
367 lines
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package sources
//go:generate mockgen --source=./job_progress.go --destination=mock_job_progress_test.go --package=sources
import (
type JobProgressHook interface {
// Start and End marks the overall start and end time for this job.
Start(JobProgressRef, time.Time)
End(JobProgressRef, time.Time)
// StartEnumerating and EndEnumerating marks the start and end time for
// calling the source's Enumerate method. If the source does not
// support enumeration these methods will never be called.
StartEnumerating(JobProgressRef, time.Time)
EndEnumerating(JobProgressRef, time.Time)
// StartUnitChunking and EndUnitChunking marks the start and end time
// for calling the source's ChunkUnit method for a given unit. If the
// source does not support enumeration these methods will never be
// called.
StartUnitChunking(JobProgressRef, SourceUnit, time.Time)
EndUnitChunking(JobProgressRef, SourceUnit, time.Time)
// ReportError is called when any general error is encountered, usually
// from enumeration.
ReportError(JobProgressRef, error)
// ReportUnit is called when a unit has been enumerated. If the source
// does not support enumeration this method will never be called.
ReportUnit(JobProgressRef, SourceUnit)
// ReportChunk is called when a chunk has been produced for the given
// unit. The unit will be nil if the source does not support
// enumeration.
ReportChunk(JobProgressRef, SourceUnit, *Chunk)
// Finish marks the job as done.
// JobProgressRef is a wrapper of a JobProgress for read-only access to its state.
// If the job supports it, the reference can also be used to cancel running via
// CancelRun.
type JobProgressRef struct {
SourceID SourceID
SourceName string
jobProgress *JobProgress
// Snapshot returns a snapshot of the job's current metrics.
func (r *JobProgressRef) Snapshot() JobProgressMetrics {
if r.jobProgress == nil {
return JobProgressMetrics{}
return r.jobProgress.Snapshot()
// Done returns a channel that will block until the job has completed.
func (r *JobProgressRef) Done() <-chan struct{} {
if r.jobProgress == nil {
// Return a closed channel so it does not block.
ch := make(chan struct{})
return ch
return r.jobProgress.Done()
// CancelRun requests that the job this is referencing is cancelled and stops
// running. This method will have no effect if the job does not allow
// cancellation.
func (r *JobProgressRef) CancelRun(cause error) {
if r.jobProgress == nil || r.jobProgress.jobCancel == nil {
// Fatal is a wrapper around error to differentiate non-fatal errors from fatal
// ones. A fatal error is typically from a finished context or any error
// returned from a source's Init, Chunks, Enumerate, or ChunkUnit methods.
type Fatal struct{ error }
func (f Fatal) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("fatal: %s", f.error.Error()) }
func (f Fatal) Unwrap() error { return f.error }
// ChunkError is a custom error type for errors encountered during chunking of
// a specific unit.
type ChunkError struct {
Unit SourceUnit
Err error
func (f ChunkError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("error chunking unit %q: %s", f.Unit.SourceUnitID(), f.Err.Error())
func (f ChunkError) Unwrap() error { return f.Err }
// JobProgress aggregates information about a run of a Source.
type JobProgress struct {
// Unique identifiers for this job.
SourceID SourceID
SourceName string
// Tracks whether the job is finished or not.
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
// Requests to cancel the job.
jobCancel context.CancelCauseFunc
// Metrics.
metrics JobProgressMetrics
metricsLock sync.Mutex
// Progress reported by the source.
progress *Progress
// Coarse grained hooks for adding extra functionality when events trigger.
hooks []JobProgressHook
// JobProgressMetrics tracks the metrics of a job.
type JobProgressMetrics struct {
StartTime time.Time
EndTime time.Time
// Total number of units found by the Source.
TotalUnits uint64
// Total number of units that have finished chunking.
FinishedUnits uint64
// Total number of chunks produced. This metric updates before the
// chunk is sent on the output channel.
TotalChunks uint64
// All errors encountered.
Errors []error
// Set to true if the source supports enumeration and has finished
// enumerating. If the source does not support enumeration, this field
// is always false.
DoneEnumerating bool
// Progress information reported by the source.
SourcePercent int64
SourceMessage string
SourceEncodedResumeInfo string
SourceSectionsCompleted int32
SourceSectionsRemaining int32
// WithHooks adds hooks to be called when an event triggers.
func WithHooks(hooks ...JobProgressHook) func(*JobProgress) {
return func(jp *JobProgress) { jp.hooks = append(jp.hooks, hooks...) }
// WithCancel allows cancelling the job by the JobProgressRef.
func WithCancel(cancel context.CancelCauseFunc) func(*JobProgress) {
return func(jp *JobProgress) { jp.jobCancel = cancel }
// NewJobProgress creates a new job report for the given source and job ID.
func NewJobProgress(jobID JobID, sourceID SourceID, sourceName string, opts ...func(*JobProgress)) *JobProgress {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
jp := &JobProgress{
JobID: jobID,
SourceID: sourceID,
SourceName: sourceName,
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
for _, opt := range opts {
return jp
// TrackProgress informs the JobProgress of a Progress object and safely
// exposes its information in the Snapshots.
func (jp *JobProgress) TrackProgress(progress *Progress) {
jp.progress = progress
// executeHooks is a helper method to execute all the hooks for the given
// closure.
func (jp *JobProgress) executeHooks(todo func(hook JobProgressHook)) {
for _, hook := range jp.hooks {
// TODO: Non-blocking?
// TODO: Comment all this mess. They are mostly implementing JobProgressHook but
// without the JobProgressRef parameter.
func (jp *JobProgress) Start(start time.Time) {
jp.metrics.StartTime = start
jp.executeHooks(func(hook JobProgressHook) { hook.Start(jp.Ref(), start) })
func (jp *JobProgress) End(end time.Time) {
jp.metrics.EndTime = end
jp.executeHooks(func(hook JobProgressHook) { hook.End(jp.Ref(), end) })
func (jp *JobProgress) Finish() {
jp.executeHooks(func(hook JobProgressHook) { hook.Finish(jp.Ref()) })
func (jp *JobProgress) Done() <-chan struct{} { return jp.ctx.Done() }
func (jp *JobProgress) ReportUnit(unit SourceUnit) {
jp.executeHooks(func(hook JobProgressHook) { hook.ReportUnit(jp.Ref(), unit) })
func (jp *JobProgress) ReportChunk(unit SourceUnit, chunk *Chunk) {
jp.executeHooks(func(hook JobProgressHook) { hook.ReportChunk(jp.Ref(), unit, chunk) })
func (jp *JobProgress) StartUnitChunking(unit SourceUnit, start time.Time) {
// TODO: Record time.
jp.executeHooks(func(hook JobProgressHook) { hook.StartUnitChunking(jp.Ref(), unit, start) })
func (jp *JobProgress) EndUnitChunking(unit SourceUnit, end time.Time) {
// TODO: Record time.
jp.executeHooks(func(hook JobProgressHook) { hook.EndUnitChunking(jp.Ref(), unit, end) })
func (jp *JobProgress) StartEnumerating(start time.Time) {
// TODO: Record time.
jp.executeHooks(func(hook JobProgressHook) { hook.StartEnumerating(jp.Ref(), start) })
func (jp *JobProgress) EndEnumerating(end time.Time) {
// TODO: Record time.
jp.metrics.DoneEnumerating = true
jp.executeHooks(func(hook JobProgressHook) { hook.EndEnumerating(jp.Ref(), end) })
// Snapshot safely gets the job's current metrics.
func (jp *JobProgress) Snapshot() JobProgressMetrics {
defer jp.metricsLock.Unlock()
metrics := jp.metrics
metrics.Errors = make([]error, len(metrics.Errors))
copy(metrics.Errors, jp.metrics.Errors)
if jp.progress != nil {
defer jp.progress.mut.Unlock()
metrics.SourcePercent = jp.progress.PercentComplete
metrics.SourceMessage = jp.progress.Message
metrics.SourceEncodedResumeInfo = jp.progress.EncodedResumeInfo
metrics.SourceSectionsCompleted = jp.progress.SectionsCompleted
metrics.SourceSectionsRemaining = jp.progress.SectionsRemaining
return metrics
// ReportError adds a non-nil error to the aggregate of errors
// encountered during scanning.
func (jp *JobProgress) ReportError(err error) {
if err == nil {
jp.metrics.Errors = append(jp.metrics.Errors, err)
jp.executeHooks(func(hook JobProgressHook) { hook.ReportError(jp.Ref(), err) })
// Ref provides a read-only reference to the JobProgress.
func (jp *JobProgress) Ref() JobProgressRef {
return JobProgressRef{
SourceID: jp.SourceID,
JobID: jp.JobID,
SourceName: jp.SourceName,
jobProgress: jp,
// EnumerationErrors joins all errors encountered during initialization or
// enumeration.
func (m JobProgressMetrics) EnumerationError() error {
return errors.Join(m.Errors...)
// ChunkErrors joins all errors encountered during chunking.
func (m JobProgressMetrics) ChunkError() error {
var aggregate []error
for _, err := range m.Errors {
var chunkErr ChunkError
if ok := errors.As(err, &chunkErr); ok {
aggregate = append(aggregate, err)
return errors.Join(aggregate...)
// FatalError returns the first Fatal error, if any, encountered in the scan.
func (m JobProgressMetrics) FatalError() error {
for _, err := range m.Errors {
var fatalErr Fatal
if found := errors.As(err, &fatalErr); found {
return fatalErr
return nil
// FatalErrors returns all of the encountered fatal errors joined together.
func (m JobProgressMetrics) FatalErrors() error {
var aggregate []error
for _, err := range m.Errors {
var fatalErr Fatal
if found := errors.As(err, &fatalErr); found {
aggregate = append(aggregate, fatalErr)
return errors.Join(aggregate...)
func (m JobProgressMetrics) PercentComplete() int {
num := m.FinishedUnits
den := m.TotalUnits
if num == 0 && den == 0 {
// Fallback to the source's self-reported percent complete if
// the unit information isn't available.
return int(m.SourcePercent)
return int(num * 100 / den)
// ElapsedTime is a convenience method that provides the elapsed time the job
// has been running. If it hasn't started yet, 0 is returned. If it has
// finished, the total time is returned.
func (m JobProgressMetrics) ElapsedTime() time.Duration {
if m.StartTime.IsZero() {
return 0
if m.EndTime.IsZero() {
return time.Since(m.StartTime)
return m.EndTime.Sub(m.StartTime)
// ErrorsFor returns all the errors for the given SourceUnit. If there are no
// errors, including the case that the unit has not been encountered, nil will
// be returned.
func (m JobProgressMetrics) ErrorsFor(unit SourceUnit) []error {
var errs []error
for _, err := range m.Errors {
var chunkErr ChunkError
if errors.As(err, &chunkErr) && chunkErr.Unit == unit {
errs = append(errs, err)
return errs