag. Globs are supported").Short('i').Strings()
gcsExcludeObjects = gcsScan.Flag("exclude-objects", "Objects to exclude from scan. Comma separated list of objects. You can repeat this flag. Globs are supported").Short('x').Strings()
gcsMaxObjectSize = gcsScan.Flag("max-object-size", "Maximum size of objects to scan. Objects larger than this will be skipped. (Byte units eg. 512B, 2KB, 4MB)").Default("10MB").Bytes()
syslogScan = cli.Command("syslog", "Scan syslog")
syslogAddress = syslogScan.Flag("address", "Address and port to listen on for syslog. Example:").String()
syslogProtocol = syslogScan.Flag("protocol", "Protocol to listen on. udp or tcp").String()
syslogTLSCert = syslogScan.Flag("cert", "Path to TLS cert.").String()
syslogTLSKey = syslogScan.Flag("key", "Path to TLS key.").String()
syslogFormat = syslogScan.Flag("format", "Log format. Can be rfc3164 or rfc5424").String()
circleCiScan = cli.Command("circleci", "Scan CircleCI")
circleCiScanToken = circleCiScan.Flag("token", "CircleCI token. Can also be provided with environment variable").Envar("CIRCLECI_TOKEN").Required().String()
dockerScan = cli.Command("docker", "Scan Docker Image")
dockerScanImages = dockerScan.Flag("image", "Docker image to scan. Use the file:// prefix to point to a local tarball, otherwise a image registry is assumed.").Required().Strings()
func init() {
for i, arg := range os.Args {
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "--") {
split := strings.SplitN(arg, "=", 2)
split[0] = strings.ReplaceAll(split[0], "_", "-")
os.Args[i] = strings.Join(split, "=")
cli.Version("trufflehog " + version.BuildVersion)
cmd = kingpin.MustParse(cli.Parse(os.Args[1:]))
switch {
case *trace:
case *debug:
func main() {
// setup logger
logFormat := log.WithConsoleSink
if *jsonOut {
logFormat = log.WithJSONSink
logger, sync := log.New("trufflehog", logFormat(os.Stderr))
// make it the default logger for contexts
if *localDev {
defer func() { _ = sync() }()
logFatal := logFatalFunc(logger)
updateCfg := overseer.Config{
Program: run,
Debug: *debug,
RestartSignal: syscall.SIGTERM,
// TODO: Eventually add a PreUpgrade func for signature check w/ x509 PKCS1v15
// PreUpgrade: checkUpdateSignature(binaryPath string),
if !*noUpdate {
updateCfg.Fetcher = updater.Fetcher(version.BuildVersion)
if version.BuildVersion == "dev" {
updateCfg.Fetcher = nil
err := overseer.RunErr(updateCfg)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "error occurred with trufflehog updater 🐷")
func run(state overseer.State) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := ctx.Logger()
logFatal := logFatalFunc(logger)
logger.V(2).Info(fmt.Sprintf("trufflehog %s", version.BuildVersion))
if *githubScanToken != "" {
// NOTE: this kludge is here to do an authenticated shallow commit
// TODO: refactor to better pass credentials
os.Setenv("GITHUB_TOKEN", *githubScanToken)
// When setting a base commit, chunks must be scanned in order.
if *gitScanSinceCommit != "" {
*concurrency = 1
if *profile {
go func() {
router := http.NewServeMux()
router.Handle("/debug/pprof/", http.DefaultServeMux)
router.Handle("/debug/fgprof", fgprof.Handler())
logger.Info("starting pprof and fgprof server on :18066 /debug/pprof and /debug/fgprof")
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":18066", router); err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "error serving pprof and fgprof")
conf := &config.Config{}
if *configFilename != "" {
var err error
conf, err = config.Read(*configFilename)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "error parsing the provided configuration file")
if *archiveMaxSize != 0 {
if *archiveMaxDepth != 0 {
if *archiveTimeout != 0 {
// Build include and exclude detector sets for filtering on engine initialization.
// Exit if there was an error to inform the user of the misconfiguration.
var includeDetectorSet, excludeDetectorSet map[config.DetectorID]struct{}
var detectorsWithCustomVerifierEndpoints map[config.DetectorID][]string
includeList, err := config.ParseDetectors(*includeDetectors)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid include list detector configuration")
excludeList, err := config.ParseDetectors(*excludeDetectors)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid exclude list detector configuration")
detectorsWithCustomVerifierEndpoints, err = config.ParseVerifierEndpoints(*verifiers)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid verifier detector configuration")
includeDetectorSet = detectorTypeToSet(includeList)
excludeDetectorSet = detectorTypeToSet(excludeList)
// Verify that all the user-provided detectors support the optional
// detector features.
if err, id := verifyDetectorsAreVersioner(includeDetectorSet); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid include list detector configuration", "detector", id)
if err, id := verifyDetectorsAreVersioner(excludeDetectorSet); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid exclude list detector configuration", "detector", id)
if err, id := verifyDetectorsAreVersioner(detectorsWithCustomVerifierEndpoints); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid verifier detector configuration", "detector", id)
// Extra check for endpoint customization.
isEndpointCustomizer := engine.DefaultDetectorTypesImplementing[detectors.EndpointCustomizer]()
for id := range detectorsWithCustomVerifierEndpoints {
if _, ok := isEndpointCustomizer[id.ID]; !ok {
fmt.Errorf("endpoint provided but detector does not support endpoint customization"),
"invalid custom verifier endpoint detector configuration",
"detector", id,
includeFilter := func(d detectors.Detector) bool {
_, ok := getWithDetectorID(d, includeDetectorSet)
return ok
excludeFilter := func(d detectors.Detector) bool {
_, ok := getWithDetectorID(d, excludeDetectorSet)
return !ok
// Abuse filter to cause a side-effect.
endpointCustomizer := func(d detectors.Detector) bool {
urls, ok := getWithDetectorID(d, detectorsWithCustomVerifierEndpoints)
if !ok {
return true
id := config.GetDetectorID(d)
customizer, ok := d.(detectors.EndpointCustomizer)
if !ok {
// NOTE: We should never reach here due to validation above.
fmt.Errorf("failed to configure a detector endpoint"),
"the provided detector does not support endpoint configuration",
"detector", id,
// TODO: Add flag to ignore the default endpoint.
urls = append(urls, customizer.DefaultEndpoint())
if err := customizer.SetEndpoints(urls...); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "failed configuring custom endpoint for detector", "detector", id)
logger.Info("configured detector with verification urls",
"detector", id, "urls", urls,
return true
// Set how the engine will print its results.
var printer engine.Printer
switch {
case *jsonLegacy:
printer = new(output.LegacyJSONPrinter)
case *jsonOut:
printer = new(output.JSONPrinter)
case *gitHubActionsFormat:
printer = new(output.GitHubActionsPrinter)
printer = new(output.PlainPrinter)
e, err := engine.Start(ctx,
engine.WithDetectors(!*noVerification, engine.DefaultDetectors()...),
engine.WithDetectors(!*noVerification, conf.Detectors...),
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "error initializing engine")
var repoPath string
var remote bool
switch cmd {
case gitScan.FullCommand():
filter, err := common.FilterFromFiles(*gitScanIncludePaths, *gitScanExcludePaths)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "could not create filter")
repoPath, remote, err = git.PrepareRepoSinceCommit(ctx, *gitScanURI, *gitScanSinceCommit)
if err != nil || repoPath == "" {
logFatal(err, "error preparing git repo for scanning")
if remote {
defer os.RemoveAll(repoPath)
excludedGlobs := []string{}
if *gitScanExcludeGlobs != "" {
excludedGlobs = strings.Split(*gitScanExcludeGlobs, ",")
cfg := sources.GitConfig{
RepoPath: repoPath,
HeadRef: *gitScanBranch,
BaseRef: *gitScanSinceCommit,
MaxDepth: *gitScanMaxDepth,
Bare: *gitScanBare,
Filter: filter,
ExcludeGlobs: excludedGlobs,
if err = e.ScanGit(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan Git.")
case githubScan.FullCommand():
filter, err := common.FilterFromFiles(*githubScanIncludePaths, *githubScanExcludePaths)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "could not create filter")
if len(*githubScanOrgs) == 0 && len(*githubScanRepos) == 0 {
logFatal(fmt.Errorf("invalid config"), "You must specify at least one organization or repository.")
cfg := sources.GithubConfig{
Endpoint: *githubScanEndpoint,
Token: *githubScanToken,
IncludeForks: *githubIncludeForks,
IncludeMembers: *githubIncludeMembers,
Concurrency: *concurrency,
ExcludeRepos: *githubExcludeRepos,
IncludeRepos: *githubIncludeRepos,
Repos: *githubScanRepos,
Orgs: *githubScanOrgs,
Filter: filter,
if err := e.ScanGitHub(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan Github.")
case gitlabScan.FullCommand():
filter, err := common.FilterFromFiles(*gitlabScanIncludePaths, *gitlabScanExcludePaths)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "could not create filter")
cfg := sources.GitlabConfig{
Endpoint: *gitlabScanEndpoint,
Token: *gitlabScanToken,
Repos: *gitlabScanRepos,
Filter: filter,
if err := e.ScanGitLab(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan GitLab.")
case filesystemScan.FullCommand():
filter, err := common.FilterFromFiles(*filesystemScanIncludePaths, *filesystemScanExcludePaths)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "could not create filter")
if len(*filesystemDirectories) > 0 {
ctx.Logger().Info("--directory flag is deprecated, please pass directories as arguments")
paths := make([]string, 0, len(*filesystemPaths)+len(*filesystemDirectories))
paths = append(paths, *filesystemPaths...)
paths = append(paths, *filesystemDirectories...)
cfg := sources.FilesystemConfig{
Paths: paths,
Filter: filter,
if err = e.ScanFileSystem(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan filesystem")
case s3Scan.FullCommand():
cfg := sources.S3Config{
Key: *s3ScanKey,
Secret: *s3ScanSecret,
SessionToken: *s3ScanSessionToken,
Buckets: *s3ScanBuckets,
CloudCred: *s3ScanCloudEnv,
MaxObjectSize: int64(*s3ScanMaxObjectSize),
if err := e.ScanS3(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan S3.")
case syslogScan.FullCommand():
cfg := sources.SyslogConfig{
Address: *syslogAddress,
Format: *syslogFormat,
Protocol: *syslogProtocol,
CertPath: *syslogTLSCert,
KeyPath: *syslogTLSKey,
Concurrency: *concurrency,
if err := e.ScanSyslog(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan syslog.")
case circleCiScan.FullCommand():
if err := e.ScanCircleCI(ctx, *circleCiScanToken); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan CircleCI.")
case gcsScan.FullCommand():
cfg := sources.GCSConfig{
ProjectID: *gcsProjectID,
CloudCred: *gcsCloudEnv,
ServiceAccount: *gcsServiceAccount,
WithoutAuth: *gcsWithoutAuth,
ApiKey: *gcsAPIKey,
IncludeBuckets: commaSeparatedToSlice(*gcsIncludeBuckets),
ExcludeBuckets: commaSeparatedToSlice(*gcsExcludeBuckets),
IncludeObjects: commaSeparatedToSlice(*gcsIncludeObjects),
ExcludeObjects: commaSeparatedToSlice(*gcsExcludeObjects),
Concurrency: *concurrency,
MaxObjectSize: int64(*gcsMaxObjectSize),
if err := e.ScanGCS(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan GCS.")
case dockerScan.FullCommand():
dockerConn := sourcespb.Docker{
Images: *dockerScanImages,
Credential: &sourcespb.Docker_DockerKeychain{
DockerKeychain: true,
anyConn, err := anypb.New(&dockerConn)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to marshal Docker connection")
if err := e.ScanDocker(ctx, anyConn); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan Docker.")
if !*jsonLegacy && !*jsonOut {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "🐷🔑🐷 TruffleHog. Unearth your secrets. 🐷🔑🐷\n\n")
// Wait for all workers to finish.
if err = e.Finish(ctx); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "engine failed to finish execution")
metrics := e.GetMetrics()
// Print results.
logger.Info("finished scanning",
"chunks", metrics.ChunksScanned,
"bytes", metrics.BytesScanned,
"verified_secrets", metrics.VerifiedSecretsFound,
"unverified_secrets", metrics.UnverifiedSecretsFound,
"scan_duration", metrics.ScanDuration.String(),
if *printAvgDetectorTime {
if e.HasFoundResults() && *fail {
logger.V(2).Info("exiting with code 183 because results were found")
// logFatalFunc returns a log.Fatal style function. Calling the returned
// function will terminate the program without cleanup.
func logFatalFunc(logger logr.Logger) func(error, string, ...any) {
return func(err error, message string, keyAndVals ...any) {
logger.Error(err, message, keyAndVals...)
if err != nil {
func commaSeparatedToSlice(s []string) []string {
var result []string
for _, items := range s {
for _, item := range strings.Split(items, ",") {
item = strings.TrimSpace(item)
if item == "" {
result = append(result, item)
return result
func printAverageDetectorTime(e *engine.Engine) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Average detector time is the measurement of average time spent on each detector when results are returned.")
for detectorName, duration := range e.GetDetectorsMetrics() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s\n", detectorName, duration)
// detectorTypeToSet is a helper function to convert a slice of detector IDs into a set.
func detectorTypeToSet(detectors []config.DetectorID) map[config.DetectorID]struct{} {
output := make(map[config.DetectorID]struct{}, len(detectors))
for _, d := range detectors {
output[d] = struct{}{}
return output
// getWithDetectorID is a helper function to get a value from a map using a
// detector's ID. This function behaves like a normal map lookup, with an extra
// step of checking for the non-specific version of a detector.
func getWithDetectorID[T any](d detectors.Detector, data map[config.DetectorID]T) (T, bool) {
key := config.GetDetectorID(d)
// Check if the specific ID is provided.
if t, ok := data[key]; ok || key.Version == 0 {
return t, ok
// Check if the generic type is provided without a version.
// This means "all" versions of a type.
key.Version = 0
t, ok := data[key]
return t, ok
// verifyDetectorsAreVersioner checks all keys in a provided map to verify the
// provided type is actually a Versioner.
func verifyDetectorsAreVersioner[T any](data map[config.DetectorID]T) (error, config.DetectorID) {
isVersioner := engine.DefaultDetectorTypesImplementing[detectors.Versioner]()
for id := range data {
if id.Version == 0 {
// Version not provided.
if _, ok := isVersioner[id.ID]; ok {
// Version provided for a Versioner detector.
// Version provided on a non-Versioner detector.
return fmt.Errorf("version provided but detector does not have a version"), id
return nil, config.DetectorID{}