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synced 2025-03-05 07:37:18 +00:00
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212 lines
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package Travelynx::Helper::HAFAS;
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Birte Kristina Friesel
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.020;
use DateTime;
use Encode qw(decode);
use JSON;
use Mojo::Promise;
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS;
sub _epoch {
my ($dt) = @_;
return $dt ? $dt->epoch : 0;
sub new {
my ( $class, %opt ) = @_;
my $version = $opt{version};
= { 'User-Agent' =>
"travelynx/${version} on $opt{root_url} +https://finalrewind.org/projects/travelynx"
return bless( \%opt, $class );
sub get_json_p {
my ( $self, $url, %opt ) = @_;
my $cache = $self->{main_cache};
my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
if ( $opt{realtime} ) {
$cache = $self->{realtime_cache};
$opt{encoding} //= 'ISO-8859-15';
if ( my $content = $cache->thaw($url) ) {
return $promise->resolve($content);
$self->{user_agent}->request_timeout(5)->get_p( $url => $self->{header} )
sub {
my ($tx) = @_;
if ( my $err = $tx->error ) {
"hafas->get_json_p($url) returned HTTP $err->{code} $err->{message}"
my $body = decode( $opt{encoding}, $tx->res->body );
$body =~ s{^TSLs[.]sls = }{};
$body =~ s{;$}{};
$body =~ s{(}{(}g;
$body =~ s{)}{)}g;
my $json = JSON->new->decode($body);
$cache->freeze( $url, $json );
sub {
my ($err) = @_;
$self->{log}->info("hafas->get_json_p($url): $err");
$promise->reject("hafas->get_json_p($url): $err");
return $promise;
sub get_departures_p {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $when = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' )
->subtract( minutes => $opt{lookbehind} );
return Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new_p(
station => $opt{eva},
datetime => $when,
duration => $opt{lookahead},
results => 300,
cache => $self->{realtime_cache},
promise => 'Mojo::Promise',
user_agent => $self->{user_agent}->request_timeout(5),
sub get_route_timestamps_p {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
journey => {
id => $opt{trip_id},
# name => $opt{train_no},
with_polyline => $opt{with_polyline},
cache => $self->{realtime_cache},
promise => 'Mojo::Promise',
user_agent => $self->{user_agent}->request_timeout(10),
sub {
my ($hafas) = @_;
my $journey = $hafas->result;
my $ret = {};
my $polyline;
my $station_is_past = 1;
for my $stop ( $journey->route ) {
my $name = $stop->{name};
$ret->{$name} = $ret->{ $stop->{eva} } = {
name => $stop->{name},
eva => $stop->{eva},
sched_arr => _epoch( $stop->{sched_arr} ),
sched_dep => _epoch( $stop->{sched_dep} ),
rt_arr => _epoch( $stop->{rt_arr} ),
rt_dep => _epoch( $stop->{rt_dep} ),
arr_delay => $stop->{arr_delay},
dep_delay => $stop->{dep_delay},
eva => $stop->{eva},
load => $stop->{load}
if ( ( $stop->{arr_cancelled} or not $stop->{sched_arr} )
and ( $stop->{dep_cancelled} or not $stop->{sched_dep} ) )
$ret->{$name}{isCancelled} = 1;
if (
and not $ret->{$name}{isCancelled}
and $now->epoch < (
$ret->{$name}{rt_arr} // $ret->{$name}{rt_dep}
// $ret->{$name}{sched_arr}
// $ret->{$name}{sched_dep} // $now->epoch
$station_is_past = 0;
$ret->{$name}{isPast} = $station_is_past;
if ( $journey->polyline ) {
my @station_list;
my @coordinate_list;
for my $coord ( $journey->polyline ) {
if ( $coord->{name} ) {
push( @coordinate_list,
[ $coord->{lon}, $coord->{lat}, $coord->{eva} ] );
push( @station_list, $coord->{name} );
else {
push( @coordinate_list,
[ $coord->{lon}, $coord->{lat} ] );
my $iris_stations = join( '|', $opt{train}->route );
# borders (Gr" as in "Grenze") are only returned by HAFAS.
# They are not stations.
my $hafas_stations
= join( '|', grep { $_ !~ m{(\(Gr\)|\)Gr)$} } @station_list );
if ( $iris_stations eq $hafas_stations
or index( $hafas_stations, $iris_stations ) != -1 )
$polyline = {
from_eva => ( $journey->route )[0]{eva},
to_eva => ( $journey->route )[-1]{eva},
coords => \@coordinate_list,
else {
$self->{log}->debug( 'Ignoring polyline for '
. $opt{train}->line
. ": IRIS route does not agree with HAFAS route: $iris_stations != $hafas_stations"
$promise->resolve( $ret, $journey, $polyline );
sub {
my ($err) = @_;
return $promise;