Birte Kristina Friesel 40bec7774b
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2023-07-16 10:30:23 +02:00

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package Travelynx::Controller::Traveling;
# Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Birte Kristina Friesel
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
use List::Util qw(uniq min max);
use List::UtilsBy qw(max_by uniq_by);
use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index);
use Mojo::Promise;
use Text::CSV;
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations;
# Internal Helpers
sub has_str_in_list {
my ( $str, @strs ) = @_;
if ( List::Util::any { $str eq $_ } @strs ) {
return 1;
sub get_connecting_trains_p {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $uid = $opt{uid} //= $self->current_user->{id};
my ( $use_history, $lt_stops ) = $self->users->use_history(
uid => $uid,
with_local_transit => 1
my ( $eva, $exclude_via, $exclude_train_id, $exclude_before );
my $now = $self->now->epoch;
my ( $stationinfo, $arr_epoch, $arr_platform, $arr_countdown );
my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
if ( $opt{eva} ) {
if ( $use_history & 0x01 ) {
$eva = $opt{eva};
elsif ( $opt{destination_name} ) {
$eva = $opt{eva};
else {
if ( $use_history & 0x02 ) {
my $status = $self->get_user_status;
$eva = $status->{arr_eva};
$exclude_via = $status->{dep_name};
$exclude_train_id = $status->{train_id};
$arr_platform = $status->{arr_platform};
$stationinfo = $status->{extra_data}{stationinfo_arr};
if ( $status->{real_arrival} ) {
$exclude_before = $arr_epoch = $status->{real_arrival}->epoch;
$arr_countdown = $status->{arrival_countdown};
$exclude_before //= $now - 300;
if ( not $eva ) {
return $promise->reject;
my @destinations = $self->journeys->get_connection_targets(%opt);
if ($exclude_via) {
@destinations = grep { $_ ne $exclude_via } @destinations;
if ( not( @destinations or $use_history & 0x04 and @{$lt_stops} ) ) {
return $promise->reject;
my $can_check_in = not $arr_epoch || ( $arr_countdown // 1 ) < 0;
my $lookahead
= $can_check_in ? 40 : ( ( ${arr_countdown} // 0 ) / 60 + 40 );
my $iris_promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
if (@destinations) {
station => $eva,
lookbehind => 10,
lookahead => $lookahead,
with_related => 1
sub {
my ($stationboard) = @_;
if ( $stationboard->{errstr} ) {
$iris_promise->reject( $stationboard->{errstr} );
@{ $stationboard->{results} } = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
map { [ $_, $_->departure ? $_->departure->epoch : 0 ] }
@{ $stationboard->{results} };
my @results;
my @cancellations;
my $excluded_train;
my %via_count = map { $_ => 0 } @destinations;
for my $train ( @{ $stationboard->{results} } ) {
if ( not $train->departure ) {
if ( $exclude_before
and $train->departure
and $train->departure->epoch < $exclude_before )
if ( $exclude_train_id
and $train->train_id eq $exclude_train_id )
$excluded_train = $train;
# In general, this function is meant to return feasible
# connections. However, cancelled connections may also be of
# interest and are also useful for logging cancellations.
# To satisfy both demands with (hopefully) little confusion and
# UI clutter, this function returns two concatenated arrays:
# actual connections (ordered by actual departure time) followed
# by cancelled connections (ordered by scheduled departure time).
# This is easiest to achieve in two separate loops.
# Note that a cancelled train may still have a matching destination
# in its route_post, e.g. if it leaves out $eva due to
# unscheduled route changes but continues on schedule afterwards
# -- so it is only cancelled at $eva, not on the remainder of
# the route. Also note that this specific case is not yet handled
# properly by the cancellation logic etc.
if ( $train->departure_is_cancelled ) {
my @via = (
$train->sched_route_post, $train->sched_route_end
for my $dest (@destinations) {
if ( has_str_in_list( $dest, @via ) ) {
push( @cancellations, [ $train, $dest ] );
else {
my @via = ( $train->route_post, $train->route_end );
for my $dest (@destinations) {
if ( $via_count{$dest} < 2
and has_str_in_list( $dest, @via ) )
push( @results, [ $train, $dest ] );
# Show all past and up to two future departures per destination
if ( not $train->departure
or $train->departure->epoch >= $now )
@results = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
map {
// $_->[0]->sched_departure->epoch
} @results;
@cancellations = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
map { [ $_, $_->[0]->sched_departure->epoch ] }
# remove trains whose route matches the excluded one's
if ($excluded_train) {
my $route_pre
= join( '|', reverse $excluded_train->route_pre );
= grep { join( '|', $_->[0]->route_post ) ne $route_pre }
my $route_post = join( '|', $excluded_train->route_post );
= grep { join( '|', $_->[0]->route_post ) ne $route_post }
# add message IDs and 'transfer short' hints
for my $result (@results) {
my $train = $result->[0];
my @message_ids
= List::Util::uniq map { $_->[1] } $train->raw_messages;
$train->{message_id} = { map { $_ => 1 } @message_ids };
my $interchange_duration;
if ( exists $stationinfo->{i} ) {
if ( defined $arr_platform
and defined $train->platform )
= $stationinfo->{i}{$arr_platform}
{ $train->platform };
$interchange_duration //= $stationinfo->{i}{"*"};
if ( defined $interchange_duration ) {
my $interchange_time
= ( $train->departure->epoch - $arr_epoch ) / 60;
if ( $interchange_time < $interchange_duration ) {
$train->{interchange_text} = 'Anschluss knapp';
$train->{interchange_icon} = 'directions_run';
elsif ( $interchange_time == $interchange_duration ) {
= 'Anschluss könnte knapp werden';
$train->{interchange_icon} = 'directions_run';
$iris_promise->resolve( [ @results, @cancellations ] );
sub {
else {
$iris_promise->resolve( [] );
my $hafas_promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
eva => $eva,
lookbehind => 10,
lookahead => $lookahead
sub {
my ($status) = @_;
$hafas_promise->resolve( [ $status->results ] );
sub {
# HAFAS data is optional.
# Errors are logged by get_json_p and can be silently ignored here.
$hafas_promise->resolve( [] );
Mojo::Promise->all( $iris_promise, $hafas_promise )->then(
sub {
my ( $iris, $hafas ) = @_;
my @iris_trains = @{ $iris->[0] };
my @hafas_trains = @{ $hafas->[0] };
my @transit_fyi;
# We've already got a list of connecting trains; this function
# only adds further information to them. We ignore errors, as
# partial data is better than no data.
eval {
for my $iris_train (@iris_trains) {
if ( $iris_train->[0]->departure_is_cancelled ) {
for my $hafas_train (@hafas_trains) {
if ( $hafas_train->number
and $hafas_train->number
== $iris_train->[0]->train_no )
if ( $hafas_train->load
and $hafas_train->load->{SECOND} )
$iris_train->[3] = $hafas_train->load;
for my $stop ( $hafas_train->route ) {
if ( $stop->{name}
and $stop->{name} eq $iris_train->[1]
and $stop->{arr} )
$iris_train->[2] = $stop->{arr};
if ( $iris_train->[0]->departure_delay
and not $stop->{arr_delay} )
->add( minutes => $iris_train->[0]
->departure_delay );
if ( $use_history & 0x04 and @{$lt_stops} ) {
my %via_count = map { $_ => 0 } @{$lt_stops};
for my $hafas_train (@hafas_trains) {
for my $stop ( $hafas_train->route ) {
for my $dest ( @{$lt_stops} ) {
if ( $stop->{name}
and $stop->{name} eq $dest
and $via_count{$dest} < 2
and $hafas_train->datetime )
my $departure = $hafas_train->datetime;
my $arrival = $stop->{arr};
my $delay = $hafas_train->delay;
if ( $delay
and $stop->{arr} == $stop->{sched_arr} )
$arrival->add( minutes => $delay );
if ( $departure->epoch >= $exclude_before )
line => $hafas_train->line,
departure => $departure,
departure_delay => $delay
$dest, $arrival
if ($@) {
"get_connecting_trains_p($uid): IRIS/HAFAS merge failed: $@"
$promise->resolve( \@iris_trains, \@transit_fyi );
sub {
my ($err) = @_;
# TODO logging. HAFAS errors should never happen, IRIS errors are noteworthy too.
return $promise;
sub compute_effective_visibility {
my ( $self, $default_visibility, $journey_visibility ) = @_;
if ( $journey_visibility eq 'default' ) {
return $default_visibility;
return $journey_visibility;
# Controllers
sub homepage {
my ($self) = @_;
if ( $self->is_user_authenticated ) {
my $uid = $self->current_user->{id};
my $status = $self->get_user_status;
my @timeline = $self->in_transit->get_timeline(
uid => $uid,
short => 1
$self->stash( timeline => [@timeline] );
my @recent_targets;
if ( $status->{checked_in} ) {
my $journey_visibility
= $self->compute_effective_visibility(
$status->{visibility_str} );
if ( defined $status->{arrival_countdown}
and $status->{arrival_countdown} < ( 40 * 60 ) )
sub {
my ( $connecting_trains, $transit_fyi ) = @_;
user_status => $status,
journey_visibility => $journey_visibility,
connections => $connecting_trains,
transit_fyi => $transit_fyi,
$self->users->mark_seen( uid => $uid );
sub {
user_status => $status,
journey_visibility => $journey_visibility,
$self->users->mark_seen( uid => $uid );
else {
user_status => $status,
journey_visibility => $journey_visibility,
$self->users->mark_seen( uid => $uid );
else {
@recent_targets = uniq_by { $_->{eva} }
$self->journeys->get_latest_checkout_stations( uid => $uid );
user_status => $status,
recent_targets => \@recent_targets,
with_autocomplete => 1,
with_geolocation => 1
$self->users->mark_seen( uid => $uid );
else {
$self->render( 'landingpage', intro => 1 );
sub status_card {
my ($self) = @_;
my $status = $self->get_user_status;
delete $self->stash->{layout};
my @timeline = $self->in_transit->get_timeline(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
short => 1
$self->stash( timeline => [@timeline] );
if ( $status->{checked_in} ) {
my $journey_visibility
= $self->compute_effective_visibility(
$status->{visibility_str} );
if ( defined $status->{arrival_countdown}
and $status->{arrival_countdown} < ( 40 * 60 ) )
sub {
my ( $connecting_trains, $transit_fyi ) = @_;
journey => $status,
journey_visibility => $journey_visibility,
connections => $connecting_trains,
transit_fyi => $transit_fyi
sub {
journey => $status,
journey_visibility => $journey_visibility,
journey => $status,
journey_visibility => $journey_visibility,
elsif ( $status->{cancellation} ) {
eva => $status->{cancellation}{dep_eva},
destination_name => $status->{cancellation}{arr_name}
sub {
my ($connecting_trains) = @_;
journey => $status->{cancellation},
connections => $connecting_trains
sub {
$self->render( '_cancelled_departure',
journey => $status->{cancellation} );
else {
my @connecting_trains;
my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
if ( $now->epoch - $status->{timestamp}->epoch < ( 30 * 60 ) ) {
sub {
my ($connecting_trains) = @_;
journey => $status,
connections => $connecting_trains
sub {
$self->render( '_checked_out', journey => $status );
$self->render( '_checked_out', journey => $status );
sub geolocation {
my ($self) = @_;
my $lon = $self->param('lon');
my $lat = $self->param('lat');
if ( not $lon or not $lat ) {
$self->render( json => { error => 'Invalid lon/lat received' } );
else {
my @candidates = map {
ds100 => $_->[0][0],
name => $_->[0][1],
eva => $_->[0][2],
lon => $_->[0][3],
lat => $_->[0][4],
distance => $_->[1],
} Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station_by_location( $lon,
$lat, 10 );
@candidates = uniq_by { $_->{name} } @candidates;
if ( @candidates > 5 ) {
json => {
candidates => [ @candidates[ 0 .. 4 ] ],
else {
json => {
candidates => [@candidates],
sub travel_action {
my ($self) = @_;
my $params = $self->req->json;
if ( not exists $params->{action} ) {
$params = $self->req->params->to_hash;
if ( not $self->is_user_authenticated ) {
# We deliberately do not set the HTTP status for these replies, as it
# confuses jquery.
json => {
success => 0,
error => 'Session error, please login again',
if ( not $params->{action} ) {
json => {
success => 0,
error => 'Missing action value',
my $station = $params->{station};
if ( $params->{action} eq 'checkin' ) {
station => $params->{station},
train_id => $params->{train}
sub {
my $destination = $params->{dest};
if ( not $destination ) {
json => {
success => 1,
redirect_to => '/',
# Silently ignore errors -- if they are permanent, the user will see
# them when selecting the destination manually.
my ( $still_checked_in, undef ) = $self->checkout(
station => $destination,
force => 0
my $station_link = '/s/' . $destination;
json => {
success => 1,
redirect_to => $still_checked_in ? '/' : $station_link,
sub {
my ($error) = @_;
json => {
success => 0,
error => $error,
elsif ( $params->{action} eq 'checkout' ) {
my ( $still_checked_in, $error ) = $self->checkout(
station => $params->{station},
force => $params->{force}
my $station_link = '/s/' . $params->{station};
if ($error) {
json => {
success => 0,
error => $error,
else {
json => {
success => 1,
redirect_to => $still_checked_in ? '/' : $station_link,
elsif ( $params->{action} eq 'undo' ) {
my $status = $self->get_user_status;
my $error = $self->undo( $params->{undo_id} );
if ($error) {
json => {
success => 0,
error => $error,
else {
my $redir = '/';
if ( $status->{checked_in} or $status->{cancelled} ) {
$redir = '/s/' . $status->{dep_ds100};
json => {
success => 1,
redirect_to => $redir,
elsif ( $params->{action} eq 'cancelled_from' ) {
station => $params->{station},
train_id => $params->{train}
sub {
json => {
success => 1,
redirect_to => '/',
sub {
my ($error) = @_;
json => {
success => 0,
error => $error,
elsif ( $params->{action} eq 'cancelled_to' ) {
my ( undef, $error ) = $self->checkout(
station => $params->{station},
force => 1
if ($error) {
json => {
success => 0,
error => $error,
else {
json => {
success => 1,
redirect_to => '/',
elsif ( $params->{action} eq 'delete' ) {
my $error = $self->journeys->delete(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
id => $params->{id},
checkin => $params->{checkin},
checkout => $params->{checkout}
if ($error) {
json => {
success => 0,
error => $error,
else {
json => {
success => 1,
redirect_to => '/history',
else {
json => {
success => 0,
error => 'invalid action value',
sub station {
my ($self) = @_;
my $station = $self->stash('station');
my $train = $self->param('train');
my $use_hafas = $self->param('hafas');
my $promise;
if ($use_hafas) {
$promise = $self->hafas->get_departures_p(
eva => $station,
lookbehind => 120,
lookahead => 30,
else {
$promise = $self->iris->get_departures_p(
station => $station,
lookbehind => 120,
lookahead => 30,
with_related => 1,
sub {
my ($status) = @_;
my @results;
if ($use_hafas) {
my $now = $self->now->epoch;
@results = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
map { [ $_, $_->datetime->epoch ] }
grep {
( $_->datetime // $_->sched_datetime )->epoch
< $now + 30 * 60
} $status->results;
$status = {
station_eva => $status->station->{eva},
station_name => (
List::Util::reduce { length($a) < length($b) ? $a : $b }
@{ $status->station->{names} }
related_stations => [],
else {
# You can't check into a train which terminates here
@results = grep { $_->departure } @{ $status->{results} };
@results = map { $_->[0] }
sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
map {
[ $_, $_->departure->epoch // $_->sched_departure->epoch ]
} @results;
my $user_status = $self->get_user_status;
my $can_check_out = 0;
if ( $user_status->{checked_in} ) {
for my $stop ( @{ $user_status->{route_after} } ) {
if (
$stop->[1] eq $status->{station_eva}
or List::Util::any { $stop->[1] eq $_->{uic} }
@{ $status->{related_stations} }
$can_check_out = 1;
my $connections_p;
if ($train) {
= grep { $_->type . ' ' . $_->train_no eq $train } @results;
else {
if ( $user_status->{cancellation}
and $status->{station_eva} eq
$user_status->{cancellation}{dep_eva} )
$connections_p = $self->get_connecting_trains_p(
eva => $user_status->{cancellation}{dep_eva},
destination_name =>
else {
$connections_p = $self->get_connecting_trains_p(
eva => $status->{station_eva} );
if ($connections_p) {
sub {
my ($connecting_trains) = @_;
eva => $status->{station_eva},
results => \@results,
hafas => $use_hafas,
station => $status->{station_name},
related_stations => $status->{related_stations},
user_status => $user_status,
can_check_out => $can_check_out,
connections => $connecting_trains,
title => "travelynx: $status->{station_name}",
sub {
eva => $status->{station_eva},
results => \@results,
hafas => $use_hafas,
station => $status->{station_name},
related_stations => $status->{related_stations},
user_status => $user_status,
can_check_out => $can_check_out,
title => "travelynx: $status->{station_name}",
else {
eva => $status->{station_eva},
results => \@results,
hafas => $use_hafas,
station => $status->{station_name},
related_stations => $status->{related_stations},
user_status => $user_status,
can_check_out => $can_check_out,
title => "travelynx: $status->{station_name}",
sub {
my ( $err, $status ) = @_;
if ($status) {
with_autocomplete => 1,
with_geolocation => 1,
error => $status->{errstr},
status => 400,
else {
exception => $err,
status => 500
$self->users->mark_seen( uid => $uid );
sub redirect_to_station {
my ($self) = @_;
my $station = $self->param('station');
sub cancelled {
my ($self) = @_;
my @journeys = $self->journeys->get(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
cancelled => 1,
with_datetime => 1
json => { json => [@journeys] },
any => {
template => 'cancelled',
journeys => [@journeys]
sub history {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->render( template => 'history' );
sub commute {
my ($self) = @_;
my $year = $self->param('year');
my $filter_type = $self->param('filter_type') || 'exact';
my $station = $self->param('station');
# DateTime is very slow when looking far into the future due to DST changes
# -> Limit time range to avoid accidental DoS.
if (
not( $year
and $year =~ m{ ^ [0-9]{4} $ }x
and $year > 1990
and $year < 2100 )
$year = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' )->year - 1;
my $interval_start = DateTime->new(
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
year => $year,
month => 1,
day => 1,
hour => 0,
minute => 0,
second => 0,
my $interval_end = $interval_start->clone->add( years => 1 );
my @journeys = $self->journeys->get(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
after => $interval_start,
before => $interval_end,
with_datetime => 1,
if ( not $station ) {
my %candidate_count;
for my $journey (@journeys) {
my $dep = $journey->{rt_departure};
my $arr = $journey->{rt_arrival};
if ( $arr->dow <= 5 and $arr->hour <= 12 ) {
$candidate_count{ $journey->{to_name} }++;
elsif ( $dep->dow <= 5 and $dep->hour > 12 ) {
$candidate_count{ $journey->{from_name} }++;
else {
# Avoid selecting an intermediate station for multi-leg commutes.
# Assumption: The intermediate station is also used for private
# travels -> penalize stations which are used on weekends or at
# unexpected times.
$candidate_count{ $journey->{from_name} }--;
$candidate_count{ $journey->{to_name} }--;
$station = max_by { $candidate_count{$_} } keys %candidate_count;
my %journeys_by_month;
my %count_by_month;
my $total = 0;
my $prev_doy = 0;
for my $journey ( reverse @journeys ) {
my $month = $journey->{rt_departure}->month;
if (
$filter_type eq 'exact' and ( $journey->{to_name} eq $station
or $journey->{from_name} eq $station )
or (
$filter_type eq 'substring'
and ( $journey->{to_name} =~ m{\Q$station\E}
or $journey->{from_name} =~ m{\Q$station\E} )
or (
$filter_type eq 'regex'
and ( $journey->{to_name} =~ m{$station}
or $journey->{from_name} =~ m{$station} )
push( @{ $journeys_by_month{$month} }, $journey );
my $doy = $journey->{rt_departure}->day_of_year;
if ( $doy != $prev_doy ) {
$prev_doy = $doy;
$self->param( year => $year );
$self->param( filter_type => $filter_type );
$self->param( station => $station );
template => 'commute',
with_autocomplete => 1,
journeys_by_month => \%journeys_by_month,
count_by_month => \%count_by_month,
total_journeys => $total,
months => [
qw(Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember)
sub map_history {
my ($self) = @_;
my $location = $self->app->coordinates_by_station;
if ( not $self->param('route_type') ) {
$self->param( route_type => 'polybee' );
my $route_type = $self->param('route_type');
my $filter_from = $self->param('filter_after');
my $filter_until = $self->param('filter_before');
my $filter_type = $self->param('filter_type');
my $with_polyline = $route_type eq 'beeline' ? 0 : 1;
my $parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%d.%m.%Y',
locale => 'de_DE',
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin'
if ( $filter_from
and $filter_from =~ m{ ^ (\d+) [.] (\d+) [.] (\d+) $ }x )
$filter_from = $parser->parse_datetime($filter_from);
else {
$filter_from = undef;
if ( $filter_until
and $filter_until =~ m{ ^ (\d+) [.] (\d+) [.] (\d+) $ }x )
$filter_until = $parser->parse_datetime($filter_until);
else {
$filter_until = undef;
my @journeys = $self->journeys->get(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
with_polyline => $with_polyline,
after => $filter_from,
before => $filter_until,
if ($filter_type) {
my @filter = split( qr{, *}, $filter_type );
= grep { has_str_in_list( $_->{type}, @filter ) } @journeys;
if ( not @journeys ) {
template => 'history_map',
with_map => 1,
skipped_journeys => [],
station_coordinates => [],
polyline_groups => [],
my $include_manual = $self->param('include_manual') ? 1 : 0;
my $res = $self->journeys_to_map_data(
journeys => \@journeys,
route_type => $route_type,
include_manual => $include_manual
template => 'history_map',
with_map => 1,
sub json_history {
my ($self) = @_;
json => [ $self->journeys->get( uid => $self->current_user->{id} ) ] );
sub csv_history {
my ($self) = @_;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new( { eol => "\r\n" } );
my $buf = q{};
qw(Zugtyp Linie Nummer Start Ziel),
'Start (DS100)',
'Ziel (DS100)',
'Abfahrt (soll)',
'Abfahrt (ist)',
'Ankunft (soll)',
'Ankunft (ist)',
$buf .= $csv->string;
for my $journey (
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
with_datetime => 1
if (
$journey->{sched_departure}->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
$journey->{rt_departure}->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
$journey->{sched_arrival}->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
$journey->{rt_arrival}->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
$journey->{user_data}{comment} // q{},
$buf .= $csv->string;
text => $buf,
format => 'csv'
sub year_in_review {
my ($self) = @_;
my $year = $self->stash('year');
my @journeys;
# DateTime is very slow when looking far into the future due to DST changes
# -> Limit time range to avoid accidental DoS.
if ( not( $year =~ m{ ^ [0-9]{4} $ }x and $year > 1990 and $year < 2100 ) )
$self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 );
my $interval_start = DateTime->new(
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
year => $year,
month => 1,
day => 1,
hour => 0,
minute => 0,
second => 0,
my $interval_end = $interval_start->clone->add( years => 1 );
@journeys = $self->journeys->get(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
after => $interval_start,
before => $interval_end,
with_datetime => 1
if ( not @journeys ) {
message => 'Keine Zugfahrten im angefragten Jahr gefunden.',
status => 404
my $now = $self->now;
if (
not( $year < $now->year or ( $now->month == 12 and $now->day == 31 ) ) )
message =>
'Der aktuelle Jahresrückblick wird erst zum Jahresende (am 31.12.) freigeschaltet',
status => 404
my ( $stats, $review ) = $self->journeys->get_stats(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
year => $year,
review => 1
title => "travelynx Jahresrückblick $year",
year => $year,
stats => $stats,
review => $review,
sub yearly_history {
my ($self) = @_;
my $year = $self->stash('year');
my $filter = $self->param('filter');
my @journeys;
# DateTime is very slow when looking far into the future due to DST changes
# -> Limit time range to avoid accidental DoS.
if ( not( $year =~ m{ ^ [0-9]{4} $ }x and $year > 1990 and $year < 2100 ) )
$self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 );
my $interval_start = DateTime->new(
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
year => $year,
month => 1,
day => 1,
hour => 0,
minute => 0,
second => 0,
my $interval_end = $interval_start->clone->add( years => 1 );
@journeys = $self->journeys->get(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
after => $interval_start,
before => $interval_end,
with_datetime => 1
if ( $filter and $filter eq 'single' ) {
@journeys = $self->journeys->grep_single(@journeys);
if ( not @journeys ) {
status => 404,
message => 'Keine Zugfahrten im angefragten Jahr gefunden.'
my $stats = $self->journeys->get_stats(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
year => $year
my $with_review;
my $now = $self->now;
if ( $year < $now->year or ( $now->month == 12 and $now->day == 31 ) ) {
$with_review = 1;
json => {
json => {
journeys => [@journeys],
statistics => $stats
any => {
template => 'history_by_year',
journeys => [@journeys],
year => $year,
have_review => $with_review,
statistics => $stats
sub monthly_history {
my ($self) = @_;
my $year = $self->stash('year');
my $month = $self->stash('month');
my @journeys;
my @months
= (
qw(Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember)
if (
not( $year =~ m{ ^ [0-9]{4} $ }x
and $year > 1990
and $year < 2100
and $month =~ m{ ^ [0-9]{1,2} $ }x
and $month > 0
and $month < 13 )
$self->render( 'not_found', status => 404 );
my $interval_start = DateTime->new(
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
year => $year,
month => $month,
day => 1,
hour => 0,
minute => 0,
second => 0,
my $interval_end = $interval_start->clone->add( months => 1 );
@journeys = $self->journeys->get(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
after => $interval_start,
before => $interval_end,
with_datetime => 1
if ( not @journeys ) {
message => 'Keine Zugfahrten im angefragten Monat gefunden.',
status => 404
my $stats = $self->journeys->get_stats(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
year => $year,
month => $month
json => {
json => {
journeys => [@journeys],
statistics => $stats
any => {
template => 'history_by_month',
journeys => [@journeys],
year => $year,
month => $month,
month_name => $months[ $month - 1 ],
statistics => $stats
sub journey_details {
my ($self) = @_;
my $journey_id = $self->stash('id');
my $user = $self->current_user;
my $uid = $user->{id};
$self->param( journey_id => $journey_id );
if ( not( $journey_id and $journey_id =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x ) ) {
status => 404,
error => 'notfound',
journey => {}
my $journey = $self->journeys->get_single(
uid => $uid,
journey_id => $journey_id,
verbose => 1,
with_datetime => 1,
with_polyline => 1,
with_visibility => 1,
if ($journey) {
my $map_data = $self->journeys_to_map_data(
journeys => [$journey],
include_manual => 1,
my $with_share;
my $share_text;
my $visibility
= $self->compute_effective_visibility(
$journey->{visibility_str} );
if ( $visibility eq 'public'
or $visibility eq 'travelynx'
or $visibility eq 'followers'
or $visibility eq 'unlisted' )
my $delay = 'pünktlich ';
if ( $journey->{rt_arrival} != $journey->{sched_arrival} ) {
$delay = sprintf(
'mit %+d ',
- $journey->{sched_arrival}->epoch
) / 60
$with_share = 1;
= $journey->{km_route}
? sprintf( '%.0f km', $journey->{km_route} )
: 'Fahrt';
$share_text .= sprintf( ' mit %s %s Ankunft %sum %s',
$journey->{type}, $journey->{no},
$delay, $journey->{rt_arrival}->strftime('%H:%M') );
error => undef,
journey => $journey,
journey_visibility => $visibility,
with_map => 1,
with_share => $with_share,
share_text => $share_text,
else {
status => 404,
error => 'notfound',
journey => {}
sub visibility_form {
my ($self) = @_;
my $dep_ts = $self->param('dep_ts');
my $journey_id = $self->param('id');
my $action = $self->param('action') // 'none';
my $user = $self->current_user;
my $user_level = $user->{default_visibility_str};
my $uid = $user->{id};
my $status = $self->get_user_status;
my $visibility = $status->{visibility_str};
my $journey;
if ($journey_id) {
$journey = $self->journeys->get_single(
uid => $uid,
journey_id => $journey_id,
with_datetime => 1,
with_visibility => 1,
$visibility = $journey->{visibility_str};
if ( $action eq 'save' ) {
if ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) {
csrf => 1,
status => 400
elsif ( $dep_ts and $dep_ts != $status->{sched_departure}->epoch ) {
error => 'old',
user_level => $user_level,
journey => {}
else {
if ($dep_ts) {
uid => $uid,
visibility => $self->param('status_level'),
$self->run_hook( $uid, 'update' );
elsif ($journey_id) {
uid => $uid,
id => $journey_id,
visibility => $self->param('status_level'),
$self->redirect_to( '/journey/' . $journey_id );
$self->param( status_level => $visibility );
if ($journey_id) {
error => undef,
user_level => $user_level,
journey => $journey
elsif ( $status->{checked_in} ) {
$self->param( dep_ts => $status->{sched_departure}->epoch );
error => undef,
user_level => $user_level,
journey => $status
else {
error => 'notfound',
user_level => $user_level,
journey => {}
sub comment_form {
my ($self) = @_;
my $dep_ts = $self->param('dep_ts');
my $status = $self->get_user_status;
if ( not $status->{checked_in} ) {
error => 'notfound',
journey => {}
elsif ( not $dep_ts ) {
$self->param( dep_ts => $status->{sched_departure}->epoch );
$self->param( comment => $status->{comment} );
error => undef,
journey => $status
elsif ( $self->validation->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token') ) {
error => undef,
journey => $status
elsif ( $dep_ts != $status->{sched_departure}->epoch ) {
# TODO find and update appropriate past journey (if it exists)
$self->param( comment => $status->{comment} );
error => undef,
journey => $status
else {
$self->app->log->debug("set comment");
my $uid = $self->current_user->{id};
uid => $uid,
user_data => { comment => $self->param('comment') }
$self->run_hook( $uid, 'update' );
sub edit_journey {
my ($self) = @_;
my $journey_id = $self->param('journey_id');
my $uid = $self->current_user->{id};
if ( not( $journey_id =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x ) ) {
status => 404,
error => 'notfound',
journey => {}
my $journey = $self->journeys->get_single(
uid => $uid,
journey_id => $journey_id,
verbose => 1,
with_datetime => 1,
if ( not $journey ) {
status => 404,
error => 'notfound',
journey => {}
my $error = undef;
if ( $self->param('action') and $self->param('action') eq 'save' ) {
my $parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M',
locale => 'de_DE',
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin'
my $db = $self->pg->db;
my $tx = $db->begin;
for my $key (qw(sched_departure rt_departure sched_arrival rt_arrival))
my $datetime = $parser->parse_datetime( $self->param($key) );
if ( $datetime and $datetime->epoch ne $journey->{$key}->epoch ) {
$error = $self->journeys->update(
uid => $uid,
db => $db,
id => $journey->{id},
$key => $datetime
if ($error) {
for my $key (qw(from_name to_name)) {
if ( defined $self->param($key)
and $self->param($key) ne $journey->{$key} )
$error = $self->journeys->update(
uid => $uid,
db => $db,
id => $journey->{id},
$key => $self->param($key)
if ($error) {
for my $key (qw(comment)) {
if (
defined $self->param($key)
and ( not $journey->{user_data}
or $journey->{user_data}{$key} ne $self->param($key) )
$error = $self->journeys->update(
uid => $uid,
db => $db,
id => $journey->{id},
$key => $self->param($key)
if ($error) {
if ( defined $self->param('route') ) {
my @route_old = map { $_->[0] } @{ $journey->{route} };
my @route_new = split( qr{\r?\n\r?}, $self->param('route') );
@route_new = grep { $_ ne '' } @route_new;
if ( join( '|', @route_old ) ne join( '|', @route_new ) ) {
$error = $self->journeys->update(
uid => $uid,
db => $db,
id => $journey->{id},
route => [@route_new]
my $cancelled_old = $journey->{cancelled} // 0;
my $cancelled_new = $self->param('cancelled') // 0;
if ( $cancelled_old != $cancelled_new ) {
$error = $self->journeys->update(
uid => $uid,
db => $db,
id => $journey->{id},
cancelled => $cancelled_new
if ( not $error ) {
$journey = $self->journeys->get_single(
uid => $uid,
db => $db,
journey_id => $journey_id,
verbose => 1,
with_datetime => 1,
$error = $self->journeys->sanity_check($journey);
if ( not $error ) {
for my $key (qw(sched_departure rt_departure sched_arrival rt_arrival)) {
if ( $journey->{$key} and $journey->{$key}->epoch ) {
$key => $journey->{$key}->strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M') );
route => join( "\n", map { $_->[0] } @{ $journey->{route} } ) );
$self->param( cancelled => $journey->{cancelled} ? 1 : 0 );
$self->param( from_name => $journey->{from_name} );
$self->param( to_name => $journey->{to_name} );
for my $key (qw(comment)) {
if ( $journey->{user_data} and $journey->{user_data}{$key} ) {
$self->param( $key => $journey->{user_data}{$key} );
with_autocomplete => 1,
error => $error,
journey => $journey
sub add_journey_form {
my ($self) = @_;
if ( $self->param('action') and $self->param('action') eq 'save' ) {
my $parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M',
locale => 'de_DE',
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin'
my %opt;
my @parts = split( qr{\s+}, $self->param('train') );
if ( @parts == 2 ) {
@opt{ 'train_type', 'train_no' } = @parts;
elsif ( @parts == 3 ) {
@opt{ 'train_type', 'train_line', 'train_no' } = @parts;
else {
with_autocomplete => 1,
error =>
'Zug muss als „Typ Nummer“ oder „Typ Linie Nummer“ eingegeben werden.'
for my $key (qw(sched_departure rt_departure sched_arrival rt_arrival))
if ( $self->param($key) ) {
my $datetime = $parser->parse_datetime( $self->param($key) );
if ( not $datetime ) {
with_autocomplete => 1,
error => "${key}: Ungültiges Datums-/Zeitformat"
$opt{$key} = $datetime;
$opt{rt_departure} //= $opt{sched_departure};
$opt{rt_arrival} //= $opt{sched_arrival};
for my $key (qw(dep_station arr_station route cancelled comment)) {
$opt{$key} = $self->param($key);
if ( $opt{route} ) {
$opt{route} = [ split( qr{\r?\n\r?}, $opt{route} ) ];
my $db = $self->pg->db;
my $tx = $db->begin;
$opt{db} = $db;
$opt{uid} = $self->current_user->{id};
my ( $journey_id, $error ) = $self->journeys->add(%opt);
if ( not $error ) {
my $journey = $self->journeys->get_single(
uid => $self->current_user->{id},
db => $db,
journey_id => $journey_id,
verbose => 1
$error = $self->journeys->sanity_check($journey);
if ($error) {
with_autocomplete => 1,
error => $error,
else {
else {
with_autocomplete => 1,
error => undef