Verification of an Alchemy secret requires putting the candidate secret directly into a URL. This makes the URL potentially sensitive, and if the request fails, we don't want to save it anywhere that might inadvertently get logged elsewhere - like the resulting error message. (Despite verification failing, this error message is only saved if the failure is indeterminate, which means that the secret might actually be live.)
It turns out that GetCallerIdentity returns a surprising quantity of transient, false-negative 403 responses that carry the SignatureDoesNotMatch error reason. I don't know why this is happening, but their transient nature makes them indeterminate verification failures and they should be flagged as such. The AWS detector has therefore been modified to specifically look for the InvalidClientTokenId error reason in 403 responses and mark all other responses as indeterminate.
In addition to the functional changes this PR contains some updates to the test code that allow us to test them.
This PR makes the Alchemy detector run its known false positive check even if verification is disabled. This isn't the most important detector but it's the template for new ones so getting a good pattern nailed down is important.
Moving the check allowed me to rewrite the determinacy logic to hopefully be more clear.