- [Creating a new Secret Scanner](#creating-a-new-secret-detector)
- [Addendum](#addendum)
- [Managing Test Secrets](#managing-test-secrets)
- [Setting up Google Cloud SDK](#setting-up-google-cloud-sdk)
## Getting Started
### Sourcing Guidelines
We are interested in detectors for services that meet at least one of these criteria
- host data (they store any sort of data provided)
- have paid services (having a free or trial tier is okay though)
If you think that something should be included outside of these guidelines, please let us know.
### Development Guidelines
- When reasonable, favor using the `net/http` library to make requests instead of bringing in another library.
- Use the [`common.SaneHttpClient`](pkg/common/http.go) for the `http.Client` whenever possible.
- We recommend an editor with gopls integration (such as Vscode with Go plugin) for benefits like easily running tests, autocompletion, linting, type checking, etc.
In some instances, services will update their token format, requiring a new regex to properly detect secrets in addition to supporting the previous token format. Accommodating this can be done without adding a net-new detector. [We provide a `Versioner` interface](https://github.com/trufflesecurity/trufflehog/blob/e18cfd5e0af1469a9f05b8d5732bcc94c39da49c/pkg/detectors/detectors.go#L30) that can be implemented.
In TruffleHog parlance, the first type of verification response is called _determinate_ and the second type is called _indeterminate_. Verification code should distinguish between the two by returning an error object in the result struct **only** for indeterminate failures. In general, a verifier should return an error (indicating an indeterminate failure) in all cases that haven't been explicitly identified as determinate failure states.
For example, consider a hypothetical authentication endpoint that returns `200 OK` for valid credentials and `403 Forbidden` for invalid credentials. The verifier for this endpoint could make an HTTP request and use the response status code to decide what to return:
* A `200` response would indicate that verification succeeded. (Or maybe any `2xx` response.)
* A `403` response would indicate that verification failed **determinately** and no error object should be returned.
* Any other response would indicate that verification failed **indeterminately** and an error object should be returned.
Do not embed test credentials in the test code. Instead, use GCP Secrets Manager.
1. Access the latest secret version for modification.
Note: `/tmp/s` is a valid path on Linux. You will need to change that for Windows or OSX, otherwise you will see an error. On Windows you will also need to install [WSL](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install).
1. Install the Google Cloud SDK: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install
2. Authenticate with `gcloud auth login --update-adc` using your Google account
### Adding Protos in Windows
1. Install Ubuntu App in Microsoft Store https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/ubuntu/9nblggh4msv6.
2. Install Docker Desktop https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop. Enable WSL integration to Ubuntu. In Docker app, go to Settings->Resources->WSL INTEGRATION->enable Ubuntu.
3. Open Ubuntu cli and install `dos2unix`.
sudo apt install dos2unix
4. Identify the `trufflehog` local directory and convert `scripts/gen_proto.sh` file in Unix format.
5. Open [/proto/detectors.proto](/proto/detectors.proto) file and add new detectors then save it. Make sure Docker is running and run this in Ubuntu command line.