Cody Rose 28ed81f0a2
Add naive S3 ignorelist (#2536)
This PR adds the ability to exclude buckets from S3 scans. The capability is pretty rudimentary right now, and does not support globbing. If both lists are specified the source to fail to initialize.
2024-03-05 08:01:20 -05:00

673 lines
30 KiB

package main
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
var (
cli = kingpin.New("TruffleHog", "TruffleHog is a tool for finding credentials.")
cmd string
debug = cli.Flag("debug", "Run in debug mode.").Bool()
trace = cli.Flag("trace", "Run in trace mode.").Bool()
profile = cli.Flag("profile", "Enables profiling and sets a pprof and fgprof server on :18066.").Bool()
localDev = cli.Flag("local-dev", "Hidden feature to disable overseer for local dev.").Hidden().Bool()
jsonOut = cli.Flag("json", "Output in JSON format.").Short('j').Bool()
jsonLegacy = cli.Flag("json-legacy", "Use the pre-v3.0 JSON format. Only works with git, gitlab, and github sources.").Bool()
gitHubActionsFormat = cli.Flag("github-actions", "Output in GitHub Actions format.").Bool()
concurrency = cli.Flag("concurrency", "Number of concurrent workers.").Default(strconv.Itoa(runtime.NumCPU())).Int()
noVerification = cli.Flag("no-verification", "Don't verify the results.").Bool()
onlyVerified = cli.Flag("only-verified", "Only output verified results.").Bool()
allowVerificationOverlap = cli.Flag("allow-verification-overlap", "Allow verification of similar credentials across detectors").Bool()
filterUnverified = cli.Flag("filter-unverified", "Only output first unverified result per chunk per detector if there are more than one results.").Bool()
filterEntropy = cli.Flag("filter-entropy", "Filter unverified results with Shannon entropy. Start with 3.0.").Float64()
configFilename = cli.Flag("config", "Path to configuration file.").ExistingFile()
// rules = cli.Flag("rules", "Path to file with custom rules.").String()
printAvgDetectorTime = cli.Flag("print-avg-detector-time", "Print the average time spent on each detector.").Bool()
noUpdate = cli.Flag("no-update", "Don't check for updates.").Bool()
fail = cli.Flag("fail", "Exit with code 183 if results are found.").Bool()
verifiers = cli.Flag("verifier", "Set custom verification endpoints.").StringMap()
customVerifiersOnly = cli.Flag("custom-verifiers-only", "Only use custom verification endpoints.").Bool()
archiveMaxSize = cli.Flag("archive-max-size", "Maximum size of archive to scan. (Byte units eg. 512B, 2KB, 4MB)").Bytes()
archiveMaxDepth = cli.Flag("archive-max-depth", "Maximum depth of archive to scan.").Int()
archiveTimeout = cli.Flag("archive-timeout", "Maximum time to spend extracting an archive.").Duration()
includeDetectors = cli.Flag("include-detectors", "Comma separated list of detector types to include. Protobuf name or IDs may be used, as well as ranges.").Default("all").String()
excludeDetectors = cli.Flag("exclude-detectors", "Comma separated list of detector types to exclude. Protobuf name or IDs may be used, as well as ranges. IDs defined here take precedence over the include list.").String()
jobReportFile = cli.Flag("output-report", "Write a scan report to the provided path.").Hidden().OpenFile(os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
gitScan = cli.Command("git", "Find credentials in git repositories.")
gitScanURI = gitScan.Arg("uri", "Git repository URL. https://, file://, or ssh:// schema expected.").Required().String()
gitScanIncludePaths = gitScan.Flag("include-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.").Short('i').String()
gitScanExcludePaths = gitScan.Flag("exclude-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.").Short('x').String()
gitScanExcludeGlobs = gitScan.Flag("exclude-globs", "Comma separated list of globs to exclude in scan. This option filters at the `git log` level, resulting in faster scans.").String()
gitScanSinceCommit = gitScan.Flag("since-commit", "Commit to start scan from.").String()
gitScanBranch = gitScan.Flag("branch", "Branch to scan.").String()
gitScanMaxDepth = gitScan.Flag("max-depth", "Maximum depth of commits to scan.").Int()
gitScanBare = gitScan.Flag("bare", "Scan bare repository (e.g. useful while using in pre-receive hooks)").Bool()
_ = gitScan.Flag("allow", "No-op flag for backwards compat.").Bool()
_ = gitScan.Flag("entropy", "No-op flag for backwards compat.").Bool()
_ = gitScan.Flag("regex", "No-op flag for backwards compat.").Bool()
githubScan = cli.Command("github", "Find credentials in GitHub repositories.")
githubScanEndpoint = githubScan.Flag("endpoint", "GitHub endpoint.").Default("").String()
githubScanRepos = githubScan.Flag("repo", `GitHub repository to scan. You can repeat this flag. Example: ""`).Strings()
githubScanOrgs = githubScan.Flag("org", `GitHub organization to scan. You can repeat this flag. Example: "trufflesecurity"`).Strings()
githubScanToken = githubScan.Flag("token", "GitHub token. Can be provided with environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN.").Envar("GITHUB_TOKEN").String()
githubIncludeForks = githubScan.Flag("include-forks", "Include forks in scan.").Bool()
githubIncludeMembers = githubScan.Flag("include-members", "Include organization member repositories in scan.").Bool()
githubIncludeRepos = githubScan.Flag("include-repos", `Repositories to include in an org scan. This can also be a glob pattern. You can repeat this flag. Must use Github repo full name. Example: "trufflesecurity/trufflehog", "trufflesecurity/t*"`).Strings()
githubIncludeWikis = githubScan.Flag("include-wikis", "Include repository wikisin scan.").Bool()
githubExcludeRepos = githubScan.Flag("exclude-repos", `Repositories to exclude in an org scan. This can also be a glob pattern. You can repeat this flag. Must use Github repo full name. Example: "trufflesecurity/driftwood", "trufflesecurity/d*"`).Strings()
githubScanIncludePaths = githubScan.Flag("include-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.").Short('i').String()
githubScanExcludePaths = githubScan.Flag("exclude-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.").Short('x').String()
githubScanIssueComments = githubScan.Flag("issue-comments", "Include issue descriptions and comments in scan.").Bool()
githubScanPRComments = githubScan.Flag("pr-comments", "Include pull request descriptions and comments in scan.").Bool()
githubScanGistComments = githubScan.Flag("gist-comments", "Include gist comments in scan.").Bool()
gitlabScan = cli.Command("gitlab", "Find credentials in GitLab repositories.")
// TODO: Add more GitLab options
gitlabScanEndpoint = gitlabScan.Flag("endpoint", "GitLab endpoint.").Default("").String()
gitlabScanRepos = gitlabScan.Flag("repo", "GitLab repo url. You can repeat this flag. Leave empty to scan all repos accessible with provided credential. Example:").Strings()
gitlabScanToken = gitlabScan.Flag("token", "GitLab token. Can be provided with environment variable GITLAB_TOKEN.").Envar("GITLAB_TOKEN").Required().String()
gitlabScanIncludePaths = gitlabScan.Flag("include-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.").Short('i').String()
gitlabScanExcludePaths = gitlabScan.Flag("exclude-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.").Short('x').String()
filesystemScan = cli.Command("filesystem", "Find credentials in a filesystem.")
filesystemPaths = filesystemScan.Arg("path", "Path to file or directory to scan.").Strings()
// DEPRECATED: --directory is deprecated in favor of arguments.
filesystemDirectories = filesystemScan.Flag("directory", "Path to directory to scan. You can repeat this flag.").Strings()
// TODO: Add more filesystem scan options. Currently only supports scanning a list of directories.
// filesystemScanRecursive = filesystemScan.Flag("recursive", "Scan recursively.").Short('r').Bool()
filesystemScanIncludePaths = filesystemScan.Flag("include-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.").Short('i').String()
filesystemScanExcludePaths = filesystemScan.Flag("exclude-paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.").Short('x').String()
s3Scan = cli.Command("s3", "Find credentials in S3 buckets.")
s3ScanKey = s3Scan.Flag("key", "S3 key used to authenticate. Can be provided with environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.").Envar("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID").String()
s3ScanRoleArns = s3Scan.Flag("role-arn", "Specify the ARN of an IAM role to assume for scanning. You can repeat this flag.").Strings()
s3ScanSecret = s3Scan.Flag("secret", "S3 secret used to authenticate. Can be provided with environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.").Envar("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY").String()
s3ScanSessionToken = s3Scan.Flag("session-token", "S3 session token used to authenticate temporary credentials. Can be provided with environment variable AWS_SESSION_TOKEN.").Envar("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN").String()
s3ScanCloudEnv = s3Scan.Flag("cloud-environment", "Use IAM credentials in cloud environment.").Bool()
s3ScanBuckets = s3Scan.Flag("bucket", "Name of S3 bucket to scan. You can repeat this flag. Incompatible with --ignore-bucket.").Strings()
s3ScanIgnoreBuckets = s3Scan.Flag("ignore-bucket", "Name of S3 bucket to ignore. You can repeat this flag. Incompatible with --bucket.").Strings()
s3ScanMaxObjectSize = s3Scan.Flag("max-object-size", "Maximum size of objects to scan. Objects larger than this will be skipped. (Byte units eg. 512B, 2KB, 4MB)").Default("250MB").Bytes()
gcsScan = cli.Command("gcs", "Find credentials in GCS buckets.")
gcsProjectID = gcsScan.Flag("project-id", "GCS project ID used to authenticate. Can NOT be used with unauth scan. Can be provided with environment variable GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT.").Envar("GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT").String()
gcsCloudEnv = gcsScan.Flag("cloud-environment", "Use Application Default Credentials, IAM credentials to authenticate.").Bool()
gcsServiceAccount = gcsScan.Flag("service-account", "Path to GCS service account JSON file.").ExistingFile()
gcsWithoutAuth = gcsScan.Flag("without-auth", "Scan GCS buckets without authentication. This will only work for public buckets").Bool()
gcsAPIKey = gcsScan.Flag("api-key", "GCS API key used to authenticate. Can be provided with environment variable GOOGLE_API_KEY.").Envar("GOOGLE_API_KEY").String()
gcsIncludeBuckets = gcsScan.Flag("include-buckets", "Buckets to scan. Comma separated list of buckets. You can repeat this flag. Globs are supported").Short('I').Strings()
gcsExcludeBuckets = gcsScan.Flag("exclude-buckets", "Buckets to exclude from scan. Comma separated list of buckets. Globs are supported").Short('X').Strings()
gcsIncludeObjects = gcsScan.Flag("include-objects", "Objects to scan. Comma separated list of objects. you can repeat this flag. Globs are supported").Short('i').Strings()
gcsExcludeObjects = gcsScan.Flag("exclude-objects", "Objects to exclude from scan. Comma separated list of objects. You can repeat this flag. Globs are supported").Short('x').Strings()
gcsMaxObjectSize = gcsScan.Flag("max-object-size", "Maximum size of objects to scan. Objects larger than this will be skipped. (Byte units eg. 512B, 2KB, 4MB)").Default("10MB").Bytes()
syslogScan = cli.Command("syslog", "Scan syslog")
syslogAddress = syslogScan.Flag("address", "Address and port to listen on for syslog. Example:").String()
syslogProtocol = syslogScan.Flag("protocol", "Protocol to listen on. udp or tcp").String()
syslogTLSCert = syslogScan.Flag("cert", "Path to TLS cert.").String()
syslogTLSKey = syslogScan.Flag("key", "Path to TLS key.").String()
syslogFormat = syslogScan.Flag("format", "Log format. Can be rfc3164 or rfc5424").String()
circleCiScan = cli.Command("circleci", "Scan CircleCI")
circleCiScanToken = circleCiScan.Flag("token", "CircleCI token. Can also be provided with environment variable").Envar("CIRCLECI_TOKEN").Required().String()
dockerScan = cli.Command("docker", "Scan Docker Image")
dockerScanImages = dockerScan.Flag("image", "Docker image to scan. Use the file:// prefix to point to a local tarball, otherwise a image registry is assumed.").Required().Strings()
travisCiScan = cli.Command("travisci", "Scan TravisCI")
travisCiScanToken = travisCiScan.Flag("token", "TravisCI token. Can also be provided with environment variable").Envar("TRAVISCI_TOKEN").Required().String()
func init() {
for i, arg := range os.Args {
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "--") {
split := strings.SplitN(arg, "=", 2)
split[0] = strings.ReplaceAll(split[0], "_", "-")
os.Args[i] = strings.Join(split, "=")
cli.Version("trufflehog " + version.BuildVersion)
// Support -h for help
if len(os.Args) <= 1 && isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) {
args := tui.Run()
if len(args) == 0 {
// Overwrite the Args slice so overseer works properly.
os.Args = os.Args[:1]
os.Args = append(os.Args, args...)
cmd = kingpin.MustParse(cli.Parse(os.Args[1:]))
switch {
case *trace:
case *debug:
func main() {
// setup logger
logFormat := log.WithConsoleSink
if *jsonOut {
logFormat = log.WithJSONSink
logger, sync := log.New("trufflehog", logFormat(os.Stderr))
// make it the default logger for contexts
if *localDev {
defer func() { _ = sync() }()
logFatal := logFatalFunc(logger)
updateCfg := overseer.Config{
Program: run,
Debug: *debug,
RestartSignal: syscall.SIGTERM,
// TODO: Eventually add a PreUpgrade func for signature check w/ x509 PKCS1v15
// PreUpgrade: checkUpdateSignature(binaryPath string),
if !*noUpdate {
updateCfg.Fetcher = updater.Fetcher(version.BuildVersion)
if version.BuildVersion == "dev" {
updateCfg.Fetcher = nil
err := overseer.RunErr(updateCfg)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "error occurred with trufflehog updater 🐷")
func run(state overseer.State) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancelCause(context.Background())
defer cancel(nil)
go func() {
if err := cleantemp.CleanTempArtifacts(ctx); err != nil {
ctx.Logger().Error(err, "error cleaning temporary artifacts")
logger := ctx.Logger()
logFatal := logFatalFunc(logger)
killSignal := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(killSignal, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGQUIT)
go func() {
logger.Info("Received signal, shutting down.")
cancel(fmt.Errorf("canceling context due to signal"))
if err := cleantemp.CleanTempArtifacts(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "error cleaning temporary artifacts")
} else {
logger.Info("cleaned temporary artifacts")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
logger.Info("10 seconds elapsed. Forcing shutdown.")
logger.V(2).Info(fmt.Sprintf("trufflehog %s", version.BuildVersion))
if *githubScanToken != "" {
// NOTE: this kludge is here to do an authenticated shallow commit
// TODO: refactor to better pass credentials
os.Setenv("GITHUB_TOKEN", *githubScanToken)
// When setting a base commit, chunks must be scanned in order.
if *gitScanSinceCommit != "" {
*concurrency = 1
if *profile {
go func() {
router := http.NewServeMux()
router.Handle("/debug/pprof/", http.DefaultServeMux)
router.Handle("/debug/fgprof", fgprof.Handler())
logger.Info("starting pprof and fgprof server on :18066 /debug/pprof and /debug/fgprof")
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":18066", router); err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "error serving pprof and fgprof")
conf := &config.Config{}
if *configFilename != "" {
var err error
conf, err = config.Read(*configFilename)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "error parsing the provided configuration file")
if *archiveMaxSize != 0 {
if *archiveMaxDepth != 0 {
if *archiveTimeout != 0 {
// Build include and exclude detector sets for filtering on engine initialization.
// Exit if there was an error to inform the user of the misconfiguration.
var includeDetectorSet, excludeDetectorSet map[config.DetectorID]struct{}
var detectorsWithCustomVerifierEndpoints map[config.DetectorID][]string
includeList, err := config.ParseDetectors(*includeDetectors)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid include list detector configuration")
excludeList, err := config.ParseDetectors(*excludeDetectors)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid exclude list detector configuration")
detectorsWithCustomVerifierEndpoints, err = config.ParseVerifierEndpoints(*verifiers)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid verifier detector configuration")
includeDetectorSet = detectorTypeToSet(includeList)
excludeDetectorSet = detectorTypeToSet(excludeList)
// Verify that all the user-provided detectors support the optional
// detector features.
if err, id := verifyDetectorsAreVersioner(includeDetectorSet); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid include list detector configuration", "detector", id)
if err, id := verifyDetectorsAreVersioner(excludeDetectorSet); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid exclude list detector configuration", "detector", id)
if err, id := verifyDetectorsAreVersioner(detectorsWithCustomVerifierEndpoints); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "invalid verifier detector configuration", "detector", id)
// Extra check for endpoint customization.
isEndpointCustomizer := engine.DefaultDetectorTypesImplementing[detectors.EndpointCustomizer]()
for id := range detectorsWithCustomVerifierEndpoints {
if _, ok := isEndpointCustomizer[id.ID]; !ok {
fmt.Errorf("endpoint provided but detector does not support endpoint customization"),
"invalid custom verifier endpoint detector configuration",
"detector", id,
includeFilter := func(d detectors.Detector) bool {
_, ok := getWithDetectorID(d, includeDetectorSet)
return ok
excludeFilter := func(d detectors.Detector) bool {
_, ok := getWithDetectorID(d, excludeDetectorSet)
return !ok
// Abuse filter to cause a side-effect.
endpointCustomizer := func(d detectors.Detector) bool {
urls, ok := getWithDetectorID(d, detectorsWithCustomVerifierEndpoints)
if !ok {
return true
id := config.GetDetectorID(d)
customizer, ok := d.(detectors.EndpointCustomizer)
if !ok {
// NOTE: We should never reach here due to validation above.
fmt.Errorf("failed to configure a detector endpoint"),
"the provided detector does not support endpoint configuration",
"detector", id,
if !*customVerifiersOnly || len(urls) == 0 {
urls = append(urls, customizer.DefaultEndpoint())
if err := customizer.SetEndpoints(urls...); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "failed configuring custom endpoint for detector", "detector", id)
logger.Info("configured detector with verification urls",
"detector", id, "urls", urls,
return true
// Set how the engine will print its results.
var printer engine.Printer
switch {
case *jsonLegacy:
printer = new(output.LegacyJSONPrinter)
case *jsonOut:
printer = new(output.JSONPrinter)
case *gitHubActionsFormat:
printer = new(output.GitHubActionsPrinter)
printer = new(output.PlainPrinter)
if !*jsonLegacy && !*jsonOut {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "🐷🔑🐷 TruffleHog. Unearth your secrets. 🐷🔑🐷\n\n")
var jobReportWriter io.WriteCloser
if *jobReportFile != nil {
jobReportWriter = *jobReportFile
e, err := engine.Start(ctx,
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "error initializing engine")
switch cmd {
case gitScan.FullCommand():
cfg := sources.GitConfig{
URI: *gitScanURI,
IncludePathsFile: *gitScanIncludePaths,
ExcludePathsFile: *gitScanExcludePaths,
HeadRef: *gitScanBranch,
BaseRef: *gitScanSinceCommit,
MaxDepth: *gitScanMaxDepth,
Bare: *gitScanBare,
ExcludeGlobs: *gitScanExcludeGlobs,
if err = e.ScanGit(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan Git.")
case githubScan.FullCommand():
filter, err := common.FilterFromFiles(*githubScanIncludePaths, *githubScanExcludePaths)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "could not create filter")
if len(*githubScanOrgs) == 0 && len(*githubScanRepos) == 0 {
logFatal(fmt.Errorf("invalid config"), "You must specify at least one organization or repository.")
cfg := sources.GithubConfig{
Endpoint: *githubScanEndpoint,
Token: *githubScanToken,
IncludeForks: *githubIncludeForks,
IncludeMembers: *githubIncludeMembers,
IncludeWikis: *githubIncludeWikis,
Concurrency: *concurrency,
ExcludeRepos: *githubExcludeRepos,
IncludeRepos: *githubIncludeRepos,
Repos: *githubScanRepos,
Orgs: *githubScanOrgs,
IncludeIssueComments: *githubScanIssueComments,
IncludePullRequestComments: *githubScanPRComments,
IncludeGistComments: *githubScanGistComments,
Filter: filter,
if err := e.ScanGitHub(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan Github.")
case gitlabScan.FullCommand():
filter, err := common.FilterFromFiles(*gitlabScanIncludePaths, *gitlabScanExcludePaths)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "could not create filter")
cfg := sources.GitlabConfig{
Endpoint: *gitlabScanEndpoint,
Token: *gitlabScanToken,
Repos: *gitlabScanRepos,
Filter: filter,
if err := e.ScanGitLab(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan GitLab.")
case filesystemScan.FullCommand():
if len(*filesystemDirectories) > 0 {
ctx.Logger().Info("--directory flag is deprecated, please pass directories as arguments")
paths := make([]string, 0, len(*filesystemPaths)+len(*filesystemDirectories))
paths = append(paths, *filesystemPaths...)
paths = append(paths, *filesystemDirectories...)
cfg := sources.FilesystemConfig{
Paths: paths,
IncludePathsFile: *filesystemScanIncludePaths,
ExcludePathsFile: *filesystemScanExcludePaths,
if err = e.ScanFileSystem(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan filesystem")
case s3Scan.FullCommand():
cfg := sources.S3Config{
Key: *s3ScanKey,
Secret: *s3ScanSecret,
SessionToken: *s3ScanSessionToken,
Buckets: *s3ScanBuckets,
IgnoreBuckets: *s3ScanIgnoreBuckets,
Roles: *s3ScanRoleArns,
CloudCred: *s3ScanCloudEnv,
MaxObjectSize: int64(*s3ScanMaxObjectSize),
if err := e.ScanS3(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan S3.")
case syslogScan.FullCommand():
cfg := sources.SyslogConfig{
Address: *syslogAddress,
Format: *syslogFormat,
Protocol: *syslogProtocol,
CertPath: *syslogTLSCert,
KeyPath: *syslogTLSKey,
Concurrency: *concurrency,
if err := e.ScanSyslog(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan syslog.")
case circleCiScan.FullCommand():
if err := e.ScanCircleCI(ctx, *circleCiScanToken); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan CircleCI.")
case travisCiScan.FullCommand():
if err := e.ScanTravisCI(ctx, *travisCiScanToken); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan TravisCI.")
case gcsScan.FullCommand():
cfg := sources.GCSConfig{
ProjectID: *gcsProjectID,
CloudCred: *gcsCloudEnv,
ServiceAccount: *gcsServiceAccount,
WithoutAuth: *gcsWithoutAuth,
ApiKey: *gcsAPIKey,
IncludeBuckets: commaSeparatedToSlice(*gcsIncludeBuckets),
ExcludeBuckets: commaSeparatedToSlice(*gcsExcludeBuckets),
IncludeObjects: commaSeparatedToSlice(*gcsIncludeObjects),
ExcludeObjects: commaSeparatedToSlice(*gcsExcludeObjects),
Concurrency: *concurrency,
MaxObjectSize: int64(*gcsMaxObjectSize),
if err := e.ScanGCS(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan GCS.")
case dockerScan.FullCommand():
dockerConn := sourcespb.Docker{
Images: *dockerScanImages,
Credential: &sourcespb.Docker_DockerKeychain{
DockerKeychain: true,
anyConn, err := anypb.New(&dockerConn)
if err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to marshal Docker connection")
if err := e.ScanDocker(ctx, anyConn); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "Failed to scan Docker.")
// Wait for all workers to finish.
if err = e.Finish(ctx); err != nil {
logFatal(err, "engine failed to finish execution")
if err := cleantemp.CleanTempArtifacts(ctx); err != nil {
ctx.Logger().Error(err, "error cleaning temp artifacts")
metrics := e.GetMetrics()
// Print results.
logger.Info("finished scanning",
"chunks", metrics.ChunksScanned,
"bytes", metrics.BytesScanned,
"verified_secrets", metrics.VerifiedSecretsFound,
"unverified_secrets", metrics.UnverifiedSecretsFound,
"scan_duration", metrics.ScanDuration.String(),
if *printAvgDetectorTime {
if e.HasFoundResults() && *fail {
logger.V(2).Info("exiting with code 183 because results were found")
// logFatalFunc returns a log.Fatal style function. Calling the returned
// function will terminate the program without cleanup.
func logFatalFunc(logger logr.Logger) func(error, string, ...any) {
return func(err error, message string, keyAndVals ...any) {
logger.Error(err, message, keyAndVals...)
if err != nil {
func commaSeparatedToSlice(s []string) []string {
var result []string
for _, items := range s {
for _, item := range strings.Split(items, ",") {
item = strings.TrimSpace(item)
if item == "" {
result = append(result, item)
return result
func printAverageDetectorTime(e *engine.Engine) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Average detector time is the measurement of average time spent on each detector when results are returned.")
for detectorName, duration := range e.GetDetectorsMetrics() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s\n", detectorName, duration)
// detectorTypeToSet is a helper function to convert a slice of detector IDs into a set.
func detectorTypeToSet(detectors []config.DetectorID) map[config.DetectorID]struct{} {
out := make(map[config.DetectorID]struct{}, len(detectors))
for _, d := range detectors {
out[d] = struct{}{}
return out
// getWithDetectorID is a helper function to get a value from a map using a
// detector's ID. This function behaves like a normal map lookup, with an extra
// step of checking for the non-specific version of a detector.
func getWithDetectorID[T any](d detectors.Detector, data map[config.DetectorID]T) (T, bool) {
key := config.GetDetectorID(d)
// Check if the specific ID is provided.
if t, ok := data[key]; ok || key.Version == 0 {
return t, ok
// Check if the generic type is provided without a version.
// This means "all" versions of a type.
key.Version = 0
t, ok := data[key]
return t, ok
// verifyDetectorsAreVersioner checks all keys in a provided map to verify the
// provided type is actually a Versioner.
func verifyDetectorsAreVersioner[T any](data map[config.DetectorID]T) (error, config.DetectorID) {
isVersioner := engine.DefaultDetectorTypesImplementing[detectors.Versioner]()
for id := range data {
if id.Version == 0 {
// Version not provided.
if _, ok := isVersioner[id.ID]; ok {
// Version provided for a Versioner detector.
// Version provided on a non-Versioner detector.
return fmt.Errorf("version provided but detector does not have a version"), id
return nil, config.DetectorID{}