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Raw Blame History

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% my $user = current_user();
<div class="autorefresh">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-content">
<i class="material-icons small right sync-failed-marker grey-text" style="display: none;">sync_problem</i>
<span class="card-title center-align">
% if ($journey->{train_line}) {
<b><%= $journey->{train_type} %> <%= $journey->{train_line} %></b> <%= $journey->{train_no} %>
% }
% else {
<%= $journey->{train_type} %> <%= $journey->{train_no} %>
% }
% if ($journey->{comment}) {
<p><%= $journey->{comment} %></p>
% }
<div class="center-align countdown"
data-journey="<%= $journey->{real_departure}->epoch %>;<%= <%= $journey->{real_arrival}->epoch %>"
data-route="<%= journey_to_ajax_route($journey) %>"
data-dest="<%= $journey->{arr_name} %>"
% if ($journey->{boarding_countdown} > 120) {
Einfahrt in <%= sprintf('%.f', $journey->{boarding_countdown} / 60) %> Minuten<br/>
% }
% elsif ($journey->{boarding_countdown} > 60) {
Einfahrt in einer Minute<br/>
% }
% elsif ($journey->{boarding_countdown} > 0) {
Zug fährt ein<br/>
% }
% if ($journey->{departure_countdown} > 120) {
Abfahrt in <%= sprintf('%.f', $journey->{departure_countdown} / 60) %> Minuten
% }
% elsif ($journey->{departure_countdown} > 60) {
Abfahrt in einer Minute
% }
% elsif ($journey->{departure_countdown} > 0) {
Abfahrt in weniger als einer Minute
% }
% elsif (defined $journey->{arrival_countdown}) {
% if ($journey->{arrival_countdown} > 60) {
Ankunft in <%= sprintf('%.f', $journey->{arrival_countdown} / 60) %>
Minute<%= sprintf('%.f', $journey->{arrival_countdown} / 60) == 1 ? '' : 'n' %>
% }
% elsif ($journey->{arrival_countdown} > 0) {
Ankunft in weniger als einer Minute
% }
% else {
Ziel erreicht
% }
% if ($journey->{arrival_countdown} < (60 * 15) and $journey->{arr_platform}) {
% if ($journey->{arr_direction} and $journey->{arr_direction} eq 'r') {
<br/>Gleis <%= $journey->{arr_platform} %> ▶
% }
% elsif ($journey->{arr_direction} and $journey->{arr_direction} eq 'l') {
<br/>◀ Gleis <%= $journey->{arr_platform} %>
% }
% else {
<br/>auf Gleis <%= $journey->{arr_platform} %>
% }
% }
% }
% elsif ($journey->{arr_name}) {
Ankunft in mehr als zwei Stunden
% }
% if ($journey->{departure_countdown} > 0 and $journey->{dep_platform}) {
% if ($journey->{dep_direction} and $journey->{dep_direction} eq 'r') {
<br/>Gleis <%= $journey->{dep_platform} %> ▶
% }
% elsif ($journey->{dep_direction} and $journey->{dep_direction} eq 'l') {
<br/>◀ Gleis <%= $journey->{dep_platform} %>
% }
% else {
<br/>von Gleis <%= $journey->{dep_platform} %>
% }
% }
% if (my $wr = $journey->{wagonorder}) {
% my @wagons = $wr->wagons;
% my $direction = $wr->direction == 100 ? '→' : '←';
% if ($journey->{dep_direction}) {
% $direction = $journey->{dep_direction} eq 'l' ? '◀' : '▶';
% if (($journey->{dep_direction} eq 'l' ? 0 : 100) != $wr->direction) {
% @wagons = reverse @wagons;
% }
% }
<a href="<%= $journey->{train_type} %>%20<%= $journey->{train_no} %>/<%= DateTime->now(time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin')->iso8601 %>?station=<%= $journey->{dep_eva} %>">
%= $direction
% for my $wagon (@wagons) {
% if (not ($wagon->is_locomotive or $wagon->is_powercar)) {
%= $wagon->number || $wagon->type
% }
% }
%= $direction
% }
<div class="progress" style="height: 1ex;">
<div class="determinate" style="width: <%= sprintf('%.2f', 100 * ($journey->{journey_completion} // 0)); %>%;"></div>
% if ($journey->{arr_name}) {
<div style="float: left;">
<b><%= $journey->{dep_name} %></b><br/>
<b><%= $journey->{real_departure}->strftime('%H:%M') %></b>
% if ($journey->{real_departure}->epoch != $journey->{sched_departure}->epoch) {
(<%= sprintf('%+d', ($journey->{real_departure}->epoch - $journey->{sched_departure}->epoch)/60) %>)
% }
<div style="float: right; text-align: right;">
% if ($user->{sb_template}) {
<b><a href="<%= resolve_sb_template($user->{sb_template}, name => $journey->{arr_name}, eva => $journey->{arr_eva}, tt => $journey->{train_type} // q{x}, tn => $journey->{train_no}, id => $journey->{train_id}) %>" class="unmarked"><%= $journey->{arr_name} %></a></b><br/>
% }
% else {
<b><%= $journey->{arr_name} %></b><br/>
% }
% if ($journey->{real_arrival}->epoch) {
<b><%= $journey->{real_arrival}->strftime('%H:%M') %></b>
% if ($journey->{real_arrival}->epoch != $journey->{sched_arrival}->epoch) {
(<%= sprintf('%+d', ($journey->{real_arrival}->epoch - $journey->{sched_arrival}->epoch)/60) %>)
% }
% }
% else {
noch nicht bekannt
% }
<div class="center-align hide-on-small-only next-stop">
% for my $station (@{$journey->{route_after}}) {
% if ($station->[0] eq $journey->{arr_name}) {
% last;
% }
% if (($station->[2]{rt_arr_countdown} // 0) > 0 and $station->[2]{rt_arr}) {
<%= $station->[0] %><br/><%= $station->[2]{rt_arr}->strftime('%H:%M') %>
% if ($station->[2]{sched_arr} and $station->[2]{sched_arr}->epoch != $station->[2]{rt_arr}->epoch) {
%= sprintf('(%+d)', ($station->[2]{rt_arr}->epoch - $station->[2]{sched_arr}->epoch ) / 60);
% }
% last;
% }
% if (($station->[2]{rt_dep_countdown} // 0) > 0 and $station->[2]{rt_arr} and $station->[2]{rt_dep}) {
<%= $station->[0] %><br/>
<%= $station->[2]{rt_arr}->strftime('%H:%M') %> →
<%= $station->[2]{rt_dep}->strftime('%H:%M') %>
% if ($station->[2]{sched_dep} and $station->[2]{sched_dep}->epoch != $station->[2]{rt_dep}->epoch) {
%= sprintf('(%+d)', ($station->[2]{rt_dep}->epoch - $station->[2]{sched_dep}->epoch ) / 60);
% }
% last;
% }
% }
<div style="clear: both;">
<div class="hide-on-med-and-up next-stop" style="margin-top: 2ex;">
% for my $station (@{$journey->{route_after}}) {
% if ($station->[0] eq $journey->{arr_name}) {
% last;
% }
% if (($station->[2]{rt_arr_countdown} // 0) > 0 and $station->[2]{rt_arr}) {
<%= $station->[0] %><br/><%= $station->[2]{rt_arr}->strftime('%H:%M') %>
% if ($station->[2]{sched_arr} and $station->[2]{sched_arr}->epoch != $station->[2]{rt_arr}->epoch) {
%= sprintf('(%+d)', ($station->[2]{rt_arr}->epoch - $station->[2]{sched_arr}->epoch ) / 60);
% }
% last;
% }
% if (($station->[2]{rt_dep_countdown} // 0) > 0 and $station->[2]{rt_arr} and $station->[2]{rt_dep}) {
<%= $station->[0] %><br/>
<%= $station->[2]{rt_arr}->strftime('%H:%M') %> →
<%= $station->[2]{rt_dep}->strftime('%H:%M') %>
% if ($station->[2]{sched_dep} and $station->[2]{sched_dep}->epoch != $station->[2]{rt_dep}->epoch) {
%= sprintf('(%+d)', ($station->[2]{rt_dep}->epoch - $station->[2]{sched_dep}->epoch ) / 60);
% }
% last;
% }
% }
% }
% if ($journey->{extra_data}{cancelled_destination}) {
<p style="margin-bottom: 2ex;">
Der Halt an der Zielstation <b><%=
$journey->{extra_data}{cancelled_destination} %></b> entfällt.
Die zugehörige Fahrt wurde bereits als ausgefallen eingetragen.
Bitte wähle ein neues Reiseziel.
% }
% if (@{$journey->{messages} // []} or @{$journey->{extra_data}{qos_msg} // []}) {
<p style="margin-bottom: 2ex;">
% for my $message (reverse @{$journey->{messages} // []}) {
% if ($journey->{sched_departure}->epoch - $message->[0]->epoch < 1800) {
<li> <i class="material-icons tiny">warning</i> <%= $message->[0]->strftime('%H:%M') %>: <%= $message->[1] %></li>
% }
% }
% if ($journey->{departure_countdown} > 0) {
% for my $message (@{$journey->{extra_data}{qos_msg} // []}) {
<li> <i class="material-icons tiny">info</i> <%= $message->[0]->strftime('%H:%M') %>: <%= $message->[1] %></li>
% }
% }
% }
% if (my @connections = @{stash('connections') // []}) {
<span class="card-title" style="margin-top: 2ex;">Verbindungen</span>
% if ($journey->{arrival_countdown} < 0) {
<p>Zug auswählen zum Einchecken mit Zielwahl.</p>
% }
%= include '_connections', connections => \@connections, checkin_from => $journey->{arrival_countdown} < 0 ? $journey->{arr_ds100} : undef;
% }
% if (my @transit_fyi = @{stash('transit_fyi') // []}) {
<span class="card-title" style="margin-top: 2ex;">Nahverkehr</span>
% if ($journey->{arrival_countdown} < 0) {
<p>Nur zur Information kein Checkin möglich.</p>
% }
%= include '_transit_fyi', transit_fyi => \@transit_fyi;
% }
% if (defined $journey->{arrival_countdown} and $journey->{arrival_countdown} <= 0) {
<p style="margin-top: 2ex;">
Der automatische Checkout erfolgt wegen gelegentlich veralteter
IRIS-Daten erst etwa zehn Minuten nach der Ankunft.
% }
% elsif (not $journey->{arr_name}) {
<p>Ziel wählen:</p>
% for my $station (@{$journey->{route_after}}) {
<a class="tablerow action-checkout" data-station="<%= $station->[0] %>">
<span><%= $station->[0] %></span>
% if ($station->[2]{load}{SECOND}) {
% my ($first, $second) = load_icon($station->[2]{load});
<i class="material-icons tiny" aria-hidden="true"><%= $first %></i> <i class="material-icons tiny" aria-hidden="true"><%= $second %></i>
% }
% if ($station->[2]{isCancelled}) {
% }
% elsif ($station->[2]{rt_arr} or $station->[2]{sched_arr}) {
%= ($station->[2]{rt_arr} || $station->[2]{sched_arr})->strftime('%H:%M')
% }
% elsif ($station->[2]{rt_dep} or $station->[2]{sched_dep}) {
(<%= ($station->[2]{rt_dep} || $station->[2]{sched_dep})->strftime('%H:%M') %>)
% }
% elsif ($station->[2]{isAdditional}) {
% }
% }
% }
<div class="card-action">
% if ($journey->{arr_name}) {
<a href="/journey/comment">
<i class="material-icons">comment</i>
<a style="margin-right: 0;" href="/journey/visibility">
<i class="material-icons"><%= visibility_icon($journey_visibility) %></i>
% }
% else {
<a class="action-undo blue-text" data-id="in_transit" data-checkints="<%= $journey->{timestamp}->epoch %>" style="margin-right: 0;">
<i class="material-icons left" aria-hidden="true">undo</i> Rückgängig
% }
% if (defined $journey->{arrival_countdown} and $journey->{arrival_countdown} <= 0) {
class="action-checkout right"
style="margin-right: 0;"
data-station="<%= $journey->{arr_name}%>">
<i class="material-icons left">done</i>
% }
% elsif ($journey->{arr_name}) {
% my $attrib = 'in';
% if ($journey->{train_type} =~ m{ ^ (?: S | RB ) $ }x) {
% $attrib = 'in der';
% }
<a class="action-share blue-text right"
style="margin-right: 0;"
% my $arr_text = q{};
% if ($journey->{real_arrival}->epoch and $journey_visibility eq 'private') {
% $arr_text = $journey->{real_arrival}->strftime(' Ankunft gegen %H:%M Uhr');
% }
% if ($user->{comments_visible} and $journey->{comment}) {
data-text="<%= $journey->{comment} %> (@ <%= $journey->{train_type} %> <%= $journey->{train_no} %> → <%= $journey->{arr_name} %>) #travelynx"
% }
% else {
data-text="Ich bin gerade <%= $attrib %> <%= $journey->{train_type} %> <%= $journey->{train_no} %> nach <%= $journey->{arr_name} . $arr_text %> #travelynx"
% }
% if ($journey_visibility eq 'public') {
data-url="<%= url_for('/status')->to_abs->scheme('https') %>/<%= $user->{name} %>/<%= $journey->{sched_departure}->epoch %>"
% }
% elsif ($journey_visibility eq 'travelynx' or $journey_visibility eq 'followers' or $journey_visibility eq 'unlisted') {
data-url="<%= url_for('/status')->to_abs->scheme('https') %>/<%= $user->{name} %>/<%= $journey->{sched_departure}->epoch %>?token=<%= $journey->{dep_eva} %>-<%= $journey->{timestamp}->epoch % 337 %>"
% }
<i class="material-icons left" aria-hidden="true">share</i> Teilen
% }
% else {
<a class="right" href="/journey/visibility">
<i class="material-icons left"><%= visibility_icon($journey_visibility) %></i> Sichtbarkeit
% }
% if ($journey->{arr_name}) {
<div class="card" style="margin-top: 3em;">
<div class="card-content">
<span class="card-title">Details</span>
% if (@{$journey->{extra_data}{him_msg} // []}) {
<p style="margin-bottom: 2ex;">
% for my $message (@{$journey->{extra_data}{him_msg} // []}) {
<li> <i class="material-icons tiny">info</i> <%= $message->{header} %> <%= $message->{lead} %></li>
% }
% }
% if ($journey->{traewelling}{errored} and $journey->{traewelling_log_latest}) {
<p style="margin-bottom: 2ex;">
<li> <i class="material-icons tiny">warning</i> Träwelling: <%= $journey->{traewelling_log_latest} %></li>
% }
% if ($journey->{traewelling_url}) {
<p style="margin-bottom: 2ex;">
<li> <i class="material-icons tiny">sync</i> Träwelling: <a href="<%= $journey->{traewelling_url} %>"><%= $journey->{traewelling_log_latest} %></a></li>
% }
<div class="card-action">
% my $url = '' . $journey->{train_type} . ' ' . $journey->{train_no} . '/' . DateTime->now(time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin')->epoch . '000';
<a style="margin-right: 0;" href="<%= $url %>" aria-label="Zuglauf"><i class="material-icons left">timeline</i> Zuglauf</a>
% if ($journey->{extra_data}{trip_id}) {
<a class="right" style="margin-right: 0;" href="<%= $journey->{extra_data}{trip_id} %>/<%= $journey->{train_line} || 0 %>?from=<%= $journey->{dep_name} %>&amp;to=<%= $journey->{arr_name} %>&amp;dark=<%= (session('theme') and session('theme') eq 'dark') ? 1 : 0 %>"><i class="material-icons left" aria-hidden="true">map</i> Karte</a>
% }
<div class="card" style="margin-top: 3em;">
<div class="card-content">
<i class="material-icons small right sync-failed-marker grey-text" style="display: none;">sync_problem</i>
<span class="card-title">Ziel ändern?</span>
% if ($user->{sb_template}) {
<div class="targetlist">
% }
% else {
% }
% for my $station (@{$journey->{route_after}}) {
% my $is_dest = ($journey->{arr_name} and $station->[0] eq $journey->{arr_name});
<a class="action-checkout tablerow" style="<%= $is_dest? 'font-weight: bold;' : '' %>" data-station="<%= $station->[0] %>">
<span><%= $station->[0] %></span>
% if ($station->[2]{load}{SECOND}) {
% my ($first, $second) = load_icon($station->[2]{load});
<i class="material-icons tiny" aria-hidden="true"><%= $first %></i> <i class="material-icons tiny" aria-hidden="true"><%= $second %></i>
% }
% if ($station->[2]{isCancelled}) {
% }
% elsif ($station->[2]{rt_arr} or $station->[2]{sched_arr}) {
%= ($station->[2]{rt_arr} || $station->[2]{sched_arr})->strftime('%H:%M')
% }
% elsif ($station->[2]{rt_dep} or $station->[2]{sched_dep}) {
(<%= ($station->[2]{rt_dep} || $station->[2]{sched_dep})->strftime('%H:%M') %>)
% }
% elsif ($station->[2]{isAdditional}) {
% }
% if ($user->{sb_template}) {
<a class="nonflex" href="<%= resolve_sb_template($user->{sb_template}, name => $station->[0], eva => $station->[1], tt => $journey->{train_type} // q{x}, tn => $journey->{train_no}, id => $journey->{train_id}) %>"><i class="material-icons tiny">train</i></a>
% }
% }
% if ($user->{sb_template}) {
% }
% else {
% }
Falls das Backend ausgefallen ist oder der Zug aus anderen
Gründen verloren ging: <a class="action-checkout"
data-force="1" data-station="<%= $journey->{arr_name}
%>">Ohne Echtzeitdaten in <%= $journey->{arr_name} %>
<div class="card-action">
<a class="action-undo blue-text" data-id="in_transit" data-checkints="<%= $journey->{timestamp}->epoch %>" style="margin-right: 0;">
<i class="material-icons left" aria-hidden="true">undo</i> Checkin Rückgängig
% }