connections: show expected arrival at destination

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Friesel 2022-09-24 16:11:51 +02:00
parent 208b818d7c
commit e83cfc5303
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 100D5BFB5166E005
2 changed files with 116 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -77,19 +77,21 @@ sub get_connecting_trains_p {
my $can_check_in = not $arr_epoch || ( $arr_countdown // 1 ) < 0;
my $lookahead
= $can_check_in ? 40 : ( ( ${arr_countdown} // 0 ) / 60 + 40 );
my $iris_promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
station => $eva,
lookbehind => 10,
lookahead => $can_check_in
? 40
: ( ( ${arr_countdown} // 0 ) / 60 + 40 ),
lookahead => $lookahead,
with_related => 1
sub {
my ($stationboard) = @_;
if ( $stationboard->{errstr} ) {
$promise->reject( $stationboard->{errstr} );
$iris_promise->reject( $stationboard->{errstr} );
@ -213,22 +215,107 @@ sub get_connecting_trains_p {
= 'Anschluss könnte knapp werden';
$train->{interchange_icon} = 'directions_run';
#else {
# $train->{interchange_text} = 'Anschluss wird voraussichtlich erreicht';
# $train->{interchange_icon} = 'check';
$promise->resolve( @results, @cancellations );
$iris_promise->resolve( [ @results, @cancellations ] );
sub {
my $hafas_promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
my $rest_api = $self->config->{backend}{hafas_rest_api};
"${rest_api}/stops/${eva}/departures?results=120&duration=${lookahead}&stopovers=true&when=10 minutes ago",
realtime => 1,
encoding => 'utf-8'
sub {
my ($json) = @_;
sub {
# HAFAS data is optional.
# Errors are logged by get_json_p and can be silently ignored here.
$hafas_promise->resolve( [] );
Mojo::Promise->all( $iris_promise, $hafas_promise )->then(
sub {
my ( $iris, $hafas ) = @_;
my @iris_trains = @{ $iris->[0] };
my @hafas_trains = @{ $hafas->[0] };
my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z',
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
# We've already got a list of connecting trains; this function
# only adds further information to them. We ignore errors, as
# partial data is better than no data.
eval {
for my $iris_train (@iris_trains) {
if ( $iris_train->[0]->departure_is_cancelled ) {
for my $hafas_train (@hafas_trains) {
if ( $hafas_train->{line}{fahrtNr}
== $iris_train->[0]->train_no )
for my $stop (
@{ $hafas_train->{nextStopovers} // [] } )
if ( $stop->{stop}{name}
and $stop->{stop}{name} eq $iris_train->[1]
and $stop->{arrival} )
$iris_train->[2] = $strp->parse_datetime(
$stop->{arrival} );
if ( $iris_train->[2]
and $iris_train->[0]->arrival_delay
and $stop->{arrival} eq
$stop->{plannedArrival} )
# If the departure is delayed, but the arrival supposedly on time, we assume that this is an API issue and manually compute the expected arrival time.
# This avoids cases where a connection is shown as arriving at its destination before having departed at a previous stop.
$iris_train->[2]->add( minutes =>
$iris_train->[0]->arrival_delay );
if ($@) {
"get_connecting_trains_p($uid): IRIS/HAFAS merge failed: $@"
$promise->resolve( \@iris_trains );
sub {
my ($err) = @_;
# TODO logging. HAFAS errors should never happen, IRIS errors are noteworthy too.
return $promise;
@ -245,13 +332,14 @@ sub homepage {
sub {
my @connecting_trains = @_;
my ( $connecting_trains, $transit_fyi ) = @_;
version => $self->app->config->{version}
user_status => $status,
connections => \@connecting_trains,
connections => $connecting_trains,
transit_fyi => $transit_fyi,
with_autocomplete => 1,
with_geolocation => 1
@ -617,11 +705,12 @@ sub status_card {
sub {
my @connecting_trains = @_;
my ( $connecting_trains, $transit_fyi ) = @_;
journey => $status,
connections => \@connecting_trains
connections => $connecting_trains,
transit_fyi => $transit_fyi
@ -640,11 +729,11 @@ sub status_card {
destination_name => $status->{cancellation}{arr_name}
sub {
my (@connecting_trains) = @_;
my ($connecting_trains) = @_;
journey => $status->{cancellation},
connections => \@connecting_trains
connections => $connecting_trains
@ -662,11 +751,11 @@ sub status_card {
sub {
my @connecting_trains = @_;
my ($connecting_trains) = @_;
journey => $status,
connections => \@connecting_trains
connections => $connecting_trains
@ -968,14 +1057,14 @@ sub station {
if ($connections_p) {
sub {
my @connecting_trains = @_;
my ($connecting_trains) = @_;
eva => $status->{station_eva},
results => \@results,
station => $status->{station_name},
related_stations => $status->{related_stations},
connections => \@connecting_trains,
connections => $connecting_trains,
title => "travelynx: $status->{station_name}",
version => $self->app->config->{version}

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<div><table class="striped"><tbody>
% for my $res (@{$connections}) {
% my ($train, $via) = @{$res};
% my ($train, $via, $via_arr) = @{$res};
% $via_arr = $via_arr ? $via_arr->strftime('%H:%M') : q{};
% my $td_class = '';
% my $link_class = 'action-checkin';
% if ($train->is_cancelled) {
@ -23,10 +24,10 @@
<td class="<%= $td_class %>">
% if ($checkin_from) {
<a><%= $via %></a>
<a><%= $via %><br/><%= $via_arr %></a>
% }
% else {
%= $via
<%= $via %><br/><%= $via_arr %>
% }
% if ($train->{message_id}{96} or $train->{message_id}{97}) {
<i class="material-icons tiny" aria-label="Zug ist überbesetzt">warning</i>