package main import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "log" "os" "runtime" "strconv" "" "" "" kingpin "" ) func main() { cli := kingpin.New("TruffleHog", "TruffleHog is a tool for finding credentials.") debug := cli.Flag("debug", "Run in debug mode").Bool() jsonOut := cli.Flag("json", "Output in JSON format.").Bool() concurrency := cli.Flag("concurrency", "Number of concurrent workers.").Default(strconv.Itoa(runtime.NumCPU())).Int() verification := cli.Flag("verification", "Verify the results.").Bool() // rules := cli.Flag("rules", "Path to file with custom rules.").String() gitScan := cli.Command("git", "Find credentials in git repositories.") gitScanURI := gitScan.Arg("uri", "Git repository URL. https:// or file:// schema expected.").Required().String() gitScanIncludePaths := gitScan.Flag("include_paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.").Short('i').String() gitScanExcludePaths := gitScan.Flag("exclude_paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.").Short('x').String() // gitScanSinceCommit := gitScan.Flag("since_commit", "Commit to start scan from.").String() gitScanBranch := gitScan.Flag("branch", "Branch to scan.").String() // gitScanMaxDepth := gitScan.Flag("max_depth", "Maximum depth of commits to scan.").Int() gitScan.Flag("allow", "No-op flag for backwards compat.").Bool() gitScan.Flag("entropy", "No-op flag for backwards compat.").Bool() gitScan.Flag("regex", "No-op flag for backwards compat.").Bool() githubScan := cli.Command("github", "Find credentials in GitHub repositories.") // githubScanTarget := githubScan.Arg("target", "GitHub target. Can be a repository, user or organization.").Required().String() // githubScanToken := githubScan.Flag("token", "GitHub token.").String() gitlabScan := cli.Command("gitlab", "Find credentials in GitLab repositories.") // gitlabScanTarget := gitlabScan.Arg("target", "GitLab target. Can be a repository, user or organization.").Required().String() // gitlabScanToken := gitlabScan.Flag("token", "GitLab token.").String() // bitbucketScan := cli.Command("bitbucket", "Find credentials in Bitbucket repositories.") // bitbucketScanTarget := bitbucketScan.Arg("target", "Bitbucket target. Can be a repository, user or organization.").Required().String() // bitbucketScanToken := bitbucketScan.Flag("token", "Bitbucket token.").String() // filesystemScan := cli.Command("filesystem", "Find credentials in filesystem.") // filesystemScanPath := filesystemScan.Arg("path", "Path to scan.").Required().String() // filesystemScanRecursive := filesystemScan.Flag("recursive", "Scan recursively.").Short('r').Bool() // filesystemScanIncludePaths := filesystemScan.Flag("include_paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.").Short('i').String() // filesystemScanExcludePaths := filesystemScan.Flag("exclude_paths", "Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.").Short('x').String() cmd := kingpin.MustParse(cli.Parse(os.Args[1:])) if *jsonOut { logrus.SetFormatter(&logrus.JSONFormatter{}) } if *debug { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel) } else { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.InfoLevel) } ctx := context.TODO() e := engine.Start(ctx, engine.WithConcurrency(*concurrency), engine.WithDecoders(decoders.DefaultDecoders()...), engine.WithDetectors(*verification, engine.DefaultDetectors()...), ) filter, err := common.FilterFromFiles(*gitScanIncludePaths, *gitScanExcludePaths) if err != nil { logrus.WithError(err) } switch cmd { case gitScan.FullCommand(): repoPath, remote, err := git.PrepareRepo(*gitScanURI) if err != nil || repoPath == "" { logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("error preparing git repo for scanning") } if remote { defer os.RemoveAll(repoPath) } err = e.ScanGit(ctx, repoPath, *gitScanBranch, "HEAD", filter) if err != nil { logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("Failed to scan git.") } case githubScan.FullCommand(): log.Fatal("github not implemented") case gitlabScan.FullCommand(): log.Fatal("gitlab not implemented") } // deal with the results from e.ResultsChan() for r := range e.ResultsChan() { if *jsonOut { // todo - add parity to trufflehog's existing output for git // source out, err := json.Marshal(r) if err != nil { logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("could not marshal result") } fmt.Println(string(out)) } else { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", r) } } }