syntax = "proto3"; package sources; option go_package = ""; import "validate/validate.proto"; import "credentials.proto"; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; enum SourceType { SOURCE_TYPE_AZURE_STORAGE = 0; SOURCE_TYPE_BITBUCKET = 1; SOURCE_TYPE_CIRCLECI = 2; SOURCE_TYPE_CONFLUENCE = 3; SOURCE_TYPE_DOCKER = 4; SOURCE_TYPE_ECR = 5; SOURCE_TYPE_GCS = 6; SOURCE_TYPE_GITHUB = 7; SOURCE_TYPE_PUBLIC_GIT = 8; SOURCE_TYPE_GITLAB = 9; SOURCE_TYPE_JIRA = 10; SOURCE_TYPE_NPM_UNAUTHD_PACKAGES = 11; SOURCE_TYPE_PYPI_UNAUTHD_PACKAGES = 12; SOURCE_TYPE_S3 = 13; SOURCE_TYPE_SLACK = 14; SOURCE_TYPE_FILESYSTEM = 15; SOURCE_TYPE_GIT = 16; SOURCE_TYPE_TEST = 17; SOURCE_TYPE_S3_UNAUTHED = 18; SOURCE_TYPE_GITHUB_UNAUTHENTICATED_ORG = 19; SOURCE_TYPE_BUILDKITE = 20; SOURCE_TYPE_GERRIT = 21; SOURCE_TYPE_JENKINS = 22; SOURCE_TYPE_TEAMS = 23; SOURCE_TYPE_JFROG_ARTIFACTORY = 24; SOURCE_TYPE_SYSLOG = 25; SOURCE_TYPE_PUBLIC_EVENT_MONITORING = 26; SOURCE_TYPE_SLACK_REALTIME = 27; SOURCE_TYPE_GOOGLE_DRIVE = 28; SOURCE_TYPE_SHAREPOINT = 29; SOURCE_TYPE_GCS_UNAUTHED = 30; SOURCE_TYPE_AZURE_REPOS = 31; SOURCE_TYPE_TRAVISCI = 32; } message LocalSource { string type = 1 ; string name = 2 ; // DEPRECATED: scan_interval is deprecated and can be removed when we no longer depend on the name. // Deprecating in favor of scan_period due to the fact that scan_interval is a duration // which is a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds // at nanosecond resolution. Most of the time, we want to be able to specify a scan interval in // human-readable format (e.g. 45s, 30m, 12h, etc.) which is not possible with a duration. // google.protobuf.Duration scan_interval = 3 [deprecated = true]; bool verify = 4; google.protobuf.Any connection = 5; string scan_period = 6; } // message Artifactory { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 2; string access_token = 3; credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 7; } repeated string repositories = 4; repeated string include_paths = 5; repeated string ignore_paths = 6; } message AzureStorage { oneof credential { string connection_string = 1; credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 2; string client_certificate = 3; credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 4; } repeated string storage_containers = 5; } message Bitbucket { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { string token = 2; credentials.Oauth2 oauth = 3; credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 4; } repeated string repositories = 5; repeated string ignore_repos = 6; bool skip_binaries = 7; } message CircleCI { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { string token = 2; } } message TravisCI { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { string token = 2; } } message Confluence { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 2; credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 3; string token = 4; } enum GetAllSpacesScope { ALL = 0; GLOBAL = 1; PERSONAL = 2; } GetAllSpacesScope spaces_scope = 5; bool insecure_skip_verify_tls = 6; repeated string spaces = 7; repeated string ignore_spaces = 8; bool include_attachments = 9; bool skip_history = 10; } message Docker { oneof credential { credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 1; credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 2; string bearer_token = 3; bool docker_keychain = 4; } repeated string images = 5; } message ECR { oneof credential { credentials.KeySecret access_key = 1; } repeated string registries = 2; } message Filesystem { // DEPRECATED: directories is deprecated and can be removed / renamed to // paths when we no longer depend on the name in enterprise configs. repeated string directories = 1; repeated string paths = 2; } message GCS { oneof credential { string json_service_account = 1; string api_key = 2; credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 3; credentials.CloudEnvironment adc = 4; string service_account_file = 11; credentials.Oauth2 oauth = 12; } string project_id = 5; repeated string include_buckets = 6; repeated string exclude_buckets = 7; repeated string include_objects = 8; repeated string exclude_objects = 9; int64 max_object_size = 10; } message Git { oneof credential { credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 1; credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 2; credentials.SSHAuth ssh_auth = 5; } repeated string directories = 3; repeated string repositories = 4; string head = 6; string base = 7; bool bare = 8; string include_paths_file = 9; // path to file containing newline separated list of paths string exclude_paths_file = 10; // path to file containing newline separated list of paths string exclude_globs = 11; // comma separated list of globs int64 max_depth = 12; // This field is generally used by the CLI or within CI/CD systems to specify a single repository, // whereas the repositories field is used by the enterprise config to specify multiple repositories. // Passing a single repository via the uri field also allows for additional options to be specified // like head, base, bare, etc. string uri = 13; // repository URL. https://, file://, or ssh:// bool skip_binaries = 14; } message GitLab { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { string token = 2; credentials.Oauth2 oauth = 3; credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 4; } repeated string repositories = 5; repeated string ignore_repos = 6; bool skip_binaries = 7; } message GitHub { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { credentials.GitHubApp github_app = 2; string token = 3; credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 4; credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 13; } repeated string repositories = 5; repeated string organizations = 6; bool scanUsers = 7; bool includeForks = 8; string head = 9; string base = 10; repeated string ignoreRepos = 11; repeated string includeRepos = 12; bool includePullRequestComments = 14; bool includeIssueComments = 15; bool includeGistComments = 16; bool skip_binaries = 17; } message GoogleDrive { oneof credential { string refresh_token = 1; } } message JIRA { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 2; credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 3; credentials.Oauth2 oauth = 4; string token = 6; } repeated string projects = 5; repeated string ignore_projects = 7; bool insecure_skip_verify_tls = 8; } message NPMUnauthenticatedPackage { oneof credential { credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 1; } } message PyPIUnauthenticatedPackage { oneof credential { credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 1; } } message S3 { oneof credential { credentials.KeySecret access_key = 1; credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 2; credentials.CloudEnvironment cloud_environment = 4; credentials.AWSSessionTokenSecret session_token = 5; } repeated string buckets = 3; int64 max_object_size = 6; repeated string roles = 7; } message Slack { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { string token = 2; credentials.SlackTokens tokens = 5; } repeated string channels = 3; repeated string ignoreList = 4; } message Test{} message Buildkite { oneof credential { string token = 1; } } message Gerrit { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 2; credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 3; } repeated string projects = 4; bool skip_binaries = 5; } message Jenkins { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { credentials.BasicAuth basic_auth = 2; credentials.Header header = 3; } bool insecure_skip_verify_tls = 4; } message Teams { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { string token = 2; credentials.ClientCredentials authenticated = 3; credentials.Oauth2 oauth = 7; } repeated string channels = 4; repeated string ignoreList = 5; repeated string team_ids = 6; } message Syslog { string protocol = 1; string listenAddress = 2; string tlsCert = 3; string tlsKey = 4; string format = 5; } message PublicEventMonitoring { oneof credential { credentials.Unauthenticated unauthenticated = 1; } string domain = 2; int64 max_depth = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp since = 4; } message SlackRealtime { oneof credential { credentials.SlackTokens tokens = 1; } } message Sharepoint { oneof credential { credentials.Oauth2 oauth = 1; } string site_url = 2; } message AzureRepos { string endpoint = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uri_ref = true]; oneof credential { string token = 2; credentials.Oauth2 oauth = 3; } repeated string repositories = 4; repeated string organizations = 5; repeated string projects = 6; bool includeForks = 7; repeated string ignoreRepos = 8; repeated string includeRepos = 9; repeated string includeProjects = 10; repeated string ignoreProjects = 11; }