mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 09:19:11 +00:00
checked in: Show QoS messages before departure and HIM messages at all times
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 81 additions and 4 deletions
@ -646,6 +646,7 @@ sub startup {
= $db->select( 'in_transit', '*', { user_id => $uid } )->hash;
if ( $has_arrived or $force ) {
delete $journey->{data};
$journey->{edited} = 0;
$journey->{checkout_time} = $now;
$db->insert( 'journeys', $journey );
@ -1591,12 +1592,13 @@ sub startup {
my $tree;
my $traininfo = {
station => {},
station => {},
messages => [],
# <SDay text="... > ..."> is invalid HTML, but present in
# regardless. As it is the last tag, we just throw it away.
$body =~ s{<SDay .*}{</Journey>}s;
$body =~ s{<SDay [^>]*/>}{}s;
eval { $tree = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $body ) };
if ($@) {
$self->app->log->warning("load_xml($url): $@");
@ -1615,6 +1617,21 @@ sub startup {
for my $message ( $tree->findnodes('/Journey/HIMMessage') )
my $header = $message->getAttribute('header');
my $lead = $message->getAttribute('lead');
my $display = $message->getAttribute('display');
@{ $traininfo->{messages} },
header => $header,
lead => $lead,
display => $display
$cache->freeze( $url, $traininfo );
@ -1655,6 +1672,14 @@ sub startup {
my $extra_data = {
delay_msg => [
map { [ $_->[0]->epoch, $_->[1] ] } $train->delay_messages
qos_msg =>
[ map { [ $_->[0]->epoch, $_->[1] ] } $train->qos_messages ],
my ( $trainlink, $route_data );
@ -1743,9 +1768,15 @@ sub startup {
= $route_data->{ $station->[0] };
$extra_data->{him_msg} = $traininfo2->{messages};
{ route => JSON->new->encode($route) },
route => JSON->new->encode($route),
data => JSON->new->encode($extra_data)
{ user_id => $uid }
@ -2139,6 +2170,7 @@ sub startup {
arr_platform => $in_transit->{arr_platform},
route_after => \@route_after,
messages => $in_transit->{messages},
extra_data => $in_transit->{data},
my @parsed_messages;
@ -2148,6 +2180,13 @@ sub startup {
$ret->{messages} = [ reverse @parsed_messages ];
@parsed_messages = ();
for my $message ( @{ $ret->{extra_data}{qos_msg} // [] } ) {
my ( $ts, $msg ) = @{$message};
push( @parsed_messages, [ epoch_to_dt($ts), $msg ] );
$ret->{extra_data}{qos_msg} = [@parsed_messages];
for my $station (@route_after) {
if ( @{$station} > 1 ) {
my $times = $station->[1];
@ -659,6 +659,36 @@ my @migrations = (
# v14 -> v15
sub {
my ($db) = @_;
alter table in_transit add column data jsonb;
create or replace view in_transit_str as select
train_type, train_line, train_no, train_id,
extract(epoch from checkin_time) as checkin_ts,
extract(epoch from sched_departure) as sched_dep_ts,
extract(epoch from real_departure) as real_dep_ts,
dep_stations.ds100 as dep_ds100,
dep_stations.name as dep_name,
extract(epoch from checkout_time) as checkout_ts,
extract(epoch from sched_arrival) as sched_arr_ts,
extract(epoch from real_arrival) as real_arr_ts,
arr_stations.ds100 as arr_ds100,
arr_stations.name as arr_name,
cancelled, route, messages,
dep_platform, arr_platform, data
from in_transit
join stations as dep_stations on dep_stations.id = checkin_station_id
left join stations as arr_stations on arr_stations.id = checkout_station_id
update schema_version set version = 15;
sub setup_db {
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
% }
% if (@{$journey->{messages} // []} > 0 and $journey->{messages}[0]) {
% if (@{$journey->{messages} // []} or @{$journey->{extra_data}{him_msg} // []} or @{$journey->{extra_data}{qos_msg} // []}) {
<p style="margin-bottom: 2ex;">
% for my $message (reverse @{$journey->{messages} // []}) {
@ -122,6 +122,14 @@
<li> <i class="material-icons tiny">warning</i> <%= $message->[0]->strftime('%H:%M') %>: <%= $message->[1] %></li>
% }
% }
% if ($journey->{departure_countdown} > 0) {
% for my $message (@{$journey->{extra_data}{qos_msg} // []}) {
<li> <i class="material-icons tiny">info</i> <%= $message->[0]->strftime('%H:%M') %>: <%= $message->[1] %></li>
% }
% }
% for my $message (@{$journey->{extra_data}{him_msg} // []}) {
<li> <i class="material-icons tiny">info</i> <%= $message->{header} %> <%= $message->{lead} %></li>
% }
% }
Reference in a new issue