
63 lines
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package engine
import (
// ScanSyslog is a source that scans syslog files.
func (e *Engine) ScanSyslog(ctx context.Context, c sources.Config) error {
connection := &sourcespb.Syslog{
Protocol: c.Protocol,
ListenAddress: c.Address,
Format: c.Format,
if c.CertPath != "" && c.KeyPath != "" {
cert, err := os.ReadFile(c.CertPath)
if err != nil {
return errors.WrapPrefix(err, "could not open TLS cert file", 0)
connection.TlsCert = string(cert)
key, err := os.ReadFile(c.KeyPath)
if err != nil {
return errors.WrapPrefix(err, "could not open TLS key file", 0)
connection.TlsKey = string(key)
var conn anypb.Any
err := anypb.MarshalFrom(&conn, connection, proto.MarshalOptions{})
if err != nil {
return errors.WrapPrefix(err, "error unmarshalling connection", 0)
source := syslog.Source{}
err = source.Init(ctx, "trufflehog - syslog", 0, 0, false, &conn, c.Concurrency)
if err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Error("failed to initialize syslog source")
return err
go func() {
defer common.RecoverWithExit(ctx)
defer e.sourcesWg.Done()
err := source.Chunks(ctx, e.ChunksChan())
if err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("could not scan syslog")
return nil