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synced 2025-02-18 23:18:50 +00:00
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550 lines
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package gitlab
import (
gogit "github.com/go-git/go-git/v5"
const SourceType = sourcespb.SourceType_SOURCE_TYPE_GITLAB
type Source struct {
name string
sourceId sources.SourceID
jobId sources.JobID
verify bool
authMethod string
user string
password string
token string
url string
repos []string
ignoreRepos []string
git *git.Git
scanOptions *git.ScanOptions
resumeInfoSlice []string
resumeInfoMutex sync.Mutex
jobPool *errgroup.Group
// Ensure the Source satisfies the interfaces at compile time.
var _ sources.Source = (*Source)(nil)
var _ sources.SourceUnitUnmarshaller = (*Source)(nil)
var _ sources.Validator = (*Source)(nil)
// Type returns the type of source.
// It is used for matching source types in configuration and job input.
func (s *Source) Type() sourcespb.SourceType {
return SourceType
func (s *Source) SourceID() sources.SourceID {
return s.sourceId
func (s *Source) JobID() sources.JobID {
return s.jobId
// Init returns an initialized Gitlab source.
func (s *Source) Init(_ context.Context, name string, jobId sources.JobID, sourceId sources.SourceID, verify bool, connection *anypb.Any, concurrency int) error {
s.name = name
s.sourceId = sourceId
s.jobId = jobId
s.verify = verify
s.jobPool = &errgroup.Group{}
var conn sourcespb.GitLab
err := anypb.UnmarshalTo(connection, &conn, proto.UnmarshalOptions{})
if err != nil {
return errors.WrapPrefix(err, "error unmarshalling connection", 0)
s.repos = conn.Repositories
s.ignoreRepos = conn.IgnoreRepos
s.url = conn.Endpoint
if conn.Endpoint != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(s.url, "/") {
s.url = s.url + "/"
switch cred := conn.GetCredential().(type) {
case *sourcespb.GitLab_Token:
s.authMethod = "TOKEN"
s.token = cred.Token
case *sourcespb.GitLab_Oauth:
s.authMethod = "OAUTH"
s.token = cred.Oauth.RefreshToken
// TODO: is it okay if there is no client id and secret? Might be an issue when marshalling config to proto
case *sourcespb.GitLab_BasicAuth:
s.authMethod = "BASIC_AUTH"
s.user = cred.BasicAuth.Username
s.password = cred.BasicAuth.Password
// We may need the password as a token if the user is using an access_token with basic auth.
s.token = cred.BasicAuth.Password
return errors.Errorf("Invalid configuration given for source. Name: %s, Type: %s", name, s.Type())
if len(s.url) == 0 {
// Assuming not custom gitlab url.
s.url = "https://gitlab.com/"
err = git.CmdCheck()
if err != nil {
return err
s.git = git.NewGit(s.Type(), s.JobID(), s.SourceID(), s.name, s.verify, runtime.NumCPU(),
func(file, email, commit, timestamp, repository string, line int64) *source_metadatapb.MetaData {
return &source_metadatapb.MetaData{
Data: &source_metadatapb.MetaData_Gitlab{
Gitlab: &source_metadatapb.Gitlab{
Commit: sanitizer.UTF8(commit),
File: sanitizer.UTF8(file),
Email: sanitizer.UTF8(email),
Repository: sanitizer.UTF8(repository),
Link: giturl.GenerateLink(repository, commit, file, line),
Timestamp: sanitizer.UTF8(timestamp),
Line: line,
return nil
// Chunks emits chunks of bytes over a channel.
func (s *Source) Chunks(ctx context.Context, chunksChan chan *sources.Chunk, _ ...sources.ChunkingTarget) error {
// Start client.
apiClient, err := s.newClient()
if err != nil {
return errors.New(err)
// Get repo within target.
repos, errs := normalizeRepos(s.repos)
for _, repoErr := range errs {
ctx.Logger().Info("error normalizing repo", "error", repoErr)
// End early if we had errors getting specified repos but none were validated.
if len(errs) > 0 && len(repos) == 0 {
return errors.New("All specified repos had validation issues, ending scan")
// Get all repos if not specified.
if len(repos) == 0 {
ignoreRepo := buildIgnorer(s.ignoreRepos, func(err error, pattern string) {
ctx.Logger().Error(err, "could not compile ignore repo glob", "glob", pattern)
gitlabRepos, err2, done := s.getReposFromGitlab(ctx, apiClient, ignoreRepo)
if done {
return err2
repos = gitlabRepos
s.repos = repos
// We must sort the repos so we can resume later if necessary.
return s.scanRepos(ctx, chunksChan)
func (s *Source) Validate(ctx context.Context) []error {
// The client is only used to query Gitlab for a repo list - it's not used to actually clone anything. Thus, we
// don't use it if there is a list of explicitly configured repos. However, constructing it validates that the
// configured authentication method is sensible, so we'll do it here.
apiClient, err := s.newClient()
if err != nil {
return []error{err}
_, _, err = apiClient.Users.CurrentUser()
if err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("gitlab authentication failed using method %v", s.authMethod)
return []error{errors.WrapPrefix(err, msg, 0)}
explicitlyConfiguredRepos, errs := normalizeRepos(s.repos)
if len(explicitlyConfiguredRepos) > 0 {
user := s.user
if user == "" {
user = "placeholder"
// We only check reachability for explicitly configured repositories. The purpose of source validation is to
// help users validate their configuration files, and Gitlab telling us about repositories that it won't let us
// access isn't a local configuration issue.
for _, r := range explicitlyConfiguredRepos {
if err := git.PingRepoUsingToken(ctx, s.token, r, user); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("could not reach git repository %q", r)
err = errors.WrapPrefix(err, msg, 0)
errs = append(errs, err)
if len(s.ignoreRepos) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("both repositories and ignore patterns were explicitly configured; ignore patterns will not be used"))
if len(explicitlyConfiguredRepos) > 0 || len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
ignoreProject := buildIgnorer(s.ignoreRepos, func(err error, pattern string) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("could not compile ignore repo pattern %q", pattern)
errs = append(errs, errors.WrapPrefix(err, msg, 0))
projects, err := s.getAllProjects(ctx, apiClient)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return errs
for _, p := range projects {
if !ignoreProject(p.PathWithNamespace) {
return errs
return append(errs, fmt.Errorf("ignore patterns excluded all projects"))
func (s *Source) newClient() (*gitlab.Client, error) {
// Initialize a new api instance.
switch s.authMethod {
case "OAUTH":
apiClient, err := gitlab.NewOAuthClient(s.token, gitlab.WithBaseURL(s.url))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create Gitlab OAUTH client for %s. Error: %v", s.url, err)
return apiClient, nil
case "BASIC_AUTH":
apiClient, err := gitlab.NewBasicAuthClient(s.user, s.password, gitlab.WithBaseURL(s.url))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create Gitlab BASICAUTH client for %s. Error: %v", s.url, err)
// If the user is using an access_token rather than a username/password, then basic auth
// will not work. In this case, we test to see if basic auth would work, and if it does not,
// we proceed with an OAuth client using the access_token (s.password) as the token.
// At this point, s.token is already set to s.password
if s.basicAuthSuccessful(apiClient) {
return apiClient, nil
case "TOKEN":
apiClient, err := gitlab.NewOAuthClient(s.token, gitlab.WithBaseURL(s.url))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create Gitlab TOKEN client for %s. Error: %v", s.url, err)
return apiClient, nil
return nil, errors.New("Could not determine authMethod specified for GitLab")
func (s *Source) basicAuthSuccessful(apiClient *gitlab.Client) bool {
user, resp, err := apiClient.Users.CurrentUser()
if err != nil {
return false
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
return false
if user != nil {
return true
return false
func (s *Source) getAllProjects(ctx context.Context, apiClient *gitlab.Client) ([]*gitlab.Project, error) {
// Projects without repo will get user projects, groups projects, and subgroup projects.
user, _, err := apiClient.Users.CurrentUser()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to authenticate using %s, %w", s.authMethod, err)
uniqueProjects := make(map[int]*gitlab.Project)
var (
projects []*gitlab.Project
projectsWithNamespace []string
// Used to filter out duplicate projects.
processProjects := func(projList []*gitlab.Project) {
for _, proj := range projList {
if _, exists := uniqueProjects[proj.ID]; !exists {
uniqueProjects[proj.ID] = proj
projects = append(projects, proj)
projectsWithNamespace = append(projectsWithNamespace, proj.NameWithNamespace)
const (
orderBy = "last_activity_at"
paginationLimit = 100 // Default is 20, max is 100.
listOpts := gitlab.ListOptions{PerPage: paginationLimit}
projectQueryOptions := &gitlab.ListProjectsOptions{OrderBy: gitlab.Ptr(orderBy), ListOptions: listOpts}
for {
userProjects, res, err := apiClient.Projects.ListUserProjects(user.ID, projectQueryOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received error on listing user projects: %w", err)
projectQueryOptions.Page = res.NextPage
if res.NextPage == 0 {
listGroupsOptions := gitlab.ListGroupsOptions{
ListOptions: listOpts,
AllAvailable: gitlab.Ptr(false), // This actually grabs public groups on public GitLab if set to true.
TopLevelOnly: gitlab.Ptr(false),
Owned: gitlab.Ptr(false),
const cloudBaseURL = "https://gitlab.com/"
if s.url != cloudBaseURL {
listGroupsOptions.AllAvailable = gitlab.Ptr(true)
var groups []*gitlab.Group
for {
groupList, res, err := apiClient.Groups.ListGroups(&listGroupsOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received error on listing groups, you probably don't have permissions to do that: %w", err)
groups = append(groups, groupList...)
listGroupsOptions.Page = res.NextPage
if res.NextPage == 0 {
for _, group := range groups {
listGroupProjectOptions := &gitlab.ListGroupProjectsOptions{
ListOptions: listOpts,
OrderBy: gitlab.Ptr(orderBy),
IncludeSubGroups: gitlab.Ptr(true),
for {
grpPrjs, res, err := apiClient.Groups.ListGroupProjects(group.ID, listGroupProjectOptions)
if err != nil {
ctx.Logger().Info("received error on listing group projects, you probably don't have permissions to do that",
"group", group.FullPath,
"error", err,
listGroupProjectOptions.Page = res.NextPage
if res.NextPage == 0 {
ctx.Logger().Info("Enumerated GitLab projects", "count", len(projects))
ctx.Logger().V(2).Info("Enumerated GitLab projects", "projects", projectsWithNamespace)
return projects, nil
func (s *Source) getReposFromGitlab(ctx context.Context, apiClient *gitlab.Client, ignoreRepo func(repo string) bool) ([]string, error, bool) {
projects, err := s.getAllProjects(ctx, apiClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting all projects: %v", err), true
// Turn projects into URLs for Git cloner.
var repos []string
for _, prj := range projects {
if ignoreRepo(prj.PathWithNamespace) {
// Ensure the urls are valid before adding them to the repo list.
_, err := url.Parse(prj.HTTPURLToRepo)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("could not parse url given by project: %s", prj.HTTPURLToRepo)
repos = append(repos, prj.HTTPURLToRepo)
if len(repos) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to discover any repos"), true
return repos, nil, false
func (s *Source) scanRepos(ctx context.Context, chunksChan chan *sources.Chunk) error {
// If there is resume information available, limit this scan to only the repos that still need scanning.
reposToScan, progressIndexOffset := sources.FilterReposToResume(s.repos, s.GetProgress().EncodedResumeInfo)
s.repos = reposToScan
scanErrs := sources.NewScanErrors()
for i, repo := range s.repos {
i, repoURL := i, repo
s.jobPool.Go(func() error {
logger := ctx.Logger().WithValues("repo", repoURL)
if common.IsDone(ctx) {
// We are returning nil instead of the scanErrors slice here because
// we don't want to mark this scan as errored if we cancelled it.
logger.V(2).Info("Skipping repo because context was cancelled")
return nil
if len(repoURL) == 0 {
logger.V(2).Info("Skipping empty repo")
return nil
s.setProgressCompleteWithRepo(i, progressIndexOffset, repoURL)
// Ensure the repo is removed from the resume info after being scanned.
defer func(s *Source) {
defer s.resumeInfoMutex.Unlock()
s.resumeInfoSlice = sources.RemoveRepoFromResumeInfo(s.resumeInfoSlice, repoURL)
var path string
var repo *gogit.Repository
var err error
if s.authMethod == "UNAUTHENTICATED" {
path, repo, err = git.CloneRepoUsingUnauthenticated(ctx, repoURL)
} else {
// If a username is not provided we need to use a default one in order to clone a private repo.
// Not setting "placeholder" as s.user on purpose in case any downstream services rely on a "" value for s.user.
user := s.user
if user == "" {
user = "placeholder"
path, repo, err = git.CloneRepoUsingToken(ctx, s.token, repoURL, user)
defer os.RemoveAll(path)
if err != nil {
return nil
logger.V(2).Info(fmt.Sprintf("Starting to scan repo %d/%d", i+1, len(s.repos)))
if err = s.git.ScanRepo(ctx, repo, path, s.scanOptions, sources.ChanReporter{Ch: chunksChan}); err != nil {
return nil
logger.V(2).Info(fmt.Sprintf("Completed scanning repo %d/%d", i+1, len(s.repos)))
return nil
_ = s.jobPool.Wait()
if scanErrs.Count() > 0 {
ctx.Logger().V(2).Info("encountered errors while scanning", "count", scanErrs.Count(), "errors", scanErrs)
s.SetProgressComplete(len(s.repos), len(s.repos), "Completed Gitlab scan", "")
return nil
// setProgressCompleteWithRepo calls the s.SetProgressComplete after safely setting up the encoded resume info string.
func (s *Source) setProgressCompleteWithRepo(index int, offset int, repoURL string) {
defer s.resumeInfoMutex.Unlock()
// Add the repoURL to the resume info slice.
s.resumeInfoSlice = append(s.resumeInfoSlice, repoURL)
// Make the resume info string from the slice.
encodedResumeInfo := sources.EncodeResumeInfo(s.resumeInfoSlice)
// Add the offset to both the index and the repos to give the proper place and proper repo count.
s.SetProgressComplete(index+offset, len(s.repos)+offset, fmt.Sprintf("Repo: %s", repoURL), encodedResumeInfo)
func (s *Source) WithScanOptions(scanOptions *git.ScanOptions) {
s.scanOptions = scanOptions
func buildIgnorer(patterns []string, onCompileErr func(err error, pattern string)) func(repo string) bool {
var globs []glob.Glob
for _, pattern := range patterns {
g, err := glob.Compile(pattern)
if err != nil {
onCompileErr(err, pattern)
globs = append(globs, g)
f := func(repo string) bool {
for _, g := range globs {
if g.Match(repo) {
return true
return false
return f
func normalizeRepos(repos []string) ([]string, []error) {
var validRepos []string
var errs []error
for _, prj := range repos {
repo, err := giturl.NormalizeGitlabRepo(prj)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.WrapPrefix(err, fmt.Sprintf("unable to normalize gitlab repo url %s", prj), 0))
validRepos = append(validRepos, repo)
return validRepos, errs